Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

The Demacian Orgy: Quinn & Sona & Lux

Thanks to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor121, Syndra, minimised, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrmann, Zac Polk, Windblade13, Emperor_Vader142, Justice Birdie, Haylee Hill, Verkran, and Wally Cat

Quinn’s balls were a perfect fit for Caitlyn’s mouth. Big enough to flatten her tongue, but not so big as to knick her teeth. Caitlyn suckled on them, squeezed the inside of her cheeks against their sides, and bit down with gummed teeth ever so gently, just enough to make Quinn gasp. And laugh. She liked to laugh.


  “Caitlyn you’re such a slut!” Quinn exclaimed. She lolled her head back against the couch between Kayle’s knees, and mussed Sona and Lux’s hair.

A sheen of sweat glistened across Lux’s soft, petite body. Sona’s giant breasts squished beneath her chest against the carpet, ballooning out under her arm pits. Under the golden lamp light, their porcelain pale skin took on a warm glow. 


They attended Quinn’s tip. Laid prone on the bellies, propped on their elbows, they locked lips around Quinn’s cut tip. The pink, sleek flesh was visible only through fickle gaps between their hungry lips and swirling tongues. 


Gods it must have felt good; not that Caitlyn knew what it felt like to have two gorgeous women make out with her cock between their lips, but the sight alone spoke of a unique sort of heaven. You wouldn’t know it by watching Quinn.


Not once did she moan. Not even a whimper. No, Quinn laughed and egged them on.


Fiora’s accented moans dominated in Quinn’s absence. She called out Shyvana and Morgana’s names, begging to cum, for cum. They granted her neither request as the two enormous women took turns railing her ass, each turn shorter than the last. The usual elegance of Fiora’s accent was robbed by her shrill, hoarse plees.


Quinn slapped the back of Caitlyn’s head. Her ears rang and a pulse of dull pain bore into the back of her skull. Sweet pain, how I’ve missed your tender embrace. Just as Caitlyn was about to beg for cock, Quinn pressed Sona and Lux’s head together, as if to make two dolls kiss.


  “Aww, do my sluts love each other?”


Quinn’s cock muffled Lux’s giggles. Sona closed her baby-blue eyes, grasped Lux’s face, and got lost in her mouth. A sigh escaped Quinn’s mouth, ragged, as if daring to bubble over into a moan. She grinned lazily and shut her eyes.


  “How about you, Caitlyn?” Quinn asked. “Are all my sluts in love, or just these two?”


Caitlyn lifted head, and Quinn’s balls popped out of her mouth. Strands of crystal-clear spit clung to them. “I love you all, Ma’am. How could I not? You’re so much fun.” She squeezed Quinn’s balls.


Quinn gasped. Her lips trembled. She swallowed, sat up, and stared into Caitlyn’s eyes with a wild gaze. Thrill danced a tango with Awe; warm on cool; swirling. 


Caitlyn raised an eyebrow and cupped Quinn’s balls proper.


Quinn nodded.


Caitlyn squeezed. A breathless moan trembled out of Quinn as she clenched her fists and curled her toes.

A silent laugh broke Sona’s exploration of Lux’s mouth. Well, not wholly silent. Her breath brushed past her lips, like a sensual whisper. It shook her squished breasts. 


Caitlyn hooked her free hand around the back of Sona’s left breast. Smooth. Soft. Perfect. And far to big to grab. Even when she spread her fingers until the webbing complained, Caitlyn came nowhere near close. It was like trying to grab a beachball with one hand. Only a giant could ever hope to hold her breasts.


Sona’s lips curled into a half-smile and she arched her light-blue eyebrow.


Caitlyn shrugged. “Can you blame me?”


Sona shook her head. With a small, delicate hand, she grasped Caitlyn’s chin and guided her into a kiss. Her mouth, of course, tasted like cock. But also cum and the fruity perfume which clung to her and penetrated the omni-presenet smell of cock, cum, anal sex, and pussy.


Their kiss ended, Caitlyn held her in place. “You smell as beautiful as you look,” she whispered against her lips.


Sona nipped her bottom lip and pulled away to join Lux in worship, but Quinn stopped her and pulled Lux away.


  “Line up on all fours, hip to hip. I want to use my sluts,” Quinn said.


Lux cheered and scrambled into position, followed by Sona who moved with slow, elegant movements. How does one make crawling graceful? Even so, her breasts knocked together with every little movement. Caitlyn turned around and got on all fours beside Sona just in time to see Shyvana arch her back she let out a guttural shout.


Cum gushed from Fiora’s worn asshole, spahsing Shyvana’s balls and matting the pooltable’s green baize. They rushed to lock lips. Their hips crashed against one another. Morgana laughed and clapped her hands. “Get off you greedy, bitch. It’s my turn.” She dragged Shyvanna off, pinned Fiora into a mating press, and bore inside her cum-glazed ass.


  “Lucky…” Lux said.


Caitlyn sighed. “I know right?”


Sona nodded.


A crisp slap cut the air. Quinn’s plam left a red mark on Lux’s ass. As Lux gasped, Quinn knelt behind her. “You’re in the mood for a ravaging? Still? Where’s all that energy come from?”


  “Like you’re one to talk.” Lux bucked her ass against Quinn’s abs. “You never get tired.”

  “No, I just pace myself.” Quinn spread Lux’s cheeks, spat on her gaped asshole, and slid her long cock inside. It vanished inch by inch by inch. Lux’s cock limped and somehow got even smaller.


Sona’s grew. Not to the length of Quinn’s, but what it lacked in inches, it made up for twice fold in girth. The mere thought of a cock that thick in her guts made Caitlyn’s ass quiver.


  “Fuck!” Lux screamed. Quinn’s hips were crashing against ass, and she bucked back twice as hard. “Fuck fuck fuck! Harder! Fuck your slut bitch!


Again, in place of moans, Quinn laughed. She bent over Lux, grasped her tits, stood on the balls of her feet, and fucked her like a bunny.


Sona slipped her middle finger inside Caitlyn's pussy. Her plump lips dominated Caitlyn’s mouth and she guided Caitlyn to grab her cock with a light grasp. So light, Caitlyn almost felt like she was moving on her own accord as if it was her idea to begin with.


As with all things Sona, Caitlyn couldn’t get a proper hold of her cock’s shaft. Hot throbs pulsed against her palm. She pumped it with a gentle grip and filled Sona’s mouth with her tongue; the right thing to do; the only thing to do. 


Sona’s silent moan vibrated her tongue and teeth, and her middle finger settled into a steady rhythm, clawing Caitlyn’s G-spot. 


Pleasure swelled and brought with it a sighed moan. Sona’s cock flexed. She nipped Caitlyn’s bottom lip. Her finger melted Caitlyn’s mind with expert precision, while Caitlyn’s hand turned to jelly and her moans grew hungry. All the while Lux dared Quinn to fuck her harder and Fiora begged for cum.


  “That’s so fucking good,” Caitlyn said, pressing her forehead again Sona’s.


Sona cupped her face and kissed her cheek. Her heart thrummed. The gentle embrace of Sona’s soft, plump lips stole all worries about fatigue and stamina. For a sweet second, Caitlyn could conquer the world.


And then it vanished. Sona slipped out her finger, turned away, and drew Lux into a kiss. She kissed Lux as if she meant to drink from her. The more she drank, the less Lux fought, until she was putty in Sona’s hands. 


Quinn slowed her pace and spared a hand to play with Sona’s fat ass. The cheek bulged between her fingers, jiggling at the slightest touch. She raised her eyebrows at Caitlyn and gestured for her to come over with a sideward nod.


Nothing beat a huge ass. It was alive; a mind of its own. Sona’s cheeks squished like a pair of breasts and twitched like a cock. A cock, you could predict, manipulate, control. But once you got an ass going, it jiggled and rippled as it pleased. Fascinating to watch and heavenly to touch. And one as big as Sona’s? An art piece made flesh.


Lux’s grunt snapped Caitlyn out of her daze. She collapsed, face down, ass up, dribbling cum on the carpet. A lazy smile plastered her face.


  “All talk!” Quinn slapped Lux’s ass with both hands, clapping her cheeks. “Ain’t that right, Sona?”


Sona smiled, slipped Quinn’s cock free, and swallowed it – balls and all.


  “Shit… Such a good slut~” Quinn pulled Sona’s hair and grabbed Caitlyn’s. She yanked Caitlyn onto her knees and smothered her with a kiss. Her tongue swirled, flicked Caitlyn’s teeth, and pushed deep into her mouth.


With no cock available, Caitlyn squeezed Quinn’s breasts. They were flat, yet tall and wide; a perfect handful. She kneaded them until Quinn shoved her off, guided Sona off her cock, and jerked off as she waited for Sona to get on all fours.


  “Sit and watch, Caitlyn. Appreciate this. It’s once in a lifetime,” Quinn said. She spread Sona’s cheeks, eased the tip inside her ass, and grabbed her enormous cock. As Quinn slid deeper and deeper and stroked the tip, Sona’s mouth hung open.


Caitlyn settled back, spread her legs, and attended to her desperate pussy. It wouldn’t do to cum just yet. But she could stop its complaining.


Quinn settled into a slow and steady rhythm. Hips and hand. Sona’s cheeks clapped along; gentle, wet slaps. Apart from Fiora’s begging and Morgana’s groaning, it was the only sound in the room.


Ragged breaths whispered from Sona’s open mouth as her throat bulged. It bulged as if it were full of cock, in synch with Quinn’s thrusts. Quinn hooked her finger inside and massaged Sona’s tongue. The bulges desynched, faster and irregular.


A desperate look filled Sona’s eyes. It looked at empty space, submissive and hopeful. Love danced in her eyes like the twirling ribbons of a dancer.


Never had Caitlyn seen such elegance, such poise, while taking upwards of ten inches up the ass. Quinn owned Sona’s body, her mind, and pleasure, but Sona stole the show. Caitlyn’s hand whipped up into a frenzy and it took all her restraint to back off when an orgasm reared its head.


Quinn pressed her forehead between Sona’s shoulder blades and held onto her hips. “My perfect slut. Oh fuck, my perfect cock slut. So fucking good!~” Quinn’s moans gained a fragile texture, as if she would shatter any moment.


Sona arched her back, tossed her hair over one shoulder, and rocked against Quinn’s thrust. Quinn hugged her belly and moaned. Sona took over. The thrusts shortened and quickened. Quinn whimpered.


She leaned on one hand and stroked her cock. Her brow furrowed. Her pace broke out into a sprint. Her throat bulged. And she collapsed onto her side. As Quinn slipped free, thick ropes of cum erupted from Sona’s cock. The first nailed Caitlyn square between the tits, but the others dribbled onto the carpet and formed a white puddle against the crimson.


Sona rolled onto her back, holding her chest, fighting for a breath. A smile pinched her flushed cheeks. She flashed Caitlyn a warm smile before crawling over to Lux and spooning her.


  “C- Caitlyn?” Quinn struggled onto her side. “How do you wanna be fucked?”


Caitlyn's answer caught in her throat. I need to pace myself. In her peripheral, Fiora clawed Morgana’s back as she howled an otherworldly moan. A moan of pure euphoria. Of primal desire. Of ecstasy. The way sex should feel. How every slut should feel.




  “Oh… please fuck the shit out of me!” Caitlyn begged.


Quinn grinned. “Can do.”


She’s only human. It won’t take that much out of me. It’s not like she’s a god.


Quinn grabbed the back of Caitlyn’s head, the carpet rushed to meet her, and rammed her cheek. As the shockwave coursed through her like a punch to the gut, Quinn buried her cock inside Caitlyn’s pussy. Her gasp became a moan, and primal instinct took over.


Caitlyn bucked as hard as the awkward position allowed. Hard enough to feel Quinn’s hip bones against her ass and make Quinn grunt in surprise. But Quinn gave her twice more, if not triple. Frantic thrusts flailed her tits and ground her face into the carpet. Crip slaps accented every other crash of hips and ass.


  “Fuck yes!” Quinn cried. She seized Caitlyn’s waist and somehow fucked her even harder. Caitlyn’s moans melted into blubbered nonsense. “Gods yeees!~ Sona, Lux, I need you. I need you I need you I need youuu!” 


Footstep vibrations whispered into Caitlyn’s ear. With all her will, she glanced over her shoulder.  Lux held Quinn’s head and fucked her mouth, balls slapping her chin. While Sona hugged Quinn from behind and made love to her ass.


You would have thought Quinn’s pace would slow. It didn’t; only lost its rhythm. The brief hesitations allowed Caitlyn the shortest of rests from the wave of pleasure. Enough time to think.


Can’t keep this up. Too much. Mind slowing. Body aching. Let her… take… control.


Caitlyn stopped bucking and became Quinn’s fleshlight.


A deep moan split the air. Morgana’s moan. It petered off and Morgana hopped off the pool table. She staggered out the sliding door.


Where’s Fio-


Caitlyn's vision blurred, her ears rang, and every muscle clenched as one. Pleasure erupted. She felt the moan in her throat before she heard it. She was moaning Quinn’s name. Over and over with each long, brutal burst. As the orgasm died and the waves weakened, her moans became whispered whimpers. She floated on bliss. 


Quinn’s cock slid free and Caitlyn rolled onto her back, breasts heaving with the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Between her spread legs, she watched Sona snatch up Quinn’s cock. She stroked and fucked her long and slow.


Lux fucked the shit out of Quinn’s mouth. Drool glazed Quinn’s chin, splattering with the slap of Lux’s balls. Her hands scrambled through Quinn’s blue hair, grabbed fistfuls, and tugged; as if she would slip away any moments. “Mommy, I’m gonna cum!” Lux cried. “I’m gonna… I’m gonna… I’m-” 


Lux held Quinn’s face against her groin. Cum dribbled from the corners of her mouth and bubbled from her nose. Lux’s whole body heaved with every load.


Quinn’s cock flexed. It stood tall. Proud. It was calling to her.


Caitlyn found herself crawling. She stumbled past Lux’s legs, knocked Sona’s hands away, and swallowed Quinn’s cock. It tasted like Vayne and Lux.


Sona spluttered. She buried her face into Quinn’s neck and squeezed her tits. Cum gushed down the inside of their thighs. Quinn’s tip flexed against the back of Caitlyn’s throat. Even the best-trained slut in the world would gag. She spluttered, her throat clamped around Quinn’s girth, and instinct drove her to pull away.


Caitlyn made it halfway before Quinn erupted. Lux’s cock muffled her exhausted moan. Her huge loads filled Caitlyn’s throat and spilled into her mouth; warm as a perfect hot chocolate and just as sweet. Never had Caitlyn tasted cum so sweet. It was like candy.


Quinn’s cock sprung free. Cum glazed Caitlyn’s face. Mid-gag, Caitlyn swallowed Quinn’s tip and drank from Quinn’s cock, eating every heaping load until her belly was full.


Lux collapsed. A lazy grin remained plastered on her face.


  “Greedy slut…” Quinn sighed. She ran her fingers through Caitlyn’s hair. “You were supposed to share that.” 


Caitlyn stopped herself from swallowing the final mouthful. She kissed Quinn and puffed her cheeks with cum. Quinn blinked. Cum leaked between her lips. Sona turned her face, smothered her with a kiss, and swallowed the load gulp by gulp.


Their smacked as they broke apart.


  “Well…” Quinn chuckled weakly. “I’m never gonna forget that…” She stumbled away, collapsed beside Vayne on the cushions, spooned her, and fell asleep.


Lux groaned.


  “What’s wrong, princess?” Caitlyn asked.


  “I wanted cum…” 


  “Aww, poor baby.” Caitlyn slipped her arm around Sona’s waist and stole a handful of her fat cheek. “Shall we help her?” 


Sona nodded and pecked Caitlyn on the cheek. Her lips were like clouds; as soft as her breasts as they wrapped around Caitlyn’s upper arm. After an exchange of deep kisses, they crawled over to Lux, and assumed a position either end of her.


Lux gasped as Sona’s giant cock filled her ass. Caitlyn smothered it with her pussy. The vibrations were to die for.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Sona and Lux

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