Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn awoke under the grip of a thick duva. From the neck down, it pinned her, tucked brutally under a king-sized mattress. There was enough room to squirm, even roll over, and yet she still felt trapped. Something soft bound her chest and arms and legs. She tore off the covers.


One-piece pyjamas covered her body. Her rather noticeably not exhausted body.


  “Welcome back.”


Caitlyn started. Ahri was reading a book in an armchair in the corner of the large, sparse room. Clothes covered her too. Her usual red silks. They felt… nostalgic. She snapped shut a book and tossed it onto a coffee table; the only other piece of furniture.


   “How long was I out?”


   “Two days.”


Caitlyn’s heart raced. “Everyone’s gone, aren’t they?”


  “I can’t get them to leave.”


Relief flooded Caitlyn. She sunk into the spongy mattress and ran her hands over her face.


  “Oh, thank goodness you’re not stressed.” Ahri’s voice was ice. “We wouldn’t want that.”


  “Ah. You know.”


  “Of course I know!” Ahri shot to her feet and marched to the foot of the bed. She loomed like a headmaster. “Don’t pretend they roped you along. I can see the guilt in your eyes.”


  “Swirling pools, right? Kind of murky?”




All in all, Ahri didn’t look too angry. Sure, her brow was creased and her lips pursed. But her tails hovered idly behind her, fanned out unevenly. Frustration bubbled in her eyes; more like the gurgles of a swamp than the boil of a pot.


Ahri snapped her fingers. “Stop reading my emotions and say something for yourself.”


Caitlyn tugged at her collar. “I made Kayle cum. Did you have to do up the top button? That’s just cruel and unusual.” She undid it.

  “I’m aware. And yes, I heard.” Something flickered through the bubbles. “Good job.”


Caitlyn got to work on the rest of the buttons. “Good job? I give her her first orgasm in centuries and all I get is a ‘good job’?”


Ahri flashed a thin smile. “Excellent job.”


  “That’ll do.” Caitlyn shrugged free, but found a bra underneath. And not a sexy one either. “How long until clothes feel normal again?”


  “A day or so. This isn’t a small deal, Caitlyn. You broke the rules. Again.”


  “And beat your challenge.” The bra clasp refused to comply.




Ahri raised a finger. A blue glow enveloped it. She curled the finger and the clasp came loose.


The bra fell free, and Caitlyn sighed as her nipples reunited with the open air. “Do I still get my request? Anything remember.”


  “Your request will be that I don’t bar you for life.”


Caitlyn met Ahri’s eyes. The bubbles were gone. Deadly cold Sencerity cast her eyes.


  “That’s… very generous of you, Mistress Ahri.”


  “It is.” Ahri reached into a pocket on her skirt, pulled out a spherical flask of purple liquid, and tossed it to Caitlyn. Caitlyn lurched forward and caught it inches above the sheets. Ahri headed for the door. “Welcome to the club. She’ll explain what that is.”


  “Who will-”


Ahri opened the door, revealing Vi. A shit-eating grin plastered her hardy face. The pink hair, the shaved sides, the cheek tattoo, the smell of oil and chemtech fumes – they were home. Even if she was dressed in odd clothes.


Vi liked baggy pants and loose shirts. Comfortable and practical. As she stepped through the doorway, her skin-tight jeans pinched her groin. Pinched, rather than warping around a bulge. Beneath an open jacket, a white shirt clung to her bust. A black, frilly bra bled through the thin material.


  “Welcome back to the land of the living, cupcake,” Vi said.


For a small, singular moment, Caitlyn was her old self again. The one who would have hesitated. Whose throat would have dried. And whose heart would have raced a mile a minute. Only her heart remained stubborn as she threw off the covers, hopped out of bed, and threw herself into Vi’s arms. Her bare breasts pressed against Vi’s open jacket, getting a jab from the teeth of its zipper.


The door closed.


  “I did it,” Caitlyn whispered.


Vi wrapped her arms around her. “I know. Good fucking job. Like, really good fucking job. I only made it to thirty-two.”


Caitlyn lifted her head from Vi’s shoulder. “What brought you here anyway? I couldn’t believe it when I saw you with the others behind the bannister.”


  “How do you think I felt? I could ask you the same thing.”






Caitlyn giggled and nodded.


Vi smirked. “She did me in a side alley. Broad fucking daylight. I’ve never done something so damn stupid before, but she just knew how to push my buttons. You know?”


  “She’s a professional, for sure. Managed to get me during a body inspection.”


Vi burst out laughing. “Shit! If your bastard bosses knew that, they’d draw and quarter you!”


Caitlyn let go and took a step back.


  “Cupcake?” Vi took a step forward.


Caitlyn sighed and sat on the bed. “I made a promise to myself.”


  “Please tell me it isn’t something stupid.”


  “I’m going to report myself for public indecency.”


  “I said please…”


Vi sat beside her. The beams of sunlight poking through the drawn curtains painted her hair shades of peach and salmon. Her hand gained a glow as she ran her fingers through it. “There’s nothing I can say to change your mind, is there?”




  “What about a good fuck? Or two?”



  “Huh… You didn’t blush.” Vi offered a gentle smile. “You’re not the same anymore.”


  “No. I’m not. At least, not entirely.” Caitlyn turned Vi’s hand over and grasped it. “Is that a problem?”


Vi shrugged. “Nah, you’re still smokin’.”


Caitlyn deadpanned.


  “Aaand easy to annoy. Yeah, you’re still fun. Don’t worry.”


A smile broke through Caitlyn’s dread. “Thank you.”


  “So, what? Are you going to jail? Because if so, tattle on me too. You’ve got your pick of offences. Seeing your tits through the visiting window ain’t gonna be enough for me.” 


  “Public indecency is punishable by a fine.”


  “Oh.” Vi offered a hopeful smile. “A small fine?”


  “A very large fine.”


  “Like, Zaun large or Piltover large?”


  “Piltover large.”




Caitlyn waved her hand. “It’ll be fine.” She snatched up the purple flask. “What is this?”


Vi’s smirk returned. “Drink it.”


  “Tell me first.”


  “It’s harmless. Drink it.”


Caitlyn crossed her arms.


  “Oh come on. That’s not fair. Leave your tits out of this.”


  “Tell me.”


  “It’s harmless!” Vi said, laughing.


Caitlyn kept her arms crossed. “Harmless like those brownies?”


  “Those were regular brownies… You just-”


  “Regular brownies which you knew I would think were laced.”


  “Which you ate anyways. Come on, I wouldn’t make you drink something that’s gonna hurt you. Just trust me. Okay?”


Caitlyn narrowed her eyes. “That’s what you said last time.” She popped open the lid. It smelled of lavender. And tasted of it too.


Tingles zapped Caitlyn's groin. She gasped and shot to her feet. The tingles grew more and more intense. As if her pussy had fallen asleep. The groin of her pyjamas shifted.


And bulged. The bulge travelled down her thigh until it appeared as if there were a snake in her trousers. As long as her forearm. As thick as a water bottle. And a cut tip. How else to explain the insides of the pyjamas suddenly feeling extra scratchy?


  “Fucking hell, cupcake. You’re huge!”


  “Y- You say that like it's random.”


  “It is! The size you get is the size you get! Damn it, I’m so fucking jealous!” Vi laughed. “Fuck you!”


Caitlyn squeezed the tip of her bulge. Her bottom lip trembled. “U- Uh~ It’s so sensitive.”


  “Tends to be right after it grows.” Vi knelt before her. “May I?”


Caitlyn bit her wavering lip and nodded.


Vi gave the pyjamas a gentle tug. A cock sprung loose. Vi ducked out of the way. It stood proud at an upward slope, fatter in the middle of the shaft rather than the base, veinless, and sleek. Pulses coursed through it; hot enough to make the room-temperature air feel chilled.

Caitlyn ran her fingertip down the shaft and afforded herself a giggle. “You’d think I’ve never seen one of these before.”


  “The first time is always the weirdest,” Vi said. “Wanna take it for a test run?”


  “I basically comatose myself after fucking non-stop for two days, and the first thing you ask me to do is have more sex?”


Vi shrugged. “Well, if you don’t want-”


Caitlyn tilted Vi’s head back and shoved her tip down her throat. Pleasure surged as the tip barged past Vi’s tonsils. Alien pressure caught her in a vice-grip. Pessure was supposed to be internal. To push against your inside and worm through you. This pressure localised itself in her tip, raced down her shaft, and charged up her spine. As if chem-fuel flowing through a pipe.


It felt good. Not mind-melting or anything, but good all the same. It was manageable, encouraging action rather than dissuading it.


As Vi’s throat squelched to accommodate its visitor, her eyes bulged. And then cooled. She gargled something incoherent, slapped Caitlyn’s cheeks, and gave them a squeeze. Only Vi could be so cocky on her knees.


Caitlyn snatched a fistful of her hair. The pink locks bulged between her fingers. She held her head still as she attempted a brisk pace.


Her rhythm collapsed on the first beat as a moan erupted from deep inside her throat. The pleasure swelled, zapping her knees. They threatened to collapse. Vi’s throat clacked as she laughed.


  “O- Oh, shut up. I don’t imagine you were any better your first time. Gods, this thing is heavy.” It was as if someone had attached a rolling pin to her groin.


Vi rolled her eyes, spread her knees, and bobbed her head. Short, sharp beats; they made a ruin of Caitlyn. Her cock flexed each time Vi’s tonsils – the tightest part of her throat – passed over Caitlyn’s tip. All Caitlyn could do was hold on for dear life and wallow in euphoria.


Face fucking with a cock was a completely different experience. She was a conqueror. Her cock laid claim to all it clogged. As much as Vi kept up a cocky facade, her throat trembled as it gaped, as gags tried to rear their heads, as she spluttered when the tip returned to her mouth.


Droll ran down Caitlyn’s shaft. It clung to her balls. She had balls. They too were huge. The size of baseballs. One of her hands abandoned Vi’s head and cupped them. Hotter than her cock. Much hotter. Almost unbearable. She gave them a careful squeeze.


And blew her load. The orgasm snuck up on her like a slap across the back of the head. She baulked as Vi choked, throat swelling with each pump of cum. The heave Caitlyn had so often felt inside her, throbbed within her shaft and tip. It was like pissing, but heavier, and more intense.


Cum dribbled from Vi’s nose. Even as she swallowed. There just… so much. Gods, it wouldn’t stop. Each load lasted a few seconds; a lifetime where orgasms were concerned. Vi was forced to pull away. She gasped for air as an eternal rope of cum splattered against her forehead.


The rope petered out. Caitlyn’s cock heaved. But only a dribble emerged. The droplets rained on the carpet.


  “L- Let me guess. The first one is usually the biggest?” Caitlyn asked. She stumbled over to the bed and sat down. Her cock limped and began to shrink.


Vi wiped cum from her eyes. “Yeah, but not like that. Fucking hell.” She looked down at her jacket with a grin. Cum clung to the soft fabric and zipper teeth. “You’ve ruined Ahri’s jacket.”


  “Hah! I knew those weren’t your clothes!”


  “As if I’d wear something so annoying. I can hardly breathe in this shirt.”


Caitlyn leaned back on her palms. “Take it off then.” She kicked off her pyjamas from around her ankles.


Vi laughed. “Fuck me, you really have changed, Cupcake.”


  “A little bit of flirting is nothing compared to having a God’s cock in your gut, or two.”


  “Tell that to Seraphine. The girl still blushes at the smallest compliment.” Vi shrugged out of the ruined jacket and lifted the shift over her head.


Caitlyn sat up. “We should dom her together. Spoil her while we ravage her. Reckon she’s still around?”


  “Later, Cupcake. Much much later. Right now is for me and you. And later. And much later.”


Caitlyn blushed.


Vi smirked as she unhooked the frilly bra. “Yup, still the same.”


The bra fell away and revealed Vi’s bare breasts. They weren’t giants. You couldn’t suffocate between them. But they didn’t need to be. Big or small, they belonged to Vi, and that made them the best there is.

Caitlyn slid off the bed, grasped Vi’s waist, and suckled on her left nipple. It perked in her mouth. As did the other in Caitlyn’s peripheral. She snatched it and gave a gentle pinch. A tightness flared in her groin. Caitlyn’s cock began to grow again.


  “Shit,” Vi said, hushed and hissed. “You’re… good at that.”


Caitlyn nipped her nipple.


  “Ah! Great! You’re great at it!”


Laughter broke the seal of Caitlyn’s lips. And Vi’s feigned fury. They collapsed into each other's arms. The carpet greeted Caitlyn’s side. As the impact shot through her hip, she found Vi’s lips. Vi melted into the kiss.


Their hands wandered. Up and down curves. Along the grooves of spines. The slopes of jaws. The hills of breasts. Vi’s settled on Caitlyn’s throbbing cock. And in turn, Caitlyn undid the button of Vi’s jeans.


  “Let me take a swig of the potion. That way-”


  “Not before I fuck you.” Caitlyn undid the zipper. It was a short one.


Vi’s face flushed. “I haven’t been fucked like that since my initiation.”


Caitlyn hooked her fingers under the waistband. “You fucked mine. I get to fuck yours. Seems only fair.”


  “Fair.” Vi smirked and attacked Caitlyn with a kiss. Her tongue dominated Caitlyn’s. Breathless, she pulled away. “I like it rough. Don’t you dare take it easy on me.”


  “Never. I know you.”


Caitlyn peppered kisses down Vi’s neck. Between her breasts. Between her ribs. Across her rock-hard abs. And around her belly button. All while Vi fought to peel off her stubborn jeans. Caitlyn didn’t wait. They were past her knees. That would do.


She grabbed Vi’s ankles and held her legs up straight, pointing at the ceiling. Her pussy was on full display; wet, creamy, and as pink as her hair. It dawned on Caitlyn that she’d never actually gotten to see it before then. She stared.


  “Don’t be a tease, Cupcake.”


  “O- Oh, right.” Caitlyn spread her knees, pushed Vi’s legs back as far as they would go, and thrust her cock.

The tip rammed the back of Vi’s thigh. Caitlyn swore, and tried again, hitting the taint this time. Vi was about say something. “I know, I know,” Caitlyn said. She guided it with one hand.


Her tip met Vi’s entrance. Gods, it was warm. The lips parted with a touch of force and the hole began to warp around her tip. Only to resist. Caitlyn applied a little more pressure. And then a lot. Only to slip to the side.


Vi had that shit-eating grin again.


  “Please tell me that wasn’t the wrong hole.”


  “Alright, I won’t.”


Caitlyn groaned.


Vi chuckled. “How about we start on the bed and graduate to the floor. Or window sill. Or whatever.”


  “No, I can get it.”


  “Don’t be stubborn, Cup-” Caitlyn slipped inside Vi’s pussy. The lips parted and warped around her shaft. They hugged her, wringing pleasure from her cock. “Cake~” Vi’s voice melted. Her lips trembled. A moan escaped; soft and delicate.


Caitlyn would have giggled if she hadn’t made a similarly embarrassing sound. Vi’s legs – hardened thighs, sculpted calves, and calloused feet – provided support at the abrupt arrival of Caitlyn’s weakened muscles. A whisper of the total exhaustion from before nagged her. She swallowed it and set into a steady rhythm, even as she moaned Vi’s name.


  “Vi… Vi… Vi…” It’s all she could say. Every time her tip tapped Vi’s cervix. It felt sort of like rubber, but warm and wet. A solid foundation stopped it from stretching to a significant degree.


Vi’s vocabulary wasn’t any broader. Gods, was it wonderful to hear. Vi. Moaning her name. Yes, it wasn’t the first time – the second actually – but that didn’t make it any less surreal.


What I wouldn’t give for this to be normal.


Caitlyn mustered up some focus and dotted Vi’s ankles with kisses. One when her balls slapped Vi’s puckered asshole, and another when her tip threatened to slip loose – when it tugged on Vi’s gaped pussy.


Face scrunched, Vi’s lips trembled. “M- More~”


  “More w- what?” Caitlyn’s tip slipped out. She cursed herself and wrangled it back inside. The grip of Vi’s pussy stole her breath. “Faster?” She asked, breathless.


Vi shook her head.




Vi nodded frantically. Her pussy clenched, her toes curled, and her nails dug into her palms.


Little more than half of Caitlyn’s cock was inside Vi, yet her tip was firmly pressed against the cervix. “Are you sure I’m not to big? Do you want a rubber potion?”


Vi met her eyes. They were knives laced in viper’s venom. “Don’t you dare pull out.”


  “Y- Yes, Ma’am!” Caitlyn tore Vi’s pants off, tossed them aside, and spread her legs. Knees pinned either side of her waist, Vi half-gawked, half-smirked at her. The melted look of bliss replaced it after the first slam.


It stung a little, but Caitlyn knew enough to ignore it. Discomfort was as much a part of sex as sand was the ocean. Yet, unlike sand, the discomfort was no immortal. It faded slowly and surely as pleasure conquered Caitlyn’s mind pump by pump.


The clap of balls against ass and the squelch of Vi’s pussy filled Caitlyn with a special sort of thrill. The kind that makes one feel invincible. She railed Vi with a broad grin plastered on her face, thanks in part to the muted pleasure of a cock. Even at full kilter, she could think clearly.


Vi wasn’t as fortunate. Her mind was elsewhere. Rhythmically, her head bobbed along to the tempo of Caitlyn's brutal pace. Her eyes were rolled back. Her jaw hung open a jar. And she droned a constant, fluctuating moan.


  “That good, huh?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Uh huh…”


  “Reckon I’ve picked up a thing or two since we last fucked?”


  “Uh huh…”


Caitlyn giggled and refocused on her pace. It wandered slightly when she talked. Mistakes like that could only be cured by practice. So, she practised. 


Again, thanks to the dulled pleasure, time never fuzzed. Over twenty or so minutes, Vi passed through three phases of euphoria. It was different for everyone, Caitlyn had found. 


Vi started in mindless bliss, ramped up into mania, and wound down into passionate joy. 


The mania turned her wild. Like a savage, she jostled against Caitlyn’s thrusts, trying to buck her hips despite them being pinned beneath Caitlyn’s weight. She laughed and moaned and laughed some more. And when the pleasure hit its hardest, she wailed.


Little by little her energy sapped away until she returned to her senses. She eyed Caitlyn over the top of her flailing breasts with soft eyes. A look foreign to her usually harsh, sceptical face. The tender heart Caitlyn knew slept somewhere underneath the hard exterior showed itself for the first time.


Caitlyn should have been elated, ecstatic in being proved right all this time. But she was so tired. Pegging was one thing, fucking was another. Sure, to peg you need to thrust. With a dildo. Not your body. Pleasure had a nasty habit of sucking your strength. It could turn even the most seasoned muscles to jelly given enough time.


Not to mention, Caitlyn’s cock lacked the experience to stand up to Vi’s tight, grippy pussy. It squeezed the bloody life out of her. Again and again and again. With each moan. With each clench.


  “I… I think I’m going to cum again,” Caitlyn whispered.


Vi smiled. “Do it.”




  “Inside me. I want my pussy full of your cum.”


  “I should-”


  “It’ll feel better than any stupid orgasm.”


Caitlyn wanted to argue, but an orgasm could only be delayed so long. And her hips weren’t in any sort of mood to stop. So, she swallowed her pride.


Pleasure weighed on her. Heavier. Heavier. Heavier. Until she snapped. Her tip swelled, cum erupted, and her muscles gave out. Vi’s arms awaited her. Their gentle squeeze and her breasts’ soft embrace secured her as her mind melted.


A cock’s orgasm wasn’t necessarily stronger, but it demanded more of you. The cock contracted from tip to base and then some as it offloaded each burst of cum. Her balls tensed. And something within her clenched. Like a hand squeezing her insides. Pressure that spun her mind and washed everything that was or ever could be bad.


When she blew her loads, all that existed, all that mattered, was the tender love in Vi’s eyes and the embrace of her pussy around Caitlyn’s softening cock.


  “Let’s… stay like this. For a little while anyway,” Caitlyn whispered.


Vi kissed her. “Sure thing, cupcake.”


  “Maybe, a long while actually.”


Vi chuckled and kissed her deeper. Rougher. No, not rougher. More insistent. Like an out-of-place capitalisation. “We can stay like this forever.”




Forever might have been a stretch. Turns out, once the emotions simmer and the pleasure fades, the grip and never-ending warmth of a pussy are quite uncomfortable.


And boring.


Amongst tangled sheets, Vi was suckling on Caitlyn’s breast, eyes locked with hers. The pressure of her hot, wet mouth and the flicks of her self-assured tongue drew out a sharp pleasure. Jolts shot through her. The sounds they forced from her would have been embarrassing once. Now, they made her heart skip and her belly flutter as they brought about a smirk from Vi.


Such power in a simple expression. It dominated her. When it flashed, she shrunk and her cheeks flushed. As if she were a nervous virgin all over again. Vi did that. She made everything as exciting as if it were happening for the first time all over again.


Even she did nothing at all. Vi’s hands were idle, resting on Caitlyn’s hips, thumbs inches from her cock. The jolts flexed it. Vi knew that. The shaft pressed against her belly. Yet, she paid it no mind.


Cocks shared one thing in common with pussies; they were bloody needy. Ignore them for so much as a second and they’d throw a tantrum. Caitlyn’s groin felt as it would pop each time her cock flexed, each time it begged, and went unanswered.


  “P- Please,” Caitlyn whispered. “Stroke me, blow me, a- anything…”


Vi raised an eyebrow. Quick as a flash, she switched nipples, leaving Caitlyn’s areola red and sloppy. As Caitlyn reeled, Vi brushed her shaft with a glance of her fingertips. Expecting more, her cock heaved, only to rage when it was ignored.


Caitlyn whimpered. “Vi, please.” She squirmed, and the sheets wrapped around their feet further. “I’ll do anything.”


Vi lifted her head. Spit hung from her bottom lip. “There’s that word again. Anything. You sure you ready to handle anything, Cupcake?”


  “After taking on those whores out there, there isn’t anything I can’t handle.” Caitlyn’s cock heaved. She grabbed for it.


Vi smacked her hand away. “What if I want you to be my anal slut? Just anal. Not a single orgasm for you, until you earn it.”


  “Is that a joke? I could do that in my sleep. Go ahead.” Caitlyn spread her legs. “Use me.”


Vi forced her legs back down. She straddled Caitlyn. Her pussy pressed against the tip, radiating warmth in slow pulses. Leaning forward, Vi whispered against her lips. “For hours? Nothing but a stuffed ass and creampies for hours and hours. All for a little handjob?”


  “If that’s what it takes.”


  “And days? Huh?” At a plodding pace, Vi ground her pussy and down the shaft. “Could your cock take it? Desperate to burst. Day and night. With no relief in sight.”


Silence lingered over them. Wild mania sparked in Vi’s eyes like the shimmer of a firework. Her smirk warped into a grin.


Caitlyn’s composure cracked. “Fuck that!” she laughed. “No way, I’m not insane.”


Vi burst out laughing and rolled off of her. The smirk returned as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Her abs heaved and her breasts shook. “You’re a different kind of fun now! Had I tried that the first time we fucked, you might have actually gone along with it.” She abruptly sat up. “This new confidence is so damn sexy.”


As if to betray her, Caitlyn’s cheeks flushed. And if that wasn’t enough, her voice wavered. Even though she hardly felt nervous at all. How many compliments had she heard since arriving here alone? Hundreds? They should not affect her. “W- Well, do some- something about it then.”


Vi’s smirk dropped. “I need to fuck you.” She snatched the flask off the nightstand. “On your back. Spread those long, sexy fucking legs. I’m gonna need something to hold onto.”


  “Yes Ma’am,” Caitlyn said. It was supposed to sound sly and confident, but it came out more like a trembling whisper. Regardless, Caitlyn untangled herself from the sheets and lay on her back.


Vi tossed her head back and downed the potion. Her throat bulged with each mouthful and blue liquid trickled down her chin. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, unveiling a smirk. 


Caitlyn’s cock flexed of its own accord.


Light bubbled beneath the surface of Vi’s groin. Like warm putty, it warped, elongating into a shaft. Balls dropped beneath the shaft’s base. And the tip receded, revealing a pink head.


Compared to the others’, Vi’s was hardly a giant. Even less so compared to Caitlyn’s. But it was perfect all the same, for above it was the prettiest face in the world. One that set her heart a flutter no matter what.


Caitlyn opened her legs. “Don’t keep me waiting any longer.”


  “Don’t plan on it, cupcake.” Vi grasped the back of Caitlyn’s thighs, grabbed her own cock, and eased it inside Caitlyn’s ass.


After two days of inaction, Caitlyn found herself blessedly tight. Vi’s cock stole her breath. A moan escaped her lips. And for a single moment, Caitlyn forgot all she’d learned. A virgin once again, if only for a moment.


The moment Vi’s groin met her cheeks it all rushed back. Plus more. First hand experience confirmed a suspicion; pressure on the way out felt much better than on the way in. So, Caitlyn clenched her ass. Vi’s time with her would be perfect down to the stroke.


But Vi didn’t pull back. Instead, her hands fell to the v-shape of Caitlyn’s groin. A shuddered breath escaped her lips. “Tense again for me,” she whispered.


Caitlyn tensed. Vi’s cock felt twice as thick. She let the moan flow freely. Soft and pathetic; it brought out another, quieter one.


The muscle of the V bulged. Two lines pointed at her groin. 


Vi ran her thumbs down them. “Fuck~ You’re so damn hot, cupcake. How can you be so soft and so chiselled at the same time?” One of her hands whipped onto Caitlyn’s breast and squeezed until it bulged between her fingers. “Like… fuck…”


Awe sprakled in Vi’s eyes. They raised to meet hers. Love blossomed.


And something swelled within Caitlyn. A familiar feeling. Deep in her chest. Like a carnival balloon, it threatened to lift her away if she let it.


Caitlyn cradled Vi’s cheek and drew her in.


She’d felt it before.


Her lips locked with Vi’s. Soft and warm.


After months of marathons. Of crawling in the mud. Of breaking bones. Of nursing bruised muscles, swollen joints, and treacherous doubts.


Vi slipped her tongue in, and Caitlyn sucked it deeper.


Pain became but a memory on that stage.


Vi drew her cock back, Caitlyn clenched, and a husky moan broke their kiss. Caitlyn repaired it. Vi’s grip tightened.


On that mistake. Yet, a mistake that felt so good. So so good. The best pleasure she’d ever felt. She’d done it. She’d become an enforcer; a warrior of peace; a beacon of hope.


Vi’s groin crashed into Caitlyn’s cheeks, and her lips squished against hers, burying Caitlyn into the soft embrace of the mattress. Pleasure swirled in her belly. The best pleasure in the world.


It made the stage laughable in comparison.


  “I want you,” Caitlyn gasped.


Vi re-sealed their kiss, licked her teeth, and nipped her bottom lip. “You have me.” She drew back.


Caitlyn clenched. “Forever. I want you forever.”


Vi’s body trembled as she moaned.


  “As often as I can.” Caitlyn threw her arms around Vi and crushed her in a hug. “Even if that means giving everything up.”


A baffled look broke through Vi’s scrunched up, euphoric expression. Her thunderous, plodding pace didn’t falter. Although, it did lose a tad bit of power. “Th- That’s the sex talking, cupcake. You… You shouldn’t make hasty-”


Caitlyn clenched. Vi spluttered and buckled.


  “My mind is made.” Caitlyn wrapped her legs around Vi’s wasit, twisted, and rolled her onto her back. She planted her palms on her breasts, squeezed, and popped out her ass. With all her strength, she pounded Vi into the bed. Little by little, as her limp cock flailed, it hardened. Until it bounced rather than flailed.

Vi watched the tip with a glassy stare. “Okay, cupcake,” she mumbled. “Whatever you say.” Her arms flopped out either side of her, and her head bounced off the pillows. A grin plastered her lips.


Sweat trickled down Caitlyn’s forehead, but she ignored the mild discomfort. What was sex without a little irritation? Better than dead muscles or a ruined pussy. Vi’s smile made it all worthwhile.


Caitlyn couldn’t take her eyes of it. It took all her focus not to let her pace wander. To bounce her ass to a perfect, double-time rhythm. Vi’s tip slammed her g-spot on the upbeat, and Caitlyn clenched on the downbeat.


However, their moans held no respect for rhythm. They came and went as they pleased. Overlapping. Missing beats for phrases at a time only to return totally out of place. Quiet once and loud the next.


At least they weren’t a bad influence. Caitlyn’s orgasm reared its head at the start of a downbeat, as the walls of her ass squeezed the life out of Vi’s retreating cock.


Caitlyn trembled. “I’m gonna…”


  “Do it.”




  “I’ll take over, just do it. I need to see your cute little face get all loose and lazy. It…” Vi groaned. “It makes you look like such a fucking slut.”


Caitlyn's belly swelled. The tip of her cock flared. And the shaft felt as if it were like to burst. And then her body let go. Numbness washed over her as pleasure, localised in her tip, exploded. 


Thick, white ropes glazed Vi’s chest, face, and belly. Cum ran between the grooves of her abs, rolled off her bust, and dribbled from her chin. All while Caitlyn whimpered again and again and again.


Vi caught her the moment she began to fall, taking one last blast of cum to the bottom of her chin. Hugging Caitlyn, she pulled out, lay her on her side, and spooned her. Cum glued her putty tits and steel abs to Caitlyn’s back as Vi slipped back inside her.


And as if the pleasure couldn’t get any better, Vi reached around and stroked Caitlyn’s throbbing cock in synch with her slow, ploughing thrusts.


  “You’re… sticky,” Caitlyn managed to whisper.


  “And who’s fault is that?” Vi kissed her neck. “Now, shut up and moan. I can’t cum without a pretty moan to listen to.”


Caitlyn giggled, drew on her strength reserves, and moaned. Loud. Louder than the pleasure demanded. Strangely, that made the pleasure flare. Soon the volume matched the power of its source. Frantically, wildly, Caitlyn bucked against Vi’s cock.


Vi moaned through grit teeth as she slammed back against her. Wet squelches competed with the moans. The sheets tangled. The bedhead pounded the wall. The empty potion shattered on the carpet. The bedside table hopped here and there. And the frame squeaked above it all.


A dull pain pulsed in Caitlyn’s cheeks as Vi’s barrage assaulted them. It threatened another orgasm. How she’d missed her old, familliar friend. Caitlyn let go of all discipline. But as her cock was about to erupt again, everything froze.


Vi whimpered, buried her face in Caitlyn’s neck, and went limp. Warmth burrowed deep inside her ass. And then flowed back out, down her cheeks, and the inside of her thighs. Vi’s cock swelled and flexed. Her heart hammered Caitlyn’s back. Trembles plagued her.


Caitlyn giggled. “That good, huh?”


  “F- Fuck you,” Vi whispered.


Caitlyn laughed. “When I’ve got you? I don’t think so. Come on, let’s go find you some water and food, and we’ll go for another round. A third could be fun. But honestly, a day or two of just us-”


  “N- No, cupcake. I can’t…”


Caitlyn looked over her shoulder. Vi’s shoulders were slumped. Her eyes were heavy. Again and again, her head dipped only to right itself.


  “Huh…” Caitlyn eased her ass off Vi’s cock. “How far did you make it through the trial?”


Vi scowled. “Forty-five. It’s just…” Vi swallowed and took a deep breath. “I’ve been fucking all day and yesterday waiting for you. That was the end of my rope. Sorry, cupcake.” Vi flopped onto her back.


Caitlyn smiled. “Silly.” She kissed Vi’s forehead. “Don’t apologise, it’s fine. Let’s see how you’re feeling after a rest, okay?”






Vi huffed. “Okay.”


  “Good. I have something I need to do anyway. Getting it done earlier will be a relief honestly.”


  “Do you need me? I can… stay up… for a… a few more… more…” Vi’s eyes fluttered shut.


Caitlyn scooted off the bed and tucked Vi in. “This is something I need to do on my own, sweetheart.”




The moment Caitlyn opened the bedroom door, a wall of muffled noise struck her. Moans, curses, laughter, squeals, and groans. Dozens of over lapping voices accompanied by the wet slaps only cocks can make.


Yet, the hall was empty. Red carpet cushioned the souls of Caitlyn's feet as she hesitantly made her way towards the racket. Ahri, despite whatever mood she’d feigned, had no excuse to stay out of the action anymore. If she anywhere, it’d be admits the chaos.


They'll swarm me the moment I enter. Can't have that. Not yet anyway.


If only Ahri had mentioned where her clothes had gotten to. Caitlyn paused before a bend in the hall. Perhaps I should go back for the pajamas. She shook her head and pressed on. Clothes meant little to a determined whore, let alone fifty.


Walking with a cock was an odd, but curiously pleasant experience. When not needed, it shrunk to a third of its size. At Caitlyn's size that did little to stop the flopping. With each step it slapped her thighs. And it weighed on her like a strapon, but unlike a strapon, it pulled on her.


The way Caitlyn imagined large breasts must. If on a smaller scale.


Caitlyn entered the main chamber. Where she'd made Kayle cum. It was empty. Totally and completely.


She blinked three times. Dots of emotion bled through the walls, coupled in twos, threes, fours, and more. But separate.


It's a guessing game then.


Out the other side of the main chamber was yet another hall of doors. One sort of ecstasy dominated the room behind the first door. Love. It blazed like an iridescent inferno.


Perhaps Ahri is coupled with Akali. She's clearly her favorite. Even if she pretends otherwise.


Hoping to get lucky, Caitlyn opened the first door. And was proven wrong. A couple fucked on a feather bed in the center of the room decorated by leather tapestries and bone ornaments. Their skin was decidedly bronze.


One fucked the other into the bed spread eagle. Broad, bronze cheeks clapped as they plunged their cock balls deep inside their partner’s ass. When their cheeks spread it revealed a tight asshole. Perfect for ruining. Made to take her cum.


Caitlyn would have rushed to join in. But, the girl on top whimpered, clenched her cheeks, and wailed. Cum overflowed around her balls and glazed the other girl’s spread cheeks.


Silence lingered, filled only by their heavy breathing.


  “Fuck…” Caitlyn whispered. She tensed and clasped her hand over her mouth.


The girl on top looked over her shoulder. Nidalee beamed at her. “Friend Caitlyn!” She exclaimed.


Blue scales rippled over her bronze skin, and Nidalee turned into Neeko. Her ass remained just as fat and tight.


Beneath, the real Nidalee poked her head out. She smirked. “Well don't just stand there.”


Caitlyn flushed. “Sorry I didn't mean to intrude.”


  “With a cock like that you can intrude wherever you damn please. Now come take a turn.”


  “Why you?” Neeko pouted. “Neeko has been hard at work. I deserve a treat.”


  “I’d love to have you both.” Caitlyn took a deep breath and ignored her throbbing cock. “But I'm looking for Ahri. Do you know where she is?”


Disappointment flashed over Nidalee and Neeko’s faces.


  “Friend Ahri is in her office.”


  “The end of the hall.” Nidalee added.


Caitlyn nodded. “Thank you. Once I'm done, I promise I'll come join you.”


Nidalee smirked. “You better.”


Neeko cheered. Nidalee wrapped her legs around her waist, flipped them over, and plunged her fat cock into Neeko’s ass.


Caitlyn left them to their fun and shut the door on Neeko’s pitiful, whimpered moans. And the squelch of her ass.


Moans and groans echoed behind the other doors. Love, Thrill, and Euphoria blazed, twinkled, and raged like a kaleidoscope. The strength it took not to open every single one was unimaginable.


However, at a bend in the hall, Caitlyn's luck ran out. One door had been left a jar. Inside, was a huge king sized bed adorned with hand sewn quilts of blue and white. Dolls sat on top of a chest of draws. And lace decorated all.


Gwen and Sona sat in the middle of the bed, naked, and cock less. Their arms were wrapped around each other. Hands firmly squeezed huge ass cheeks. Giant, water melon breasts squished together. Lips locked in a sloppy kiss.


A potion sat beside them. Sona plucked it up, popped the cork, took a swig, and swallowed. The another and feed it to Gwen. Their groins glowed blue, flashed, and morphed into giant monster cocks.


Sona met Caitlyn's peeping eye and beckoned her with a finger. She squeezed Gwen’s ass, wrapped her plump lips around her fat nipple, and suckled. Gwen clutched her fists to her chest and moaned.


Gods what Caitlyn would have done to barge in there. But there wasn't time. No time at all. Well… maybe a few moments watching couldn't hurt.


Her hand wandered onto her cock. The tip throbbed against her palm. She squeezed it and was forced to swallow a moan.


Sona’s attention was off her. She lost herself in her work. Sucking Gwen’s fat tits and stroking their giant cocks together with both hands. Caitlyn matched her slow, casual pace.


  “S- Sona,” Gwen whimpered. Trembles quivered her body, her fat tits and thick thighs. “I love it.”


Sona pulled up. She spared Caitlyn a glance, but when she didn't enter, Sona kissed Gwen and pushed her onto the bed. She spread those thick, pillow thighs, readied her cock, and…


Caitlyn looked away. Gwen glasped and moaned. Caitlyn shut the door. There would be time for Gwen later.


Caitlyn hurried down the hall. A door awaited here at the end. Where the others were mahogany brown, this one was crimson red, adorned with a golden crest; a fox head surrounded by a spiral of nine tails. 


A door flew open. A dozen overlapped voices spilled out. The words muddled, but the tone was desperate. Seraphine backed out, hands raised apologetically. Gingerly, she closed the door.


Pink hair hung past her knees in tangles. A little crop top covered her small, round breasts. Frilly pink panties contained a tiny bud of a bulge. Otherwise, cumm glazed her petite, twig arms, slender thighs, and toned belly. And perfect, popstar face.


She smelled of sex. Of cock, sweat, and cum. And pussy.


Seraphine shut the door, pressed her back against it, and sighed. Only to stiffen at the sight of Caitlyn.


  “O- oh my! Sorry, Mistress Caitlyn! I didn't see you!” Seraphine exclaimed. Her frantic eyes darted up and down Caitlyn’s body. They froze on her cock.


Caitlyn smiled. “No worries, dear. Are you okay?”


Seraphine nodded and put on a weary, but genuine smile. Her eyes didn't leave Caitlyn’s cock.


Just walk by. It's right there. Not even two dozen strides away.


Hunger swam in Seraphine’s eyes. Hesitant hunger. She chewed her lip and glanced away, but every time her eyes returned.


  “What are you doing out here anyway, dear?” You hardly seem spent. A little sticky, maybe. But there’s a couple rounds left in you. Minimum.”


Seraphine blushed. “I have a recording session tomorrow. If they pound my throat anymore, it’ll be hard to talk, let alone sing. It’s an early rest and a shower for me.”


Caitlyn found herself standing over Seraphine. She towered a complete head over her. “So it's your voice that's the problem?” She planted a hand above Seraphine's head against the door. Her tip prodded her bare belly.

  “Y- Yes Ma’am.”


  “Nothing else?”


Seraphine shook her head. Gods her eyes were gorgeous. Blue like the ocean on a clear, summer afternoon.


Caitlyn stroked the star shaped tattoo under Seraphine’s eye. “Be a delight and turn around won't you?”


Seraphine glanced at Caitlyn’s cock, grinned, and nodded. She turned around. Her small, heart-shaped ass pressed against the bottom of Caitlyn's shaft. 


Warm. So bloody warm. And that was the outside.


Caitlyn glanced at Ahri’s door, cursed herself, and slipped Seraphine's panties off. They fell to her ankles. A puckered, pink asshole revealed itself. As well as an adorable pair of taught balls and a cock no larger than Caitlyn’s pinky.


  “Now, how is that you're not gaped?” Caitlyn prodded her tip against the hole. It resisted, pushing in, rather than yawning for her.


  “The girls were more interested in my mouth…” Seraphine said, breathless. Her cock flexed.


  “Lucky me.”


Seraphine giggled.


A good, solid thrust out and end to that. Seraphine’s ass gave way immediately. It warped around her tip and swallowed the shaft. Caitlyn touched her belly and followed the bulge past her belly button to the bottom of her ribs.


Seraphine spluttered, grunted, and let out a long drone of a moan. Caitlyn tried to swallow her own. It came out as a gasp.


  “So tight~”


  “So big…” Seraphine tossed her head back. “S- so fucking big! Ohhh~ Mistress, you're huge!”


Pride swelled in Caitlyn’s chest. Compliments… Gods she was so easy.


Caitlyn grabbed a hold of Seraphine's tiny waist and got to work plunging her ass. The rim was pulled in and pushed out with each long, slow thrust. Caitlyn wanted to go faster. To ruin. But the girl forbade her.


Like a vice, Seraphine's ass clenched Caitlyn’s cock, crushing her tip. Moans exploded from Caitlyn, spluttered and breathless.


Meanwhile, Seraphine's knees touched. She stood on tippy toes to provide the best angle. Even as her legs turned to jelly and her mind to mush – if the nonsensical ramblings were anything to go by.


How many creeps on the Internet must fantisise about this very scenario? Balls deep in the idol sensation Seraphine. And here Caitlyn was living the dream.


And what a dream it was. Gods, the girl was so cute. So small. So pretty. So tight.


Caitlyn mustered all her strength and fought Seraphine's grip. It took everything, but Caitlyn gave her the pounding she deserved. 


Their balls clapped. Seraphine's ass squelched and oozed precum. Caitlyn’s blue hair mixed with her pink. 


Pink like Vi’s. She needed to have them together. Seraphine was made for spit roasting and double penetrating.


Seraphine's legs gave out. But she weighed practically nothing, so it made little difference. Her ass clenched, her cock flexed, and her moans caught in her throat.


Cum painted the door. Half a dozen little squirts. Barely enough to fill a cup. Her smooth, soft cock limped. Along with the rest of her.


Oddly when her ass loosened, the pleasure soared. The freedom to fuck hard and fast skyrocketed Caitlyn's pleasure. Not a consistent tempo, wandering fingers, or a careful thumb. Just speed and power.


Caitlyn dug her thumbs into the dimples of Seraphine's back, leaned her forehead against the door, and blew a fat load. Seraphine's belly bloated. Cum gushed down her slender thighs and soaked her panties.


Caitlyn held her soft body against her toned muscles. Drinking in her femininity for as long as her orgasm permited.


Seraphine giggled. “Thank you for breeding me, Mistress. I love it.”


  “Don't mention it, dear.”


  “Next time, you can do my pussy. I- if you want that is.”


Caitlyn squeezed her small ass. “Consider that a promise.”


Seraphine nodded vigorously.


  “Wear those panties back to your room.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


  “Good girl.”


Caitlyn kissed her head, pulled out, and admired her work. A waterfall of cum gushed from Seraphine. It soaked the carpet and her panties.


Ignoring the moans beyond the door, Caitlyn marched down the hall, cum dribbling from her tip.


Caitlyn knocked three times.


  “Come in!” Ahri called. A shrill quality coloured her tone. Thrill pulsed from the room 


Cautiously, Caitlyn opened the door.


Of course, Ahri lacked anything for clothes. Her long, crimson nails dug into her fat breast. A grand desk blocked her bottom half, but not the redhead and blonde heads bobbing up and down.


Regardless, the gagging and splutters would have given them away.


Ahri sat up. “Th- that's enough girls.”


  “Oh no, don't let me interrupt.” Caitlyn said.


Miss Fortune and Zeri popped up.


Zeri gasped. “Is she joining us?”


  “She better.” Miss Fortune shot Caitlyn a sly smirk. “There's more than enough to go around.”


Ahri waved them off as if they were flies. “Out you two. Out. I'm sure you’ll find something to keep you busy.”


Zeri pouted. “But Mistress-”


  “I sense this is a private matter. Now, do as you're told.”


Miss Fortune grabbed her arm. “Come on darling. I hear Sona is hogging Gwen all to herself. Can't have that now, can we?”


Zeri huffed. “No… we can't.” She got up and stormed out. Miss Fortune sauntered after her and closed the door gently, but not without giving Caitlyn’s ass a crisp slap.


Ahri tucked her breasts back inside her crimson silks. “How can I help you dear?” She eyed Caitlyn’s dribbling tip with a curious satisfaction.


  “I’d like to make a request.”


  “Ah, but that ship sailed. Your request is to not be barred if you recall.”


  “That was my free request. This request is an exchange.”


Ahri’s fox ears fluttered. “Go on.”


  “You seduce all the members yourself, yes?”


  “That's correct.”


  “I’d like to help. In exchange, I am to be considered under your employ.”


Ahri's excitement tempered. A facade. Curiosity sharpened her eyes. “You want to be a whore?”


  “That's right.”


  “Excuse the break of rules, dear, but you're already an enforcer.”


  “I plan to quit.”


Ahri opened her mouth.


  “My reasons are my own.”


She closed it.


  “I won't fuck anyone in public. Or for free. If that wasn't clear.”


  “The hours can be long.”


Caitlyn nodded.


  “Such labor demands much of the body.”


  “My body has proven itself.”


  “That it has. However, it demands much of your time. You must be ready to answer its call at all hours. Rain or shine.”


Caitlyn grinned. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”


Ahri spread her fingers. “One more thing.” Blue light formed a flame on her finger tip. “I need an act of unconditional loyalty. This work is sensitive. Sometimes secret.” The light formed a fox head surrounded by a spiral of nine tails.


  “What do you have in mind?”




The gavel slammed cracked against the sound block like a gunshot. “All rise!” Judge Vermont boomed.


They rose as one. Yet their glares separated Caitlyn all the same. Her uniform clung to her like a drunk fool.


  “In regards to the counts of public indecency and conduct unbecoming of an officer. This court finds Caitlyn Kiramman guilty on all counts.”


Caitlyn went numb. It was what she wanted. No need to get flustered like an idiot.


  “She will pay a fee of 15,000 dollars to the state and her enforcer license is henceforth suspended indefinitely.”


It's what she wanted.


  “Additionally, the accused is barred from retaking the enforcer entrance course ever again.”


It's what she wanted.


Judge Vermont peered down at Caitlyn. Steel sharpened his wrinkled glare. Yet, Sympathy swam behind his eyes. “However, due to the accused’s cooperation and timely attendance of guilt, this court has chosen to show some mercy. These crimes will not be published on her public record or to the public. And she shall be spared the humiliation of a public apology.” He banged the gavel again. A party popper rather than a gunshot. “Court is dismissed. Ms Kiramman, please leave your uniform in the change room provided. Your former colleagues will collect it shortly.”


Caitlyn bowed her head. “Yes, your Honor.”


The glares followed her down the aisle. Venom and ice. None wandered. So boring.


Who should be waiting for her inside the change room but Ahri? She was lounging on a bench, cock flopped over thigh, breasts glazed. Two officers lay sprawled on the tiles. Their uniforms lay crumpled in piles.


Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. “I didn't know you fucked me.” She turned around.


Ahri unzipped her with a flick of a glowing finger. “You don't?”


Caitlyn shrugged free. “I fuck everyone. It's just there aren't any men in the club.” She stepped out of the officer's dress.


  “Not yet there isn't.”


Caitlyn spun around. “You don't mean…”


  “I do.” Ahri grinned. She flicked her finger. Caitlyn’s bra unclasped and fell away. “It's so perfect on you~”


A tattoo of a fox head surrounded by a spiral of nine tails branded the side of Caitlyn’s left breast. “What happens if a man drinks the potion?”


  “I don't intend to find out. I want more cocks in my midst, dear. It about time I stopped limiting it to futa cock.” She rose gracefully. Her silks spilled to the tiles. With a tender touch she slipped off Caitlyn's panties. “There isn't that better?”


Caitlyn slunk her arms around Ahri's hour glass waist. “Perfect.”


They shared a kiss. Soft. Warm. Tender. Ahri heart beat throbbed through her plump lips. And palms. And cock. It pressed flat against Caitlyn’s belly.  


  “For nostalgia’s sake?” Ahri whispered.


Caitlyn pecked her lips. “Not on your life. Let's celebrate with the others. Boss.


Ahri shrugged and turned on her heel. “As you wish. A warning, dear. You've kept them waiting quite a while. They're rather ravenous.”


  “Good. I wouldn't have it any other way.”


Ahri clapped her hands. The portal ring snapped into reality. Totally naked, hand in hand, Caitlyn ran into the portal and disappeared from Piltover without a trace.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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