Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Corporate Espionage (Starfield)

Free Write

Themes: Mind Control, Unaware Sex, Free Use

Summary: Ularu Chen has done it. She's successfully managed to coup her superior, Masako Imada, resulting in her becoming the new CEO of Ryujin Industries. And she couldn't have done it without her Senior Operative, Cameron Beckett. So when he stops by to visit her in her office... well, she's not going to turn him away, now is she?


Sitting behind her desk in her new, much more spacious office, Ularu Chen lets a smile spread across her face. She’d done it. She’d actually done it. It had been three days since the Board Meeting where she’d ousted Masako Imada as CEO and taken her job for herself. And yet, even now the look of helpless, impotent outrage on the other woman’s face made Ularu happier than anything else in the universe.
Well, not as happy as actually BEING CEO of Ryujin Industries, of course. The promotion had been a long, LONG time coming. Ularu had always been the ambitious sort. Some might say to a fault, but not Ularu. She didn’t believe in that sort of thing. Ambition was what made the universe go round. And she had enough of it in spades.
Frankly, Masako should have seen it coming. That she hadn’t… well, it was a mark of how poor of a steward for Ryujin Industries that she had wound up being. Maybe once upon a time the other woman had made for a good CEO, but too long at the top had dulled her senses. Meanwhile, Ularu had always kept herself sharp. She’d not make the same mistakes Masako had. She would-
The door to her office suddenly hisses open, causing Ularu to stiffen and lift her eyes. There’s a reprimand on her lips until she sees who it is. Not just anyone should be interrupting her in her office without an appointment, not even the executives on the board. However, this particular man gets a pass. He is, after all, her very own Senior Operative… and the reason she’s sitting where she is right now.
“Ah. Cameron. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
The lazy wave and irreverent grin as he saunters in and her door closes behind him would normally upset Ularu, but she just keeps on working, even as he makes his way over to her desk.
“Yo. Just thought I’d stop by; see how you were doing in here. Big space. Think you can handle it?”
Ularu scoffs at that, throwing him a slight smirk.
“Better than Masako, that’s for sure.”
He laughs at that, and Ularu finds the sensation surprisingly pleasant to her ears. Normally, she found most other people’s laughter grating. But Cameron was different. Perhaps because they were two birds of a feather.
Project Dominion. That was what Ularu had chosen to turn into her weapon against Masako, the knife between the ribs that the former CEO never even saw coming. It was a top secret, incredibly unique project that provided incredibly unique opportunities. An Internal Neuroamp… a powerful technology to be sure.
External Neuroamps operated on fairly basic principles. They allowed those who used them to be more persuasive in their speech. Simple, elegant… yet quite powerful. They were a proven technology that worked so well everyone in the business world had to have them. A sort of Mutual Destruction situation, where if you didn’t have a Neuroamp, you were basically signing yourself up to be the butt of every negotiation, and the loser of every deal you ever made.
But the thing was, because everyone had an External Neuroamp, it was like nobody had one. And because they were visible, their power was essentially neutered. So… what if someone invented an Internal Neuroamp? What if someone managed to find a way to make the Neuroamp something that could go inside one’s head through a simple, safe bit of brain surgery?
Well… that person would be the most powerful person in the world. But of course such a thing would require a corporation’s resources. Which meant the corporation with the first Internal Neuroamps would become the most powerful corporation in the universe.
And that was what Project Dominion was all about. Ryujin Industries had developed the first ever Internal Neuroamp. And then Ularu had stepped in and used it to set up her coup and take over as CEO. She still regretted using Imogene, her protégé, to send off the Project Dominion files to Infinity LTD, one of Ryujin’s competitors. Not because it had backfired on her, though it nearly did, but because Imogene had been a useful Senior Operative… before she became an even more useful scapegoat.
Ultimately though, it had all worked out thanks to the man before her. As Cameron moves around the diameter of her desk and comes up to lean back against it right beside her, Ularu has to admit… Imogene’s hire of the man was her greatest achievement while working at Ryujin Industries. Cameron Beckett had not only turned out to be the most competent, successful operative that they’d ever had, but he’d also helped Ularu get to where she was.
Of course, he’d also been ready to expose her when Imogene had revealed to him how she’d used the Internal Neuroamp Prototype to control Imogene and make her the scapegoat. But in the end, he was a competent, driven, and ambitious individual… just like her. They were two peas in a pod, really.
That was why she hadn’t had him killed yet. She probably should have ordered his liquidation already. After all, he was the only person in the entire galaxy who had an Internal Neuroamp and the shielding module to go with it. And he was the only person who probably ever would, because she and the board had decided to shelve the tech after they’d ousted Masako. It was simply too powerful, in the end.
But Ularu knew she could trust Cameron with it. Besides, she would know if he started using it on her or the other executives. There were safeguards in place, and Veena had been confident that its power was limited anyways. Only the weak willed would fall under its sway and even then it would only be for a limited amount of time. There were signs afterwards too, so if Cameron ever did try and use it in Ryujin Tower, he would be caught immediately. She was perfectly safe.
“You know… we really did Masako dirty, didn’t we Ularu? Imogene too. Kind of sad.”
Tilting her head to the side, Ularu raises an eyebrow at Cameron before returning to her work.
“Such is the world we operate in, Cameron. When you play with as high of stakes as we do, you must be prepared to lose everything. Masako and Imogene will both be casualties of Ryujin’s future success, as you and I take this company to ever greater heights.”
Cameron raises an eyebrow back at her at that, even as he fiddles with his suit for a moment.
“Oh? Going to have them killed, are you?”
Ularu scoffs at that, not even bothering to look up from her computer this time.
“Of course. Imogene in particular needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later. She’s the only mark on your otherwise sterling record, in fact. Masako on the other hand… we can’t have her die too soon. Let the investigation into her run its course first. But once she’s no longer distracted by the law enforcement hounds we’ve sicced on her, she too will have to be eliminated before she can-!”
Ularu blinks, cut off mid-word as something fleshy, meaty, and hot smacks against her high cheekbones, smearing her perfectly done makeup a little bit. The CEO of Ryujin Industries turns her head enough to see that Cameron has his cock out and just lightly slapped her across the face with it. As she goes cross-eyed just looking at it, Cameron presses the tip of his dick against her plush lips.
Without really thinking about it, the beautiful businesswoman opens her mouth wide and takes her Senior Operative’s member past her lips. As she begins to suck on his cock, her eyes go back to her computer and she returns to her work, no longer able to continue speaking with her mouth now full.
Cameron, meanwhile, groans in enjoyment.
“Man that’s good. I think, out of every woman on the board… you have the best mouth, Ularu. Hell, even Masako and Imogene don’t compare to your dick sucking skills. The funny thing is, if you’d asked me before, I would never have pegged you as the best cock sucker. You didn’t seem like the type to ever get down on your knees and lower yourself to fellate a man. And yet… this can’t all be natural talent, can it?”
He’s talking nonsense, Ularu notes. But then, Cameron is prone to doing that. As he slides his cock in and out of her mouth, poking it into her opposite cheek, the CEO swirls her tongue this way and that around his dick, dutifully sucking his member. She’s more than used to Cameron’s antics at this point. The man was irreverent to the point of irritation to most.
But she didn’t care about how flippant and entirely disrespectful he could be. What mattered was that he got results.
“Heh, you know… I know Veena said that the Internal Neuroamp wasn’t all that powerful… but man was she off base. Or maybe she just didn’t understand who she was giving it to. She did say that it worked based on the user’s mind versus the target’s mind, right? So really, even if you’re super strong willed, if you come up against an equally strong willed person, then it shouldn’t work at all. And you can be called a lot of things Ularu, but weak-willed isn’t one of them.”
She hums to show her appreciation of the compliment, even as she continues to suck Cameron’s cock. She is indeed far from weak-willed. She would never have become CEO of Ryujin Industries if she were anything but strong.
“And yet, here we are. Then again… I don’t think dear Veena knew what she was getting into, sticking this sort of technology in the head of a Starborn. I’ve lived hundreds of lives. I’ve seen it all. Even this scenario, with you trying to oust Masako and take over as CEO. I must have run through this dozens of times, in every permeation. Ones with you as CEO. Ones with Masako as CEO. Ones with even Imogene as CEO. Hell, even I became CEO one time and let me tell you, that was fun.”
Ularu finishes typing up another email and sends it off, before moving onto the next bit of work. It’s a little difficult, because her attention is split between sucking Cameron’s cock and her computer, but she’s good at multitasking. Of course, she’s completely tuned out Cameron’s words at this point. Her Senior Operative did so love to ramble.
“I guess compared to a Starborn, even the strongest wills are ultimately meaningless, aren’t they?”
Abruptly, Cameron pulls his cock out of Ularu’s mouth, leaving her panting slightly with strands of drool dribbling down from her parted, plush lips and staining the top of her suit.
“Stand up.”
Hm, she should probably stand up. Stretch her legs a little bit. Didn’t want to become too sedentary. Of course, the moment Ularu rises from her chair, Cameron kicks it out from behind her. She shoots him a reproving look for that, but he ignores her as he moves behind her and grabs her by her hips, bending her over.
Her hands fall back upon her keyboard as he pulls down her pants and exposes her heart-shaped derriere. His fingers curl into her undergarments next, and he yanks those down to her knees as well. Then… he’s inside of her.
Ularu barely blinks as Cameron begins to fuck her from behind. His cock filling her cunt, she grunts and pants, but focuses back on her computer, returning to her work.
“How’s… hah, the acquisition of Infinity LTD going anyways?”
Frowning slightly, Ularu sighs.
“Fine, as far as I’m aware. Though why I let you convince me to allow the board to go ahead with that sale, I still don’t really know.”
Cameron laughs derisively at that, even as he picks up the pace, fucking her moistening cunt harder and faster, making her grunts turn into soft, involuntary moans.
“Yeah, Ularu? That’s what you don’t get? That’s the thing you have a problem with?”
Grumbling, Ularu finds herself bounced back and forth so fast by Cameron’s cock that she can barely focus on her computer screen, let alone typing up her next email. She’ll have to start all over once he’s gone, or else she’ll just be sending out pure gibberish. Finally giving it up as impossible, Ularu pulls her hands back from the keyboard and rests them on the edge of the desk as Cameron fucks her from behind.
“I won’t deny that you convinced me of the merits of purchasing our rival after everything we did to them. It was either we scooped up the leftovers, or some other competitor did. But even still… it’s a mess and a half, in no small part because of OUR actions. We could have just let them die. It’s an unnecessary headache.”
Scoffing, Cameron just shakes his head before reaching out and grabbing hold of her carefully done-up hair. Ularu grunts as he pulls her head back, forcing her spine to arch.
“You’re an unnecessary headache sometimes, Ularu. Having you lot scoop up Infinity LTD is the least I could do after how much damage I caused on your behalf. Save some random shmucks jobs if nothing else, I figure. That’s why, no matter who winds up as CEO, I always make sure Ryujin Industries acquires Infinity LTD.”
Grunting, he picks up his pace again, causing an undignified and uncharacteristic squeal to leave Ularu’s lips. He’s deep inside of her, and the Ryujin CEO is not frigid… she simply doesn’t have time for such intimate things normally. But her body still has all of the proper reactions, annoyingly enough. And so she cums upon Cameron’s cock, shuddering her way through an explosive orgasm.
In response, Cameron groans before unloading inside of her, filling her with his seed. Then, he pulls out and lets go of her hair, dropping her face first onto her desk. She manages to keep her legs under her though at least and-
Her Senior Operative’s open palm comes down HARD on her upturned, bared ass and with another undignified and uncharacteristic squeal, the new CEO of Ryujin Industries drops to her knees as she shakes and quivers, squirting a little bit of her own juices and a LOT of his cum all over the floor between her legs.
Panting as she leans against her desk, Ularu looks back at Cameron as he slips his cock back into his suit and gives her a smile. Then, wordlessly, she shakily gets her chair, puts it back where it belongs, and sits down in it. Ignoring the soreness of her cunt and wetness of her seat, Ularu returns her hands to the keyboard, preparing to get back to work.
“Good talk, Ularu. We’ll have to do this again sometime.”
“Hm. As my Senior Operative, you need direct access to me only for work. Do try not to abuse it Cameron, or I might just revoke it.”
That gets another derisive laugh from the man, even as he begins sauntering back out of her office. As the door opens however, he pauses and looks back at her, a strange glint in his eye.
“Oh! I almost forgot… you do this a hundred times and it all starts to bleed together. Ularu!”
Looking up from her computer, Ularu raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
“Yes? What is it?”
“Leave Masako and Imogene to me, yeah? I don’t want you mucking around with them. They’re mine. So no going behind my back to deal with them yourself. Got it?”
Hm. She hadn’t considered it… but she might have eventually. Still, Ularu just shrugs.
“You’re the Senior Operative, Cameron. Do as you see fit, so long as they don’t cause trouble.”
Grinning, Cameron winks at her.
“Oh, they won’t. You can count on that.”
Then he saunters the rest of the way out of her office. Before the door closes behind him, Ularu catches sight of her secretary, Maeve, sitting at her desk in the middle of the reception area just outside. The short-haired young woman is currently wearing a facial of sticky white cum so thick and voluminous that its sealing one of her eyes shut as she sits behind her desk, doing her job. None of the security guards in the reception area are reacting.
Ularu’s eyes glaze right over Maeve’s current state, the doors closing behind Cameron and the CEO of Ryujin Industries returning to her work. She has a lot to do and so little time to do it now that she’s in the hot seat. The very sticky hot seat, as it so happened.


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