Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Laboratory Kerfuffle (Spider-Verse)


Themes: F/F, Tentacle Sex, Dom/Sub

Summary: In which Spider-Woman, aka Gwen Stacy, is sneaking into the laboratory of Doc Ock, aka Dr. Olivia Octavius. Only, she finds herself caught and captured by the crazed villainess. Though... is all as it seems?


As she creeps through the ventilation shaft, Gwendolyn Stacy, aka Spider-Woman, does her absolute best to keep her noise to a minimum. If she gets caught here, she’s absolutely screwed, so best to continue going under the radar as much as possible.
Moving along on her way towards her ultimate destination, the webcrawler shimmies her way through the thankfully spacious vents. Everyone needed air conditioning after all, especially in a large building like this one, and she was all too willing to take advantage of that fact. Of course, the ventilation system can only take her so far before she reaches the laboratory she’s here to break into.
Seeing as the laboratory is high-tech, the vent system doesn’t actually connect to it properly… at least, not in a way that Gwen can take advantage of. Not when the vent goes from big enough for a person to go through, to suddenly being as tight as a copper pipe. No, she might be Spider-Woman, but that doesn’t mean she has the ability to transform INTO a spider. If only.
Dropping down out of the vent right in front of the laboratory door, Gwen looks left and right for a moment before pulling a round disc off of the small of her back. Then, she sets it against the door and lets the device get to work. There’s a brief moment where she holds her breath in anticipation… and then a ding as the door is outlined in green, signaling the masked heroine’s success.
Quietly hissing out her happiness, Gwen creeps into the quiet, dark lab. There are no lights on in here, but that’s okay. Her mask comes with night vision goggles, allowing her to make her way through the laboratory without bumping into anything or knocking anything over. She makes a beeline for her ultimate destination… a cabinet on the far side of the lab. That was where she’d find it. The evidence she’d come here for.
Holding the disc up, Gwen is about to place it on the cabinet to unlock it just like it unlocked the lab door… when her Spider Sense SCREAMS at her to jump out of the way. Just in time too, because if she hadn’t a pair of long robotic arms would have definitely grabbed hold of her.
“Well, well, well. Look what’s wandered into my laboratory. I hope you didn’t think I was just going to let you steal from me without a fight, little spider.”
Back flipping in order to dodge more grabs from the robotic arms, Gwen leaps up onto the ceiling, giving herself a bit of breathing room as she puts herself out of her opponent’s reach.
Down below, grinning up at her rather wickedly, is Dr. Olivia Octavius… aka, Doc Ock, aka Doctor Octopus. The woman was the CEO of Alchemax and a brilliant scientist besides, but she was also a super villain who utilized her advanced technology for all sorts of naughty things. With a four-armed harness hooked up to her spine, she basically gave herself four extra limbs… limbs that were VERY powerful and very dangerous.
Gwen could say that from experience and knew from experience that she did NOT want to let Olivia get her hands on her… biological or technological. If she did, the fight would be over in a second, that was for sure.
“Nice to see you again, Doc. But we both know the sort of things you’ve got in that cabinet can’t be left in your hands. Much too dangerous.”
Scoffing, the eight-limbed Doctor lifts herself up and strikes at Gwen again, forcing her to continue bouncing around the room, trying every tactic she has to get Olivia under wraps. Unfortunately, they’ve both fought each other a bunch at this point. They know each other’s every move by heart. Gwen can no more wrap Olivia in her webs then Olivia can grab her with her arms to end the fight.
They’re so evenly matched it would honestly be funny if not for the dire stakes of the situation. Still, the longer the fight goes on, the more fatigued they both get. On the one hand, Gwen has a superhuman constitution, meaning she SHOULD by all rights be able to go longer than Olivia in a physical confrontation. On the other hand, Olivia’s physicality is mechanical in nature, meaning her harness can go for as long as her MIND holds out, turning it into a mental confrontation from her end.
“Enough! You’ve pushed me to my limits, you brat!”
Once more on the ceiling, Gwen just lets out a slightly tired laugh.
“Yeah? Ready to throw in the towel and call it quits, Doc?”
She tries to keep the hopeful tone out of her voice but judging by the wicked grin on the villainess’ face, she doesn’t quite succeed.
“Oh… you’d like that wouldn’t you? But no… you’ve merely forced me to use my trump card.”
Gwen’s eyes widen as her Spider-Sense goes haywire even more than it did before. Suddenly, where she’s currently crouched on the ceiling is NOT safe. But as she tries to jump away… her Spider-Sense keeps blaring at her. Nowhere is safe. The reason for this becomes clear a moment later when the ceiling of Dr. Octavius’ laboratory comes alive. Unfolding and splitting open, a hundred different mechanical arms come flying out at once, all of them reaching for Gwen.
Even with all her speed, flexibility, and athleticism, Gwen can’t get away in time. What she’d thought was the safest place in the laboratory due to its high-up nature, had turned out to actually be a trap all along. One that it seemed Olivia hadn’t wanted to use… but in the end, it was like she’d said. Gwen forced her hand.
In a moment, Gwen is strung up in the center of the lab. Dangling upside down with her arms and legs spread outwards in an X, the masked heroine squeaks as she finds herself face to upside down face with her opponent. Sauntering up to her on her own two legs, Dr. Octavius has a wicked smile on her face, even as the ceiling arms remove Gwen’s web cannisters and effectively disarm her in a handful of seconds.
On top of that, whenever she seems like she’s about to break free, the arms simply get more numerous, until she’s being held in place and pulled in every direction at once by half a dozen of them. With her strength neutralized and there being no leverage to free herself, Gwen can’t do anything as she squirms in place helplessly. Finally, she gives Olivia a look.
“… S-Surely we can talk about this, Doctor. We’re both… reasonable women of science.”
Olivia lets out a peal of laughter at that.
“Oh? Talk? No… we’re not going to be talking, Spider-Woman. This is the last time you interfere with my work! I’m going to DESTROY you!”
Before Gwen can respond, Olivia snaps her fingers and more ceiling arms come down from above.
Gwen can only squawk as the crotch of her skintight costume is ripped away from her body, exposing her lower orifices in an instant.
“W-What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Teaching you what happens to little brats who constantly stick their nose where it doesn’t belong!”
Before Gwen can protest this treatment more vehemently, two of the ceiling ‘arms’ come down and penetrate her from above. Except they don’t feel like ‘arms’ right now… either Olivia has configured a few of the appendages in her lab ceiling to be more like dicks then hands… or she’s given them all the functionality to shift into a cock-like shape at the drop of a hat.
Whichever it is doesn’t really matter in that moment, at least not as far as Gwen is concerned. Certainly not when the end result is the same. She suddenly has several inches of slightly lubricated, cold hard metal in both her cunt and ass, filling up her pussy and bowels and making her squeal up a storm as she’s promptly defiled by the crazed scientist’s laboratory defenses.
“I wanted to save these; you know. I wanted them to be my last resort. But you just had to push me to this… so now they ARE my last resort, bitch! You’re not going to be CAPABLE of snooping around her ever again, not when I’m done with you!”
As Olivia cackles some more, Gwen can’t help but moan. The roughness is… actually kind of pleasurable. That’s not her fault though, to be fair. She’s got a superhuman body. Meaning that sex with most regular people just doesn’t DO it for her. Especially since Gwen actually LIKES it rough. She likes to be dominated. To be abused. To be taken advantage of. Not many people know that about her. But Olivia Octavius is getting some first hand knowledge right now, as Gwen’s moans fill the laboratory, her strung-up body shaking and shuddering under the sexual assault.
The mechanical ‘limbs’ buried in her twat and ass aren’t being at all gentle, but that’s perfectly okay because Gwen might LOOK like a normal young woman… she was anything but, however. As Spider-Woman, she was tougher even than most other metahumans. She was strong to the point that she often had to pull her punches against her opponents, just to avoid accidentally killing them. Even the tougher ones in fact.
So even as Olivia clearly has her ceiling appendages do their worst to her, Gwen is enjoying it far more than she should. Moaning up a storm, crying out in ecstasy… orgasming around the thick metal tentacles ravishing her holes.
“Yes… yes! You like that, don’t you bitch? Well we’ll see how you like another ten hours of it! Or perhaps twenty! Or forty, maybe!”
Gwen gurgles and mewls in response, causing Olivia to snicker… and finally step forward. Suddenly, Gwen is dropped towards the ground… only to be stopped a few feet above it, long before she would have hit her head. The tentacles holding her arms and legs apart as well as the ones in her ass and cunt remain, even as Gwen herself finds that she’s no longer eye level with her opponent… no, now she’s CROTCH level with the other woman.
Olivia’s own outfit folds away, revealing the brunette scientist’s naked body underneath as she runs her hands through her wild, untamed hair. Then, she reaches down and yanks Gwen’s mask off, revealing her true features. But the crazed doctor doesn’t stop to gasp over Gwen’s revealed secret identity or anything like that. She just grabs Gwen by her short blonde hair and yanks her face right up into her crotch.
“Lick it.”
Dr. Octavius’ tone leaves absolutely zero room for argument as she forces Gwen’s face into her cunt. Upside down, still being soundly fucked by the ceiling tentacles, Gwen can’t do anything but obey in the end. With a muffled whimper, the exposed Spider-Woman begins to eat out the villainess, her tongue licking at Olivia’s pussy before diving deeper in when the scientist gets more and more insistent.
“That’s it. That’s a good girl. Yesss… submit. Surrender to your Mistress. Give in to the inevitability of your defeat~”
Gwen flushes but does as she’s told, egged on by Olivia’s enthusiasm and eagerness to dominate and conquer her. For a time, that’s all that happens… she eats out the villainess, while in turn, Doc Ock’s metal appendages fuck her silly from above. Until suddenly, Olivia has the one in Gwen’s cunt pull back, leaving her pussy woefully unoccupied.
Not for long though. Olivia’s actual fingers replace the tentacle after a moment, and she begins to piston two digits in and out of Gwen’s cunt, even as her other hand continues to force Gwen’s face into her crotch.
“Take it, bitch. Take my fucking fingers. You like that? This is the cost of defeat. This is the price of failure. You’re not Spider-Woman anymore… you’re my own personal Spider-Slut. My very own Spider-Carpetmuncher! Don’t stop! FUCK YES!”
With a howl, Olivia proceeds to cum explosively all over Gwen’s face. She squirts as she climaxes heavily, her pussy juices flooding into Gwen’s mouth and then down into her upside down nostrils as well. The blonde is in serious danger of drowning for a moment, before Olivia yanks her head back, allowing Gwen to cough and hack and sneeze out the fluids in her nose.
“Well bitch? Not much of a fight in you now, is there? I’d say you’ve learned your place…”
“… -ore…”
“Hm? What was that?”
“… M-More… please…”
“Ohohoho! That can be arranged~”
Olivia transitions from two fingers to using her whole damn fist on Gwen’s cunt after that. And she shoves the defeated heroine’s face back into her crotch as well, forcing Gwen to return to eating out her Mistress. She even goes as far as to lean in and bite at Gwen’s clit, gnawing at it with her teeth in a way that can’t hurt the superhuman girl, but definitely feels AMAZING as she climaxes over and over again for the older woman.
Time flies by, hours passing like this. Gwen loses all track of anything but the pleasure of the moment… the pleasure of defeat, just like Olivia said. At some point, she’s let down from midair. At some point she’s not even restrained. She’s just kneeling there naked on her hands and knees in front of her Mistress, eating Olivia out for the umpteenth time. She licks the other woman’s cunt through so many orgasms that even Gwen’s jaw starts to ache a little bit… but she doesn’t care. It’s worth it. It’s all worth it.
Until finally, Olivia drags Gwen by her hair into a room just off the side of the laboratory and tosses Gwen’s naked, used and abused body into the shower that rests there. Gwen catches herself against the far shower wall, even as hot water crashes down on her from above. Then, before she can push off the wall… a pair of loving arms wraps around her, a pair of naked familiar tits pressing into her back as her wife hugs her from behind.
“That’s my win, Gwendolyn. What does that make it now? Forty-Nine to… Two, I think?”
Groaning, Gwen leans back into Olivia’s body, letting the other woman manhandle her under the shower and begins to wash her up. She doesn’t fight it; she doesn’t try and stop it… because why would she? Olivia Octavius is her wife. The two of them are in fact married, though neither of them has taken the other’s last name.
And all of this? Well, all of this was just a little roleplay they did from time to time. With Gwen trying to break into Olivia’s lab… and Olivia trying to stop her. Needless to say, in stark contrast to her otherwise stellar track record as a heroine of New York City, Gwen lost most of the time.
Just the way she liked it~


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