Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

K/DA Minus Two Pt. 2 (Palworld/LoL)

Commission (Part 1 here)

Themes: Monster Girl Sex, Transformation, Dom/Sub

Summary: Lily Everhart rushes down from her tower to chase after her Lyleen when the Pal hears about another Lyleen being transformed. With predictable results.


Lily Everhart hated having to come down from her tower at the top of the mountain where it was located. For one, she preferred just being alone with her Lyleen and no other distractions, able to investigate and uncover the mysteries of the ancient tower and its technology alongside her best friend in the whole wide world.
For two, being at the top of a snowy mountain with just her Lyleen kept communications with the other human members of the Free Pal Alliance to a minimum. It wasn’t that Lily wanted nothing to do with her own organization, mind you. The Free Pal Alliance was an incredibly important initiative and so long as it kept running, the PIDF would continue to be paid for their part in protecting the Wildlife Sanctuaries Lily cared so much about.
… But at the same time, Lily had come to loath and despise her fellow human beings. Sometimes she just wished she could be a Pal like her beloved best friend, Lyleen. She wished she could give up life as a human being and she wished she could remove humans in general from the Palpagos Islands so that the Pals that populated said islands could finally live in peace.
Alas, her wishes had yet to come true so things like the Free Pal Alliance and paying off the PIDF remained necessary evils to this day. At the same time, that didn’t mean Lily had to make it easy for her subordinates to contact her about stupid things. If they had to trek all the way up to the top of the mountain to find her in her tower, that meant they would only contact her about truly important things, about emergencies.
Of course, this didn’t always work out. And in this case, it had massively backfired on Lily. Just yesterday, one of her subordinates had come to her in her tower asking for her help. Apparently, there was an entirely new force in the Palpagos Islands, a man and woman who had made a fortress by enslaving Pals and building up defenses. The Free Pal Alliance had attempted to raid this fortress but failed to make any headway time and time again.
Lily had asked what that had to do with her, prompting the subordinate to explain why they thought she might want to know… apparently there were strange reports surrounding the man and woman. Not only was the woman not entirely human based on her fox ears and multitude of animal tails, but also… they were accompanied by a Lyleen that had subsequently been transformed into something… different.
It was then that Lily knew she was being lied to. She was being treated like a complete idiot by her own people, who were attempting to use her as an oblivious weapon against their enemies. Oh sure, she fully believed that this man and woman existed. She could even believe that they were just as harmful to Pals as the Syndicate was.
… But the rest of it was too much to swallow. Even as her Lyleen had grown distressed at the messenger’s words, Lily had smiled politely and promised to look into it. She had no intention of actually doing so, of course. It was clearly a pack of lies. A woman with fox ears and tails? A Lyleen working with humans, and somehow becoming something more? None of it made any sense. Especially since the only place to find Lyleens outside of her own Lyleen was on the Wildlife Sanctuaries, and those were being protected by the PIDF.
With a certainty in her soul that she was being lied to, Lily had told her Lyleen that they didn’t need to go check it out. That it was beneath them. And then she’d gone to bed with a smile on her face, sleeping as easily as a babe.
Only… when Lily woke up the next morning, everything had gone wrong. Lyleen… Lyleen was gone. She was all alone. It didn’t make sense. Where would her best friend have even gone? Only, Lily knew. She knew immediately that there was only one reason her Pal would have abandoned her. Lily and Lyleen didn’t have a normal Human-Pal relationship. She’d never used a Pal Sphere on her friend. That meant Lyleen could go and do her own thing and leave Lily behind at any time.
But she would never do that… unless she thought one of her own was in trouble.
And so Lily had been forced to leave her tower. She’d been forced to leave her mountain. And without any sort of firepower to her name, she’d been forced to skulk like a thief in the night, locating the fortress right where her subordinate had said it would be and sneaking in under the cover of darkness to find her Lyleen.
She’d checked the largest house of course… and what she found inside had horrified her.
There, in the master bedroom of the main house… was her Lyleen. But not just her Lyleen. No, the man that she’d been told about was also there… and he was FUCKING her Lyleen!
The moment Lily sees this through the crack in the door, she lets out a shout of outrage and alarm and rushes into the room.
“G-Get off of her! Leave her a-alone!”
She makes a beeline for the bed, intending to drag him off if she has to… but she doesn’t make it halfway across the room before vines grab hold of her arms and legs, pulling her off the ground and holding her aloft. Lily squeaks, struggling in alarm. This isn’t the work of her Lyleen though, the Plant Pal is still on her back on the bed, still impaled upon the human man’s cock. No, this is…
“W-What… what are you?”
Smiling at her with a mouth no Lyleen should have, the monster in the shadows of the room giggles at her.
“I’m Allie. And you were about to interrupt my Master. That’s a no-no~ Especially when he’s so close to giving my sister exactly what she desires!”
No… no, this was all wrong. Pals didn’t tend to have names. They didn’t comprehend the idea. She’d always admired them for that lack of individuality to be honest. Especially since she privately felt that toxic individuality was part of what made her own species, human beings, so loathsome. But this Lyleen had not only been transformed into something more humanoid, she also had a name.
Over on the bed, much to Lily’s horror, her best friend is definitely moaning up a storm. The man had stopped for a moment to look over at her, but after seeing Allie had her restrained, he returns to what he was doing before, pounding into Lyleen’s cunt with all his strength and speed.
“Master loves to give us what we need. Perhaps… perhaps he’ll give you what you need next~”
Lily stiffens at that idea… she also whimpers at Allie suddenly uses those vines to begin stripping her naked, pulling her clothes off. At the same time, the vines prove to not just be vines at all because they start to secrete some sort of… fluid. The slime begins to coat Lily’s body, rubbed into her flesh by Allie’s appendages.
All the while, she’s forced to listen to her Lyleen’s moans of pleasure as she’s fucked hard and fast. Enduring the molestation of one transformed Pal while her best friend gets plowed into the bed is… not easy. Not easy in the slightest. But worst of all, she can’t do anything to save her friend. It’s not much longer at all before…
The man lets out an exclamation and arches his back as he thrusts deep into Lyleen, very obviously reaching climax inside of her tight, inhuman pussy. Lily can only watch in horror as he unloads within her best friend… and Lyleen immediately begins to transform. The Lyleen rapidly becomes something new… or rather, not new at all.
She transforms into the same strange, more human monster as Allie is. Still very much not a human being, but definitely more humanoid and human-shaped than before. Including… including having a mouth. As the man who’s just defiled her pulls out, Lily’s best friend looks over at Lily… and smiles softly.
“Lil… y. You… came…”
Lily bites her lower lip. Even held aloft, striped naked, and lathered up in Pal Fluids, Lily nods her head rapidly.
“O-Of course I did! I p-promise… I’ll save you! We’ll find a way to transform you back!”
Her best friend looks down at herself, running her hands over the substantial bust she didn’t have a moment before.
“… no. Like… this. Like… being… this…”
What? Surely not, right? Being more human was bad. It couldn’t very well be a good thing! Lily starts to sputter out a denial, but her transformed Lyleen reaches out to her, smiling broadly.
“Let me… show you…”
Suddenly, Allie drags Lily across the room through the air, lifting her up above the other transformed Lyleen and putting her down atop her. Lily gasps as her best friend’s arms wrap around her and she’s immediately pulled into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. They’d never done anything sexual before. Cuddling was the most that had ever happened between them. But now… now things are going from one to eleven with startling swiftness.
Her best friend… her lover? Regardless of what Lily is supposed to call her, the transformed Lyleen is all over her, pressing their tits together, kissing her deeply, reaching around and spreading her ass cheeks apart to expose her anus and her moistening slit and-
Lily’s eyes widen as, mid-kiss, she finds herself penetrated by a man’s cock. Only too late does the virgin hippie realize that her best friend has betrayed her. This isn’t just about the two of them. This is about offering her up on a silver platter to the man who had ruined not one, but two Lyleens! She tries to struggle, but Lyleen’s grip is too strong for her to escape from. Meanwhile, her virginity is already lost and all Lily can do is let out a muffled cry into Lyleen’s new lips as she’s taken from behind by the man.
“You sure about this?”
For a moment, she doesn’t understand who he’s talking to. But then her Lyleen pulls back from their lip lock with a smile and gives him a nod.
“Yes… need your help… to give my Lily… her heart’s desire.”
The freshly transformed Lyleen is rapidly getting used to speaking with her mouth, a distant part of Lily notices as the man just grunts and continues fucking her. Her heart’s desire though? None of this was Lily’s heart’s desire! This was awful, all of it, and she wanted nothing more than to escape this place with her best friend by her side!
Never mind that the pleasure was quickly becoming mind-numbing. Never mind that Lily found herself swiftly cumming upon the cock currently pistoning in and out of her. She whimpers as Lyleen pulls her into another kiss, this time not stopping for anything. Trapped between the two of them, stuck as the meat of the sandwich, Lily Everhart can do nothing but take it all as her treacherous body succumbs more and more to the unwanted pleasure.
In the midst of all that distracting ecstasy and bliss, she doesn’t even notice as all of that slime from Allie absorbs entirely into her body. She also don’t notice because THOSE Pal Fluids are replaced by new Pal Fluids from her own Lyleen. Until finally… the man cums inside of her. Lily cries out, shuddering as his seed fills her womb. And then… and then she feels something. Something is happening within her.
As the man pulls out of her, her Lyleen lets go of her enough for Lily to pull back and stare down at herself as she transforms. Her skin turns green, her hair grows out and becomes purple. Flowers sprout from parts of her flesh and she shudders as she finds herself… no longer human. More than that though, her and her Lyleen… they become one. Merged, in a way as they combine with one another both mentally and physically.
The physical merging is temporary, Lily instinctively knows. They can split apart again at any time if they want to, though for a moment they’re basically combined into the center of a large flower that grows out around them. It feels… amazing. The mental merging though… that’s more permanent. And through it Lily can feel her Lyleen’s love and intentions.
Now she sees what Lyleen was talking about when she said she wanted to grant Lily her heart’s desire. She’s not human anymore. She’s not quite a Pal either though. She’s somewhere in between, a more humanoid Pal than has really existed, but not a true human at all.
As well, she can feel her Lyleen’s devotion and submission to… to their Master. Lily’s eyes widen and her new skin has goosebumps all along it as she shivers in sudden fear. The man who’d fucked her Lyleen… he’d captured her in a Legendary Sphere first. She’d come looking for the other Lyleen and been caught just like Lily was.
Now, thanks to their mental merging, Lily could feel her best friend’s devotion and loyalty to their Master starting to seep into her mind. She had to fight it. She was half of the whole now after all. Just as her Lyleen could enslave her, she could potentially free her friend. She just had to focus and-
“No sense risking it.”
Lily blinks as she feels something press against the back of her head… and then the light of a Pal Sphere surrounds her and she and her other half are both shoved into the same Legendary Pal Sphere a moment later. Lily tries to fight it of course. She tries to escape the Sphere. They’re useable on humans, but that doesn’t mean they’re very effective.
Except it’s not just her in the Sphere. It’s also her other half. And her other half has already succumbed. More than that… Lily isn’t entirely human anymore. She fights, she struggles, she wordlessly and silently screams… but she does not escape.
The capture completes and Lily and her friend are let out of the Sphere a moment later.
“Better now?”
Lily finds herself on the ground alongside Lyleen, the two of them still physically merged as they look up to see their Master smiling down at them, his cock tantalizingly close to their mouths. For a moment the former human girl just stares blankly at his dick… then she smiles brightly up at him at the same time as her other half does, both of them answering him in unison in the only way that makes sense.
“”Yes Master~””
Then, also in unison, the two halves of the Liliraune lean forward and begin worshipping their Master Wai Chin’s cock with their mouths and tongues, even as he runs his hands through their long pink locks and smiles approvingly. And the part of the Liliraune previously known as Lily Everhart knows… everything is going to be okay.


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