Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you to my one and only Patron, Lolop 12!

As her heart raged in her ears, Caitlyn stomped up the grey concrete basement steps. Each stomp shot a jolt through her shin; wonderful, powerful jolts. She wanted to get her hands on something, tear it to shreds, burn the shreds to ash, and grind the ash to paste.


Ahri was waiting at the top of the stairs with an expectant scowl. Her trails stopped swishing at the sight of her, and her ears perked. “What’s ever the matter, my dear?”


  “It’s nothing.” Caitlyn stormed past her, threw herself onto the couch, and sighed.


Ahri glided over and peered down at her. “And where is Samira?”


  “Swain’s room,” Caitlyn muttered, staring at the ceiling.


  “Jericho Swain?” Ahri giggled, covering her mouth. “That was certainly risky.”


  “It’s not funny!”


Ahri steeled her laughter. “I see. I’ll let the others know not to fuck you in other people’s bedrooms. I apologise for Samira’s behaviour.”


  “That’s not the problem! Well… it is, but there’s a- she tried to cum a second time, Ahri! As if she thought she owned me, and not in a pretend, sexy way either. Like, she had no regard for anyone other than herself!”


  “And did she?”


  “Of course not! I’d never let that happen!


Ahri’s eyes widened.


Caitlyn winced. “I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”


  “N- no, dear. You’re fine, it’s just… your soul.”


  “What about my soul?”


Ahri clicked her tongue. “How to explain it? It’s as if it screamed. No, no screamed; shouted. Ah, that doesn’t capture it either! A warcry, maybe? Yes, but many of them, hundred even. For a moment your soul was like a field of frenzied reavers screaming their heads off at the enemy.”


Caitlyn touched her chest. “My soul did that?”

  “Your soul is in your head, dear.”


  “Oh… Is it bad if my soul does that?”


Ahri smiled gently. “All it means is that whatever you just felt, you felt it with the conviction of an army. Such passion is rare in mortal souls. Why, only one man comes to mind… ah, but I say too much. Best to leave pillow talk between the sheets. Besides, we’re straying off-topic.” Ahri scowled. “Samira will be dealt with.”


  “Will she be kicked out, like Kalista was?”


  “No, but this is her last chance. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call. I’d hate to kick her out. We have such few members as it is.”


Caitlyn scoffed. “There are fifty of you.”


  “A drop in the ocean.”


  “A drop you can barely manage on your own. How do you plan to take on an ocean?”


Ahri stiffened and clasped her hands behind her back. “You’re not off the hook either, dear.”


  “But I-”


  “Yes, you obeyed me once, yet three times you defied me. Once with Nami; twice with Briar. Three acts of obedience are required at minimum.” Ahri strolled to the doors, light on her feet, hips swaying. She opened them, and looked over her shoulder. “Clean up, dear. Your next partner is somewhat… martial.”




Gods, did it feel wonderful to be clean again. No longer did her thighs stick together, nor did her arms cling to her sides. Her hair – light and fluffy – draped across her shoulder blades, soft as a cloud. She was silky smooth from head to toe.


Caitlyn tightened the last strap of her uniform. Polished buckles, springy fabric, and not a wrinkle in sight; for a pair of mercenaries Graves and Twisted Fate sure knew how to take care of clothes. She checked herself in the bathroom mirror one last time, straightened her frilly collar, tied back her blue hair, and tightened the laces of her thigh boots. Perfect. She’d pass even the brutal inspections of Lt Brickbeard (yes, that was his actual name). All that remained was her tall hat.


Chief of Police, Ms Brianna Lemstroke’s words rang in her ears. And Caitlyn was back on that grand stage with her fellow graduates.


This hat is more than a piece of your uniform, Officers. It is Piltover’s honour. It is the hope of the citizen. It is the unyielding resolve of justice. Wear it with pride, knowing that from this day, you are worthy of its prestige.


Caitlyn placed the tall hat on her head, straightened its brim, and marched downstairs. For as long as I am permitted, I will be the officer Piltover deserves.


The next partner awaited Caitlyn in the rec room, sat on the couch with perfect posture. Her back was straight and tall and Caitlyn saw the signs of practice and discipline, branded on her face, and the sternness of her iron glare was nostalgic and anything that resembled rebellion fled at the sight of it.


Caitlyn snapped to attention. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Ma’am.”


Her partner winced. “It’s alright.”


  “Should I… not call you that?”


  “Yes. Please, just call me Riven.”


  “Yes, Riven.”


Riven sighed. “Are you really an officer?”


  “I- I am!” Wait, I’m not meant to say that. “I mean, I can’t tell you about my life outside! Please disregard that answer!”


  “Okay.” Riven stood, and her baggy farmer’s tunic slipped off her shoulder. She didn’t bother fixing it, nor the strand of white hair that slipped free of her bun. “I won’t tell you how to act, but I’d prefer this to be… casual. Sorry if that’s disappointing.”


  “I… uh…” Caitlyn deflated. “It isn’t, Ma’am- I mean Riven. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”


  “Like I said, you’re alright. And are you sure? You seem disappointed.”


  “Not at you. At myself.” You’re a whore now, stupid slut. “For pretending.” Caitlyn took off the tall hat, and tucked it under her arm.


Although her glare remained iron, the thin line of Riven’s mouth softened into the faintest hint of a smile. “Do you want to get changed?”


  “If it isn’t an inconvenience.”

  “A wait won’t kill me. Go. I want you to be comfortable.”


Caitlyn bowed her head. “Thank you.” She hurried to the stairs, but froze on the first step. “Should I dress for any specific weather?”


  “Summer, I guess. Something that you don’t mind getting dirty. Not that I want to get you filthy like Katarina! I just… well, there’s this trail I like to walk, and I want to share it with you. It can get a bit muddy during the wet season.”


  “Got it. Thank you.”




Caitlyn and Riven walked between the cartwheel ruts of a muddy trail. Golden fields of wheat stretched to the horizons in every direction, rolling over hills peppered with faraway houses, and windmills turning with the gentle breeze. The breeze fluttered the baggy cuffs of Caitlyn’s too-large button-up shirt (not all of Ahri’s clothes fit her, it seems) and the mud squelched under her boots—the only sounds for miles.


All in all the place was rather… dull. Nothing like Piltover’s bustling streets, full of life and action, a thousand different smells and a thousand more sounds. Even Zaun possessed some modicum of energy, yet the muddy trail stretched on and on without a person in sight. What was the point of a path with no one to walk it?


At least Riven appeared happy. She turned her hint of a smile on every inch of the place as if it were the grandest thing in the world. Smiles brightened even the dullest of backwaters.


  “Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable,” Riven said.


Caitlyn started. “Huh? Oh, no. You didn’t.”


  “Oh. It seemed like you wanted to wear that uniform, is all. My mistake.”


  “Like I said, I was being silly. Pretending to be something I’m not. It’s best to be true to yourself.”


Riven nodded. “And what is that?”


  “A whore of course.” Caitlyn hugged Riven’s arm and rested her head on her shoulder. “I’ll do my very best to show you a good time.”


  “You call yourself a whore?”


  “Yeah. Don’t you?”

Riven shook her head. “That’s not what I am.”


  “But… you’re taking part in a multi-day orgy.”


  “Fucking a lot of people isn’t what makes you a whore.”


  “Sure it does. What else could it mean?”


Riven glanced down at her with that iron gaze. “Whore means different things to us it seems. There’s no point in trying to talk each other out of it. Besides, we’re almost there.”


They climbed a small hill on the trail, and came across a little stout farmhouse with white walls and a thatched roof; carefree cows slept under the shade of a willow tree; wheat glimmered gold; a horse’s cart rested beside a narrow stable.


Riven put her arm around Caitlyn’s shoulders. “It isn’t much, but it’s home. Please make yourself welcome.”




The hilt of a shattered sword loomed over Riven’s barren fireplace. Its hilt alone was as tall as Caitlyn. Riven acted as if it were the most normal thing in the world as she wiped the dust off a hand-made couch.


  “Please, make yourself comfortable,” Riven said. “Would you like something to drink? To eat? After all the sex you’ve had you have to be famished.”


I think Briar pumped me full of enough cum to feed three of me – if anything, I’m bloated. “No thanks, I’m good. Shouldn’t we just get on with it anyway? The others are waiting.”


  “Most of the others don’t know who they are or what they’re doing. A few minutes won’t kill them.”


  “I don’t know. Samira seemed upset about having to wait.”


  “Samira has spent half the time here in a pleasure-induced daze, and the other half asleep. Trust me, most of them don’t possess the self-control to be aware enough to be upset about the wait. Hell, a quarter of them have been running a train on Seraphine since she got done with you.”


Caitlyn’s stomach flipped. “Lucky…”


Riven shrugged. “She’s the new girl. It always happens. Anyway, don’t worry about them. The wait won’t kill them. And they will wait. I like to take my time if that’s alright with you.”

  “A girl with stamina? That’ll never not be right with me. Bet I’ll be a blubbering mess by the end, huh?”


Riven lost her faint smile. “Actually, I want this to be a casual thing. I’m not interested in pounding you until your mind breaks or beating you back and blue. I just want something…” Riven chewed her lip.


  “Comfortable?” Caitlyn asked.


Riven nodded and looked at her feet. “Does that disappoint you?”


  “Disappoint me?” Caitlyn took Riven’s hand into hers. It dwarfed her. “Never. We’re here to pleasure each other after all. I’ll only do what you’re comfortable with. Now, how about we go to the bedroom, the kitchen, outside, or wherever you’re most comfortable, and see if we can bring back that pretty smile of yours?”


Riven’s thumb traced the back of Caitlyn’s knuckles. “Thank you. Sometimes, this can be a hard sell for the others. My bedroom is in the back. I’ll take you there.”


  “Sounds per- ah!” Caitlyn screamed as Riven scooped her up, and burst into laughter. Her forearms were broad and her upper arms thick. They supported her without so much as a tremble, sturdy as steel. “You’re, uh… strong.”


Riven nodded. “Thank you.”




Riven lay Caitlyn on a straw mattress designed for one. The bed frame groaned. She knelt over her, white hair and peach skin shimmering in golden sunlight streaming through an open window. Shadows highlighted the sharp cut of her jaw and the bulk of her neck. Radiant.


  “How did Ahri find so many of the most beautiful women in the world?” Caitlyn asked, unbuttoning her shirt.


Riven untied her rope belt. “That isn’t a criteria she follows. I have a common face.” She tossed the belt aside and her baggy tunic sagged to drape around her knees.


  “You’re anything but common.” Caitlyn stopped unbuttoning her shirt, sat up, and guided Riven into a kiss. As their lips locked and Riven’s hands settled on the small of her back, Caitlyn’s hands slid up the back of her head and found her bun. She slipped its string-tie free. White hair spilled past Riven’s shoulders, straight as straw, soft as clouds.


Riven tipped Caitlyn, returning her to her back, and her white hair hung like curtains around their heads. “This will be inconvenient when I eat your pussy.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to suck your cock, won’t I?”


The faint smile reappeared. “I guess so.”


  “Ah! There it is?”


  “What? What is here?”


  “Your smile!” Caitlyn clasped her cheeks and attacked her with a kiss.


Riven pulled away, caressing her face. “I’m smiling?”


  “Yes. And it’s beautiful. Now, enough talking; I want to taste you.”


  “Okay, I will stop- mhmm?” The kiss only baffled Riven for a moment before she melted into it.


They lay on their sides, squashed together so as not to fall off the single-person mattress. Riven tasted like grass and steel. Her lips were cracked, and her skin rough like old leather. She explored the arch of Caitlyn’s back and the curve of her hips with large hands and a tender grip, all above the clothes. The hem of the shirt didn’t quite meet the waist of the jeans; she could have slipped through the gap, but she left it be.


Whatever suits her.


Caitlyn slipped her hands through the baggy tunic’s open front. Tough skin. Muscle hard as steel. Scars. Not a farmer then. Something about the bodies of warriors always managed to take Caitlyn’s breath away. 


Riven shrugged out of the tunic, revealing it in all its glory. Caitlyn went to town. She traced the scars, caressed the muscles, and stroked the skin. Hidden underneath ordinary, ill-fitting clothes was the kind of power others struggled their entire lives to achieve. And Riven couldn’t be any older than thirty.


  “You’re amazing,” Caitlyn whispered against Riven’s lips. 


Riven kissed her. “So are you. Can I take your top off?”


  “Only if you suck on my tits after, and slip those long fingers of yours between my legs.”


  “I can do that.”


One by one, Riven undid the rest of the buttons. The shirt opened, revealing the valley of Caitlyn’s breasts and her belly button. She sat up against the wall and lifted her arms. The shirt fell into the narrow gap between the bed and the window. Her breasts were warm in the sunlight. Nipples soft and flat. They perked at the glance of Riven’s tongue and the pressure of her mouth. Two long, strong fingers rubbed Caitlyn’s pussy through her jeans.


Caitlyn settled against the mortar wall. “Ahhhh… That’s nice. Just like that.” She held Riven’s hair out of her face and stroked her corded back. The muscles shifted as Riven rubbed circles, hypnotic. Caitlyn touched the shifting muscles. “A little more pressure.”


The tips of Riven’s fingers squished the rough denim against Caitlyn’s clit. I knew no panties was the right call. Caitlyn shuddered, moaning as her hands fell to her sides.


Riven lifted her head. A spit string bridged her bottom lip and the nipple. “Is that good?”


  “Uh huh~”


With a faint smile, Rven watched Caitlyn squirm. She settled into a slow, circular pattern of constant, heavy pressure. Pleasure swelled in Caitlyn’s groin, and invisible strings arched her back. 


  “I- I’m gonna-”


Riven pressed a finger against Caitlyn’s lips. “Shhh. I know. Let it happen.”


For a brief moment, a flicker of light broke through Riven’s iron gaze. It would have made Caitlyn beam with pride, but the pleasure made it hard to keep her eyes open, let alone grin. So, she closed her eyes, imagined Riven’s eyes full of joy, and came.


The world fuzzed. She felt her moan in her chest, but couldn’t hear it. Her groin dampened. And all was right and good and happy and nothing cruel or wicked could disturb it.


When the world returned, Caitlyn was bundled in Riven’s arms, her heavy head resting between her small breasts. After the warmth of her sweaty skin, came the salty smell of an orgasm. She tasted it in the back of her throat.


  “Did I squirt?” Caitlyn murmured, nuzzling Riven’s chest.


  “Yeah. I made a mess of your pants. Sorry.”


Caitlyn shot up. A dark spot covered the groin of her jeans. The denim clung to the insides of her thighs and pussy. Her stomach dropped. “These are Mistress Ahri’s pants.”




  “This isn’t against the rules, is it? Ruining her clothes?”


Riven sat up. “During my first time here, Camille dressed me up in one of Ahri’s dresses and then ripped it off of me. Clean in two. Never heard a word about it from Ahri.”


Caitlyn sighed. “Thank the gods.” She leaned against Riven’s shoulder.


  “Want me to take them off? That can’t be comfortable.”


  “Of course. How else are you going to fuck me?”


  “I could rip open a hole for your ass.”


Caitlyn’s heart skipped a beat. “You can do that? With your bare hands?”


Riven shrugged. “Sure.” Her faint smile became something of a faint smirk. “Want to see?”


Caitlyn swallowed her urge to agree right away. “L- Later. First, your cock needs sucking. And your balls.”




Riven groaned and leaned back against the window, holding onto the sill. Her iron gaze loomed over the top of her breasts, boring into Caitlyn’s eyes as Caitlyn pressed her lips against her groin, tongue flat against the bottom of her mouth, throat full of cock.


Caitlyn pulled back, her lips gliding along Riven’s thick shaft. And further, further, further. Until Riven’s tip popped free. Her cock heaved. Flexing, it rose above Caitlyn’s head and then dropped under its weight, level with her eyes. Strands of spit broke off from the tip and hung from Caitlyn's chin alongside the bubbles.


  “You’re so good at that…” Riven ran her fingers through her white hair and stared at the ceiling.


Caitlyn shrugged. “I got a lot of practice recently.” She massaged Riven’s fat tip with her palm. “Shall I keep going?”


  “K- Keep doing that~ Suck my balls instead.”


Caitlyn added a subtle twist to her wrist. “Rough or gentle?”


  “Gentle. And slow. Please.”


  “Gladly.” Caitlyn scooted closer, licked Riven from tip to base, and slurped on her balls. They were just the right size. Not so big as to knick her teeth, nor so small as to be boring. The perfect size. And smooth too.

Riven chuckled as she moaned. “We- We’re giving the cows a show. They picked now of all times to graze here.”


Caitlyn paused. A cowbell clanked and clonked.


  “Is that a problem?”


They’re just cows, they won’t care. Caitlyn shook her head, blocked out the cowbell, and indulged in Riven’s cock and balls. The tip throbbed in her palm. The balls were hot against her tongue. Sweaty too. Her drenched jeans clung to her pussy lips, which must have tricked her body because the feeling overtook everything else and left her ravenous like a starved dog.


Riven’s balls popped out of her mouth. “I need you in me,” Caitlyn said, breathless.


Riven caressed her cheek. “Lie on the bed. I’ll tear open a hole.”


Caitlyn couldn’t have moved faster if she tried. Her feet tangled. The straw mattress raced to meet her. Riven caught her arm and pulled her to her feet.


  “You alright?”


  “I will be when you’re inside me.”


Riven’s laughter was music to her ears. “Lie down then. On your belly. Without tripping this time.”


  “Will do.” 


Caitlyn lay on the mattress. The ends of the straw poked through the cloth and into her tits and belly. But what was a little discomfort compared to a giant cock inside your ass? And Riven was a giant, not a true giant, but giant all the same. She’d make a pornstar blush.


Riven grabbed the insides of Caitlyn’s cheeks. “Ready?”


Caitlyn looked over her shoulder. Cords bulged up the lengths of Riven’s long arms. Shoulders squared, and elbows fanned, she glared with deadly intent. Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. “Ready!~”


Muscles bulged. Riven’s fingers prodded Caitlyn’s asshole through the sodden denim. The denim tore like tissue paper with the sound of ripping cardboard. Hot breath and muggy air brushed Caitlyn’s bare, spread cheeks and gaped asshole.


  “You’re not sore?” Riven asked.


  “Nothing I can’t handle. Go deep. I’m dying for a deep, gut fucking.”

Riven traced the rim of her gaped ass. “Tell me if it’s too much, okay?”


  “I will. Promise. Now, please fuck me.”


  “Okay, but I’m going slow.”


  “Slow, fast, hard, soft; I don’t care! Just get in me already!”


Riven mounted the bed, knees planted on either side of Caitlyn’s waist. She leaned forward, squishing her tits against her back, as she reached between her legs and angle her cock. The tip touched Caitlyn’s asshole and slipped inside.


Riven made a surprised grunt.


  “What can I say? She’s eager,” Caitlyn said.


  “And tight… after so many cocks.”


  “Anyone would feel tight for your cock.”




Caitlyn’s ass stretched to a wonderfully familiar size. Her gut trembled as it was rearranged. “Oh fuck,” she whimpered.


  “Too much?”


  “Not enough. Fuck me.”


Riven kissed the back of her head and settled into a crawling pace. She savoured every inch, from gut to rim, from rim to gut. Places long since untouched lit up, swelling with pleasure. Tingles raced up Caitlyn’s spine and a happy moan escaped her lips.


The moans came in pairs; Riven’s gruff groans; Caitlyn’s breathless sighs. They weren’t screams or cries or gasps, nor did they occur with every thrust, but when they did occur they occurred together. Caitlyn met Riven’s iron glare with a side-glance, challenging her. Riven didn’t rise to it. She fucked slow and gentle and never once thought about any other way.


Little by little, squelch by squelch, moan by moan, Caitlyn’s ferocity retreated until she was calm and blissfully content. 


  “This is nice,” Caitlyn whispered.


  “It is.”

  “Can you hold me?”


A smile graced Riven’s lips; a full smile. “Yes.”




Caitlyn lay at the head of the bed wrapped in Riven’s embrace, her leg draped over Riven’s hip. Riven’s hands caressed her back. As they shared brief kisses, Caitlyn played with Riven’s hair. It was so soft; softer than fit with her rugged appearance.


Riven’s balls rubbed against the inside of Caitlyn’s thigh as she fucked her ass. Through the denim, they felt distant. A letter versus a conversation. But, when they slapped against Caitlyn’s cheek, they were present. Alive. Real. More real than Riven’s cock inside her gut or her tongue inside her mouth. Vibrant and electric.


  “Take my pants off,” Caitlyn whispered, her lips brushing Riven’s. They weren’t cracked anymore.


Riven traced a line up the groove of her back. “Are you sure?”


  “Yes. I want to feel all of you with all of me.”


  “I get that.” Riven kissed her. “I much prefer being naked.”


  “It’s exhilarating.”


  “It’s satisfying. So much work goes into bodies like ours. I like to bask in the fruits of my labour.”


Caitlyn giggled and kissed her. “Shut up and strip me.”


  “As you wish.”


Riven brushed Caitlyn’s leg off her hip, pulled out, undid her jeans, unzipped them, and peeled them down her legs. “What’s the point of jeans that tight? You can’t work in them.” She tossed the jeans aside.


  “That.” Caitlyn stroked Riven’s cock with her calf. Vibrant warmth throbbed through her skin.


Riven’s cock twitched. She guided Caitlyn onto her back and plunged back inside her ass.


Caitlyn gasped. “Someone’s excite-” A long kiss silenced her. It stretched on and on as Riven’s cock lay balls-deep inside. She wrapped her legs around Riven’s waist, exploring her muscled back with her calves and thighs. Her hands explored her tense shoulder blades, her abs her abs, her nipples her nipples, and her mouth her mouth. Caitlyn’s body embraced Riven. It basked in her strength; in her beauty.


The kiss broke. Barely.


  “I’m going to make you cum,” Riven said.


Caitlyn repaired it. As her lips embraced the warmth of Riven’s mouth, the weight of Riven’s body fell upon her. Slow and steady. Her chest swelled and deflated with the push and pull of Riven’s giant cock, as her guts were rearranged. Caitlyn clung on for dear life. Not an inch of skin could be separated. 


All of it. She wanted all of it; all of Riven. Tender muscles, squishy hips, and soft breasts. The thrum of her heart against her chest. The tremor of her moans against her tongue. The silent language of pleasure. Without words, Riven sang her praise, and she wanted to feel all of it.


After a while of steady fucking, Caitlyn’s ass no longer strained to accommodate Riven’s cock. Usually, by that point, her mind would have been too cloudy to experience such a thing. Without the strain, Riven’s size was right. Perfect. As if their bodies had been crafted specifically for one another.


  “Please don’t go,” Caitlyn whispered against her lips. “Stay inside me forever.”


Riven’s forehead pressed against hers. “I’m close. Sh- Should I stop?”


  “Yes,” Caitlyn whined. “Just don’t leave.”


Riven’s cock heaved, straining against Caitlyn’s gut. Her skin tightened as it bulged her belly. Dread washed over her, but no cum came and she breathed a sigh.




Caitlyn was sitting on Riven’s lap, arms around her neck, ass full of cock. Light sparkled in Riven’s iron gaze, accompanied by a full grin and the sweet music of laughter. Her scarred finger traced a lazy line on Caitlyn’s cheek.


  “You really pegged Qiyana? I thought Zyra was lying.”


  “Yup. And she loved it.” Caitlyn tasted the grass and salt of Riven’s mouth. “If only I’d brought a strap-on with me. You could have whimpered on my cock too.”


Riven’s hands settled on Caitlyn’s back dimples. “We could go back and get it.”


  “We could, but then you’d have to leave me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Riven’s cock flexed. “Fuck, you feel good.”


  “Ready to keep going?” Caitlyn tensed her ass.


Riven shuddered. “N- Not yet… that almost made me cum.”


  “Alright,” Caitlyn giggled. “Tell me what a whore is to you.”




  “Before you said our definitions are different. What’s yours?”


The iron gaze returned. Caitlyn’s heart sank. “A whore is someone with no regard for order. They do as they please when they please. The needs of others aren’t a factor. They just take and take and take, and treat the people around them like toys for their amusement. You’ve met a few already, I’m sure.”




  “Ugh. Yes, that bitch. And Illaoi.”


Caitlyn bit back a retort. There wasn’t any point in arguing. Not when it might keep away Riven’s smile for good.


  “I refuse to deal with people like that,” Riven said. Her fingers dug into Caitlyn’s back.


Caitlyn kissed her, and her grip loosened. “It’s alright. There’s no one like that here. Just me.”


Riven’s smile graced Caitlyn’s lips.


  “That’s better,” Caitlyn said. “Now, how does my ass bouncing on your cock sound?”


  “But, I’m not ready yet. I’ll cum.”


  “That’s okay. I’d rather like to see what happens to that  precious smile of yours when you cum.”


Riven smirked. “Probably the same thing that happens to yours.” She squeezed her ass.


Caitlyn swivelled her hips. “Oh? And what does that look like.”


  “Hngh… I- It’s hard to describe. It’s an expression that… oh~… that only happens during sex. Like confusion, but more exaggerated.”


Caitlyn leaned on Riven’s shoulders, raising her hips. Riven’s tip threatened to slip from her ass. “Like this?” She drooped her eyes, slanted her eyebrows, and opened her mouth a tad.


  “Yeah.” Riven snatched her hips. “Just like that.” She slammed Caitlyn’s ass down onto her groin, mincing her guts.


The world spun.


  “Shit! That was way too hard. Sorry, I got carried away.”


  “N- No problem.”


  “Are you okay?”


  “Uh huh… Am I making the face?”


Riven smothered a laugh. “M- Maybe.”


Caitlyn grinned at the laugh. “I feel lonely making it all by myself. Join me, won’t you?”


Riven’s laughter melted into moans as Caitlyn ground her tip with swivelling hips. Her cock flexed, pulling and pushing her walls. The look melted Riven’s face. A name sprung to mind; ecstasy. While smiles and laughter were gold and diamonds, the sight of ecstasy was priceless.


Caitlyn was eighteen again, stood on the graduation platform, hat in hand, her chest swollen with pride. So peaceful; Riven looked as if she were immune to suffering, to sorrow or anguish. For how could someone so content ever suffer? And I caused that. Me. With nothing but my body.


Caitlyn looked down at the abs she’d worked countless gruelling hours on, the subtle cords in her thighs, her perfect skin. All accomplishments intended to help her to keep people safe. To be strong enough to fight any criminal and to be pretty enough to calm even the most terrified citizen.


What if she could help people in other ways? What if, just for a few minutes or hours, she could make people forget about their troubles? What if she could be a force for good without being an officer?


  “C- Caitlyn!” Riven wrapped her in a bear hug, kissed her, and erupted inside her belly.


As rivers of hot cum trickled down the inside of her ass, Caitlyn cradled Riven’s trembling face. She basked in the glory of her eyes. In her ecstasy. And squirted all over Riven’s toned stomach.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Rell, The Iron Maiden

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