Calamity In One Punch Man World

Chapter 47 – Preparing For The Exam

Hey uhh, just wanna say to u guys that


A City, Heroes Association HQ

3rd POV


In a room filled with well-dressed individuals, they discussed their organization's agenda. After the attack by an unknown monster, A City lay in ruins. Despite the destruction, they resolved to rebuild A City into a single building, transforming it into the headquarters of the Hero Association. The remnants of the monster attack would be repurposed as materials to fortify the base.


"Now, our next agenda item is the 55th Hero Certification Exam. The total number of candidates is..." The man in glasses spoke, pausing to glance at the girl with glasses.


"14,576, with the exam offered at six different venues. This marks an increase of more than 35% over the previous exam. Many have been inspired to become heroes after the appearance of the unknown monster, seeking vengeance for their loved ones," the girl in glasses reported. A sense of awe filled the room at this revelation. Suddenly, a man with a mustache spoke up.


"We mustn't be content with mere quantity. Even with more candidates, if the quality of the heroes is compromised, the numbers are meaningless..." All eyes turned to the monitor displaying the status of the newly accepted heroes. After a moment of silence, the man with a mustache continued.


"Therefore, we ought to be even more discerning during evaluations. I've also heard that a particular person of interest is taking the exam this time." The man with a mustache glanced at the girl in glasses.


"Yes, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it seems very likely. Furthermore, please take a look at these recommendation papers..." The girl in glasses distributed papers to all the participants, prompting gasps from the crowd.


"WHAT?! Recommendations from the top heroes?!" exclaimed a young man.


"Silver Fang, Tornado of Terror, and even Blast seem to favor this person..." the man with a mustache stated calmly.


"Being recommended by the top three heroes undoubtedly means this person is formidable," the young man marveled, still studying the papers. He continued, "It appears our Hero Association is about to become much stronger."


The room's atmosphere heightened with the revelation that an individual recommended by the top three heroes would be participating in the exam. Excitement filled the air as they decided to expedite the exam process in anticipation of meeting this exceptional candidate.



A Few Hours Ago

Z City, Saitama's Apartment


"Let's register!" Saitama spoke, glancing at the others in the room.


"Do we need to? Well, I don't mind, though," Rena replied.


"Genos, you haven't officially become my disciple, right? If you register, I'll accept you as my disciple," Saitama spoke, smiling. Excitement filled Genos, and he immediately said, "Then let's go!" Meanwhile, Rena could only sigh and acquiesce to their wishes.


"Ho? You guys gonna register as heroes?" Bang threw a small giggle at their conversation. "This old man feels happy that more strong people will protect the peace of this country. Though, I'll excuse myself first then. I have something to do," Bang spoke.


"Oh, you gonna go now, old man? Then bye, don't come again," Saitama spoke his thoughts.


"Hehe, you're cold, Saitama. I'll come again. Also," Bang glanced at Rena before opening the front door. "My decision is still the same, Resi- *cough*, I mean, Rena. Whenever you feel like you want to inherit my dojo, you know where to ask."


"No, no, Silver Fang-Sama. I feel happy with my current life. I don't think inheriting your dojo will make my life as happy as before," Rena replied, giving a wry smile to Bang.


"Is that so? Alright then. I'll excuse myself." Bang answered, then he went out.


"And he's gone... Anyway, let's go register now!" Saitama spoke.


"Ah, wait, I know someone who is also from the Hero Association. Since we're gonna register, I was thinking of telling her about it," Rena suddenly spoke, taking her phone out of her pocket.


"Oh, sure. Then Genos and I will look for the place to register while you tell her," Saitama replied, then returned to the monitor screen.


"Un!" Rena replied, then walked out of the room.




Forest Near C City


*bzzt* *bzzt*


"Hmm?" A green-haired girl noticed her phone ringing. Her name is Tatsumaki. She was in the middle of an expedition to purge a specific monster near C City. Emotionlessly purging the monster, Tatsumaki took out her phone with the other hand. After looking at the identity of the caller, Tatsumaki's face immediately brightened up. Freshening her voice, she answered the phone.


"cough cough, Yes?" Tatsumaki answered with a smile and a gentle voice, a complete 180-degree change from her previous demeanor.


"[Dear? Um...]" Rena spoke through the phone. Tatsumaki immediately blushed after hearing what Rena said. With a meek voice, she answered, "Yes?"


"[Um, my friend and I are going to register as a Hero soon. So I'm calling you to inform you about that.]" Rena explained through the phone.


"You're going to register as a hero?" Tatsumaki asked, showing a surprised face.


"[Yes. My friend and I.]" Rena answered.


"Your friend?..." Tatsumaki replied. Her face seemed to change when she heard Rena mention that.


"[Hmh? Yes?]" Rena answered again.


"Hmm... I see," Tatsumaki replied. Her tone somehow felt cold. She then continued, "Hmph, you can go ahead and register or whatever," Tatsumaki spoke, turning her head to the side.


"[Okay. Thanks, dear. I'll hang up now.]" Rena spoke, ending the call.


*tuut* *tuut*


After Rena ended the call, Tatsumaki still floated without moving, even though the call had ended. She then sighed and let out a small smile while pondering, 'Let me throw some words to those old geezers so they will treat Rena nicely...'




Z City, Saitama's Apartment


"Saitama, Genos, I'm done with the call. Have you guys found where the exam will be taken?" Rena spoke, walking back to them leisurely.


"Yeah, we have also finished. Ready to go?" Saitama replied.


"Yep, to the exam we go! Let's go!" Rena spoke, excitedly raising her hand.




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