Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Good Doctor’s Program (Original Modern)

Poll Winner

Themes: Harem Sex, Training, Cock Worship

Summary: Deep down inside, everyone WANTS to be good. That's what Dr. Martin attributes his success with reforming various female convicts to. They're not evil women, they're just misunderstood. 


Dr. Alexander Martin wakes up with a smile on his face. And not just because of the lips suctioned around the base of his cock. It’s Graduation Day, after all, an event that NEVER fails to bring joy to the handsome, middle-aged doctor’s heart. With a contented sigh followed by a heartfelt groan, he reaches under his sheets and places a hand atop the head of the woman currently bobbing up and down his shaft.
The gentle but insistent press of his hand to the back of her head prompts her to pick up the pace, and not a few minutes more, he’s letting out a shuddering gasp as he cums in her mouth. She doesn’t let a single drop leave her maw, of course, gulping down his seed until it’s all gone… as is proper and clean and good.
With her task done, Dr. Martin helps his Head Maid pull back the blankets and sheets covering her and his lower body. Kneeling there between his splayed legs, the silver-haired figure of Maria, all done up properly in her maid uniform, smiles at him, her features as pristine as ever.
“Good morning, sir. I hope you slept well.”
Swinging his legs off the side of the bed, Dr. Martin chuckles, as Maria hurries to help him get dressed. First his boxers, pants, and shoes, followed by him standing up so she can put his shirt on him and button it up.
“I slept like a dream, my dear Maria. And you?”
His Head Maid smiles a rueful smile.
“The girls were a bit overexcited, as they always are. But all in all… well enough.”
Dr. Martin nods his head, even as he takes stock of his Head Maid out of the corner of his eye when she isn’t looking. She doesn’t look too wan or pale, so she’s probably telling the truth and is just fine. Which is good… he would hate to have to tarnish the good mood by punishing her for lying to him, especially about such an important matter as her own health! Neither of them were getting any younger, though in Maria’s case she was a good decade younger than him, and still in the prime of her life.
She was also his first, the proof of the success of his program. It was thanks to Maria that he’d been able to prove his techniques WORKED in the first place. When she’d come to him after the fact and asked if he was looking to hire serving staff, how could he say no?
And to think, Maria had started out as a Black Widow of a woman. The silver-haired beauty had poisoned three husbands before she’d been caught and ultimately remanded to a mental hospital. But… Dr. Martin had always hated such places. They never truly seemed to work, and if anyone ever recovered enough to be released from them, it was usually in spite of the hospital itself, and not because of it.
That was why he’d developed his own techniques, his own sort of training to turn female criminals convicted of some truly heinous crimes into productive members of society. And he’d started with Maria because she was such an extreme case, an example of a woman who had killed people. If he could reform her, why, he would be able to reform anyone, right?
His success with Maria might have seemed miraculous to many, but that was because, in Dr. Martin’s educated opinion, no one seemed to understand the way the world, and the people in it, truly worked. Deep down inside, everyone wanted to be good. No one wanted to be evil. In fact, Dr. Martin firmly believed there was no such thing as an evil woman. Only a woman who had done an evil thing or two.
They just had to be shown that they could be MORE than they were. And so, with Maria as his success case, Dr. Alexander Martin had been able to acquire more and more grant money, slowly but surely expanding his operation to what it was today. A yearly class of thirty different female convicts, all trained and conditioned back into productive members of society.
“That’s good, Maria, that’s very good to hear. Your health is important to me, as I’m sure you well know.”
Ducking her head and smiling softly, the silver-haired Head Maid nods.
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, I assume everyone else is already at breakfast?”
“Yes sir. They’re all waiting for you.”
“Very good, then let’s be off.”
Down the hall they go, eventually reaching the very large dining room. One big table dominates the room, enough space at it for… well, everyone. That includes not just the good doctor, his head maid, and his current class of thirty, but also ten more spots for the rest of his serving staff. This, in Dr. Martin’s opinion, was one of the key parts of rehabilitation and communal living. To show a reforming criminal that there was a point to all of this, she had to see that they were all in this together.
“Good morning girls!”
As Dr. Martin makes his way to the head of the table, dozens of voices in unison answer him.
“”Good morning, Dr. Martin.”
Smiling, he sits down as Maria takes the empty seat to his right, his ever-present right hand. Picking up his utensils, he looks around the large table as everyone watches him expectantly, their hands in their laps and nowhere near the food. Chuckling, the good doctor nods.
“Let’s begin!”
Only then does breakfast truly commence. It’s a nice, rambunctious affair. Dr. Martin commands a certain amount of respect and obedience at all times, but he doesn’t subscribe to things like ‘no talking at the dining table’ or anything as draconian as that. Conversation starts up quite rapidly, and as he eats his breakfast, he and Maria chat amicably as well. Of course, at a certain point, another of the maids, a beautiful blonde named Stacey, does walk up beside him.
“Ah, sir…”
She flushes as she clasps her hands in front of herself, waiting for Dr. Martin to give her his attention. Smiling up at her, the good doctor chuckles.
“Of course, darling. Go right ahead.”

Stacey’s eyes light up, and she eagerly drops down to her knees, before disappearing under the table. Everyone nearby who notices this looks insanely jealous for a moment, especially as the quiet sounds of cock sucking fill Dr. Martin’s side of the dining table. Maria, meanwhile, rolls her eyes.
“You indulge them too much, sir.”
Dr. Martin just grins, as another of his maids eagerly worships his cock.
“Them, my dear Maria?”
The silver-haired Head Maid blushes and doesn’t say another word. After all, while he’d been the one to make it an official part of her daily itinerary, it was Maria herself who had asked if he would appreciate a blowjob every morning to start his day, heh.
Regardless, breakfast comes to a close soon enough, with Stacey extracting a fresh load from his balls and drinking down his seed without fail. Afterwards, she crawls back up from under the table and retakes her position, returning to her meal with a rosy smile on her face.
Sometimes, breakfasts could last for longer than this, and more than one maid would approach him to request a chance to worship his cock… but today was different. Graduation Day.
And so, breakfast ends and they all make their way out to the front of the institute, where cars and luggage are already waiting. For some of this latest graduating class of thirty women, there are even people looking to pick them up. Family members, like fathers and mothers, or brothers and sisters. No husbands, boyfriends, or fiancés though. All of his patients need to be unattached and single for Dr. Martin’s special brand of treatment and rehabilitation to actually work.
Needless to say, Dr. Martin’s methods are the propriety secrets of his institute. He knew full well that if ‘polite society’ knew his methods, they would decry them. Their words would come from a place of ignorance and a distinct lack of understanding, but it would make them no less harsh, and they might even try to shut him down, despite helping so many young women find their way.
The ends justify the means, except when they don’t. Everyone was so eager to lock these bright young women away in mental hospitals for the rest of their days, but if they knew his methods, they would balk at the thought of letting him help them. Still, everyone signed consent forms. All of the women who came into his care were there consensually, and all of them learned to love their training, to love their doctor.
So much so in fact, that as Dr. Martin sees off this latest graduating class of reformed convicted criminals, he notes this time around that three out of the thirty have chosen to stay. A smile spreads across his face as he takes in their faces, noting their names.
Samantha, dark of skin and a notorious thief before she came to him to deal with her kleptomania once and for all. Ariana, red of hair and freckled all the way down to her chest, an illegal street racer, but more of an adrenaline junkie than anything else. And finally, Nancy, a cute mousy brunette who… well, had stabbed her professor to death for giving her the first B in her entire life.
It wasn’t Nancy’s fault, of course. It wasn’t any of their faults. They’d been driven by their worst impulses, and now… now those impulses had been trained out of them, they’d been taught how to manage such things over the year they’d spent in his care. Though, Dr. Martin wasn’t surprised they had decided to stay.
Samantha had no one to go home to and the institute had become her family. Ariana was banned from operating a vehicle ever again and would likely struggle to integrate back into society as a result. And Nancy… Nancy was still scared of herself, even now. She probably always would be. She and Maria weren’t the only reformed murderers on his staff, and in their own words, they claimed he was the only one who they could trust to control the darkness within them.
The girls who are leaving are sent on their way, and the first half of Graduation Day comes to a close as Dr. Martin and his maids, including the three newest members of his household, head back inside. It’s only once they’re in the foyer that everyone stops. His veteran maids all line the hall, while Maria stands in front of Samantha, Ariana, and Nancy.
“Are you ready to begin your new positions as the doctor’s maids?”
“”Yes, ma’am.””
“Then strip.”
And so, the three strip down, getting out of their dresses in short order and standing there naked before Maria, and before him.
“Show that you know how to serve.”
Maria’s words are delivered in a frosty tone, but that’s just how the silver-haired Head Maid speaks to those who aren’t him. The warmth is reserved only for him most of the time. And so, as the trio of new girls approaches him, Dr. Martin gives them all warm smiles.
“Not to worry, darlings. I’ll put myself in your care.”
They flush… and move in. He soon finds himself kissing Samantha, while Ariana and Nancy strip him down. They press their bodies into his as he stands there with a broad smile on his face. There’s a certain pleasure to it, the male fantasy of having this many women at his beck and call… but at the same time, it’s more than that. He’s happy, undeniably so, because he’s helped all of these women find themselves as well as a place where they truly belong.
Bending over in front of him, Samantha eventually backs up, impaling herself on his cock. Grabbing her by the hips, he pistons in and out of her, fucking her hard and fast as she moans wantonly. Ariana and Nancy touch themselves to the sight, at least until it’s their turn. For Ariana, he moves things to the floor, not too worried about cleanliness. The maids clean the entire institute from top to bottom on the regular after all, and so he fucks Ariana on her back, squeezing at her freckled tits quite happily.
Nancy takes it from behind, but on her hands and knees rather than bent over standing up. She moans and mewls, her nails clawing at the floor beneath her, to no noticeable effect. Her pussy walls tighten around his cock, and eventually extract another hot and ready load from the good doctor.
All the while, the rest of his staff watch this unblinking, standing with their feet together, their spines straight, and their arms clasped behind their backs. No doubt, every single one of them wishes to give into their baser impulses in that moment, and perhaps touch themselves or join in on the fun. None of them do, however. This isn’t about them. This is Graduation Day, and for Samantha, Ariana, and Nancy, this is Baptism Day.
Once Dr. Martin is finished with the three young women, Maria steps forward with two of the other maids on either side of her. One carries towels that are used to wipe the new girls down. The other carries their uniforms.
“Know that by putting on this uniform, you recognize the doctor’s superiority and supremacy over you. Know that by wearing our garb, you recognize you are no more than a maid to Dr. Martin and will always be a maid to Dr. Martin until and unless he decides to dismiss you. Know that you are accepting the prioritization of Dr. Martin’s happiness over your own, from this day until the last wearing this uniform.”
Samantha, Ariana, and Nancy all solemnly nod, as they take the maid uniforms and are helped into them by their fellow maids. There’s no difference between the trio’s uniforms and the uniforms of those around them. Only Maria, as Head Maid, has a somewhat specialized, more customized set of maid attire.
As such, as soon as the three are fully dressed, they become just as much his maids as all of the others in the foyer. There is no pecking order among his maids, save for the very basic one of him at the top and Maria right below him and above all the others. Samantha, Ariana, and Nancy are now just as equal as every other maid in the room.
With a snap of his fingers, Dr. Martin sees Maria sinking to her knees before him, the Head Maid lovingly wrapping her arms around his waist as she begins to clean off his cock with her tongue. As he rests a hand in her silver hair and begins to gently but firmly guide her back and forth, he gives everyone else a broad smile.
“Good job, everyone. Another Graduation Day complete! We’ve got a month until the next class begins, so use this time well to recharge and get ahead on your duties. For now… dismissed!”
Everyone files out of the foyer, leaving him and Maria alone as she quickly moves from clean up to full on sucking his cock and worshipping his member with her tongue and mouth. Dr. Martin lets out a contented sigh as he stares at the institute’s front doors.
The outside world would never understand, but he didn’t need them to. He knew what he did was a benefit to society, and to the girls who passed through these halls, and that was all that mattered.


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