Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Temptation (Original Supernatural)


Themes: Corruption, Demon Sex, Dom/Sub

Summary: A young nun on her pilgrimage stumbles across an injured man on the side of the road. Obviously she immediately stops to help him, taking it as a sign from the Lord Almighty that he was set in her path for a purpose!


As Camila makes her way down the road, the blonde nun does so with a smile on her lips and quite a bit of pep in her step. Sure, she knew that her feet should have been sore and the experience miserable by this point. After all, she’d been walking for hours. But she just couldn’t bring herself to care. It was such a beautiful day after all, with a gorgeous blue sky, the sun shining overhead, and birds chirping in the trees all around her.
The Lord’s Majesty could be seen in every direction she looked, and the blonde nun couldn’t help but be overjoyed with how good her pilgrimage was going so far. A month of traveling the lands purely on foot, of getting to see the world as it was meant to be seen. God’s Creation, laid out before her. To say that it buoyed Camila’s spirit and thus also her steps would be an understatement. She was ecstatic to be-
A low groan of pain from up ahead derails the blonde nun’s thoughts right then and there, making her blink as she twitches at the noise. It sounded like someone was hurt! Without a single second of hesitation or concern for her own safety, she hurries forward, heading along the road’s bend and coming around to find an injured man resting up against a tree.
Camila gasps as she sees his sweat covered brow, his face scrunched up in feverish agony, and the blood seeping from a wound on his side. Once again, she moves without hesitation, pulling her travel backpack off of her shoulders and kneeling down beside him as she pulls out her trusty first aid kit.
“Good sir! What… what happened to you?! Don’t worry! Just stay still and I’ll be sure to help!”
The man groans, his eyes opening to show themselves to be glassy and glazed over from the pain. He blinks at her… and then manages a very faint, wan smile.
“Are you… are you an angel?”
Camila blushes at the words, even as she notes how tired and exhausted he sounds. She hurriedly shakes her head, averting her gaze down to his injury as she starts to clean and dress the wound.
“A-Ah… n-no, my sir… I am a humble nun on her pilgrimage, seeing all the w-world has to offer. Do not fret though, for the Lord himself has sent me to your side to aid you in this time of need!”
Of course, even as she treats him, Camila finds herself noticing just how… handsome he is. He’s nothing like the handful of priests she’s met in her time as a nun. Old, pot-bellied, and balding one and all. Some were better than others, and the ones who weren’t you quickly learned not to wind up in a room alone with them.
However, this man… privately, Camila finds herself thinking that she wouldn’t mind winding up in a room alone with someone like him. Of course, immediately after she has that thought, the blonde nun is filled with shame and embarrassment. Such thoughts are beneath her as a sister of the cloth! She’s taken vows of chastity and celibacy, after all!
And sure, some of the other nuns had mentioned, alongside inappropriate giggles, how this pilgrimage was going to be Camila’s last chance to see the world and… enjoy ALL that it had to offer before she returned to the Monastery for good. Camila wasn’t an idiot. The blonde knew what they were suggesting. But she would never! Just because she was on her pilgrimage didn’t mean she was going to forget her vows!
In an attempt to distract herself from her wandering, treacherous thoughts… and to distract the man from any pain he’s probably in of course, Camila clears her throat, giving him a kind smile.
“My name is Camila, good sir. What’s yours?”
Some of the glassiness has faded from his eyes by this point, and she can tell her ‘healing touch’ is working wonders. Not only has she dressed the wound, but her very presence seems to be settling his fever! Truly, she’s blessed by the Lord above!
“Raph… Raphael, sister. My name is Raphael…”
Camila’s eyes light up at that.
“Oh! Named after the angel, no doubt!”
He lets out a soft laugh at that, though it only causes him to wince in renewed pain.
“You could… say that…”
They talk amicably after that, chatting about everything and nothing at all. Slowly, he regains more and more of his strength as Camila finishes treating his wound to the best of her ability. Unfortunately, that’s just it… the best of her ability. She can’t do anything more for him out here in the wilderness. Or perhaps she can.
After seeing him rise to his feet and stumble this way and that for a second, as well as recognizing that he has no backpack or supplies like she does, the blonde nun nods her head decisively.
“I’ve decided! You’re coming with me until we reach a hospital, Raphael!”
“Oh… I couldn’t possibly impose, Sister Camila.”
But she wouldn’t let him throw himself out into the wilderness on his own again! No sir!
“No imposition whatsoever! You and I were fated to meet by the Lord Almighty himself! Through the Lord our God, all is possible, and that’s why I was here today to help you… and why I am confident the Lord means for me to bring you along to the next town, where hopefully a hospital will be available to care for you in the ways I could not!”
She turns and begins to walk at that, clearly expecting Raphael to follow and refusing to take no for an answer. But also so that she doesn’t give in to the urge to stare at his handsome body or his gorgeous features. As a result however, Sister Camila misses the soft smile on Raphael’s face… and the sharpened teeth just peeking out of his lips as he licks them hungrily.
She lasts a few days, shamefully enough. A few days in which she and Raphael travel together and she shares her provisions with him as they continue along the dirt road. They see no other travelers and have yet to arrive at the next town. And so… they’ve only had each other for company in all this time. Camila knows that’s no excuse for her newest hobby. She knows she’s making a fool of herself.
And yet… for the last two nights now, she’s snuck over and watched Raphael bathe in the stream that had shown up alongside the road they were traveling on at some point along their journey. She’s watched him get naked and watched him clean his rapidly healing wound… and she’s spent what feels like hours staring at his chiseled physique, glistening with stream water.
She tells herself that she’s just keeping an eye on him. That she doesn’t want him to get reinjured after she spent so much of her resources on his healing. She tells herself that this is what God would want. That he had set her on the path to find and heal this man, and that making sure he kept healing was paramount to her task.
… But then why do Camila’s hands insist on wandering? The first night she’d just watched Raphael bathe and then snuck back to their camp before he could return. This second night however… Camila’s fingers twitch with the need to touch herself. Parts of her body itch with the need to be touched too. It’s the strangest thing… and she knows she shouldn’t. But…
Camila’s eyes widen as she’s abruptly discovered. Quite suddenly, Raphael stands before her, looking down at her… still completely naked. The blonde nun whimpers as she glances down at his… his phallus. She KNOWS she shouldn’t look. But she looks anyways.
“Oh Sister… what am I going to do with you?”
His disappointed tone makes Camila whimper even harder and she averts her gaze in abject shame.
“I… I apologize, Raphael. I have shamed and humiliated myself before you. I should never have spied on you.”
“No. You should not have. But… if you are curious, I would be willing to teach you.”
Wait, what? Camila’s eyes shoot up, wide as she looks at Raphael’s handsome face. He’s serious, she realizes. Completely so.
“I… I c-could not…”
“You are on your pilgrimage, are you not? Isn’t the entire purpose of this journey to learn all there is to know about the world? That includes sin, does it not? Your understanding of sin is clearly lacking, Sister… or else you would not have so easily strayed and sinned here today. Allow me to show you. Allow me to help you understand sin.”
It’s just like her fellow Sisters all said. But where they had been giggling perversely and clearly teasing her, the way Raphael puts it… actually makes sense. A lot of sense. Camila doesn’t know how to describe it. Only… she nods, blushing as she looks at him shyly.
“Would you… teach me, Raphael? I must… understand sin in order to a-avoid it in the future.”
Raphael smiles softly at her… and then his hand snaps out, capturing her own. Camila yelps as she finds herself tugged out of her hiding spot and onto the bank of the stream. She yelps again when Raphael yanks off her headpiece, exposing her blonde locks in an instant. But he doesn’t stop there, absolutely shredding the rest of her habit with his bare hands.
It’s shocking. Objectively so. But then his lips are on her lips before she can properly protest the destruction of her clothes. His tongue pushes into her mouth and does swift battle with her tongue, dominating it in mere moments as Camila finds herself melting into his chest.
His hands, meanwhile, don’t stop at just her habit. Her undergarments are next. Her bra. Her panties. The blonde nun soon finds herself in nothing but her birthday suit, shamefully exposed. No… rather, sinfully exposed. This is fine because… because to avoid sin in the future, to know sin when it comes knocking, Camila must experience sin here and now in the present. This is just part of her pilgrimage. And as one of her Sisters had jokingly said… ‘what happens on the pilgrimage stays on the pilgrimage’.
She hadn’t agreed with that of course… not at the time. But now? As Raphael gropes her, Camila moans wantonly, deciding that living in sin for just one night would not be… such a bad thing.
Especially when he pulls her down to the bank with him and lays her on her back before… before diving down between her legs. She’s not expecting it of course. Which makes it all the more effective and sinful when he uses that same tongue he’d used to dominate her mouth to in turn delve deep inside of her untouched virgin sex.
Camila moans as she’s filled by Raphael’s tongue. The nun squirms as he eats her out with shocking expertise. His tongue feels almost unnaturally long inside of her pussy, as if it can reach anywhere that it wants. It certainly reaches everywhere that Camila wants it to reach… places she hadn’t even KNOWN she wanted Raphael to reach with his tongue are soon being licked and slurped at, leaving the blonde nun to squeal as she thrusts her head back into the soft earth behind her.
It's not long before he manages to bring her to a sinfully delightful orgasm upon his tongue. But he doesn’t stop there. He goes for another as well. Only on the second climax, only after he’s made Camila sees stars TWICE, does Raphael pull back from her pussy and give her a roguish grin.
“Do you think you understand sin better now, Sister Camila? We could stop here, if you like. If you believe you’ve… learned your lesson.”
He speaks so cavalierly about it. And yet, when her eyes slide down between their two bodies… she sees his rock hard phallus, twitching and throbbing mere inches from her slippery, wet quim. Surely he can’t mean it, right? Surely he can’t mean to stop here just on her say so.
… In the end, it doesn’t matter. Because Camila can’t fathom agreeing that she’s learned her lesson. Instead, face as red as a tomato, the innocent blonde nun shakes her head.
“N-No… I need to know e-everything if I am to avoid s-sin in the future, Raphael. Please… teach me it a-all.”
She knows she is about to lose her virginity… but being a virgin has nothing to do with being a nun. Plenty of nuns come from… colorful backgrounds even. Most aren’t virgins like her, who practically grew up at the Monastery. Camila has always pitied them. But now… now she’s jealous of them.
Laughing at her words, Raphael grabs her up and pulls her into his arms. Then, he pushes into her. Camila yelps at the pain, but she barely has time to register the loss of her purity before the handsome man has pulled her into the water. Using the buoyancy of the stream, he holds her aloft and bounces her upon his cock and Camila… Camila eagerly reciprocates. Moaning up a storm, she wraps her legs around Raphael’s waist and her arms around his neck. She even initiates a kiss herself this time, heatedly making out with him once more.
Of course, he just as quickly dominates that exchange of spit as the first. She cannot fight him when his tongue wrestles hers into submission. All she can do is take it… much like she’s taking his big… fat… cock.
Camila loses track of time after that. It feels too good for her to bother worrying about whether it’s time for bed or not. It almost definitely is, but she just doesn’t care. In the end, all that she cares about is how good Raphael’s cock feels inside of her. How amazing it feels to be taken by a proper MAN.
He fucks her through climax after climax, her body sinfully and shamefully giving in to him in ways Camila had never ever thought she would. Her orgasms seem to come faster and faster… until finally, he unloads inside of her. Some part of her in the back of her mind knows that’s not safe. She should have stopped him ahead of time. He should have asked her for permission so she could say no.
But she can’t bring herself to protest… and Raphael isn’t done yet. Contrary to all the gossip from her Sisters, one load does not seem to be the limit of this man’s sexual prowess. He keeps going, keeps fucking her without ever even going soft inside of her. His cock fills her insides alongside the sticky substance he already pumped her full of once, until finally, he does so a second time.
Only then does he see fit to release her. Only then does the euphoria break as Camila comes back to herself. Blinking as his cock leaves her but his seed remains inside of her, Camila flushes and pulls away from him, crawling out of the stream and onto the shore. Immediately, her heart pangs with regret. What has she done? Why did she go along with that? She… she has shamed herself.
“We should not have done that…”
“No. You shouldn’t have.”
Camila blinks at Raphael’s easy agreement. But it’s not just his words that catch her attention, it’s his tone. His voice has always been quite nice… but now it deepens. It becomes… sinful in its own right. Turning onto her back, Camila looks at Raphael as he slowly rises from the stream. Literally. He rises from the stream on… on wings of a bat, but far larger. And the rest of him is transforming as well.
Claws on his fingers. Hooves instead of feet. A tail with a snake’s head at the end of it. His skin turns a bright, crimson red. But most of all… his cock. Camila finds herself stuck on his cock, which has grown even larger than it already was, while also becoming red and… and ridged in an inhuman fashion.
The whispered word makes Raphael laugh as he spreads his arms wide, basking in his revealed glory.
“Oh yes, Sister. Demon.”
Suddenly realizing the danger she’s in, Camila turns and tries to run. She doesn’t even manage to do more than scramble to her feet before that tail of his wraps around her waist and yanks her back, however. Clawed hands grab onto her feminine hips and that cock… that dangerous, demonic cock she’d seen… dives right between Camila’s heart-shaped ass cheeks.
She squeals at the top of her lungs as the demon penetrates her ass without care or concern, his cock delving right into her bowels as he lets out a happy little groan. Somehow, she doesn’t tear. Somehow, he doesn’t rip her in half with his size, or even shred her asshole with his ridged member. Instead, though it is agonizingly painful, Camila remains intact as Raphael fucks her ass from behind, holding her aloft in midair with her feet dangling and her hands grasping at his tail wrapped around her waist.
“Fuck, that’s it bitch. Nothing better than a frightened little nun wrapped around my cock. Your ass is so fucking tightly clenched right now it’s hilarious. Take it all, Sister. Take my demon dick and know the depths of your folly as I etch them onto your very soul.”
Camila sobs at how much pleasure the demon is taking from her pain, from her despair. But then, he IS a demon. And he’s right. She does know the depths of her folly now. ‘Understanding sin’? How stupid could one get? And more than that… she’d thought herself special. She’d thought herself important. She’s assumed so readily that the Lord had sent her to Raphael to save him… but instead, she’d been blind to the reality that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and she was a lamb who had strayed from the path.
When he finally unloads in her ass, it feels better than it should. In fact, the pain has mostly subsided. That doesn’t stop Raphael from furthering her humiliation, however. Pulling out of her poor, stretched out backdoor, the demon proceeds to fold her up into a pretzel-shape, his powerfully built arms sliding up under her legs and then back behind her head.
Before she can get a chance to breathe, let alone process and think, Raphael sinks her down onto his cock again, this time the inhuman demonic once. It stretches her cunt in a way his human dick hadn’t, piercing all the way to her womb… and then into it.
Unbeknownst to Camila, who isn’t really in a position to look down at the moment, a glowing pentagram appears over her womb as Raphael penetrates it. She squeals, too caught up in the sensations to notice that her soul is in danger of being eternally damned. Though, there was a question of whether knowing she was on the verge of losing everything would have helped or not. Because ultimately… it’s hard for Camila to do anything but climax helplessly upon the demonic dick as Raphael bounces her folded body up and down on his cock with reckless abandon.
“Take it! Take it all, you slutty little nun! Take my fucking demonic dick! Take my seed!”
Camila sobs… but also cries out in ecstasy. It feels too good. She can’t ignore that. She can’t hold back how her body reacts to Raphael’s dick. As he fucks her, she cums and cums and cums. Until finally… finally, she breaks. And in that moment, as the last dregs of resistance snap, Raphael cums inside of her womb directly.
This time, when he blows his load inside of her, the glowing pentagram just above her womb settles into her flesh… burning a brand into her skin that will never fully heal and can never be removed.
A ring of fire appears around the two and Raphael chuckles darkly.
“It’s impossible to take a living mortal to hell, darling. And killing you would have just sent your soul onto the pearly gates, ruining my fun. But not anymore. You’ve given in now, pet. Eternal damnation is all that awaits. Not to worry though… eternal damnation is FUN.”
Camila moans, even as the two of them start to sink downwards into the glowing portal. Before they fully vanish from view however, anyone looking would have seen her eyes take on a snake-like appearance… and a tail starting to slowly grow out of her back.
Sitting upon his stone throne, Raphael smiles as he lounges backwards, reaching out and watching as his machinations and plans, some of them a thousand years in the making, all progress at their own rates. Not every single one succeeds of course. And some will still take even more time to come to fruition. But at the end of the day, HE will win. That, he’s quite sure of.
In the midst of this, someone steps into the room. Raphael’s eyes sweep over her and he can’t help but grin wickedly at the sight of one of his latest acquisitions.
“Nocturna, pet… come here.”
“Yes, Lord Husband~”
Formerly a human nun named Camila, Nocturna was very much a demon now. A succubus, to be exact. HIS succubus, to be even more exact. Her body has grown curves that Sister Camila never had, with more mass added to her breasts and butt then the Monastery she’d grown up in would EVER consider appropriate. On top of that, Nocturna has a pair of curved horns atop her head, a succubus’ signature spade tail, sharper nails, a split tongue, and a dark purple skin tone.
Meanwhile… he’s made sure that Nocturna stayed true to her roots in one way, namely by having the gorgeous Succubus wear an all-black, incredibly perverse and overly sexualized version of Camila’s old nun habit. It’s less of a habit and more of a leotard as a matter of fact, and even then it has holes for her breasts and crotch. Her outfit left little to the imagination of course, and along with the gold bracelets, anklets, and rings on her horns and tail, it made a complete mockery of her previous faith and the God she’d once sworn to serve.
Arriving at the foot of his throne, the Demonic Nun bows to her ‘husband’ while at the same time reaching down to rub at her exposed clit, moaning throatily.
“Please husband… please, milord. Please fuck me. It’s been soooo long~”
Raphael just laughs. Time works differently in Hell, so she’s technically right but also technically wrong. Rather, it’s more accurate to say time doesn’t work at all in Hell. Either way, he doesn’t mind. But at the same time…
“You won’t persuade me with words, pet. Silly girl.”
“Ah! Of course, Master~”
Without hesitation, Nocturna drops to her hands and knees and crawls over. Then, she puts that split tongue of hers to use on his cock, unhinging her jaw so that she can take his member all the way down her throat. Raphael lets out a happy little sigh as he watches the Demon Nun bob up and down on his dick, swirling her elongated tongue around his ridges, using the split nature of the appendage to get into all the nooks and crannies.
She goes at it with all the gusto, enthusiasm, and experience he expects from her at this point, doing her level best to get his seed out of him by any means necessary. Moaning wantonly all the while, she also frigs her clit and fingers her pussy the entire time, while playing with one of her nipples too. The Succubus Nun has truly fallen from her previous Lord’s grace… but looking at Nocturna, one can tell that she doesn’t care about that. All that matters to her now is serving her husband, her new god, in all the ways she possibly can.
With that said, Raphael stops her before she can suck him completely off. Grabbing her by her curved horns, he yanks her off of his member and then up onto her feet. Nocturna squeaks as he rises from his throne at the same time and then throws her face first into it, leaving her to catch herself as she kneels where he was just seated and looks back at him with a pout.
“Did I do something wrong, husband?”
Snorting, Raphael grabs her by her hips and sinks his cock into her welcoming quim in the next moment. He rails her against his throne right off the bat without hesitation or build up of any kind. He fucks her hard and fast, just like she likes it, enjoying the way she squeals and moans and shudders upon his massive demonic member.
“Wrong? No. But every load from now on will go into your womb, pet. You are, from this moment forward, my broodmare. Our children shall number in the thousands… but our first child shall be the most special of all.”
Nocturna’s demonic eyes light up at that and she moans in excitement as she pushes back into his thrusts with all her might. At the same time, their demonic tails wrap around one another, intertwining in a display of affection as she creams herself on his dick again and again. With a grin, Raphael grabs their intertwined tails and shoves them into her ass, making Nocturna cum all the harder and tipping him over the edge as well.
He fills and fills his Succubus Nun’s womb with his seed, pumping her to the brim. Then, he spins them both around and retakes his seat. This leaves Nocturna to lay back against his chest, still impaled upon his cock, moaning happily as she rubs her bloated abdomen, filled with his seed.
As the two rest on their throne, Raphael returns to his scheming and planning. After all, he needed to be prepared to welcome their first child into Hell… and begin nurturing it and helping it grow nice and powerful so that it might fulfill its destiny… of ending all life on Earth.
For the time being though, he splits his attention with ease and runs his hands along Nocturna’s breasts, smiling happily at the thought of them swelling with milk. Earth’s destruction would come in time. Oh yes it would.


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