Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Anything for Magic (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)


Themes: Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Prostitution

Summary: Frieren and her party find themselves bereft of funds due to Frieren's egregious spending habits. When a nobleman finds out she's in the city, he makes her an offer she simply can't refuse.


“Honestly, I can hardly believe my luck! I’ve always wanted to fuck an elf, but little did I know that when I finally got the opportunity, it would be THE elf! Frieren the Mage of the famous Hero Party who defeated the Demon King so very long ago! Ah… this is the best!”
Humans really were strange, weren’t they? Just when Frieren thought she might finally be beginning to understand humans, something like this happened that made her have to rethink everything she believed she knew about the species. Seriously, paying money for sex? Who even thought of something like that?
Well… this man did, obviously. Equally obviously, she was here in the master bedroom of his estate because Frieren had ultimately decided to agree to his terms.
She hadn’t been planning on it initially, of course. When they’d first arrived in the city and realized that they were once again out of funds, her and her new party of traveling companions hadn’t been entirely sure what they were going to do. There had also been some finger pointing and uncalled for name-calling in Frieren’s humble opinion.
So what if she bought every magical artifact and potion that the group came across?! That didn’t make her spending ‘careless’. And even if the magic items and potions she spent their shared money on turned out to be less than useful in combat situations, that didn’t make them shady either! All magic was interesting to someone such as her. When you lived to be a thousand years old, every new spell and every piece of magic you’d never seen before was worth checking out.
… Which was sort of what led her to here. Apparently, while they were trying to figure out a way to obtain more funds so they could resume their journey to the North, a nobleman of no small stature had found out there was an elf in the city and had shown up outside of their tavern to offer her and her party a rather large sum of coin for the chance to fuck her.
To their credit, as much as they clearly wanted the money, none of her groupmates had actually tried to pressure her into just accepting the deal right then and there. If they had, Frieren would have had to reconsider her association with them. And honestly, the thought of giving this stranger her body even just for a night had Frieren hesitant at first.
But then, seemingly knowing more about her than the white-haired elven mage would have thought, the nobleman had sweetened the deal and offered Frieren one of his rare grimoires containing a new piece of magic… the spell for peeling the shell off of boiled eggs in a single go.
And thus did Frieren find herself agreeing to his terms, only to be carried away by his carriage. Now here she was in the man’s bedroom, with the man himself looking at her eagerly and expectantly. Frieren, meanwhile, eyes the grimoire he’d given her for confirmation one more time before nodding. It was what he said it was and that meant she had to have it. But since she was no thief, there was only one way to obtain it.
“Very well. Where do we begin?”
Swallowing thickly, the nobleman hums for a moment… before shrugging.
“W-Well… I thought you could start by getting on your knees and sucking me off in just your underwear?”
Disgusting… but fine. Frieren rolls her eyes but proceeds to remove her cloak and then dress with little fanfare. Seeing this, the nobleman hastily disrobes as well, pulling down his pants to free his rising human cock. He only gets harder and more erect as he gets to see more and more of her, until Frieren is dressed in nothing but her bra and her panties.
Sitting on the edge of the bed expectantly, he watches her approach with a giddiness that usually only shows up in children. Frieren resists the urge to roll her eyes again and instead gets down to business. Kneeling down between his legs, she opens wide and takes his cock into her mouth, wrinkling her nose a little bit at the taste.
Nevertheless, she begins to bob up and down his member, sucking his dick just as he’d asked of her. For the grimoire… and enough money to satisfy the rest of her party, she would just have to bear with this and do as he wanted. It was for a good cause, in the end.
Of course, just as she’s thinking that, the nobleman groans appreciatively… and then reaches down and grabs her by her pigtails. Frieren’s green eyes flick up to his face in annoyance. Her white hair is done up in two pigtails, a common enough ancient elven hairstyle. But she’s never had anyone be so forward before. Just what is he-?
“Ooooh! I’m sorry Mage Frieren, but I can’t hold back!”
Frieren’s eyes widen as his grip on her pigtails firms up and he suddenly starts thrusting forward and driving her down onto his cock at the same time.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
He’s… he’s acting like her face is her cunt or something! He’s fucking her mouth like one might fuck a woman’s sex! It’s entirely intolerable and annoying… but Frieren just thinks of the grimoire and that spell that would allow her to peel the shell off of a batch of boiled eggs in one go and puts up with it.
As much as her instincts scream at her to cast a spell that will teach this nobleman not to take such liberties with her… she refrains. Instead, she keeps her hands in her lap where they curl up into fists as she’s forced to endure the subsequent face fucking and throat fucking from the nobleman who’s purchased her body for the evening. She doesn’t even know his name… but then, that’s probably for the best.
“Frieren… your mouth and throat feel so good! I’m getting close… nay… I’m cumming!”
That’s all the warning she gets before a load of human seed is subsequently discharged down her throat. With his hands firmly on the base of her pigtails, he buried her face in his crotch, forcing her nose into his untamed pubes and her chin up against his sweaty, churning balls. Frieren chokes on his cum of course, but also does her best to swallow it all, not wanting to make a mess… or rather, not wanting to make a mess of HERSELF more than anything.
This situation was already embarrassing enough as it was without her winding up further humiliated by having his seed staining her face or body. And so Frieren focuses on swallowing every last drop to the detriment of everything else.
As such, she’s not able to properly regain her bearings before the nobleman picks her petite body up and throws her onto the bed. Her eyes widen as the breath is expelled from her lungs, but he just cackles as he climbs on after her and quickly begins removing her underwear like a child opening a wrapped present. He hastily pulls off her bra and panties, leaving her nearly flat chest and hairless pussy on display.
Licking his lips as he gazes at her body in wonder, the nobleman barely hesitates. His cock, still rock hard and throbbing despite Frieren’s expectations that he would need some time to recover, slaps down on her cunt for half a moment before he’s able to line up properly and plunge his entire length into her tight, slick pussy.
Frieren gasps at the penetration. She’s never done it with a human before, admittedly. Perhaps this was part of learning what humans were really like and bonding further with the short-lived race? Still… the way he was having sex with her certainly lined up with a human’s frantically lived life. He doesn’t hold back for even a moment. He doesn’t take his time exploring her body… no, he just dives right in.
This includes immediately latching onto her small bust, grabbing her modest bosom and squeezing it in his hands. Not that she has enough on either side of her chest to constitute even half a handful, but that doesn’t stop the nobleman from going to town on her tiny tits, even leaning forward to slobber and suck and slurp at her breasts as he pistons his prick in and out of her pussy at breakneck speeds.
She’s never been treated so roughly before. But of course, she’s an elf and they don’t only age slower than humans, they’re also just plain tougher. It’s a lesser known aspect of their physiology, since it’s commonly accepted that dwarves are the toughest race. But elves are plenty tough too and Frieren is tougher than any human girl of her body type and stature would be.
As such, it’s not really a problem that the nobleman is being so rough with her… only that he’s going so hard and so fast that Frieren is convinced he’ll blow his load any second. And to have him cum inside of her… well, that’s NOT part of the deal.
Reaching up and grabbing him by the arms, Frieren forces the man to focus on her for a moment, even as he fucks her into his bed.
“Not inside. You are not to cum inside of me. Understood?”
This causes a frown to spread across his face and for a moment she wonders if she’ll have to force him off of her with her magic. But rather than argue with her, he slows down a bit… and then pulls out of her altogether. The Elven Mage is confused by this for a moment… until she feels the tip of his bulbous human dick prodding at her butt, causing her eyes to widen again in disbelief.
“No! That hole is forbidden.”
Now he looks downright dejected, like a particularly sad puppy. Of course, Frieren is unmoved by his pouting. She will not allow anyone to have their way with her butt. That’s not only unclean, but it’s also just… wrong. Suddenly though, the nobleman’s eyes light up and his frown morphs into a grin.
“Are you sure, my dear? Can I not persuade you to reconsider?”
“Absolutely not. I-!”
“Not even for another grimoire with a spell I’m SURE you don’t already have in your repertoire?”
That brings Frieren pause. One new spell was amazing, but two new spells?!
“… What sort of spell?”
“Oh, quite a unique piece of magic, my dear mage. Quite unique indeed. I have in my possession a grimoire containing a truly legendary spell.”
“Get on with it! What does it DO?!”
“It trims your nails to the perfect length!”
Frieren’s eyes widen at that… and a moment later she rolls over and lifts her pert posterior into the air, not hesitating for even a moment to wiggle her ass at him.
“Very well. In exchange for that grimoire, you may claim my anal virginity.”
The nobleman crows in victorious delight and grabs her by her hips with both hands. A moment later and he’s pushing his cockhead into her puckered anus. Frieren grimaces at the discomfort, wincing in pain… but there’s nothing to be done. She can’t pass up a grimoire like that. He’s right after all. That really is a unique piece of magic, one that she’s never come across before. And if she doesn’t snag it now, she might never get the chance ever again!
Unfortunately, that doesn’t make her first time experiencing anal sex feel any better. She’ll just have to suffer through the indignation, humiliation, and discomfort until he’s finally-
Frieren’s eyes widen as the nobleman, as impulsive and reckless and oh so human as ever, reaches out and grabs hold of her long, quintessentially elven ears. Groaning as he buries his cock in her ass, he then proceeds to give her ears a tug… something that makes her squeal for a moment before she’s able to clap a hand over her mouth and cut herself off.
“Fuuuuck… your ass is so tight, Mage Frieren! And your ears… they’re so soft! I’ve always wanted to do something like this! To fuck an elf in the ass from behind while tugging on their ears. It’s so damn good! Take it, Frieren! Take my big fat cock up your tight little asshole!”
Under ordinary circumstances, she would have told him off for such crass language. It was incredibly degrading, after all. But these are no ordinary circumstances, because the nobleman has just stumbled upon a carefully guarded elven secret. Their incredibly sensitive ears.
It was considered taboo even within elven culture to touch another elf’s ears. And given most elves would attack you if you tried to touch them, even humans and dwarves knew not to fuck with them either.
But in this moment, the nobleman has let his fantasies get the better of him. And in turn, his recklessness is letting him get the better of Frieren. Elf ears are so sensitive they might as well be erogenous zones. And so, the pleasure from him tugging on her ears quickly overtakes and then fully overwhelms the pain and discomfort from having him fuck her ass.
In no time at all, Frieren is making a very silly expression, one that would have shocked those she traveled with both in the past and in the present if they could have seen it. Her eyes crossed, her tongue hanging out of her mouth somewhat cutely, the elven mage can do nothing but squeal as she cums from being butt fucked and having her long elven ears pulled.
The nobleman groans in appreciation at this fact, her asshole tightening and flexing around his cock as she squirts all over the bed. Shuddering and shaking her way through orgasm after shameful and humiliating orgasm, Frieren loses track of how many times she cums because the damn human is pulling her ears while he plunders her anus.
Until finally, it’s over. He unleashes his load inside of her butt, filling her bowels to the brim with his seed. Frieren is just glad it’s done… until he lets out a heartfelt groan and then passes out on top of her, trapping her underneath him.
The nobleman isn’t TOO fat. If he were, she probably would have said no even with the promise of new magic. However, he is also not very skinny. In fact, despite being far from obese, the human is still easily twice Frieren’s size given her petite stature.
And so, given she’s not physically strong enough to get out, she’s left stuck under him all night long… and with the unpleasant sensations of his cock in her ass and his seed in her bowels to boot. And not even some unconscious stroking of her ears to offset the sensation either!
Grumbling, Frieren can only console herself with the reminder that she’s getting some interesting spells out of this at least. So there’s always that.


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