Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Passionlip’s Tits (Fate/Grand Order)


Themes: Titjob, Kissing, Monster Girl

Summary: In which an ordinary dude wakes up with Passionlip's ginormous titties wrapped around his cock


Adam was having a very, very good dream. The kind that tends to result in a… nocturnal emission. Even better, it’s one where he’s realized he was dreaming and has effectively become lucid, allowing him to get up to all sorts of sick and twisted fantasies in his dream world. It’s not real, after all, so he might as well enjoy himself right?
Only, all good things come to an end. And as Adam wakes up from his wet dream, unsure whether he’s jizzed his pajamas or not, the lucid dream he was having fades away rather rapidly, as they sometimes do. A shame really, because soon enough all he’s left with is the knowledge that he really would have liked to have remembered this wet dream… it was simply that good.
However, he soon has other things to contend with anyways. As he wakes more fully, his eyes still closed, Adam stretches like usual. But then he feels something rather… unusual. Has his cock wound up getting tangled in his boxers or something in the throes of passion? Slowly blinking his eyes open, bleary and confused still, Adam looks down. There’s no blanket or comforter, of course… he tends to always kick those off in his sleep despite wearing nothing but boxers to bed.
He kind of runs hot, so it makes sense regardless. However, today he finds his lower half is nevertheless covered by something… or rather, someone. Frankly, it takes way longer than it should for Adam to register exactly what and who he’s seeing right now. Mostly because she’s supposed to be fictional.
The only light in the room is coming from through his blinds. It’s early in the morning and the sun is just starting to shine through the slats in said blinds. But it’s still enough light in the bedroom for Adam to make out the entirety of the woman currently laying on his lower half. Woman… or monster.
Look, to her credit, she definitely has a woman’s body. A proper head with flowing purple locks and big violet eyes and a mouth and ears and cheeks. All that normal stuff. Below that is a massive pair of tits followed by an itty bitty waist and some thicc thighs and delicious legs clad in skintight black pantyhose.
The problem is… her arms. Because Passionlip, for that’s who he finds himself making eye contact with in this moment, does not have a normal pair of human arms. No, rather, her arms are these massive golden talons that are literally as big as his entire body. Currently, those golden talons are dangling off either side of his bed and scraping against his bedroom floor, but Adam knows from experience how fast and deadly those are.
Well… secondhand experience. Because as previously mentioned, Passionlip isn’t real. She’s fictional. She really shouldn’t be here, because this… this was the real world and Passionlip was a character in a video game of all things. A video game Adam had played extensively, sure… but a video game, nonetheless.
As if to add insult to injury regarding her shocking existence, Passionlip suddenly greets him, smiling slightly. Adam jerks as her voice fills the room, adding some credence to the fact that she’s really here. He might be hallucinating… but he doesn’t think he is. It all feels too real. Especially her tits wrapped around his dick. Oh yeah… that’s a thing.
His cock, which was most definitely not tangled up in his boxers, is instead currently enveloped by Passionlip’s utterly massive breasts. Also, he’s pretty sure he did ejaculate from that dream, because… well, because somehow Passionlip’s breasts are feeling a little sticky at the moment. Indeed, after the moment of stunned silence has passed for Adam, he begins trying to pull away from her tits… only to find it all but impossible.
Every time he tries to pull himself up the length of his bed and thus drag his cock out of her massive breasts in the process, they suck him right back in. Passionlip coos in response, not seeming aggravated by this in the slightest. If she had been scowling angrily or getting frustrated by his increasingly insistent attempts to get away, he probably would have stopped thanks to the aforementioned golden talons.
But with her seeming more amused by his efforts than anything, Adam continued trying, working his way halfway out of her tits at times, but never more than that. He definitely ejaculated once already, but that’s not what’s keeping him trapped inside of her bust. Still, he knows he did, because holy shit are Passionlip’s breasts unbelievably tight and wonderful.
If he hadn’t already bust a nut before he woke up, he would have done so quite rapidly by now. There was just no way he could have lasted this long if he wasn’t currently dealing with a refractory period holding him back from cumming. As it is… he still can’t hold it back forever. His struggling ebbs and flows, but Passionlip’s tits are eternal. They remain unbelievably huge, incredibly tight, and warm and soft in a way that makes him ejaculate right into her love valley.
Of course, Passionlip herself is apparently immensely enjoying his struggling as well. While she starts out just cooing in amusement at his attempts to pull away, she’s soon moaning up a storm, her lips forming a big O as she moans and moans. Her skin seems to be hypersensitive, and her tits especially so, and when Adam finally cums, her breasts managing to milk him of his seed, Passionlip cums too right alongside him, her eyes rolling around in her head as she gurgles happily from the experience.
Collapsing back onto his bed, Adam just stares up at the ceiling with wide eyes for a moment. He honestly felt like he was having an experience that was half-religious, half-surreal, and half-out of body. Where did the third half come from? He didn’t know, but he was sure it was fucking there, that was how insane all of this was.
Passionlip suddenly giggling is the only thing that tears his eyes away from the ceiling and back down to her. Eyes twinkling with excitement and lust, the fictional monster girl licks her lips salaciously. She’s drooling and has this manic look on her face, even as she wiggles her chest for a moment and giggles some more.
“It’s impossible to escape! Because… my tits and your cock are completely and perfectly compatible!”
Adam just stares for a moment at that, before finally remembering to speak.
“Um… what?”
Giggling some more, Passionlip starts to move again, humping her chest away at his cock in what probably counts as a titfuck for her. Don’t get him wrong, it’s insanely pleasurable… but a normal girl would use her hands a bit more. Passionlip can’t because of the aforementioned lack of normal hands. Still, her breasts are SO big on her chest that they don’t need to be squished together by hands… they squish together around his cock all on their own thanks to how huge they are.
“They don’t want to be separated; you see! It’s True Love!”
Adam just gapes for a second at that.
“True… Love? Between… my cock and your tits? Not between me and you?”
Passionlip pauses for a moment at that, before giving him an amused but also slightly exasperated look.
“We’ve barely met, silly! It’ll take us a lot longer to fall in love!”
On the one hand, her logic was sound. Love at first sight was a bit of a fairy tale, wasn’t it? On the other hand, Passionlip herself was, to reiterate, completely fictional! And also, where did she get off being more logical and rational regarding the two of them, but also spouting out nonsense about her tits and his cock being in love somehow?!
Then again… she might have a point. Even as she’s humping his dick wildly, giving him a titfuck… Adam can actually feel it. The moments where Passionlip might inadvertently pull back a little too far, only to be sucked back towards him a second later. She’s telling the truth. Or rather… she’s just as stuck as he is. Though, unlike him, Passionlip wouldn’t have to stand for such a thing. If she really wanted to, she could free herself from him… even if it meant using those golden talons of hers to cut his dick free of his body and leave him as nothing but a eunuch.
With that chilling thought in mind, Adam decides not to argue the point any further with the supposedly fictional monster girl. Passionlip is moaning up a storm again and sure enough, her titfuck is finally bearing fruit. Not only is she climaxing hard from bouncing her sticky, hypersensitive breasts up and down, but… he can’t hold back either as she manages to extract a third huge load of jizz from him.
“Wow! Hehe, it’s almost like you’re trying to impregnate my breasts or something! But I don’t mind. Since it seems like we’ll be together forever, you’ll have plenty of time to succeed~”
Together forever. On the face of it, Adam wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea. Passionlip was his favorite character from Fate/Grand Order after all, so maybe his mind had magically spawned her or something. Though, the idea of having his dick and her tits joined together forever was a little bit more… well, it was something. He couldn’t imagine Passionlip would enjoy that too much, especially when he started having to take care of certain biological needs.
Still, they could figure out how to get apart later. For now, Adam can tell that Passionlip isn’t the right frame of mind for them to work together to maybe finally pull apart from one another. If anything, the fictional monster girl seems utterly obsessed with how they find themselves joined together.
Well… if you can’t beat them, join them right? Finally giving in completely, Adam reaches out and grabs Passionlip by her tits. Given the sheer size of her massive mammaries, he’s really just scraping his fingers against small patches of her humungous breasts. Even still, that has a pronounced effect on Passionlip, what with how sensitive the monster girl appears to be.
First, she goes still as he begins to purposefully thrust into the tight expanse created by her huge titties. Her eyes go wide and her jaw drops open as he grabs and squeezes what he can of her breasts. For a moment, she even ahegaos, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she makes a really funny expression. The resulting explosive orgasm must have been a banger, because she comes out the other end of it going absolutely crazy.
Quite suddenly, the purple-haired monster girl pulls back off of the bed, coming up. Adam comes with her of course, his cock still trapped between her tits as her physical strength allows her to lift him into the air. But then, it’s not just their connection betwixt her breasts that helps her keep him there once she has him lifted up.
Those golden talons he’d been so afraid would tear him apart earlier now come up and wrap around his torso, lacing together to provide him with a… seat for lack of better word. Not the most comfortable of seats, but also not the most uncomfortable either. It reminds him of one of those grated metal chairs one might find for the outside seating of a restaurant chain or something. Of course, if she were to spread her claws at any point, it would be a lot less comfortable… but for now, it was just fine.
On top of that, while most of her claws remain wrapped around the small of his back, her index claws both outstretch and reach up so that the tips can push against the back of his head, forcing Adam to lean forward so that his head is right over hers. This results in Passionlip being able to tilt her own head back so she can meet his lips with her own.
Letting out a small chuckle, Adam wonders about the monster girl’s claim that she wasn’t actually in love with him yet. Already kissing? Certainly seemed like she was falling fast! Giving in, he goes ahead and kisses her soundly on the lips, enjoying the way she moans for him as their tongues swirl together and his cock continues to thrust into her massive, jiggling tits.
The obsessive look in Passionlip’s eyes makes it clear that there’s no escape for Adam. Not from any of this. He’s stuck with her now… but then to be fair, now that he’s started to calm down and get over his initial shock, he finds he really doesn’t mind. He’s not dreaming still, it’s much too real for that. He doesn’t think he’s hallucinating either.
Somehow, Passionlip was here in his bedroom, in the real world. That had connotations on what would come next of course, but it also had a lot of potential to it. So much potential that it kind of made Adam’s head spin a little bit. Or maybe that was the fact that Passionlip was dragging yet another load of his seed out of him in that exact same moment.
Her massive mammaries wrapped so tightly around his cock… how could she not milk him of his cum? And it’s not just her breasts either, but also her tongue wrestling with his tongue. It’s the one field of battle where Adam feels like he’s giving as good as he’s getting. Passionlip might be physically stronger than him, on top of being a monster girl with massive golden talons that could shred him into pieces in mere moments.
… But when it comes to kissing, she’s clearly eager but also inexperienced. Her tongue doesn’t quite know what to do with itself, besides wriggle around wildly between their mouths. In turn, Adam is a bit more experienced when it comes to kissing, allowing him to go toe to toe with her when it comes to their lip lock in spite of their physical differences.
As he cums again, she does too. They both moan up a storm into each other’s mouths, their lips almost as securely locked together at the moment as his crotch is to her chest. Even then though, they keep going. There will be time for figuring out what to do next later. For now, Adam is all too happy to accept the fact that he got to be with Passionlip and her titanic titties… forever.


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