Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

The Demacian Orgy: Morgana

Apologies for the delay. Expect delays for Kayle too. It's turned out longer than usual, so Kayle's chapter may be two or so weeks late

Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor121, minimized, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrmann, Zac Polk, WIndBlade13, Emperor_Vader142, Justice Birdie, Haylee Hill, Verkan, and Wally Cat

The pool’s crystal-clear surface slapped Caitlyn’s chest and belly. Her tits stung as she sunk. Weightless, her exhausted body got a much-needed break submerged in the icy embrace. Calm spread through her, soothing her throbbing muscles and stiff joints.


Nothing good ever lasts forever. Her lungs demanded air. Caitlyn ignored them as long as she could before she broke the surface.


Caitlyn gasped. “You didn’t have to throw me you know.”


Morgana shrugged. Refracting off beads of sweat, the moonlight twinkled across her pale, curvy body. She pruned her black wings for stubborn patches of dried cum. Shyvana’s mountainous silhouette loomed behind her.


Orange flames flickered from Shyvana’s snout as fog-horn snores shook the earth and rattled the windows. Her leathery wings wrapped around her like a cocoon. She was like a scaled boulder; oblivious to the world and unmoveable by mortal hands.


Caitlyn climbed the pool’s stairs and lay on its rim. The moon smiled at her. Without the support of the water, her body weighed as much as Shyvana’s. However, nowhere was heavier than her bloated belly. She held it and groaned.


  “Shouldn’t you be used to a belly full of cum by now?” Morgana asked.


  “Doesn’t matter how much you train, you’ll always be tired after a marathon.” 


  “Right. I’ll pretend to understand your mortal metaphors, and you pretend to be full of energy.” Morgana folded her wings. “Come now, let’s not dilly dally.” She snapped on her heels and walked into the garden.


Morgana’s ass was the moon. Full, round, and pale. Her balls cast her thigh gap in shadows.


Caitlyn closed her eyes. Exhaustion is just a sensation. Pain is just a sensation. They aren’t real, but you are. With a belly groan, Caitlyn dragged herself to her feet and skulked after Morgana down the garden trail.


They passed hedges shaped like gods, a dragon water fountain spitting foam, and rows upon rows of pink flowers. Above them all, the grand oak loomed. And it grew larger with every step.


Morgana approached its base where Caitlyn had worshipped Kai’sa and danced with Irelia. Cum matted the petal-covered ground. Yet, Morgana paid it no mind and planted her ass on the crust. “Kneel.” 

  “Yes…” Caitlyn swallowed a groan. “… ma’ am.” She knelt.


Morgana inspected her black nails. “Do you think you can all the way?” 




  “But, do you deserve to?” 


  “I… what?” 


  “To conquer my sister is to make a statement. ‘I am the greatest of you all.’ Is that you? Are you the greatest slut of all?” 


  “I try to be.” 


Morgana flicked her wrist. A black chain coiled around Caitlyn’s neck. She clenched her fist and it squeezed. “It would be quite rude to make such a statement and then flake on us.” 


Caitlyn resisted the urge to slip her fingers between the chain and her throat. “I won’t, ma’am. How could one visit satisfy me? How could it satisfy anyone?” 


  “So?” The chain loosened some. “Are you the greatest of us all?” 


  “I am.” 


The chain vanished; Caitlyn drew a smooth breath. “We’ll see,” Morgana said. “Start with my tits. I like it rough and sloppy. And by sloppy I mean sloppy. Yes?” 


Caitlyn crawled between her plump thighs. “Yes, Ma’am.” 


Morgana’s tits were too big to grasp. Instead, Caitlyn slapped them with both hands and squished them together. As they heaved and jiggled, she attacked the left nipple. It filled her mouth. She sunk her teeth into the tough flesh and sucked, slurping her spit. If it wasn’t the immortal body of a god, Caitlyn was sure she would have drawn blood.


Drool dribbled down her chin. Caitlyn drew a breath and sighed. Spit spluttered all over Morgana’s chest.


  “Mmm~ That’s it. Nice and messy.” Morgana slipped her hand between their bellies and started stroking her soft cock. It grew. Inch by inch. Hot as a radiator, it pressed against Caitlyn’s pussy. “Grind my tip.” 


Caitlyn arched her back, raising her pussy, but found only shaft. She swung her feet forward and crouched on the balls of her feet. Still, only shaft. She sighed internally, fought her body, and spread her legs. Her back strained as it folded to lift her ass as high as possible.


Only then did her pussy touch Morgana’s throbbing tip. Using all of her leg muscles, Caitlyn ground against it. All while sucking and kneading Morgana’s huge, doughy tits.


A hint of a smile crossed Morgana’s plump lips. 


Caitlyn locked eyes with her and blinked three times. Nothing. Not even grey emptiness. Morgana’s eyes remained their usual glowing violet.


  “Save the party tricks for the mortals. Focus on your work.” 


Caitlyn blushed. To distract herself from the embarrassment, she kicked her efforts up a gear. Her pussy humped Morgana’s tip. She sucked her tits like a starved runt; and bit like one too. Never mind the pain. If sluts lived to please, then Caitlyn would be the best slut in the world.


Morgana’s lips trembled. She bit her bottom lip. Harder. Harder. But it was no good; a moan escaped. Little more than a shaky gasp, but the delight sweetened her otherwise bitter tone.


Caitlyn’s heart raced. Fatigue became a distant memory. She tripled her efforts.


  “F- Fuck!~” Morgana slapped Caitlyn’s ass with both hands, squished her cheeks together, and slapped them again. Quick as a flash, her hands seized Caitlyn’s face. They yanked her. 


Caitlyn’s lips rushed into Morgana’s. And held on for dear life. She melted into her embrace; tits squished; hair intertwined. Her hot mouth tasted of lavender.


Morgana broke the kiss.


Caitlyn sealed it and filled her mouth with her tongue. She stroked the soft slopes of her heart-shaped face, caressed her waist, and ground her clit against the bumps of Morgana’a abs.


A smile pressed against Caitlyn’s lips. Morgana grasped her hair and tore the kiss apart. “Cute.” 


  “Don’t act like you didn’t love it.” 


  “You’re serviceable, I’ll grant. But rough hands and a bit of back chat hardly makes you great.” 


  “Great, great, great. You keep going on about whether or not I’m great, but never say what’ll bloody happen if I’m not.” 


Morgana lost her smile. “I’ll fuck you until you pass out.” 

  “That right?” 


  “Stamina is beneath me. I cum when I please, and not a second sooner.” 


  “You god types love to say that.” Caitlyn lifted her hips. “Mortal flaws are beneath me. I’m pure. You’re filth.” Her pussy swallowed Morgana’s fat tip. “But at the end of the day, you’re here fucking impure mortals for a reason.” Morgana’s tip stretched her deeper; deeper; deeper. “That – fuck you’re huge, aren’t you? – reason tends to reign supreme when the chips are down. Almost as if you aren’t as in control as you’d like to believe.” 


Morgana’s face was stone; bored stone. “You think you can conqueror gods, girl?” 


  “I think I know how to make them cum.” 


Morgana sighed. “Your ancestors would be proud.” She put her hands behind her head and lounged. “Go on then. If you put up a good effort I might even fake a moan for you again.” 


Caitlyn’s cervix settled against the tip. She reached between her legs and felt the remaining two-thirds of the shaft. It hasn’t been that long… I wonder. For a second, she let gravity take over. An inch slipped inside, pleasure zapped her spine, and she stretched inwards. 


  “Fuck I love giant cocks,” Caitlyn breathed.


  “I’m aware. You’ve gained something of a reputation. Poor little Lux was oh so worried you’d hate her.”


  “Shut up, I wasn’t talking to you.” 


Morgana’s cock twitched.


Caitlyn smirked. 


  “What?” Morgana snapped.


Caitlyn slid down her cock and settled on her groin. Flesh slapped flesh. The warmth from her balls radiated against Caitlyn’s ass. “Does the all-powerful Morgana like getting bullied?”


  “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re tight is all. And exceptionally good-looking. Who’s cock wouldn’t twitch when inside you?”


Caitlyn clenched her pussy. No twitch. Not even a throb. “Fucking hell, you do!” 




Caitlyn burst out laughing.


Twitch. “So what if I do?! I- It doesn’t change a thing.” 


  “You’re… You’re…” Caitlyn smothered a laugh and wiped away tears. “You’re such a loser! Is that why you torment Shyvana? To get a rise out of her so she’ll snap at you?” 


  “Shut up!” Morgana lurched forward and grabbed her shoulder. Her grip was iron. It dug in; the world spun.


In one smooth motion, Morgana spun, shot to her feet, and slammed Caitlyn against the tree by her waist. All the while her cock remained planted in Caitlyn’s belly.


Caitlyn slunk her arms and legs around her tiny waist and slim shoulders, locking her ankles and threading her fingers. “You look so stupid when you’re angry.” 


Twitch. Morgana bellowed and lay into Caitlyn. Her hips slammed Caitlyn’s groin to a war drum beat. A cock three times longer than her hand pummeled her tip to hilt. Petals rained. The bark grazed her back. Morgana’s violet eyes loomed over, Rage swirling pools of crimson where pupils ought to be.


  “This is path… hngggh~ … You’re… gods~ … You should-” 


  “Not so tough now are we, slut?” Morgana licked the length of her jaw, slapped her hips, and nipped her earlobe.


Caitlyn moaned. She heard it as if it were someone else. And they sounded bloody pathetic. Like a wounded animal on their last legs, too stubborn to give in.


Her arms died, and fell to her sides. Next, her legs unhooked, slamming her heels against the tree. Morgana brought her to the ground, folded her like a lawn chain, and fucked her into the petals and dirt. Her eyes wanted to close. Her face wanted to slack. Her voice wanted to melt.


They didn’t; couldn’t. Not when they were her only weapons. The only path to victory. To Vi’s proud smile.


As Morgana’s cock plungered her elastic pussy into her ribcage, Caitlyn mustered all her strength to take a deep breath. The swell of lungs filled with fresh, crisp night air broke through the haze of utter euphoria. For a sweet moment, Caitlyn felt like she’d been awoken by a bucket of ice water.


  “I knew Kayle’s name before I met her. Everyone sang her praises. But I never heard so much as a peep about you.” 


Morgana’s cock heaved. She gasped, threw herself onto her ass, and gawked as her cock swelled, as the tip yawned, and pre-cum trickled down her shaft. And sighed when it limped.




  “Y- You should see the look on your face,” Morgana said. “Did you actually think you were about to make me cum? Mortals. So easy. It’s sad really.” 


  “Well… I’m not passed out and your cock looks like a gust of wind could make it burst. So…” 


  “Don’t play dumb. You’re too good at it.” Morgana crawled between her legs and spread them. “Do you prefer to be tongue fucked or have your clit sucked?” 


Caitlyn sighed. “Tongue fucked.” 


  “Clit sucking it is.” 


Admittedly, that was a bit of an ambitious lie.


Caitlyn shut her eyes and rested her head on the damp, spongy earth as Morgana’s plump lips clasped her pussy. There had to be something she could say; some deeper truth to prod at to stoke Morgana’s pride. Perhaps she could find if her head weren’t abuzz with pleasure.


Morgana struck a perfect balance between force and finesse. The pressure of her mouth tugged on Caitlyn’s swollen clit the way you tug a leash to encourage a dog along; hard enough to make a statement, but not to harm. Meanwhile, her tongue swirled a perfect circle with a light, almost invisible, touch that left you hungry for more.


It took all the tolerance Caitlyn had built so far not to lose herself. To not snatch Morgana’s raven hair, push her head down, and grind her tongue. To forget the promise and reward. To live selfishly in the present.


One thing kept her lucid. Morgana. Her flawless, chiselled, curvy body. The perfect heart shape of her ass stuck up in the air. The dimples and ravine of her toned back. The way her pale skin glowed under the moonlight. Despite her attempts to the contrary, Morgana was angelic.


Caitlyn used her awe as a handhold and held on for dear life.


  “W- Why do you care so much?” 


Morgana slurped.


  “Surely the greatness… ohhHHHhhh~ … o- of a mortal is a trivial concern to you.”


Morgana slipped two fingers in Caitlyn’s ass and fingered her to the beat of her mouth; an insistent pulse like a heart during foreplay.


Caitlyn melted for a moment. One second of nothing but a droned moan and heavy eyelids. She bit the inside of her mouth, and perked up. “Or is this… this about fucking with Kayle.” Pressure swelled inside her groin. “About denying…” Its tendrils spread through her belly and up her spine. “Denying her…” They ballooned. “Denying her me.” And burst.


The floodgates opened. Her pussy drenched Morgana’s thick locks and milk-pale face. Where her body kept finding the fluids, Caitlyn couldn’t explain.


Of course, it felt good. Amazing even. The best she’d had most likely. Yet, a pang of shame undercut the thrill. Which, knowing her, you would have thought should have made it all the more exhilarating. But no. Caitlyn shrunk with her orgasm, and felt tinier than she ever had with Shyvana.


  “Give up,” Morgana said. “You had a good run, but it's over. Let’s not make this tedious.”


Caitlyn sat up, groggy as a blackout drunk. “Answer my question.” 


  “Which one?”


  “The last one.”


  “No. Nothing I do is because of her.” 


Caitlyn smiled. It came easy. No effort is required. “Bit of an ambitious lie, don’t you think?”


Morgana scowled. A violet chain materialised from her wrist and coiled around Caitlyn’s throat.


  “If you’re trying to make me cum this is a surefire way to do it,” Caitlyn said.


  “Why don’t I choke you out? There’s a question for you. It’d be easy. Like picking a flower.” The chain tightened.


Caitlyn swallowed with great difficulty. “Y- You could. Probably will too knowing you.” 


  “You know nothing about me, you little bitch.”


  “Exactly; I didn’t even know your name until we met in the hall, just like everyone else. Par one.”


  “Par who?”


  “Par who? Who do you think? They just won’t shut up about her. Kayle this. Kayle that. The hype! That’s how a god should be; a collection of whispers and half-tales you can’t help but wonder about.”


Morgana clenched her jaw. “Shut up.”


  “Where are you tales, hmm? Your whispers?”


The chain tightened. It threw Caitlyn onto her back. The petals and soft earth cushioned the impact. “I have plenty of tales!


  “Another ambitious lie! There are none! You’re the forgotten sister!” 


The chain vanished. And was replaced by Morgana’s bare, cold hands. They squeezed with the force of a vice. “I am Morgana! The Fallen! The Sword of Shadow! A God! Who the fuck are you?!” 


  “Not a coward,” Caitlyn croaked. “That’s for sure.”




  “Then why are you so afraid to fuck me?”


Morgana punched the ground beside Caitlyn’s head. It split. Clay tiles shattered on the marble off in the distance and petals rained all around them. She let go. And as Caitlyn gasped for air, she flipped her, drove her heel into Caitlyn’s cheekbone, and stuffed her pussy.


Only this time, her pussy wasn’t so agreeable. It made every inch a fight. Not that it wouldn’t stretch, just… not as much. After a minute of soft grunting and loud cursing, Morgana found her way to the cervix. And no further.


  “Useless potions,” Morgana snapped.


  “Says the forgotten sister.”


Morgana’s cock twitched. She squashed Caitlyn’s face into the dirt. “Fine then. Guess I’ll break you.”


  “U- Uh huh. You do that, sword of shadow.” Caitlyn snorted.


Morgana’s cock heaved, spreading throbs of heat through Caitlyn’s ragged muscles. That didn’t stop her though. She drove her fingers and thumbs into Caitlyn’s waist, and drew back for her first thrust.


Caitlyn came. Little more than a dribble and a whimper; a lie. If she could have, she would have screamed. Wailed. Laughed. Cried. Anything to match the tidal wave of pleasure.


Morgana kicked her while she was down with a thunderous pace. Quickly, Caitlyn’s pussy found itself quite agreeable again. But not her cervix. The walls submitted after half a dozen fierce pumps. Quivering, they opened and closed around her fat tip, smooth as silk while it rammed her cervix. Shuddering, she set into an erratic pace


  “You were made for this,” Morgana moaned. “All of you. Meat sleeves just for me~”


  “S- So original…”


Twitch. “Shut up…” Morgana squished her face further into the dirt.


Caitlyn spat out petals. “Act like you don’t like it. You’ll cum all the same.”


Morgana opened her mouth, but closed it. She set her jaw and tidied up her pace. Slow, steady, and harsh like a paddleboard in a principal’s office. Caitlyn surrendered, and not just for a moment.


There was no point in resisting constantly. Do that, and she’d pass out in no time. She needed to make the last of her strength count. So, her eyes rolled back, a lazy grin spread across her face, and she moaned her lungs out.


The hail of petals sparkled silver in the moonlight as they fluttered to the ground. Moonlight glinted off the half-dozen fountains amidst the hedges and flower beds. It made the cobble paths glow. How many times has this place been defiled? Can a garden made for whores be defiled? Perhaps not getting cum on the leaves would be defiling it. In the same way to not hit a punching bag does it a disservice.


  “You’re pathetic,” Caitlyn said.


Morgana snickered. “You been saving that one?”


  “Ahri planted this whole garden for you and you can’t muster the balls to do the decent thing and cum in it.”


  “Glad to hear your mind had brok-”


  “Selfish bitch. No wonder no one knows your name. The only one who thinks about you is you.


Morgana shuddered. Twitch. Her foot slipped off Caitlyn’s face. Twitch. She wrapped her arms around waist chest, collapsed, and hugged her tight. Morgana’s cock slipped out. And she thrust it deep in Caitlyn’s ass.


  “Say it again~” Morgana buried her face into Caitlyn’s neck.


Caitlyn swivelled her hips. “You’re a selfish bitch.”


Long, slow strokes. From tip to balls. All in all out. Her balls throbbed a heat unlike any other against the gaped inside of her rim.


  “A- Again.”


  “You’re a stupid selfish bitch. No one loves you.” Caitlyn touched herself. Another orgasm could knock her out. And she rubbed her clit fiercely. 


Morgana hugged her so hard that her tits ballooned out from behind her back. Her place slowed further. Her cock lingered at their deepest, throbbing, twitching, heaving. “One more time,” she whimpered. Her wings wrapped around them, blocking out the world. “Say… Say she’s better than me. A- and why.”


Pleasure swelled. “Kayle is and always will be better than you, Morgana. Because you’re a selfish, arrogant, ungrateful bitch. Unworthy of so much as a compliment let alone devotion.”


  “I am!” Twitch. “Oh fuck, I am!Twitch. “I- I- I-” Heave. Morgana’s cock slipped out as it erupted. “I’m worthless…”


Pleasure gripped Caitlyn’s pussy. Gaped and empty, it opened and closed as each wave locked her joints and each rope of cum slathered her tits, belly, face, and the carpet of petals.


Moonlight twinkled on the surface of a gradually growing pool of cum.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Kayle, The Righteous

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