Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Comeuppance Pt. 2 (Palworld)


Themes: Dom/Sub, Defeated, Mind Break

Summary: Lily suffers the same fate as Zoe and learns the folly of her beliefs the hard way.


Lily Everhart groans as she slowly comes regains consciousness to the sounds of… machinery? Conveyor belts? The excited cries of Pals? The leader of the Free Pal Alliance furrows her brow and frowns slightly, not quite awake yet as she tries to work past her grogginess and remember what happened. When it finally hits her, when the memories of what had occurred before she’d woken up here finally return, Lily’s eyes snap open in horror.
She’d been in meditating at the Tower her faction had secured up near the top of the Frostbound Mountains on the nature of Human-Pal relations. Despite all of her efforts to free Pals from the abuses and deprivations of humanity, Lily had been starting to feel like the cause was hopeless. Or maybe that they were going about it all the wrong way. She’d been considering the merits of potentially researching creating a tincture that might give Pals the ability to wield Spheres and use them on humans when the Tower had been invaded.
The man who’d intruded upon her meditation had been alone without even a Pal by his side. But he’d also been wearing incredibly advanced looking white armor, with a metal visor that had hidden his eyes.
Lily and her Lyleen had been ready to fight of course… but the man had taken one contemptuous look at the two of them and then thrown a purple sphere at Lily’s Lyleen before either of them could react. Lily had never used a Sphere on Lyleen before. Instead, she relied on the bond they shared as friends and equals… as partners.
The result was, Lyleen was technically an untamed Pal… and thus vulnerable to Spheres. Lily had been as shocked as her companion when the Sphere had swallowed Lyleen up and dropped Lily unceremoniously to the ground. But then, before Lily herself could do much more than scream for her partner, a second Sphere had been thrown at HER face too… and darkness had been all she knew from that point on.
She almost wished darkness was still all she knew, because when Lily finally opens her eyes, it’s to a horrifying sight. In front of her is an entire fortress filled with Pal Suffering. Pals Lily has never even had the privilege of meeting before have been put to work on all numbers of projects, from building spheres to crafting ammo to farming stone and lumber.
“Oh good, finally, nngh, awake bitch.”
Huh? Lily blinks and tries to turn her head, only to realize the position she finds herself in. Number one, she’s been stripped naked. Number two, she’s been stuck in a pillory, with metal binds around her neck and wrists to force her into a bent over position and lock her in place. And number three, something has been attached to her breasts, a pair of suction cups that are out of her field of vision but connected to tubes that very much ARE in her field of vision.
It turns out the owner of the voice is also slightly in her field of vision. Lily can’t turn her head, but she can look to the side enough to see another girl’s face. She knows her on sight. One of the Syndicate’s leaders. Zoe Rayne.
Except, Zoe is in the same situation Lily is in. Bent over, pilloried, and with a pair of suction cups attached to her tits. Also, something is making Zoe rock back and forth a bit, a constant motion that Lily doesn’t quite understand.
“H-Heh, yeah… me. Don’t know why you’re so upset though, bitch. You should be g-grateful… he, ah, left your Lyleen alive a-at least.”
“Master already, mm, had about a dozen Grizzbolt… so he didn’t need m-mine, ah…”
Lyleen? Alive? Following Zoe’s gaze, Lily is able to find her Lyleen among the madness of the base. There, off to the side, the Plant-Type Pal is overlooking rows of Lettuce and Tomato Plantations with a serene expression on her face. Lily’s partner looks almost happy, actually… b-but it has to be a lie of course. It’s all because of the Sphere! It’s messing with Lyleen’s mind! And it’ll mess with Lily’s too if she doesn’t fight it!
“This… this will not stand! T-The Free Pal Alliance will come for me! They won’t let this monument to the evil of humanity remain for long!”
“Hah! You stupid bitch… you never figured it out?”
What? Lily side-eyes Zoe, confused. The other woman grins wickedly at her.
“You’re the only member of your stupid Alliance that actually believes your own tripe. The rest are just hypocrites who do all the same things we, nnngh, in the Syndicate d-did. T-They just like to p-pretend they have the moral high ground.”
What? That was nonsense. What was Zoe talking about? Except… doubt worms its way into Lily’s mind. Ever since she and the Alliance had started having to pay the PIDF to protect the three Nature Wildlife Sanctuaries from poachers, they’d been struggling to get by. But her subordinates all assured her that they were making plenty of money by raiding Syndicate Bases and it would all be just fine. She’d wondered at some of the sums of coin they were bringing in though…
No! This was all a ploy!
“S-Shut up! I’m not g-going to believe your lies!”
Zoe just huffs, before letting out a sudden wanton moan. Lily’s eyes widen as she belatedly realizes what’s happening to the other pilloried girl… she’s having intercourse. Someone is fucking her from behind… while at the same time she’s being milked by the machine she’s hooked up to. Lily gapes in shock at this discovery, but that’s far from the last horrifying bombshell she’s in for.
“Nnngh… d-don’t believe me? W-Why don’t you ask them yourself?”
“H-Heh, you’re right… this place is t-too lucrative for the F-Free Pal Alliance to, mm, ignore… but t-that doesn’t mean they’ve been successful.”
This time when Lily follows Zoe’s gaze, she jolts in shock when she realizes what she’d missed at first. It’s not just Pals that are working on the Assembly Lines. There are also a bunch of humans… also captured in Spheres judging by the way they’re working. There are Syndicate Thugs, there are PIDF Guards, there are even armored goons from the PAL Genetic Research Unit. And among them, there are also Lily’s own soldiers, Free Pal Alliance members in their signature white robes.
They’ve been avoiding her attention so far, but now… she meets the eyes of one of them and he looks pained for a moment before eventually shrugging.
“Sorry boss, but what were we supposed to do? We told you that we couldn’t afford to pay the PIDF to protect those sanctuaries of yours, but you told us to get it done anyways. So we did… only, ain’t much money in hitting the Syndicate Camps. They’re on just as much of a shoestring budget as we are. And frankly, lot more dangerous to go up against humans with guns then it is to catch some Pals and sell them for some quick coin. Just… trying to keep you happy, ma’am.”
No… no, no, no. There was just no way. It couldn’t be true. This had to be a lie. Lily-
“Oh fuck yesssss~”
Jerking in her bondage, Lily looks over to see Zoe’s eyes rolling back in her head as she lets out a particularly loud gurgling moan. Then, much to Lily’s shock, the pillory that the Syndicate Boss is locked in suddenly opens up and Zoe is able to reach down and detach the milking machine from her breasts. For a moment she leaves Lily’s view and Lily thinks she hears some faint sucking noises… then, Zoe appears again, walking around in front of her.
That’s when Lily sees the small baby bump. It’s barely noticeable, but with Lily bent over and it right in front of her face, it’s pretty much impossible to miss. Zoe smirks at her, hands on her hips as Lily feels a different pair of hands suddenly on HER hips.
“That’s our owner, by the way. The one who captured you and your Lyleen. You belong to him now, bitch. Just like I do. Just like everyone here does. Better get used to it.”
Lily squeaks as she feels the tip of what can only be a p-penis at her entrance.
“W-Wait! I’ve n-never had-!”
And then he’s inside of her with a single grunt and not one word. Lily squeaks, eyes widen as she’s taken for the first time in her life. Zoe just laughs as she’s fucked from behind.
“Never had sex before? Well get used to it, bitch. Women are in short supply here in the Palpagos Islands. Frankly, we might be the only two human cunts around. You know what that makes us?”
Lily is barely listening, staring straight forward with wide eyes as she whimpers with each thrust from… from her new owner’s member. Zoe has to reach down and grab her chin to make her pay attention in the end.
“Makes us the Master’s own personal Sexpals, understood? We’re his bitches now. His property. He can do whatever he wants with us because we belong to him. Got it?”
Lily whines as Zoe forces her to nod her head up and down with the grip she has on her jaw. She does not ‘got it’! This… this is wrong! Especially because…
“W-Why am I in a pillory and hooked up to a milking machine t-though?! I’m not even p-pregnant!”
Not yet anyways. As if reading her mind, Zoe laughs.
“Not yet! But don’t worry, as Master’s newest toy, he’ll knock you up soon enough. As for why you’re pilloried… because I told our owner you’d like that sort of thing you kinky bitch.”
“Don’t try to deny it. You wanted this, didn’t you?”
“What?! N-No! Why would I ever want this?!”
Even if the cock inside of her was feeling rather good… n-no! That was just the Sphere talking! Lily had to fight it! She had to fight the pleasure!
“Look around you, bitch. This is everything you ever claimed to desire. Humans and Pals working together side by side. None of them above the others… except for one. Except for our God.”
That was… grotesque. Clearly the Sphere Influence had already gotten to Zoe. The former Syndicate Leader has an almost reverent look on her face as she speaks. She means every word; Lily realizes in horror.
“Don’t pretend like you’ve never been tempted to stuff yourself into a Sphere and give yourself over to a Pal or something.”
Lily’s eyes widen at the accusation, making Zoe laugh.
“Hah! You totally have! Bet if you could, you would have stuffed yourself and every last one of your shitty little Alliance into spheres and sold all of your people into slavery, wouldn’t you have?”
Lily whines as she continues to receive the dicking of a lifetime from behind. Those of her Free Pal Alliance working on the Assembly Lines are now looking at her with faint accusation on their faces. Finally, she snaps.
“A-And so what if I w-was?! It would be no less t-than we d-deserve! Us humans… w-we’re the real monsters here in the Palpagos Islands! We S-SHOULD be owned by Pals!”
Zoe suddenly drops to her knees in front of Lily and cups her face in her hands.
“Then you’re in luck bitch… because I’m half-convinced our owner isn’t human.”
“He’s just too fucking good. Too fucking smart. Too fucking quick. He’s probably part Pal, I think.”
That… that was… Lily finds herself imagining it… and much to her shame, moaning in wanton arousal at the idea. There are plenty of humanoid Pals out there of course. And that armor her assailant had been wearing in the Tower was pretty all-encompassing. Could he be an undiscovered Pal? The thought brings a smile to Lily’s face as she pictures it… it would be so, so perfect. It would-
“Hah! Look at you, you dumb bitch! You actually believe me for a second!”
Lily’s smile drops as Zoe rises back to her feet, cackling like a hyena.
“S-Seriously?! You bought that load of shit?! Nah, you stupid cunt. He’s human alright. And it’s like you said… he’s the biggest monster on these islands. But don’t fret… we belong to him now. So there’s no point in worrying your pretty little head anymore.”
It’s in that moment that Lily’s mind finally starts to snap. It’s just too much in too short of a period of time. One thing after another, really. She can’t… she isn’t… she’s not built for this. And so she breaks. Her eyes grow vacant, her jaw goes slack, her mind goes blank. She stops worrying about any of it.
Her new owner keeps fucking her, of course. She’s not pregnant yet, so there’s no milk for the milking machine to actually pull from her breasts but that doesn’t stop Zoe from turning it on anyways, making the experience even more horrifyingly pleasurable for Lily. Once she stops fighting it, she cums multiple times upon her owner’s big fat cock. There’s the initial pain from losing her virginity, but then it starts feeling good. Sinfully good.
And Lily… Lily just doesn’t have the strength to fight it anymore. What’s the point? Her own people have betrayed her. Even her Lyleen had betrayed her, not that it was the Pal’s fault. And it’s obvious Lily has no hope of escape, nor being rescued. Her people who try will either wind up being slaughtered or working the Assembly Lines like those who came before them.
So… why not just give in? Eventually, he’s done. Eventually, her new Master finishes inside of her, cumming and filling her womb to the brim after bringing her to who knew how many orgasms. At which point, she’s released from the pillory and unhooked from the milking machine. Dropping to her knees as his cum seeps out of her, Lily gets a good look at her new owner as he shows her his messy cock. Zoe is right. He’s one hundred percent human. But it doesn’t matter.
Lily leans forward and dutifully sucks him clean, too broken to do anything else. Zoe hugs into his side, rubbing herself against him.
“Shit, she broke way faster than I did. What a dumb bitch.”
Their owner spanks Zoe for her words, making the pink-haired punk girl pout as she rubs at her ass cheek. But Lily isn’t paying any attention. She just sucks the Master’s cock clean and then leans back as he pulls out of her mouth and walks away. Zoe stares down at her for a moment before following after him.
Then, much to Lily’s surprise… Lyleen comes over and pulls Lily up into her arms. Lily finds herself pulled over to the farming area, realizing belatedly that she wouldn’t have to worry about her vegetarian diet being infringed because her owner apparently only fed his entire base Salads of all things. Still, under Lyleen’s guidance, Lily begins to plant, water, and gather the lettuce and tomatoes.
There she remains until or whenever her Master wants to fuck her. And though she’ll never be the same, Lily Everhart is… content with her new lot in life. It might not be what she wanted. But nevertheless, she’s right where she belongs.


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