Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Masseuse (Worm AU)


Themes: F/F, Fisting, Massage Sex

Summary: In which an older Vicky nearing the end of her rope finally decides to take her cousin up on the offer of a referral to Brockton Bay's world-renowned masseuse. Is she going to wind up regretting it though?


“Come on Vicky, through here.”

“Ugh, can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Crystal.”

“Believe it, cousin. You need this just as badly as I did.”

Rolling her eyes as she follows Crystal down the hallway, Vicky is forced to concede that point. The last few years had been rough on the blonde, and she was feeling more than a little run down after everything. Between Dean and her breaking up for the final time a few years back when he finally graduated from the Wards and transferred to another city and the university as well as her hero work… it was like Vicky didn’t have time for herself anymore.


“Okay but why does it feel like I’m ten again and you’re my mom escorting me to see the doctor or something? Couldn’t I have just come alone?”

Crystal laughs at that, shaking her head.

“I told you before, Vicky. Taylor only does appointments by referral. You should be glad that I’m here to refer you, otherwise you would never have gotten this appointment to begin with. Don’t worry, I’ll just drop you off and be on my way, ‘sweetie’. That way you can feel like a big girl again.”

Vicky pouts at Crystal’s teasing. All the same, it sort of makes sense. Vicky would have had to be living under a rock not to have heard of The Masseuse by this point. Brockton Bay’s very own Rogue Massage Expert. Apparently, her fingers were literal magic… or at least, literal powers. The Masseuse was said to be a Striker of some sort, one who used her powers to give the best massages in all of Brockton Bay, if not the world.

She was also, much like New Wave, one of the few capes in the city whose identity was public. Not really for the same reasons though. Where New Wave was built around transparency and a sense of family, Taylor Hebert simply didn’t have a secret identity to bother with or a ‘real life’ to live. Her parents were dead and she was all alone apparently, so it didn’t matter if everyone knew she was The Masseuse or not. Especially since anyone who tried to fuck with her wound up suffering very dramatic consequences very fast.

Part of Taylor’s mystique involved being referral and invite only. Every once in a while, she might send an invitation to come by for a massage session to a few new lucky people who’d caught her eye. One of the most well-known ways of doing so was by performing incredibly heroic acts. Rounds of invitations tended to go out a lot after Endbringer Battles.

That was where Crystal had gotten hers from what Vicky remembered, after she spent an entire fight against Leviathan on Search and Rescue and saved over a hundred lives, both capes and civilians.

Besides those very rare invitations, the only other way was to have someone who already had an in with The Masseuse refer you to her. And even that wasn’t always a sure thing. When Crystal had first suggested the idea to Vicky some weeks ago, Vicky had scoffed at first and made her excuses. In reality though, she wasn’t sure if she was heroic enough for Taylor’s tastes… and she hadn’t wanted to find out.

But over time, Crystal had worn her down until Vicky had finally agreed to let her try and get an appointment for her. And now, lo and behold, here they were.

“Here we are.”

Blinking, Vicky is pulled back into the real world by Crystal’s odd mirroring of her thoughts, only to realize they’ve arrived in front of a nondescript door.

“Step on through, Taylor will be waiting for you.”

“… What if I piss her off somehow?”

Crystal laughs and rolls her eyes.

“You learned how to turn your aura off years ago, Vicky. Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”

Then, traitor that she is, her cousin turns and begins walking away. Vicky isn’t even sure why she’s so nervous… but it’s not like she’s going to leave now. Not after Crystal went through so much trouble for her. With a sigh, Vicky pushes open the door and steps on through.

She’s not sure what she’s expecting. A waiting room, maybe? But no, that’s not how it works. Instead, she finds herself suddenly inside of the massage room, dominated as it is by a large table in the center. And Taylor is there as well. The Masseuse turns from where she’s prepping things on a counter to give her a smile and Vicky is struck by how beautiful the other cape is. Tall, lithe, and attractive, with long dark hair.

“Welcome, Miss Dallon. Please disrobe and lay face down on the table, I’ll be right with you.”

Vicky’s mouth opens and closes for a second before she swallows thickly and focuses on the most important part.

“U-Um… call me Vicky, please. Mrs. Dallon is my mother.”

And the less said about that, the better. Taylor just smiles and nods, before gesturing towards the table.

“Very well, Victoria.”

Wow, okay, so she was going to be like that. Then again… something about the way the other woman says ‘Victoria’ is kind of nice. Sends shivers down Vicky’s spine and she’s not even touching her yet. Biting her lower lip, Vicky focuses on the task at hand. Namely, she strips naked and climbs up onto the massage table.

She’s in no way ashamed of her body. And Crystal made sure she knew she’d have to be naked beforehand. It’s a fully nude massage, after all. But it’s still a little embarrassing. And she’s left feeling more than a little vulnerable, laying there with her face in the hole of the table and her naked backside completely exposed to Taylor.

Finally, she feels movement as Taylor steps away from the counter and over to the table. Then, she feels oiled hands begin to caress her shoulders, rubbing into them.

“You’re very stressed, Victoria. And nervous to boot. I hope that with some time, I can help you relax.”

“That’s… why I’m here, I suppose.”

“Mm. Let’s see what we can do for you, shall we?”

Frankly, the rogue is already doing a lot for Vicky just with her shoulders. The way Taylor’s fingers dig into Vicky’s flesh is… amazing. She lets out a soft gurgle and allows her eyes to drift shut as the Masseuse uses her striker power on her. It’s perfectly safe, after all. Not only had Taylor gone through power testing with the Protectorate, but Crystal was also a regular customer. Vicky would know if something was up because her cousin would have already experienced it.

Regardless, when Taylor does finally move from her shoulders down her back, Vicky quickly learns that the shoulder part of the massage was just the warm up. The back massage, the arm massage, the leg massage… those were the true bread and butter. At first Vicky’s eyes widen as Taylor brings down an elbow between her shoulderblades, grinding through years of accumulated tension and stress.

Then, her eyes flutter and almost roll back in her head as those incredibly skilled hands go to work all along her body. God, she’s amazing. And not just because of her power either. Thanks to the laws put in place governing rogues who sold their powers as services instead of fighting crime or turning to it, Taylor had to actually go to school to become a legal masseuse.

From what Vicky heard though, she was kind of a natural. Blew through the courses in like three months and then came right back to Brockton Bay to set up her business, where everyone who was anyone pretty much sung her praises and called the experience absolutely amazing.

Well, Vicky would be doing the same thing after this, she suspected. Taylor had successfully turned her into a puddle of pleasure, and Vicky was a little embarrassed to admit it, but she was kind of wet after all of this. And not just from the oils that Taylor has slathered all over her body either. Positively delirious with pleasure, Vicky moans and mewls as Taylor works her over. She kind of loses track of the plot, until finally Taylor’s voice invades her mind again.

“Victoria. Crystal paid for the special, if you want it. You just have to say the word?”

The special? What could possibly be more special than this? Even still…

“… Yesh…”

Slurred out, she nevertheless agrees, excited to find out what ‘the special’ really-



Vicky’s eyes widen as Taylor’s hands suddenly come down on her ass cheeks at the same time. The other woman had avoided touching her ass or groin until now, but suddenly she’s massaging her buttocks just like she had the rest of her. Vicky doesn’t even have a chance to protest before Taylor is digging her fingers in and making the blonde groan in pleasure.

This wasn’t what Vicky was expecting. But… Crystal had paid for this? If Crystal thought she needed this… then maybe it was okay to just relax into it and enjoy the ride. Yes. That would be… fine.

Vicky gurgles some more, letting herself just go with the flow for a little while longer as Taylor kneads her glutes something fierce. But then, finally…

“You’ll need to turn over for the rest of the massage, Victoria.”

Embarrassing. But… she doesn’t want to be difficult. And this has all felt really, really good at this point. Slowly, face red, Vicky turns over onto her back, letting Taylor see her naked front. Her full breasts and… her carefully landscaped snatch, down between her legs. Before she can close them, Taylor slaps her hand down between Vicky’s thighs and grinds the heel of her palm right into the blonde heroine’s pussy.

Vicky squeaks… but god if it doesn’t feel good. She finds herself humping up into Taylor’s hand, even as the Masseuse gives her a knowing smile.

“It’s alright Victoria. Just relax. Crystal was sure you would enjoy this. If you’re not, you can always tell me. But if you are… and it sure feels like you are, then I’m going to continue.”

It’s a little mortifying, especially knowing that her cousin recommended her for this. But at the same time, Vicky would be lying if she said she wasn’t enjoying it. In the end, she’s enjoying it very, very much. And she REALLY starts to enjoy it as Taylor finally, well and truly gets down to business.

Those hands of hers, magical as they are, move across Vicky’s front like the hands of a master musician. Vicky is Taylor’s instrument, and Taylor plays her like a fiddle… or maybe something more complicated than a fiddle, if only to assuage Vicky’s pride.

Still, it’s not like she’s in control here. Taylor is. Those hands draw all sorts of noises and sounds out of Vicky’s lips and body. Moaning. Squelching. Squealing. Shuddering. Vicky whines and whimpers as Taylor spends a good five minutes just playing with both of her tits.

Finally though, one hand still flicking one of Vicky’s nipples, Taylor moves the other back down to Vicky’s sex. Finally, the Masseuse seems to have deemed the outside of Vicky’s body completely massaged, because now she moves onto the inside. Vicky’s eyes widen as Taylor penetrates her with a finger, and then two in short order. Then, they roll partially up in Vicky’s head as she shudders and quivers and quakes under the gorgeous Masseuse’s touch.

After a minute more, a third finger joins the first two. And then a while after that, a fourth. Vicky doesn’t fully understand what’s happening until Taylor curls the four fingers she already has inside of Vicky back onto her hand while at the same time pushing in her thumb. She rakes her nails across the insides of Vicky’s stretched cunt in a way that causes her to shudder and moan all the harder, squirting all over Taylor’s fist.

Because that’s what it is now. And that’s what Taylor is doing. Vicky can hardly believe it. She came here for a massage and wound up on her back getting fisted by the best masseuse in all of Brockton Bay if not the world. Taylor’s balled up hand pushes deep into Vicky before pulling back out, only to do it all over again a moment later.

As she fists her, her other hand remains on Vicky’s body of course, but not really massaging it. No, at this point Taylor is toying and teasing Vicky with that other hand, playing with her nipples, running ghost-like fingers along her abs, and just all around messing with the shuddering blonde heroine. At the same time though, that fist in Vicky’s sex goes deeper and deeper. And as it works, Vicky sees stars.

She’s already cum before this point, she finally accepts. She just didn’t want to acknowledge the multiple orgasms she’s experienced under Taylor’s insanely skilled hands. Even back before, when Taylor was still within the grounds of propriety, Vicky had actually experienced a minor orgasm, though she liked to think she’d managed to hide it.

Now though? Now Vicky isn’t hiding anything. She’s cumming her brains out on that damn massage table, crying out and orgasming over and over again upon Taylor’s fist as it punches and ‘massages’ her insides. It’s the best fucking sex Vicky has ever had and it’s with another woman’s arm instead of a proper dick. She finds herself laughing over that. Laughing almost maniacally, until eventually she’s sobbing, clutching at the table beneath her as she shudders her way through not just climax after climax, but also emotions she’d long thought buried.

It's not just physical tension Taylor forces out of her on that table, but emotional tension as well. Vicky cries. She giggles. She feels like she might be going insane. But just when it all feels like it might never end… it does.

Vicky’s back arches as she experiences one final orgasm. An orgasm to end all orgasms, one explosive enough that she blacks out for a moment.

When she comes back to consciousness, Taylor has pulled her fist and arm out of Vicky’s cunt and Vicky has collapsed back onto the massage table, shuddering. Then, Taylor is giving her another massage. This one is quicker and not nearly as deep tissue, Vicky notices, and when she looks at Taylor with bleary eyes, Taylor just smiles softly.


That made sense. And indeed, by the time Taylor is done… Vicky feels a lot less jittery. For a moment there it was like she’d been electrocuted and the volts had nowhere to go. But then Taylor’s aftercare massage drains all of that away and Vicky is left feeling insanely wrung out… but in a good way.

“That’s our time, Victoria. I hope you enjoyed it. It was a bit rougher than most of my first timers… and won’t be nearly as rough if you decide to come in sooner rather than later before all that stress and tension can build up. You can contact me directly now, since you’ve had your first session. But I’ll leave that up to you.”

Vicky finds herself clothed and outside of the door, holding a card with Taylor’s contact information on it. Blinking, she turns back to say something, but the door is already closed. When she opens it up, it’s to find some random empty office on the other side. Taylor’s Massage Parlor is nowhere to be seen.

Staring blankly at the office space for a second, Vicky finally looks down at the card in her hand and licks her lips.

… Y-Yeah. She wouldn’t let it build up.


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