Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

One Night, Three Girls (FNAF/Worm)

Commission (Part 1-4)

Themes: Rough Sex, Mind Break, Horror

Summary: A crossover between Five Nights and a Worm AU where Emma comes barging back into Taylor's life. Unfortunately for Emma and her friends, Taylor's life has taken a turn since they last saw her. A turn right into Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex.


Part 1:


“I have never been so embarrassed in my entire LIFE!”
Emma grimaces as her mother, Zoe Barnes, repeats herself once more as they both enter the Barnes Family Home. Like Emma had somehow forgotten hearing it already once before between leaving the Family SUV and reaching the front door.
“My own daughter! A Senior in High School! Harassing the children and staff at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex to the point that they had to place her in the Time Out Room and then call ME to come and pick up my nearly fully grown CHILD.”
Emma winces again as her mother continues on and on, showing no signs of stopping any time soon. Never mind that the older woman was forcing her to relive the memory of her recent and incredibly humiliating public ordeal. No, Zoe didn’t care about that one bit, did she?
Up the stairs Emma goes, making her way to her room as her mother’s voice fades but does not entirely disappear. Zoe continues to loudly declare the shame and embarrassment Emma has caused their family, with such common phrases as ‘where had they gone wrong with her?’ and ‘how they would never hear the end of this!’ making appearances.
Only reaching her room, only shutting the door behind her as securely as possible, caused her mother’s haranguing to at long last cease. Or at least, Emma couldn’t hear it anymore, so there was that. Throwing herself onto her bed and burying her head in her pillows, the red-haired young woman would have shrieked and screamed but she was just too tired. She was… exhausted.
And truth be told? She’d sort of already gotten all her rage out in that blasted Time Out Room. Deprived of her phone, locked inside until her mom had shown up to take custody of her, Emma Barnes had thrown the biggest fit of her entire life.
Unfortunately, it hadn’t amounted to much. Maybe if she’d at least been able to destroy that stupid fucking room she’d feel a little bit better, but it turns out the childproof safety plastic that everything in the Time Out Room was made out of was also adult proof too. Or at least, it was Emma Barnes proof, much to her fury and angst. She’d exhausted herself trying to break anything in that blasted room, any one thing… but she hadn’t been able to do a single lick of physical damage.
At the same time, she’d been rendered socially blind and deaf with the confiscation of her phone. She hadn’t even attempted to retrieve it from her mother when they finally let her out. Not when she’d seen the look on Zoe Barnes’ face as she’d stood there staring at her in growing anger and outraged disbelief at what she’d ‘done’.
Yeah, it had been rather obvious even before they got into the car and Zoe had started ranting that Emma’s phone was a lost cause and the first in a long list of ways that her mother had declared she was now grounded. Of course… what her mom didn’t know couldn’t hurt her.
After a moment of just laying there face down on her bed, Emma finally reaches under the mattress to retrieve her secondary phone from its hiding place. Paid for entirely through modeling gigs, it was entirely her property, so legally her parents shouldn’t have been able to take it from her anyways like her primary phone, which was on her plan.
But Emma wasn’t stupid. She hadn’t chanced it. As such, neither her mother nor her father knew anything about her secondary phone that she had just in case… well, just in case something like this happened. Waiting for it to finally turn on, Emma isn’t all that surprised to find out there’s already a number of messages waiting for her, mostly from Madison. And at the top of them… is a link to a video.
Emma’s blood runs cold. No… there was no way, right? No way that someone had recorded what was happening. Then, her eyes catch on one of Madison’s later messages.
It’s trending. Tell me what u want me 2 do when u get this.
Shit, shit, shit. Quickly booting up the video, Emma grimaces when she sees what’s probably going to be the bane of her existence and a source of many a nightmare for the next few weeks. Freddy Fazbear’s Fucking Pizzaplex.
The video starts innocently enough. Showing some brats playing kiddy games and winning their tickets for cheap and tacky prizes that will just take up space in their trashy little rooms or be thrown out with them being none the wiser if their parents are even remotely smart. And then… a familiar yell from off-screen sees the phone’s wielder spinning around to focus on its source. Familiar because… well, the yell is from Emma herself.
There she is in all of her not-so-glorious glory. Standing there in her designer clothes, Emma Barnes in the video has a mess on her top and a little shit in her grasp. The brat had been the one who caused the incident and she’d only done what any self-respecting adult would do. Grabbed him and began chewing him out. But was he punished for ruining her clothes? No… no he was not.
As Video Emma continues threatening the little shit, Emma in the real world feels a spike of dread at what happens next. One of those stupid animal mascots that Freddy’s has walks into frame, coming over to tell her to release the brat and that they don’t allow ‘language’ like she’s using in the Pizzaplex. Unfortunately, with Emma’s attention diverted, the shit who ruined her top breaks free and escapes.
The video shows her looking after him enraged for a second before spinning back on the stupid animal robot. Video Emma launches into a tirade that Emma herself is frankly still proud of even now after all that had happened. After all, where was the fucking lie? They were focusing on the wrong person! It was the little bastard who fucked up her clothing that should have been kicked out, not her!
Unfortunately, even as Video Emma lets loose on the mascot, actual Emma hears quite clearly now how she had been told at the time that Security had been alerted to her rule breaking and was on their way. Not that Emma would have stopped… but she might have if she knew what was coming next.
Seriously, who the fuck could have known that Taylor fucking Hebert of all people would show up next? And as Security for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex, at that?
It had been years since Emma thought of Taylor. Mostly because she and her friends had bullied the other girl into dropping out of High School back in their Sophomore Year. At first, Emma had been tempted to go after Taylor. To keep hounding her, no matter where she went. But Sophia had stopped her. Said they’d won. That Taylor wasn’t worth THAT much effort. And… she was right. So Emma had put her former best friend right out of her head and moved on with her life.
And it had been a GOOD life too! Her modeling career was only getting better by the gig! So then… why? Why had seeing Taylor again led to things going straight down the toilet? She should have been able to keep her cool. Especially seeing Taylor in such a dead end job. Except…
Look, Emma was straight. Straight as an arrow! One hundred percent! But Taylor… she couldn’t believe how kind the years had been to the other young woman. Taylor had gone from a tall but lanky ugly duckling to… to whatever the fuck she was now! Sexy! There, Emma admitted it! The bitch was fucking sexy and it wasn’t FAIR!
Taylor had filled out like no one’s business. Big hips, large ass. And all on a body that made them work in a way that couldn’t even be described as grotesque much to Emma’s consternation. She had a figure Emma would KILL for, and she wore that stupid Security Uniform of hers WAY to fucking well.
Aside from the long, dark veil of hair flowing down her back and the glasses perched on her nose, it had actually been hard to even connect the Security Guard with the girl they’d run out of High School just before they could pull off their greatest prank. She wouldn’t have even known it was Taylor if not for the name tag. But a name like Taylor Hebert? That shit was rare as could be.
Everything she’d ever done to Taylor had come rushing back in that moment… along with everything she had never gotten to do in the years since after her favorite target had left Winslow during Christmas Break back then.
Onscreen, Video Emma immediately starts back up again, and it’s clear from the first words out of her mouth that she and Taylor have history. This time when she lets loose, it’s a lot more personal and Emma finds herself wincing at there being a recording of that. She, Sophia, and Madison had always been very careful not to let any evidence of what they did to Taylor get out. And yet here she was, completely missing the phone recording her about a dozen feet away.
Still, even that might have been salvageable… if only it had fucking WORKED. But no, somehow Taylor had taken everything Emma had to dish out… and remained cool as a fucking cucumber. It just didn’t make sense, but there it was, video evidence of the surreal experience Emma had had a couple hours earlier.
Taylor had ignored her incredibly personal remarks like they were water flowing off of her back. She’d then listed off the rules that Emma had broken and blandly given Emma the chance to leave the Pizzaplex under her own power. Needless to say, Emma hadn’t taken that opportunity for several reasons… but mostly, at the time anyways, it had been because Emma was so pissed off at seeing Taylor standing tall, sexy, confident, and so UTTERLY dismissive of her.
It shouldn’t have been possible! Taylor was a weak, helpless, pathetic bitch! She was nothing like this woman! Emma watches as, in her frustration, Video Emma tries to get physical with Taylor. Unfortunately, the key word there is ‘tries’.
Taylor had dodged Emma’s swipe with ease and passed her right into the waiting arms of another of those stupid robot animals. The mascot had snuck up behind her and once it got ahold of her, no amount of kicking and screaming on Emma’s part had let her get away.
Back in her bedroom, Emma stops the video before it can get to the part where her belongings were confiscated and she was carried off to the Time Out Room. Instead, she scrolls down to the comments and vehemently curses under her breath that one of the first few responders is XxVoid_CowboyxX and the bastard immediately identifies her as Emma Barnes.
“Fuck me…”
By Monday, everyone at Winslow would know about this… if not everyone in the whole damn city. Shit, if it was a particularly slow news cycle, the story might even be picked up by multiple news agencies with how popular the video currently was.
She couldn’t allow this to stand. If she did, Monday would be a bloodbath as every minion, rival, and challenger came after the Queen Bee of Winslow High and tried to tear her down. She needed to act and fast. She would have to take her revenge before Monday. And the only way she could see to do that was if she trashed the Pizzaplex and cost Taylor her job in the meantime.
Immediately, Emma sends out messages to her two main cohorts. The only girls in this damn city she could trust not to betray her, no matter what. Sophia was easy enough to get on board, at least. After all, it had been Sophia’s fault they were at that stupid goddamn Pizzaplex in the first place. They’d been forced to chaperone her little brother and his stupid little friends’ party and this was how it had turned out, so Sophia definitely owed her one.
Not to mention, an attack on Emma was an attack on Sophia. The two were attached at the hip in a way that tended to make Madison the third wheel a lot of the time. If Emma went down on Monday, Sophia would be at risk as well, especially in a school like Winslow with its faction of White Supremacists.
That said, Madison was not quite so easy to convince. In fact, the little bitch gave Emma quite a hard time, constantly bringing up how even the gangs never ever tried to mess with the place. She even linked some stupid old article about a Parahuman Serial Killer back in the Nineties that went after the children in there and didn’t leave the Pizzaplex alive or something.
Needless to say, Emma ignored the link in favor of coopting Sophia into helping her browbeating her into submission. Once the three of them were in a proper group chat, Madison’s constant excuses quickly wore Sophia’s patience down to nothing, prompting the dangerous dark-skinned girl to deliver a verbal barrage of threats and demands that ultimately cowed Madison into coming with them.
Honestly, if she COULD have gotten away with it, she might have left Madison out of the plan and just taken Sophia. The brunette always had been their trio’s weakest link. But alas, Madison was the only one of them with a car who wasn’t currently grounded, so ultimately she had to come.
Of course, they wouldn’t be able to go until after midnight, since they all had to wait for their parents to fall asleep so they could sneak out and meet up. But that was okay. Thoughts of ripping Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex to shreds with Sophia and Madison’s help and finding a way to pin it all on Taylor so that bitch of a High School Dropout lost her dead end job… it brought such a bright smile to Emma’s face. That is, until…
That is until her father’s voice rings out from downstairs, causing Emma to groan and hide her secondary phone back under her mattress. Of course her dad was home. Fuck her. Tonight couldn’t come fast enough…
Taylor groans as she steps out of the Pizzaplex’s Staff Lounge with her arms stretched high over her head. After a moment, she brings them back down and rubs the last of her forced sleep from her eyes as she lets out a loud yawn. Then, she turns her wrist so she can blearily stare at her watch and the accusatory time of 10:30 PM staring back at her.
Honestly, she was of two minds regarding her friend and coworker Amelia Lavere using her damnable superpowers to put Taylor to sleep. On the one hand, she was very annoyed. On the other hand, she was grateful, because she’d definitely been building up into a full blown panic attack.
She’d had no problem handling Emma Barnes in her job and persona as Security Guard for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. Sure, Emma was her childhood best friend and teenage bully. Sure, the red haired bitch was the reason Taylor had fled Winslow. But with her job title anchoring her and the support of the Animatronic Cast, Taylor had kept it together pretty damn well. Especially with a child being threatened.
However, after Emma’s mom had come and taken her away and Taylor had retreated to the Staff Lounge to get her bearings… the opposite had happened. The years of separation had all but disappeared and her dreaded time back at Winslow had all come rushing back. Suddenly, Freddy’s no longer felt remotely safe because Emma knew where she was now and despite her being barred she would most definitely send her minions after her.
Maybe Taylor should have acted like the beaten down dog Emma wanted her to be. Maybe she shouldn’t have shown that she was doing good now, or that she was happy. Then again, it wasn’t like Emma had ever cared how depressed and withdrawn she’d made her former friend back at Winslow. The more Taylor had shrunken in on herself, the more isolated and alone she’d become, the worse Emma and the others had gotten in fact.
It was-
Taylor jerks as Chica suddenly appears in front of her, thoroughly derailing her train of thought and wrapping her up in a big, broad hug.
-Strong feathery wings block out the outside world, sheltering her from its danger. They press her into a warm, soft, feathery down and drown out all other noise aside from the heartbeat of a mother that loved her child very, very much-
“Heard you had a rough time today! So I baked you a little something to help you feel better!”
As the embrace comes to an end, Taylor drifts for a moment in its lingering effects before the scent of fresh baked chocolate and fudge reaches her nostrils. Breathing in deeply, the dark-haired, fat-bottomed Security Guard snatches up the fresh from the oven, over-sized Chocolate Cupcake from the plate Chica is holding up before she can even really think about it. Glazed in hot melted fudge, the Chocolate Cupcake looks to die for… and is as sinfully decadent and delightfully heavenly as it looks too as she bites into it.
A thoroughly wanton moan leaves Taylor’s chocolate-covered lips and even as she tries to express thanks between bites, Chica just laughs and waves her on, walking off while Taylor shudders from just how good the cupcake truly is.
It’s so good in fact that by the time she makes it the rest of the way down the hall to the Security Room, Taylor is sucking her fingers clean and the oversized chocolate cupcake is nowhere to be seen. Entering the room, she’s not surprised to see the Night Guard, a hefty man in his late twenties, early thirties, is already there eating a large slice from an open box of Meat Lovers and sipping from his extra-large drink cup.
Technically, Taylor could go home now, her dayshift done for the day. But seeing how Amelia put her to sleep for most of her shift, Taylor had some hours to make up now. It wasn’t anything unusual, to be fair… she’d done it plenty of times before.
With a huff, Taylor plops herself down into the large chair next to the Night Guard, air escaping from the seat as her fat ass crushes it back into a familiar shape contoured to fit to her behind. For a brief moment, they sit there in silence, a few seconds passing as Taylor tries her best to resist. Then, finally, she leans forward and takes a slice of the Meat Lovers for herself.
It’ll go right to her ass and hips and she KNOWS it will, but she does so enjoy the warmth and pleasure that comes from the chewy, meaty goodness all the same. And she especially loved the way Emma had surreptitiously checked her out before going off on her earlier. She knew full well that at least in that way, Taylor looked far more feminine than Emma ever could have imagined given her previous beanpole form.
After giving into her temptation and chewing and swallowing the first bite of her purloined pizza, Taylor finally nods to the other person in the room.
Still staring at the monitors, Vincent takes a long draw from his drink and then throws her a wry glance.
“Taylor. Heard about what happened earlier today. Watched the tapes. Nicely done taking down the Future Karen.”
Taylor can’t help but grin a little at that. Indeed, she’s both happy and proud of how she handled Emma. However… the grin doesn’t last long before she lets out a sigh.
“There’ll be consequences.”
Vincent snorts derisively as she hides her nervousness by taking another bite of pizza.
Nodding and swallowing her mouthful, Taylor grimaces.
“Emma won’t take this lying down.”
“Heh, yeah I got the impression from some of the things she was saying that you two knew each other.”
Taylor holds back the urge to groan at that. Fuck was that an understatement. Thankfully, theirs wasn’t the kind of relationship where Vincent would push and pry and demand answers about her sordid pass or anything like that. Thank fucking God.
“I wouldn’t be too worried though. Bitch wasn’t even a Parahuman. What could a cunt like that possibly do to Freddy’s, ya know?”
Taylor huffs, squirming for a second. She knows he’s right, of course. But at the same time…
“You don’t know Emma. Not like I do.”
Vincent shrugs.
“Sure. But still, she’s just some normie. Jack Slash himself walked into Freddy Fazbear’s back in the Nineties with the intent to cause murder and mayhem and never walked back out. What’s this Emma bitch gonna do that he couldn’t?”
There’s a brief pause at that before Taylor remembers who he’s talking about.
“Oh yeah. That serial killer who got beaten to death by the Animatronics. Right.”
From there, conversation turns to other topics, becoming a lot more… chiller. And slowly but surely, that massive Meat Lovers Pizza in front of the two of them is consumed. Until finally, all that’s left is the last slice at the very back of the large box… a slice too far away for either of them to get without getting up all the way out of their chair first.
For a few minutes, it remains untouched, the two of them continuing to shoot the shit and watch the cameras. But finally, Taylor’s hunger gets the better of her. Amelia had probably given her another fucking tune-up when she wasn’t looking, because she was always hungrier than normal after her friend decided to ‘upgrade’ her in some random fucking way.
Rising from her chair, Taylor leans forward over the desk to reach for the slice and-
She squeaks and jumps a bit as Vincent takes advantage of her compromised state to give her massive derriere a nice, solid slap. A full body shudder goes through Taylor at the sensation and she blushes as she bites her lower lip and looks back at him. Technically, she should tell him to piss off. There’s like a ten year age difference between them, easily. But… this wasn’t the first time. And it wouldn’t be the last.
Eyes hooded, Taylor growls softly at her coworker.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Vincent.”
More than a little amused, the hefty, seated Night Guard raises an eyebrow in response.
“Start? I should be saying that to you, Taylor. Don’t present such a tempting target if you don’t want to start anything~”
Huffing in amusement of her own, Taylor reaches for the pizza slice once more, only for his hand to yet again come down on her ass. This time, she makes sure to snatch the slice up before proceeding to back her ass right up into him, fully intending to take her seat right upon his lap whether he likes it or not.
Vincent, of course, sees it coming from a mile away and stops her in her tracks. Age over beauty, she can practically hear him saying. His big, surprisingly powerful hands catch ahold of her cheeks and squeeze, causing her to squeak and fall forward as he rises from his chair and towers over her.
“I did warn you…”
Taylor answers his chiding tone with a gurgling moan, pizza slice all but forgotten as she shudders under his groping, molesting hands. All Amelia’s fault. Had to be. She assured Taylor that it wasn’t her, that the sensitivity in her massive buttocks was completely natural… but Taylor didn’t believe it! Not for one moment! Thankfully… fortunately… Taylor had a very understanding coworker who was always more than happy to help her out.
Absently, the young woman reaches over and presses the nearby buttons to lock the door to the Security Office and close the shutters on the windows as well. This isn’t her first rodeo, after all… nor is it Vincent’s.
… Is it wrong that Taylor engages in a fuck buddy style relationship with her much older coworker? Maybe. But if it is, Taylor doesn’t want to be right. The world is already a crazy enough place as it is, not even getting into the insanity that Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex brings to the table. Taylor is way happier just letting herself BE happy and not worrying about the little things at this point.
Vincent’s hands continue to grope her ass for a few seconds more before he finally reaches around to her front and undoes her belt buckle, followed by unbuttoning her pants and pulling down her zipper. Taylor gasps as he hooks his thumbs into not just her pants, but also the waistband of her panties, yanking both down roughly over her incredibly large posterior, all the way down to her thighs.
To be fair, if he’d tried to go slowly, her pants would have just gotten stuck over her expansive hips. They both knew that from experience. This way works just fine though, with her sizable ass jiggling free in the stagnant air of the Security Room as Vincent gropes her with one hand for a moment before something incredibly large, thick, and throbbing slaps down onto her ass crack from behind.
Taylor groans as the hefty, plus-sized Night Guard takes out his meaty ‘night stick’ and smacks her backside with it. His huge fucking cock hot dogs her ass for a second before he grabs her by the hips with both hands and holds her steady, slowly sliding his dick back until he’s finally able to line up with her cunt lips. Of course, as a result that weighty belly of his is now resting atop her humungous bubble butt, their bodies pressed tightly together as he starts to slowly spread her cunt lips along his cockhead.
“B-Bastard! Hurry up!”
Growling in impatience, Taylor thrusts her hips back, forcing a few inches of his huge dick into her cunt. Vincent laughs and proceeds to thrust forward as well, meeting her the rest of the way as he buries his length inside of her. Taylor moans, clawing at the desk in front of her and shuddering in pleasure. Fuck yeah, this was the best.
Without missing a beat, Vincent starts to properly fuck her, with Taylor reciprocating in the form of backwards thrusts all the while. They fuck like a pair of animals… which given where they are, isn’t too out of the question. This whole damn place is filled with animals, after all. It’s also a pretty damn terrifying place to be… if you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.
There’d been a time, back at the beginning of her dropout status, when Taylor had first gotten this job and admittedly didn’t understand what she was getting herself into. But that was a long time ago and she’d learned a lot since then. A lot about how Freddy Fazbear’s worked. A lot about how she herself worked as well.
This was where she belonged, as insane as that might sound to most people. But not Vincent. And not Amelia either. Both of them understood in a way that no one who hadn’t worked at the Pizzaplex could. This place… it wasn’t just their job. It was home.
As Vincent fucks her from behind, Taylor grabs that last slice of Meat Lovers and rips it in half. She gives her coworker the larger half and they both chow down as they watch the security cameras together while enjoying each other’s bodies. At least, that’s how it starts anyways. It’s not long before Vincent starts to flag. The man is overweight, after all. Hefty. Not fat… at least, Taylor doesn’t like to use that word.
But the fact is, he can only go so long before he needs to take a break and switch things up. Something Taylor is more than happy to do, given how big his cock is and how good it feels inside of her.
Which is why, once he grunts and pulls out of her, sitting back down in his chair, Taylor doesn’t hesitate. She doesn’t think for even a second that he’s spurning her or anything like that. And she certainly has no intention of letting him get off without them both finishing.
Lifting herself up off the desk and spinning around, Taylor all but pounces on the other Security Guard. Thankfully, Vincent’s chair is one of those heavy duty metal ones, cushioned and made to withstand quite a lot of weight. He’s also modified it so that it leans back much further than it should, almost to the point of him being all the way on his back.
This allows Taylor to climb into his lap irrespective of his sizable belly, impaling herself on his cock and riding him to kingdom come as they both groan and moan in equal measure, their bodies shaking and shuddering and the heavy duty chair squeaking and shrieking in protest beneath them despite its metal nature.
In that new position… well, it’s not really any surprise that they miss most of what happens next. And it really can’t be considered their fault, either. Sure, they’re supposed to be Security Guards… but it’s long been understood by those in the Know that Freddy Fazbear’s Night Guards aren’t there to keep people out, but to keep the animatronics in. And with certain changes in the relationships over the last few years, things on that front were more peaceful than ever too.
In the end… nobody would be stupid enough to break into Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. Right?


Part 2:


Getting into Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex is the definition of easy, especially for someone of Sophia Hess’ powerset. All she has to do is walk up to the front door and phase right on through. From there, it’s as easy as opening the doors from inside so that Emma and Madison can also slip in.
Sophia had heard that Freddy’s had a renovation like a decade back, going from the old-fashioned Pizzeria to the new and improved ‘Pizzaplex’. But apparently the one area in which they hadn’t bothered to improve jack shit was the security. Made sense, Sophia supposed. The place’s reputation was a sort of security all on its own… at least for all the pansy gangs who were too afraid to get within a hundred yards of the Pizzaplex without their tails tucked between their legs.
It was so stupid and undeserved, as far as Sophia could tell. After all, she’d been there earlier that same day. Whether the gangs avoided the place out of fear because some serial killer had gotten offed back in the day, or whether it was out of some sort of stupid respect because all of their kids frequented the joint… it didn’t matter. The place was a pigsty. A complete shitshow.
All it did was teach kids how to be weak and helpless prey in the end. Honestly, if Emma hadn’t made a mess of things, Sophia probably would have dragged her brat of a brother and his friends out of the Pizzaplex fully of her own accord at some point. As it was, Emma’s… outburst had been the perfect excuse to get out of there. Sophia certainly wasn’t going to get stuck in some shitty Time Out Room after all.
Being completely transparent (at least with herself), Emma worried her sometimes. Sophia knew the other girl was a survivor… but at the same time, she had to wonder if Emma would ever be more than that. It wasn’t enough to survive in this world. If you couldn’t prove you were capable of thriving, were you even worthy of existing?
That’s why Sophia was so happy when Emma hadn’t wasted any time in trying to get revenge. If she’d submitted to the indignity she’d suffered earlier without a peep of protest, Sophia would have had to finally give serious consideration to reevaluating their friendship. Fortunately, it hadn’t come to that. Emma was finally showing some strength. She was finally showing she wasn’t all bark, but also had some bite to her too.
Heh, when they pulled this off, it would be the talk of the fucking town too. No one had ever done what they were about to do before. Sophia could hardly wait to listen to everyone around town losing their shit over ‘who could have done such a thing to Freddy’s?!’. She was especially looking forward to all the reactions of those baby idiot Wards she was saddled with.
Honestly, years of having to put up with those children would wear on anyone. Especially when they SHOULD have understood. This was Brockton fucking Bay. They were capes in one of the worst cities on the East Coast, one filled with Nazis and Slavers and the literal goddamn mob… and they still hadn’t truly grown up. Ridiculous.
“We shouldn’t be here. We really shouldn’t-!”
Sophia throws Madison a simple look, shutting the brunette up right then and there. She snorts as Madison clams up immediately, her eyes wide. Shaking her head, Sophia leads the other two girls further into the Pizzaplex. If they hadn’t needed her car to get here, Sophia would have advocated for keeping Madison out of this altogether. But now that they were actually here, the dark-skinned heroine would be damned if she was going to let the little brunette bitch play the getaway driver. No, she was in this for keeps. And Sophia wanted to be able to keep an eye on her, to make sure the stupid little cunt didn’t rabbit on them.
The main party room with its big stage would be the starting point for completely wrecking this place, Sophia had already decided. Fingering the combat knife she’d brought with her; she approaches the curtained stage. Once she got done cutting up those stupid animatronics, they would be even uglier than their original models.
Then, once the three of them found out where Taylor was living at this point, Sophia would go ahead and plant the knife and all the cut off faces of the stupid bots before calling in an anonymous tip to the police. Absolutely foolproof plan.
Of course, she couldn’t do all of it. She’d need to involve Emma in a few things. Maybe she’d have Emma make the call to the police. Maybe she’d have her cut off a couple of these shitty bots’ faces as well. But Sophia was definitely doing the first one.
A big grin on her face, the dark-skinned ‘predator’ reaches out and grabs the stage curtain. Flinging it aside she-
“What the fuck?!”
Immediately after flinging open the curtain, Sophia is rather roughly pulled out of her inner monologuing and internal plotting by the feeling of very large, bearpaw-like hands reaching up and grabbing hold of her. Lifted into the air, Sophia’s eyes go wide as she finds herself staring into a very life-like bear face. One that bears a passing resemblance to a certain mascot she’d seen earlier today.
The bear roars in her face, hot breath and spittle spraying across her exposed face. Sophia flinches back, but at the same time instinct and training take over. Without hesitation, she plunges her knife to the hilt inside of the life-like bear-man’s chest, phasing out of its hold and dropping to the floor. Stumbling back, Sophia has all of a moment to realize that she… she should have had more difficulty escaping him. Because there’s no doubt in her mind that that’s Freddy Fucking Fazbear.
The electronic components that made up the animatronics’ inner wiring SHOULD have made phasing through his grasp incredibly painful, if not all but impossible. And yet… and yet she hadn’t felt a single spark of electricity as she’d escaped him.
As Sophia continues to backpedal rapidly, her fight and flight instincts kicking in alongside one another, she inadvertently runs into a frozen Emma and Madison, sending all three of them to the floor in shock at the insane encounter.
Meanwhile, up on the stage the lights focus on Freddy, showing the bear-man reaching up and wrapping a paw around the hilt of her knife before pulling it out to reveal the blade covered in blood. The gash it leaves behind in his chest closes up in mere seconds as he throws his head back and laughs.
“Ohohoho! What FUN guests we have tonight!”
He tosses the knife almost contemptuously down in front of her, making Sophia hiss as she pulls back to make sure it doesn’t hit her. Of course, it was never going to actually reach her. Instead, it skids across the floor and once it comes to a stop Sophia can see the bright red on the blood. Freddy’s blood. Bastard shouldn’t even HAVE blood.
“Oh god. Oh god, they’re real. They’re actually alive. Oh fuck, they’re alive and they can talk and they’re really, really pissed off.”
Madison’s insane gibbering in Sophia’s ear makes her snarl as she pushes the panicking brunette away and gets to her feet. Snatching up the combat knife, Sophia’s nostrils flare as she gets herself under control. This shit… it didn’t scare her. Not one bit. Animatronic? Bear? Case 53 or Changer? In the end, she didn’t fucking CARE. If Freddy could bleed then he could surely die, and Sophia was fixing to get a nice large bearskin rug out of this shitshow of a night.
Behind her, Emma and Madison scramble to their feet as well. Then, they turn and run. Sophia ignores the sound of their departure, as well as the sound of their screams moments later. They aren’t predators. Not like her. Not like Freddy. Keeping her eye on the hulking bear-man, Sophia snarls as she lifts her blade, taking up a stance.
In response, Freddy Fazbear gives her a wicked grin with his muzzle, adjusting his top hat and bowtie before leaping down off of the stage and into the middle of the room. Then, he lifts up one massive bearpaw and gives her the ‘come on’ gesture, all but challenging her to make the first move.
Fuck him! Leaping forward, Sophia phases right through his next swing, only to slice the combat knife across his neck. Blood seeps out but much too slowly to have any real effect, but Sophia doesn’t give up. Not even for a second.
Unfortunately, without knowing just how durable he truly is, she can’t just phase her knife into him and leave it there. Because then she wouldn’t get it back again. Rather, Sophia thinks the only place she can possibly phase the knife in is his brain. Unfortunately, the bastard is easily eight or nine feet tall. Reaching his neck was one thing, burying her blade in his skull would be a lot harder. She just… she just needed to find a way to stagger him, maybe.
Easier said than done. In fact, it’s Freddy who’s constantly sending her stumbling away with each exchange, his attacks leaving her constantly having to phase in and out to avoid getting clobbered big time.
When he suddenly picks up an entire fucking table and swings it at her, Sophia has to dodge back to avoid being hit, and then she has to phase backwards entirely to avoid the follow up swing. Which… is when shit goes really sideways.
She doesn’t have the time to look behind her. But to be fair, in her phased state it shouldn’t matter unless she hits electrical wiring. That’s not what happens here. Rather, she enters something… and suddenly finds she can’t come back out.
“What the f-grk!”
Pressing, contorting around her, her body is frozen in place, only for something else to… to mold to her form. Sophia screams and thrashes, but no more sound comes out of her… her mouth. Except it’s not her mouth anymore. These aren’t her eyes anymore, no matter how much Sophia tries to widen them. And… the combat knife clatters to the ground and hands come up in front of her face that aren’t her hands. She knows this because instead of dark skin, she’s staring at golden fur on bearpaw-like appendages.
Her golden hands flex and wiggle before coming down on her chest… her large, fur-covered breasts that definitely weren’t there a moment ago.
“Oohoo~ This is lovely!”
Those words were said with her mouth, her tongue, and her lips, but it wasn’t Sophia’s voice. And they definitely weren’t her words.
“This feels amazing~”
Whatever or whoever has taken her body for itself moans a giggly, wanton sort of moan. The female bear-woman feels herself up, squealing in excitement and glee as she plays with their breasts, cunt, and ass. Exploring the culmination of their joining even as Sophia screams inside of her own head, not even able to make herself heard.
This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be possible. She was a fucking predator. At the very least Freddy should have killed her! She should have gone out with a fight! Not… not this!
“What do you think, Freddy- oh! Well now~”
Turning their body, the interloper brings her paws to her furred cheeks and coos at the sight of Freddy Fazbear standing there sporting the biggest fucking dick Sophia has ever seen.
“Goldie… you did all of that on purpose, didn’t you?”
Freddy’s gruff voice makes it clear how much watching Goldie touch herself turned him on. Giggling, Goldie turns this way and that like a smitten schoolgirl.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck, the bear-people were flirting. And they were doing it with HER body. Fuck, fuck, fuck. There was no way-!
But before Sophia can even complete that thought, Freddy surges forward, grabs Goldie by her waist, and lifts her up into the air. Laughing happily, Goldie doesn’t try to escape his grasp like Sophia would have. Instead, she lets the bigger bear-man slam her down on the nearest table… and spreads her legs nice and wide for him to boot.
“Fuck me, Freddy! Fuck me HARD! Help me break in this new body, it’s been so LONG!”
“That’s the plan, you slutty golden nympho…”
NO! No, there was no way it was going to fit. No way-!
But Sophia doesn’t have a choice. She’s helpless, totally and utterly, as Freddy slams his mammoth-sized member right up inside of her reformed cunt. Of course, even with this Goldie chick having remade Sophia’s body into some sort of golden furred bear-woman, she’s still the same size she was before. And like she thought, Freddy really ISN’T meant to fit inside of her.

There’s no tearing. But there is plenty of pain. Sophia screams in agony in the depths of her own mind, while Goldie moans happily.
“That’s it Freddy. Oh, she’s not liking that. Keep going! Help me consume this little bitch and make her body mine PERMANENTLY!”
“Hmph. Wouldn’t normally be on board with one of your plans… but this cunt has it coming. So I suppose you can have her. So long as you play nice and be good.”
“Hehehehe! Of course, Freddy! I’ll be SO good! You’ll see! Just keep on fucking me and I’ll be the goodest, bestest fuck toy you’ve ever had!”
Freddy Fazbear grunts at that. Goldie coos. And Sophia Hess screams. She screams and screams, but with no mouth and no voice, her screams are heard by no one except for maybe Goldie herself. And as the pain of being so roughly used by a monstrous dick twice her size washes over her, Sophia loses more and more of herself to the horror.
He doesn’t hold back either, the bastard bear. He fucks her like there’s no tomorrow, pounding her atop a table where her kid brother and his friends might have been eating pizza just a few fucking hours earlier. Some small, very distant part of Sophia reflects that this is all her fault. She brought it on herself. The rumors and warnings about Freddy’s were true.
But how could she have known? How could she ever have known that trying to vandalize a stupid fucking pizza parlor would result in her being possessed by a ghostly golden bear bitch and then fucked by Freddy Fazbear himself? As his humungous dick stretches out her insides, leaving Sophia in agony and Goldie in ecstasy, the young predator sobs and sobs in the depths of her own mind.
As Sophia Hess breaks, Goldie becomes stronger and stronger. Until eventually… there’s nothing left of the former. Only the latter.


Part 3:


Oh god. Oh fuck. Oh no. She’d known better. She’d known this was a bad idea. But she’d let Sophia fucking Hess intimidate her into coming all the same. And look where that had gotten her.
Madison Clements lays curled up in the fetal position under a table in Bonnie’s Burrow. Hands both cupped over her mouth in an attempt to muffle her rapid breathing as well as her terror-induced begging for forgiveness. She didn’t deserve this. She just wanted to go home. Unfortunately, that wasn’t currently an option.
Luckily, her intimate knowledge of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex had allowed her to escape pursuit and hide here after her and Emma’s initial escape attempt had been thoroughly foiled by a certain Pirate Fox. Just as they’d been within sight of the Pizzaplex’s Front Doors, Foxy had shown up ahead of them, blocking their exit with both hook and cutlass.
They’d both screamed in horror and fear, but it had been Emma who had acted first by trying to sacrifice Madison. Literally, the red head had shoved her forward right into the Pirate Captain’s hook and sword and then booked it. Madison SHOULD have probably been dead right then and there… but Emma’s actions had had the opposite effect on Foxy.
Instead of focusing on Madison, the Fox-Man had batted her aside almost contemptuously, slapping her into a wall with the flat of his blade and leaving her to fall to the floor with her breath knocked out of her as he’d gone right after Emma in pursuit. Leaving Madison with just Bonnie and Chica to chase her around the building.
Her hands press down harder on her mouth as Madison hears the padded thuds of one of them walking around the room. Their greater size and weight echoes loudly in the stillness of the burrow. They’re not… this shouldn’t be possible. They’re supposed to be animatronics. They’re not supposed to be real. And yet… here they are all the same.
A guitar strumming suddenly sounds out, following after the steps have stilled. Suddenly, a bright light peeks under the thin gap between the bottom of the tablecloth and the floor. And then…
“Oh Susie Q… oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q, baby I love you, Susie Q.”
“I like the way you walk, I like the way you talk. I like the way you walk, I like the way you talk… Susie Q.”
Was this really happening?
“Well, say that you’ll be true…”
As the deep, masculine voice continues to sing Susie-Q by CCR, Madison finds herself blushing in baffled confusion… and a little bit of surprised arousal. The voice is such a deep, husky tone. A real crooner if Madison has ever heard one. It’s actually a little hard to remain terrified with the effect that the singing voice is having on her body.
“… Oh Susie Q, baby I love you… Susie Q…”
The song comes to a close and quite suddenly, Madison finds herself blinded by that same bright light from before as something lifts up the tablecloth. It takes the brunette several blinks to adjust her eyesight… and then several more to confirm exactly what she was seeing. There were a pair of pink and blue bunnies holding up the tablecloth for her. But instead of Bonnie’s Burrow from the Pizzaplex that she’d hid out in originally, all she saw was an incredibly bright, incredibly lush, incredibly colorful valley beyond them.
Gaping at the sight, Madison finds herself crawling out from under the table completely of her own volition. Standing up, she stares out at the valley. It honestly wouldn’t be out of place in a children’s cartoon or something of the like.
Suddenly, her hands are taken up by the pink and blue bunnies, who bounce up and down as they begin to lead her further into the valley. Madison finds herself subconsciously skipping along with them as they go. Literally, skipping along the path actually comes easier to her in this moment then walking or running strangely enough.
At the same time, she looks all around her as they move. Every which way she turns her head, Madison Clements sees bunny rabbits in all the colors of the rainbow. Playing, frolicking, eating, fucking. Wait, what was that last one? Her head rubbernecks to confirm it… but indeed, there were some bunnies straight up fornicating. Going at it quite hard too, much to Madison’s embarrassment.
Distracted as she was by such sights, having the hopping bunnies guiding her abruptly stop caught her off guard. She only jerks to a stop because of their hold on her hands in fact. Focusing back on the present and what’s right in front of her, Madison blanches as she realizes WHO is right in front of her.
Bonnie sits there before her, a soft smile on his face. Even seated, he’s actually taller than her. Immediately, a smidgen of fear comes back and tears well up in Madison’s eyes as the bunnies let go of her hands.
“I’m… I’m sorry! I’m so-!”
“Madison Clements.”
Suddenly, she’s pulled into a hug, his reach far greater than she would have thought. Bonnie is… unbelievably warm and fluffy. The bunny-man only bears a passing resemblance to his animatronic truth be told. He’s so much more alive than the animatronic had ever been. That said, it had still been Madison’s favorite thing to come here for her birthday back in the day. All the way up through middle school in fact.
Unfortunately, once she got to High School and fell in with Emma and Sophia, Madison didn’t dare suggest ever coming back to the Pizzaplex. Not even for her birthday. As such, it had actually been a few years since she’d gotten to celebrate her birthday with Bonnie and the others.
And yet, it doesn’t surprise her that he knows her name. It feels… right. On the other hand, everything else feels oh so wrong.
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t want to do it. Please forgive me, Bonnie. I didn’t want… I knew it was a bad idea. I TOLD them not to mess with the Pizzaplex. But they never listened to me! I had no choice!”
Bonnie’s hand runs through Madison’s hair and he hushes her as he holds her close. Madison trembles under his touch, even as his voice fills her ears just as his scent is filling her nose.
“I know, Madison. I know. That’s why you’re here with me, brought into my true home. I know that you’re a Good Girl. I know you don’t deserve the fate that’s going to befall those Naughty Girls.”
… R-Really? Madison finds herself starting to smile. Just imagining what’s going to happen to Sophia and Emma makes her happier if she’s being honest. After all, its their fault that she was in this mess in the first place!
Of course, with there no longer being any fear of what he’s going to do to her… Madison’s mind changes tracks. She was… well, she had a dark, dark secret. One that no one knew about her. She was kind of a freak. A pervert, if you will. On PHO, she went by the handle Specific_Protagonist and needless to say, if anyone ever knew that was her username, they would never look at her the same way ever again.
Put bluntly, Madison was a Monster Cape Lover. The freakier the better. And while Bonnie might not have tentacles… he was still a huge, hulking, big buff bunny-man.
As the fear bleeds away from her, Madison finds herself pressing her hand against his fur, feeling the muscles underneath. Bonnie chuckles and returns the favor by using one massive paw-like hand to grope her pert little posterior. Mewling, Madison grinds in his lap, shuddering as she realizes that she could literally have her deepest, darkest fantasies fulfilled in this moment.
Rather, not just ‘could’… will. Because her efforts are not going unnoticed. Even as Bonnie gropes her ass, she can feel him getting aroused. When she sees and feels the size of his member pressing against her leg, Madison doesn’t hesitate to pull away and start tugging at her clothes.
Letting out a lustful growl, Bonnie grabs her by the front of her top and rips it off of her. Her skirt, bra, and panties don’t last much longer either. In the end, Madison winds up on her back wearing just her socks and shoes as Bonnie climbs on top of her. Her lithe legs wind up in the air on either side of the immense bunny monster, and she claws at his furred chest as his cock slides right into her sopping wet cunt.
Truth is, Madison had a fair few… exotic toys back home. Hidden under her bed. And in her closet. Oh, and in the bathroom under the sink in a dark corner where her parents never looked. Madison was a freak and though she’d done her best to hide that fact from her friends, she’d also indulged in her perversions with bigger and bigger dildos. She’d even bought dildos that were said to be based off of monster capes, though whether that was true or not, Madison couldn’t have said.
What WAS true was that her toys were all huge. Bigger than any normal human man could ever hope to be. And Madison had been using them on herself for years now. That’s why… she takes Bonnie with surprising ease despite her smaller size. Even though he’s large enough to cover her entire body with his furred bulk as he fucks her in a mating press, Madison’s well-trained cunt, fully ready for the day she might get it on with a monster cape of epic proportions like him, stretches out easily to accept his immense size deep within her.
Letting out a cry, Madison squeals as she’s fucked right there on the ground in the center of Bonnie’s Burrow. His TRUE burrow. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t fantasized about this more than once over the years. About experiencing what it might be like if the animatronics of Freddy’s Pizzaplex came to life to have their way with her. Freddy and Bonnie spit-roasting her between the. Chica forcing her to eat out her cunt. Foxy the Pirate pinning her down and plowing her in front of his whole crew.
Hah, with any lucky, that was what Emma was currently getting, the traitorous bitch. And unlike Madison, she would NOT be enjoying the loss of control. That much was fucking certain.
By comparison, Madison is having the time of her life. Moaning, squealing, shuddering, she cums and cums again under Bonnie, until finally he lets out a loud groan. Without any other warning, the bunny-man proceeds to fill her up with a load of his baby batter, pumping her to the brim and then some with his seed.
Madison shudders, her eyes rolling back in her head as she passes out from the experience for a brief time. A few moments later and she wakes up again, but by that point Bonnie has pulled out of her and sat back down on his ‘throne’.
Mewling on the ground before him, Madison smiles as she sits up and rubs her tight, bloated belly.
“Heh. I could get used to that~”
Bonnie grins, his rabbit nose wiggling.
“That’s good to hear, Madison. Especially given how quickly rabbits can multiply.”
Huh? Madison turns to give him a questioningly look, only to gasp and pant as she doubles over quite suddenly. The pain in her abdomen is intense… and beneath her roaming hands, her belly starts inflating rapidly.
“Oh god… oh god, what’s happening?!”
“Shh… just bear with it, Madison. Be a good girl now.”
Madison whimpers as Bonnie pulls her back into his lap, this time with her back against his furred chest. He holds her in place even as her belly grows larger and larger. And then… then the kicks start up.
“Oh fuck…”
“Almost there…”
This shouldn’t be possible. And yet… and yet, the kicks and punches across her widened womb make it clear what’s happening. Its all happening MUCH too fast, but it is happening. There’s no denying that. Abruptly, Madison’s water breaks and she goes into labor right there on the spot.
Crying out in pain, she shudders her way through the ensuing birth. She’d fantasized about this too… even written smut of it and posted it in PHO’s NSFW sections. But reality and fantasy are two very different things. Giving birth to Bonnie’s baby just isn’t all its cracked up to be. There’s nothing enjoyable about it, at least this first time as their child is born the hard way, pushing all the way out of her womb and then out of her vagina as well.
Bonnie snips the umbilical cord and their baby grows into a child with insane swiftness before bouncing off to play with all the others. Madison watches them go with tear-filled eyes, not sure if they’re even a boy or girl.
“Shhh… it’s okay Madison. We’ll give you five minutes to recover and then we’ll go again. After a dozen or so births, you’ll get used to the sensation. In fact, after a few dozen, you’ll probably come to enjoy the act of giving birth as much as you clearly enjoyed the act of getting pregnant in the first place.”
Oh god…
“There, there sweetie. You’re my Good Girl, aren’t you? Let’s keep it that way, alright?”
Its in that moment that Madison Clements realizes she’s never, ever getting out of here.


Part 4:


Emma’s heart is beating a thousand beats a minute in her ears as her burning lungs try to take in as much air as they can. Meanwhile, her aching body twitches with the lingering effects of the adrenaline that had rushed through her during her terrifying chase through Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex.
“Shiver me timbers, shiver me soul…”
Of course, just because the running was over didn’t mean she was in the clear. Emma’s breath hitches and her body goes still as a growling voice announces the presence of the monster that had chased her through the Pizzaplex. He’s arrived in the room she’s hidden out in, and there’s nothing Emma can do now but stay in her hiding place.
And so, as the Pirate Fox stomps around singing a creepy pirate shanty, Emma stays on the floor of the ball pit she’d dived into upon finding this room, keeping herself as flat as possible beneath the all-blue balls that make up the pit’s contents. Her only choice had been to burrow as deep as possible and get out of sight. But in doing so, she herself didn’t have any form of sight either. All she could rely on now was her hearing.
She had neither the hope nor the strength to get out of the ball pit fast enough to not be spotted much less make a break for it. In the end, she couldn’t do anything but wait. Surely he would get bored of hunting for her soon enough, right?
Only… the Fox Pirate hadn’t hesitated to chase her and her specifically before, hadn’t he? Madison had proven utterly useless as a distraction. With a single minded fury, the one-eyed fox-man had hunted her and her alone all the way here.
Emma hated this. She hated her weakness. She hated how she hadn’t even laid eyes on Taylor since they’d arrived. Her only hope was that Sophia would manage to kill that damn bear and come for her. Alternatively, if that didn’t happen she might be able to remain hidden until morning. Once the Pizzaplex opened and there were kids around, the monsters that she and the others had apparently woken up would be gone. Everything would go back to normal. She would-
“Dead Men Tell No Tales!”
Emma’s eyes widen as a wave of pressure passes over her at the Pirate Fox’s declaration. What the hell- water! She was suddenly underwater, in danger of drowning. Looking up, Emma can see light up above, meaning that the surface is right above her. Eyes widen, mouth desperately closing shut, Emma holds her breath as she hurries to swim to the surface.
Breaking the surface, she gasps for breath and looks around, her eyes wide as she finds herself in the middle of an ocean of all things.
“What the fuck?!”
Literally, she’s surrounded by nothing but water for as far as she can see! Emma’s mind stalls as she tries to process what’s happened to her. She’d definitely been at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. It had been night time. But now? Now it was a sunny day with a clear blue sky overhead and she was IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING OCEAN!
This wasn’t possible. This wasn’t-! Before Emma can truly be reduced to gibbering madness and terror, something suddenly slides over her. Looking down blankly, Emma is just in time to see an inner tube of all things before it cinches shut around her, trapping her arms at her sides and getting absurdly tight.
A yelp leaves the red head’s lips as she’s yanked up out of the water like a fish on a hook. Dangling, her feet kicking back and forth, she hollers as she’s spun around just in time to see the broad side of an old-fashioned Galleon pass her by. Then, she’s pulled even further up, hauled all the way onto the deck of the old wooden pirate’s ship and tossed to the ground.
“Jesus… fucking… Christ…”
Laid out on the wood, Emma spends a few moments catching her breath, blinded by the sun shining down from overhead… before suddenly that sun is blotted out by shadows as figures surround her and look down at her. Emma blinks, only for her eyes to widen once they adjust and she sees human-sized foxes dressed as pirates staring down at her.
As Emma lays there, she notes the ones directly surrounding her are all female. Fox-women one and all, they’re scantily clad and are eyeing her like a piece of fresh meat.
“… All skin and bones, this one.”
“She won’t last a day here.”
“Are we supposed to be worried about her?”
“Honestly, ‘Fresh Meat’ usually means they actually have some meat to them, but this one looks like she half-starves herself on the daily.”
Emma flushes as the admittedly far more voluptuous and curvaceous fox women all take turns disparaging her body and looks.
“Clothes are interesting though.”
“Nice fabrics.”
“Well-made, too.”
“… Dibs on the shoes.”
Wait, what?! Before Emma can react, her shoes are stripped from her feet. Yelping, the red head scrambles off of the ground, standing up and tries to get away from the bitchy fox-girls. But of course, they just laugh, already hemming her in, keeping her in one place, and pushing her back and forth between the two of them.
“Look! Look!”
“She’s trying to run!”
“Stupid bitch! Where is she going to go?!”
“Right! She’s on a fucking pirate ship… if she can’t handle a little manhandling, she really WON’T last a day here!”
As they mock and belittle her, they also tear her clothes from her, strip by strip. Finally, Emma is left standing there in nothing but her soaked bra and panties, arms wrapping around herself as a breeze from across the ocean has her shivering. Though, it’s not just the cool sea air that has her shivering as she looks around herself.
Once the scantily clad fox-women have their loot, they leave. One might think that’s a good thing, but their departure means Emma can now look around herself… and it also means that the rest of the Pirate Crew can SEE her now. All of the actual crew are Fox-Men, and they’re all staring at Emma hungrily, leaving her unsure whether they want to eat her or fuck her.
As they eye her up, Emma backs upwards into a nearby railing, even as the bravest of the crew takes the first step in her direction.
Only to stop as a metallic knocking sound causes them all to turn towards- Its him! Emma freezes in fright as the Pirate Fox that had been chasing her through the Pizzaplex earlier… or rather, was it last night… either way, he’s there.
“Captain Foxy, sir!”
Captain Foxy laughs, his one single eye gleaming with the promise of violence as he gazes at Emma and licks his chops.
“I see you’ve already started welcoming our newest Cabin Wench to the crew, boys!”
The other fox-men all laugh, making Emma’s eyes go wide as she realizes what those four fox-women from earlier actually WERE. Then, she realizes that the Pirate Captain before her is labeling her the same as them. With an indignant, outraged squawk, the red head covers herself as best she can.
“I’m not a whore! Fuck you!”
There’s a brief pause at that, during which Emma has the time to regret her knee-jerk defiance. But rather than getting angry at her, the Pirate Crew all look at each other… and then laugh HARDER.
“Course you ain’t a whore, you stupid bitch! A whore gets PAID!”
She’s not sure which of the crew says that, but the general laughter and agreement makes it clear that it doesn’t matter. Emma both flushes and goes pale at the realization that she’s well and truly fucked… likely literally. She doesn’t know where she is. She doesn’t know how she got here… but just looking behind herself, she can see there’s no escape.
When she turns back, Emma lets out a short, aborted scream at finding Captain Foxy suddenly looming over her. Planting his hook on the railing next to her, Foxy grins wickedly as he leans in close.
“I’ll give you a choice, bitch. Just one choice. Keep that in mind, because it’s the last choice you ever get to make.”
Emma shivers… and jerkily nods, listening closely to what he has to say.
“You’re still fresh, so you get two options. You either go straight to being the Crew’s Wench… or you get eased into things and get to be my Personal Wench for a few weeks. Up to you, really.”
That… that wasn’t a choice at all! She could either choose to let a bunch of randy, dangerous-looking fox pirates gangbang her into oblivion… or she could let their Captain rape her for a few weeks and then have them gangbang her into oblivion! Fuck!
And yet, at the same time… a little bit of Emma can’t help but feel competitive. Those fox wenches who’d stolen her clothes had said she wouldn’t last a day. W-Well she’d show them. Even… even Pirate Ships had to go into port some time, right? If she could just survive a few weeks, she could maybe escape the next time they docked or s-something. And the only way she was going to survive a few weeks… was if she only had one massive humanoid fox monster to deal with, instead of dozens.
Emma Barnes was a survivor. So in the end, she paints a plastic smile on her face and steps forward, unwrapping her hands from her body in order to run one down the front of Captain Foxy.
“I’d… I’d LOVE to be yours… Captain.”
His one visible eye stares at her for a moment… and then he throws his head back and laughs. Emma flushes, feeling like she’s being mocked… and she definitely is. But before she can respond, he suddenly scoops her up like a sack of potatoes and carries her away from the railing. However, instead of taking her to his cabin… he heads upwards, to the top deck of the ship where the helm is located.
Emma gets a bad feeling in her gut, but it’s not like she can stop him from setting her down and pushing her over the top deck’s railing, leaving her looking down at the entire crew working all over the ship below. Nor can she stop him from snipping her bra and panties with his hook hand, resulting in those last scraps of modesty floating away and leaving her hopelessly exposed.
“Wench here has decided to accept my gracious offer to serve me and me alone for a few weeks! Until such time as she becomes a crew wench… enjoy the show, boys!”
What?! No, that wasn’t-! But Emma doesn’t even get the chance to protest before Foxy punches into her virgin cunt from behind, causing her to cry out in horror and pain and agony at the sudden rough taking. She’s up on her tip toes in an instant due to the size difference between the two of them… and then as he hooks his arm under her midsection, she’s taken off of her feet altogether.
Hanging onto the railing for dear life, Emma Barnes sings like a canary… a particularly pained canary anyways, getting fucked harder and harder by the Pirate Captain who’s claimed her. Down below, a few of the crew glance up at her from time to time… but most just continue on with their duties. Emma’s honestly not sure what’s worse. The pain she’s in, the embarrassment she feels… or the fact that most of the fox-men below are IGNORING her in favor of work over pleasure.
She’s… she’s hot, isn’t she? She’s sexy. She’s a fucking model for fuck’s sake! People LIKED her body, damn it! She wasn’t all skin and bones, she was just skinny! To conform with modern beauty standards!
But it didn’t seem like the fox creatures of Captain Foxy’s Pirate Crew gave two shits about conventional and modern beauty standards. Emma knows she should be fine with that. In fact, she should be ecstatic. After all, it’s not like she should WANT to be watched by a bunch of fox-men as their leader rails her against the railing, pounding her cunt into the shape of his much-too-large cock.
And yet… and yet it still rankles at her something fierce. Even as tears streak down Emma Barnes’ cheeks, she finds herself wondering how she might best compete with those other fucking wenches. She didn’t just want to be one of them… she wants to BEAT them at their own game. She was hot. She was sexy. She… she…
Unbeknownst to Emma, a pair of very small nubs begin to appear atop her head at that. The first signs of her transformation into a proper Fox Wench. Part of the ship. Part of the crew. Part of the voyage. Forever and ever.
Taylor suddenly lifts her head from Vincent’s belly, brow furrowed. She HAD been napping for a time after she and the hefty, plus-sized Night Guard had fucked for like two hours straight. The clock reads 12:30 AM now, which means they’ve still got plenty of time before Vincent’s shift is over. And yet… something is off. Or so it feels.
Her eyes sweep over the monitor bank in front of her, looking for any discrepancies. The only thing she notices is that there’s some movement behind the curtain in the main room. But that’s nothing special. Everything else though… everything else is perfectly fine. There’s not a single table or chair out of place, and she can’t even see any of Freddy Fazbear’s unique… residents roaming either.
“What’s up?”
With a sigh, Taylor lays her head back down and closes her eyes.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
Vincent grunts, running a hand through her dark locks as he continues watching the screens. If Taylor had kept watching for just a second longer, she would have seen a really strange sight… a golden furred head that looked suspiciously like it had Sophia Hess’s facial features while also being bear-like, pokes out from behind the stage curtain for a moment, an expression of pure eye-rolling, tongue-lolling ecstasy on her face.
Of course, if she hadn’t been napping, she would have seen a lot more than that to begin with. She would have seen the break-in in its entirety, starting at 12:15 AM and completely taken care of by 12:30 AM, just like Vincent had. But unlike Vincent, she might have tried to stop it. Because Taylor was a good person like that.
That’s why the heavy-set man hadn’t woken her up. Or lifted a single finger to help Taylor’s tormentors escape their just desserts. On one of the monitors, a lone Chica comes into a view and looks at the security camera. Vincent grins when she gives him a wink.
In the end… Freddy Fazbear’s always took care of its own. ALWAYS.


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