Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Her Ultimate Technique (Original Fantasy)

Poll Winner

Themes: Threesome, Breeding, Rough Sex

Summary:  A young man finds himself reincarnated into a world on the cusp of defeat. As the Hero, he gathers a party and spends the next year fighting the forces of darkness, until at long last he faces and defeats the Demon Queen. That should be the end of it, but then she pulls out her ultimate technique... luckily, it all works out for the best. 


They stand in the ruins of her throne room, staring at each other. Both of them are out of breath and panting heavily, but it’s clear which of them is the worse for wear. She might be managing to stay on her feet through sheer force of will, but the evidence is right in front of them. He’s won. All that remains is to strike the finishing blow.

… Liam feels like he can be excused for savoring the moment, just a little bit. It’s been over a year since he was Isekai’d to the world of Laoria and tasked with defeating the Demon Queen Sera. In that year, Liam had taken a group of unlikely people and turned each and every one of them into heroes, while growing into his own role as the savior of all of Laoria.

When he’d first arrived, the realm had been on the cusp of defeat. The Demon Queen had effectively controlled everything. At first, he’d been forced to hide and move stealthily so as to avoid discovery. But slowly over time, he and his friends made headway and freed the conquered lands that the Demon Queen claimed dominion over.

After fighting monsters of all shapes and sizes, after suffering setbacks in the form of betrayals and coming out all the stronger for it, Liam knew in this moment… he’d finally done it.

Sera clearly knows it too, because she stiffens as his eyes narrow and his grip on his sword handle tightens up. Suddenly, she straightens up and points a finger at him.

“FOOL! You think you’ve won, don’t you?! Y-You think you’re all that… b-but you’re not!”

Liam blinks at that, but Sera isn’t done just yet.

“All you’ve managed to do… is force me to use my ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE!”

His eyes widen and he tenses as she inhales sharply, her hands curling into fists that she brings up on either side of her chest. He moves to launch himself forward, aiming to stop her from unleashing whatever magic she’s summoning… only to stumble and damn near fall flat on his face when she forces a single word out of her admittedly impressive lungs with all her might.


Wait, what?

Maybe he’d heard wrong, but it sounded like the Demon Queen of Laoria… had just called for her mother. Surely that couldn’t be it though. Surely-

Liam stiffens as an overwhelming power suddenly fills the air, his eyes widen as reality itself begins to crack apart just behind Sera, a tear in spacetime opening up before his eyes. Sera just grins, the Demon Queen happily crossing her arms over her chest.

“Now you’re in for it! You think I was bad, Hero? Well wait till you-!”

“Oh! Sera, you finally met a boy!”

Before the Demon Queen can finish her sentence, the tear in reality finishes splitting open and a taller, more voluptuous demoness steps out. Dressed in a flowing, elegant dress, the new arrival, who is very clearly Sera’s mother, gives Liam a once-over as she stalks forward, wrapping her arms around her daughter’s shoulders.

“I was afraid you were never going to settle down, darling. But look here! Your very first defeat at the hands of a Hero! How wonderful!”

Liam really didn’t know what was going on anymore. At least the Demon Queen’s expression was just as poleaxed as his must have been. Still, Sera is quick to recover, though no amount of squirming allows her to escape her mother’s grasp.

“W-What?! N-No! Mom, it’s not like that! He’s my nemesis! And he’s ruined everything!”

At that, Sera’s mother frowns slightly, glancing at him again for a moment before talking to her daughter in a slow, disbelieving tone.

“But darling… you’re the one who had me summon him as a Hero in the first place to spice things up.”

Hot Mommy Demon say WHAT now? Liam almost would have discarded her words out of hand, if it wasn’t for Sera’s reaction of sheer wide-eyed panic.

“M-Mom! That’s supposed to stay between US! You’re ruining EVERYTHING!”

Her mother is distinctly unimpressed.

“First the Hero you had me summon is ruining everything, and now I’m ruining everything. I’m not sure what’s got into you young lady, but it’s clear we need to have a little chat. Young man, you’re coming with.”


… He’s not sure why he didn’t put up a fight. Possibly because Sera’s mother, who Liam had since learned was actually the Demon Empress Lilith, was at least ten times as strong as both him and her daughter combined and he could sense that. Or maybe it was because he’d just found out Lilith had been the one to summon him and give him his grand quest in the first place… at the behest of the very Demon Queen he was supposed to defeat.

All Liam knew was that he hadn’t put up a fight, and now he found himself in a rather awkward position. Sitting in the large bath completely naked, he’s reminded of the Prefect’s Bath from Harry Potter. That’s the kind of atmosphere the bathhouse they’re all in has. Luckily, the bubbles hide anything to perverse… but at the same time, he’s still embarrassed, especially since the Demon Empress Lilith is also in the bath with them, and Sera’s mother isn’t wearing any clothes either.

Her large breasts are fully on display and she doesn’t even seem to care. He’s trying not to stare, but it’s decidedly hard. Still, things could be worse. He could be Sera.

The Demon Queen he’d spent over a year trying to defeat is currently barely peeking out of the bath, everything below her nose currently under the water as she looks positively humiliated. Of course, Lilith isn’t having it.

“Now Sera. You and your boy need to have a serious talk. No more of this beating around the bush. When you had me pull him from his world, you said he was perfect for your purposes. No family, no ties, no nothing… and that he loved playing games too. You said all of that was why he would make for an excellent Hero.”

Liam tries hard not to flinch as Lilith lists out the reasons his previous life was kind of… well, lame. Sera, on the other hand, comes bursting out of the water, pointing at her mother in that overdramatic way of hers.

“All of those made him perfect to be my nemesis, mama! Not my mate! Ugh, you don’t understand me!”

Lilith just gives her daughter a dry look.

“You made it very clear to me that you intended to court and seduce him, daughter.”

Sera sputters for a moment, glancing at him and then away… and even pushing her index fingers together.

“Y-Yeah but it didn’t w-work! He refused my courtship! That makes us mortal enemies! I WAS going to defeat him and then make him my slave, but then he had to go and WIN! Ugh!”

… He was totally lost, at this point. Luckily, it appeared Lilith wasn’t. Letting out a sigh, the Demon Empress rises to her feet as well.

“I see the problem here. Sera, you got it in your head that you were going to ‘win’. But sometimes… actually, most of the time, the Demon Queen loses. And that can be the best part! Losing to the Hero! Letting him redeem you! With his dick!”

Now it’s Liam’s turn to sputter, though Sera is right alongside him. Of course, beneath the sudsy water, he’s rock hard right now. He’s not sure Sera has realized it, but in being her overly dramatic self, she’s risen out of the water and is showing off… the goods. Meanwhile, her mother is just as spectacular. Looking at them both from afar… yes, he’s very aroused.

Suddenly, Liam isn’t looking at them both from afar anymore. In less than a second, he’s got a lap full of Demon Queen as Sera suddenly lands in his arms, her mother moving faster than either of them can react and depositing her daughter on top of him.

Only the buoyancy of the water keeps Sera from promptly being impaled upon his erection, but it’s definitely a near thing as she squeaks, her hands immediately going to his shoulders in order to stabilize herself. In response, Liam’s own hands go right to Sera’s hips to help her.

“Look at you two! You were made for each other! Go on now… kiss and make up~”

For a long moment, Liam stares into Sera’s eyes and the Demon Queen stares back like a deer caught in headlights. Finally, he asks the most obvious question that needs to be asked.

“… Did you seriously have your mom summon me from my world because you needed a worthy opponent?”

Blushing, the Demon Queen hesitantly nods.

“Y-You weren’t supposed to be so good at it though…”

He really didn’t know what to say to that. Except… it was kind of romantic, wasn’t it? A whine leaves Sera’s lips, as she begins to grind against his dick tip. The buoyancy of the water might keep him out of her, but all it would take was some downward motion from the Demon Queen, and she’s have him inside of her quick as a flash.

“… If we do this, you leave Laoria alone. My friends and everyone else on that world… are free.”

Here, Sera gives him a look as though to ask ‘how can you be this dumb and also such a great tactician?’.

“You know Laoria is one of my mom’s worlds, right? Your friends and everyone you met in your travels… they were kind of sort of in on it. Also no one actually truly died. They were all resurrected after every fight and battle.”


“Are you telling me you just Fantasy Truman Showed me?!”

Looking a little smug now, Sera’s demonic eyes dance with mischief.

“Yep! Though they were all ordered to do their best to help you… except for the planted traitors of course. So your success… well, that was all you. And thoroughly unplanned. Still, now you understand mortal! Now you may bask in my superiority and acknowledge that I, the Demon Queen Sera, have-eep!”

Liam yanks her down his cock for her, at that point. And so, the Demon Queen Sera squeals as he impales her upon his member, growling a little bit. To think, everything he’d done this past year… it hadn’t been a lie, necessarily. All the power he’d gained for himself had been real. But everything else… it was literally just a game, wasn’t it? A high-stakes, hyper realistic game of chess he hadn’t even known he was playing.

He's a little rough with Sera as a result, thrusting up into her from below, fucking her hard and fast upon his cock rather than letting her do anything approaching riding him.

“S-Slow d-down! You’re t-too fast! Oh f-fuck! Nnngh!”

He almost feels bad, but then Lilith arrives at their side, the gorgeous MILF Demoness sitting beside him and watching on in amusement.

“No daughter of mine should be asking her lover to slow down, Sera. I know I raised you better than that. Give it to her, Liam dear. Don’t let up now.”

He does as he’s told, since it was what he was going to do anyways. At the same time, he does look to the Demon Empress beside him, all while bouncing her daughter up and down on his cock.

“… What happens next?”

Raising an eyebrow, clearly amused by his decision to multitask, Lilith does a graceful rolling shrug of her shoulders that causes her bountiful chest to jiggle pleasantly.

“That depends entirely on you, dear. I could send you back to your old world if you wanted… but that sounds dreadfully boring, doesn’t it?”

… It did. The last year hadn’t been all sunshine and roses by any stretch of the imagination, but it HAD been better than his past life. His incredibly boring, numbing past life.

“Or you can stay here with us. Maybe you and Sera can play another game… and maybe my deadbeat daughter can finally give me some grandbabies~”


Sera’s embarrassed whine brings a grin to Liam’s face, and he finds himself picking up the pace as her pussy walls clench and flex around his cock. As much as her mother’s words are humiliating to her, they’re also clearly arousing. As such, he definitely knows what to do next. Fucking up into the Demon Queen with deep, powerful thrusts, he meets Sera’s rolling eyes, even amongst all of her bouncing.

“Let’s go with that, yeah. Let’s… knock up a Demon Queen.”

Her demonic eyes only have a moment to go wide before they roll back in her skull as Liam proceeds to slam her down onto his cock one last time and fill her womb with his seed. It’s certainly not how he expected to settle things with the Demon Queen after his adventure, but apparently it was always the plan and he just wasn’t informed. Now? Now it just feels right creampieing Sera after all of the headache she gave him.

Afterwards, Sera pulls off of his cock and Liam lets her. Looking spent, the tired Demon Queen sits down on the bathtub ledge on his opposite side from her mother. Lilith, meanwhile, suddenly reaches down and grabs his cock beneath the water, giving it a good stroke.

“M-Mom, what are you doing?”

“Oh? What does it look like, Sera? Don’t be like that, daughter. Sharing is caring, after all.”

Sera sputters some more, but before she can really come up with a reply, Lilith has dived beneath the waves. Liam’s eyes widen as he feels the Demon Empress’ massive breasts smoosh into the top of his legs, while her mouth descends down the length of his cock. He wasn’t even given a chance to get soft before Lilith decided to go down on him and begin sucking his dick.

Reacting on instinct, he reaches out and grabs one of the Demon Empress’ horns, gripping it almost casually. Far from being upset by this, his squeezing of her horn seems to make Lilith suck him off even harder. He keeps expecting her to come up for air, but as seconds turn into minutes, she never does. All the while, beside them, Sera is blushing like mad… until finally, she gives in to her own impulses.

Liam grunts in surprise as he finds himself being kissed by the Demon Queen while her mother the Demon Empress performs oral on him. Sera wraps her arms around his neck, and Liam in turn wraps one of his arms around her waist, pulling her in close.

… Perhaps it’s not where he thought this isekai bullshit was going, but all things considered? Could be worse.

Could be a lot worse.


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