Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Barbarian’s Reward (Original Fantasy)

Poll Winner

Themes: Rough Sex, Public Sex, Breeding

Summary: Based on this image. He was a rough and young sellsword who had come to protect the abbey from raiders, as the Paladins who'd normally protect them were busy fighting demon hordes across the Great Sea. But as his stay dragged on, his eye had been caught by a Nun who seemed to be pious and prudish. However, after his victory over the raiders, and the announcement of his departure, the Nun shows him a hidden side of her, in the altar on the night of the full moon. 


Tholaff was not a very religious man, truth be told. But the job had been good money, and he was a mercenary by trade. When he’d first stumbled across the Convent, the nuns hadn’t been all that happy to see him. However, their religion demanded they provide succor to the tired and weary travelers that wandered by, and he had certainly counted as that.

It was only after he’d shown himself to have some manners and to be polite company despite his rough exterior, that they’d began to soften up to him. And it was then that he’d found out why they were just so caustic and abrasive to start with. Apparently, they were under attack. It was no normal attack, of course. The nuns were not warriors in their own right, capable of fighting off invaders. They were helpless and protected solely by the aegis of their God.

Unfortunately, while that protection had given the men who were preying upon them SOME pause, it had not stopped them altogether, apparently. A band of raiders in the nearby woods had shown up a couple weeks before Tholaff and started making demands of the nuns. At first, they had been simple enough to appease with food and drink. The nuns had provided them with the same succor that they gave him.

But as time had gone by and the raiders hadn’t moved on… well, things had begun to grow more and more taxing. The demands had started to grow… unconscionable. Their latest and last demand had been for women. They had argued that the Convent didn’t need quite so many nuns, and that three should be chosen to renounce their vows and join their raiding party as camp followers. Aka whores.

Obviously, none of the nuns were interested in that, but the raiders would not be held off by the sanctity of the Convent forever. Holy ground though it may be, there was darkness and evil in the heart of every man, no matter how religious he considered himself.

Normally, this sort of situation would have been handled by the paladins. The nuns were not completely undefended, after all. There were warrior knights within their religion that regularly patrolled the area and defended the Convents all across these lands. Normally, anyways. At the moment, perhaps spurring the raiders’ confidence on even further, every single paladin was across the Great Sea, fighting demon horde as part of a holy crusade called by the leader of their order.

The nuns were, essentially, on their own. At least, until Tholaff had come along. The head nun, a beautiful but incredibly icy woman named Mary, had hired him. The Convent was not without its wealth, offerings and tithes provided by rich nobles hoping to buy favor with their God. Tholaff had been led to this treasure and seen it with his own eyes before agreeing to help.

And then he’d gone out in the night and slaughtered the raiders to a man. He wasn’t about to stay in the Convent and wait for them to come to him. No man could hope to hold even a fortified position like that by himself, not against a full raiding party. Instead, he had gone and killed every last raider, slaughtering them in their camp while they slept.

When he returned with their ears, Sister Mary had been taken aback… but ultimately agreed he had done as asked. Payment had been provided in full, and Tholaff had begun making his preparations to move on. Only, to his surprise, to find himself invited to stay one week more, for a ritual at the end of the month. He wasn’t too sure about all of that, but Sister Mary had insisted in that icy, emotionless tone of hers, and the other nuns, who had all very much warmed up to him, had begged him to stay.

And so here he was, a barbarian mercenary invited to a private religious ceremony. He had stood in defense of these defenseless women when their own holy knights could not. He supposed they felt obligated to include him, but truth be told, Tholaff was just ready to move on. He wasn’t a monster; he wasn’t a rapist. But the women of the convent, Sister Mary most of all, were absolutely gorgeous.

He needed to find a town with a brothel and quick, to get it out of his system, because after spending a week in their care without being able to touch a single one of them, Tholaff was… backed up to say the least.

Still, just one little ritual, right? Standing there to the side, Tholaff watches along with the other nuns as Sister Mary stands in front of an altar, her arms raised high and her voice filled with more emotion than he’s heard from her all week. Her tone almost seems to reverberate through the clearing.

“We gather here tonight to worship the Lord our God. We gather here tonight to give thanks for the holy warrior he sent to deliver us from damnation.”

Tholaff frowns at that but doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t like being used, but at the same time… well, it is what it is.

“And most of all, we gather here tonight to observe the Rite of Fertility and Reward.”

Wait, what? Blinking, the young sellsword watches as Sister Mary reaches down… and removes her habit. The black cloth comes right off of her and she turns from the altar… to face him. Underneath her habit is revealed a very, VERY lewd set of undergarments. Crisscrossing straps all across her body, with a skimpy one-piece that wraps around her neck, her breasts, and slides down between her thighs all at once, clasped with a golden lock just above her belly button.

Her body too is practically on full display… and looks absolutely gorgeous, just as Tholaff had imagined it to be. Not that her habit had hidden much to begin with, but still, to go from being able to see curves to seeing this… it’s certainly a treat.

For the first time, Sister Mary levers a smile in his direction. It’s a small, coy thing, seeming uncharacteristic from what he knows of her, but also like it perfectly sits upon her face.

“Champion Tholaff. Come forward and receive your reward. Take what you will and give back what you wish.”

There’s silence… save for some panting here and there. Looking around, the other nuns are red faced but excited. They’re blushing, but also staring in anticipation. For his part… he couldn’t say no even if he tried. After spending a week holding back his own darker impulses, the sellsword didn’t care if this was some sort of trap. He could always fight his way out afterwards.

Striding forward, he eventually comes to a stop in front of Sister Mary. The beautiful Abbot reaches up and takes an ornate golden key he hadn’t even noticed WAS a key from around her neck. She then holds it aloft to him in offering. He takes it… and uses it. The place it goes is rather obvious after all, with that ornate golden lock in the center of her undergarments calling his name.

He unlocks it and watches as her undergarments fall away, leaving her in just the straps and her stockings, her breasts fully bouncing free and her sex now fully on display as she beams at him. Stepping backwards, Sister Mary hops up onto the altar and spreads her legs wide.

“Give and Take, Champion. Give and Take.”

Around them, the other nuns begin to chant under their breaths.

“Give and Take. Give and Take. Give and Take.”

It’s a little unnerving… but also too damn hot for Tholaff to truly be scared. With a growl, he reaches down and frees his cock from its confines. Sister Mary smiles at this and reaches down to spread her pussy lips apart with two fingers. She is the offering in this moment, she is the sacrifice. A sacrifice to his victory, to his defeat of their enemies.

Stepping forward, his cock throbbing with need, Tholaff presses it against Sister Mary’s slit and then stops, looking at her for a moment in warning.

“… Once I start, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”

Far from being concerned by his words, far from showing even one ounce of fear, Sister Mary just smiles a wider smile, reaching out to run her hands down his front.

“I don’t want you to stop, Champion. Not until the deed is done. Give and Take. Take… and give. Under the eyes of our Lord, seed me, fill my belly and breed me.”

That sends a jolt through the young sellsword as he finally understands. The Rite of Fertility and Reward. Her insistence on calling him champion. She wanted him to knock her up. And he… well, he certainly wasn’t going to say no to that, now was he?

With a grunt, Tholaff thrusts in. Mary cries out as his cock splits open her wet folds, spreading her pussy lips and stretching her cunt walls wide. She’s no virgin, he discovers. Not like he would have thought. But that’s fine. He’s no virgin either, hah! With a growl, he begins to fuck her, pounding her atop the altar right there, slamming into her cunt again and again as she moans, her body bouncing and jiggling from the forcefulness of his thrusts.

He's not too keen on being watched by some God while they fuck, but luckily for him, he doesn’t necessarily believe in her God in the first place. Oh sure, there’s probably some higher power up there that made them and everything, but he doesn’t necessarily subscribe to the belief that said higher power is watching everything they do. Certainly, he figures anything god-like probably has better things to be doing then watching him fuck one of its servants.

That said, what he is happy for is the very real, very physical audience they do have. They’re putting on quite a show right now for the other nuns, the other women of the Convent who Tholaff saved from a fate similar but far worse than this. As he fucks Sister Mary upon the altar, he can feel all of their eyes upon them. He and Mary’s coupling is a very, VERY public affair, and even as her cunt squelches around his pistoning cock, he hears the panting turning into quiet moans.

A glance around shows exactly what he expected. The other nuns are all beginning to touch themselves. Some are still holding off, still holding themselves back, but even they are beginning to bite their lower lips, staring at Tholaff with a need in their gazes that makes it clear they all wish they were in Sister Mary’s place.

But they aren’t. Only the beautiful, gorgeous Abbott is being fucked right now, on her back on the altar, offering up her womb not to her God, but to him in the name of her God. Her Champion… with a lustful growl, Tholaff leans forward and captures one of her tits in his mouth right then and there. He positively ravages her, slurping at her nipples one after the other, while groping at the base of her breasts with his big, masculine hands.

He can imagine her lactating even now, can picture her growing heavy with his child. It only spurs him on further, causing Mary to cry out and squeal in quite the contrast between this moment and her icy personality of the last week. Her body bucks and shakes beneath him, and he knows… he’s made her cum. He especially knows it because her legs instinctively rise up to wrap around his waist, gripping down hard and pulling him in deeper.

He's getting close now. He’s going to cum soon. But he doesn’t want to just yet. He doesn’t want to give her what she wants until he’s taken what he wants. It’s just as she said, Give and Take. Take and Give.

With a guttural growl, Tholaff takes Mary there atop the altar, fucking the gorgeous nun with all of his might. He pounds into her wonderful feminine flesh again and again, listening to not just her cries of ecstasy as he completely destroys any sense of calm or propriety she might have had, but also listening to the cries of the nuns around them. All of the women watching them fuck are moaning up a storm now, even as Tholaff suckles at Mary’s teats, envisioning them heavy with breast milk.

Finally, with a loud, muffled groan, he begins to cum. He can hold back no longer, and he fills Sister Mary with his seed. Give and Take. He takes his reward, even as he gives of himself. There’s no doubt in his mind that he’ll get Mary pregnant like that. He’s going to knock her up, breed her silly. She’ll be heavy with his child in no time at all, and that… that fills him with a sense of pride. After all, is it not the desire of every man to spread his seed? Is it not the need of each and every mortal man to leave his mark on the world before he goes?

As they finish up, Sister Mary’s legs loosen from around his waist, allowing him to begin to pull back. Before he fully can, however, she reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in to a deep, tongue-filled, soul-searing kiss. He goes along with it after a moment of surprise, kissing her back until they both have to come up for air.

Its then, under her breath, that she whispers to him.

“You could stay, Champion. As their shepherd, observing the Rite of Fertility and Reward for all of my flock is expected of me. However… I know several of my flock who would prefer to observe the Rite themselves… personally.”

Tholaff blinks at that, as he processes what she’s saying. He’d saved them all, and technically they all owed him the same ‘Give and Take’. But by stepping up, Sister Mary had effectively given her womb for all of them. Now though… now she was offering more. So long as he stayed on as their Champion.

He considers the proposition for a long moment, before diving back in for another kiss. Sister Mary takes it as an answer and wraps herself around him again, kissing him back, but in truth, Tholaff hasn’t made his decision yet. He will soon enough… but first, he’s gonna have to sample the goods some more.


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