Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Tinkaton Frenzy – Pokemon


Themes: Pokemon Sex, Light Femdom, Rough Sex

Summary: In which a wannabe trainer well past the age for starting his Pokemon Journey decides he's going to try anyways. He just needs to catch this wild Tinkaton he's stumbled across with the singular Pokeball he managed to steal.


Jonny was not what most would call a ‘good person’. In fact, he was kind of a fuck up. A huge fuck up. Doubly in fact, most of the people in his life who knew him, even in passing, would probably label him a waste of space.

But even if Jonny had had a rough life, and a long string of failures and setbacks (most of which were his own fault to be clear) he was still a human being! He still had wants and desires and dreams! And sure, all of his plans had ultimately ended up with him worse off than before. He’d basically squandered every opportunity he’d been given earlier in life and wound up destitute and nothing but a thug at best and the scum of the earth at worst.

That didn’t mean Jonny was going to give up, however! He’d found himself hitting his lowest point when he’d joined up with Team Rocket a few months back, but that had been the wake up call he needed… namely, that Team Rocket wanted him to work WAY harder than he’d ever had to before, and they expected total loyalty and sycophantic devotion to their cause from him.

Yeah! Fuck that! So Jonny had skedaddled. They hadn’t even been willing to give him a Rattata until his first six months with them were up. Called it a trial period. How fucking stingy was that, right? Well, Jonny hadn’t left empty handed. Unfortunately, the Pokeball he’d stolen on his way out… was empty. He hadn’t really had time to check it before he fled, and when he finally looked at it, he found out it was completely and utterly bereft of a Pokemon.

… But that was okay too! If it had a Pokemon in it, Jonny wasn’t confident he could have controlled them anyways! However, if he CAUGHT a Pokemon with it instead, then the way the Pokeball worked would key the freshly caught Pokemon’s loyalty to him and him specifically! At least, Jonny was pretty sure that was how it worked.

And thus, here he was. Having fled the Kanto Region, Jonny had run… and kept running all the way to Paldea so they would never be able to catch him. In a place like Paldea, Jonny just knew he could reinvent himself. He just had to catch his first Pokemon… his Starter Pokemon, if you will.

Of course, rather than getting his Starter from a laboratory at the tender age of ten like some did (and like he’d failed to do all the way back in the day by sleeping through his own chance at being granted such a thing) Jonny would be risking his life out in the wilds of Paldea, completely without a Pokemon to his name and one single Pokeball with which to capture one.

… Which of course meant he had to go for the absolute best Pokemon he could find. Nothing weak or lame, no sir! This was Jonny’s one chance, and he wasn’t going to blow it! Besides, it was about time his fortune turned around, right? It was about time things turned up Jonny’s way for once!

That’s why… when he finally lays eyes on the Tinkaton, he knows she’s his destiny. Yes, it’s a fully evolved Pokemon. Yes, the hammer that she’s hoisting on one of her rather dainty shoulders is ludicrously large and could pulp him in a second. But that’s only if it hits him!

Without missing a beat, Jonny pulls forth his singular Pokeball, winds back… and lets loose. As he throws, he lets out a shout… that prompts the Tinkaton to spin around.


His eyes go wide as the all-pink Pokemon swings her hammer… and sends the Pokeball bouncing away from her. However, in something straight out of slapstick comedy, the Pokeball bounces off of a nearby tree and right back into her fair, hitting her on the brow and popping open to scoop her up.

For a moment, Jonny just stares, mouth agape, as the Pokeball rocks back and forth on the ground in front of him. It’d worked? It’d worked!


With a crow of victory, the man does a little dance, laughing wildly. Only… nobody ever told Jonny that you needed to wait for the Pokeball to ding before you actually captured whatever was inside of it. Or rather, someone definitely told Jonny at some point in his life, but he hadn’t listened, just like he hadn’t listened to a lot of the things people tried to teach him.

As he’s doing a happy dance, the Pokeball fails and Tinkaton comes bouncing right back out, rubbing her forehead and scowling mightily at the incredibly embarrassing way she’d ALMOST been caught. Jonny doesn’t notice this though; he’s still dancing and right now has his back turned away from the pissed off Hammer Pokemon.

After she’s done rubbing her forehead, Tinkaton takes one look at the human dancing in front of her… and tilts her head to the side, curiosity, interest… and lust suddenly filling her gaze. Along with more than a hint of mischievousness.




As Jonny is turning around to discover that he did NOT in fact just catch a fully evolved Pokemon as his Starter, Tinkaton smashes the ground in front of her with a Gigaton Hammer that would have turned him into paste… if that was her desire. Luckily for the human, it’s not. Unluckily for the human, the ground still quakes and he falls on his ass with a yelp.

Before Jonny can truly react, Tinkaton is already on top of him, her claws gleaming in a metallic fashion. A moment later and she uses Metal Claw on him… but not to tear him to shreds. Instead, she uses it to slice off his clothes, leaving him completely naked.


The wannabe Pokemon Trainer and all around dead weight of a human being barely has time to blink before Tinkaton slaps her fat, short-stack Pokeass down on top of his face, pressing her Pokepussy against his mouth.


To her credit, even as she rather insistently makes her demands to service her clear, the pink Pokemon also leans forward, setting her hammer off to the side and putting the claws away as she grabs his cock and slobbers all over it, beginning to give him a blowjob right then and there.

It takes Jonny a second to catch up, but when he finally realizes he’s engaging in a sixty-nine with a Pokemon… he doesn’t actually mind it all that much? And since Tinkaton is giving her all down at his crotch, it’s only right that he do the same for her! Pushing his tongue into her pussy, Jonny begins to eat out the Hammer Pokemon, causing her to let out muffled moans around his member as she fellates his hardening prick.

In no time at all, he’s rock hard and she’s gushing into his mouth as they orally pleasure one another. Jonny, for his part, is fully on board with just going with the flow. He’s never been one to fight against the current truth be told, it’s just that his laziness and all around incompetence routinely got him in trouble back home.

But if there’s one thing he knows how to do, it’s please a woman. Mostly because despite his uselessness, he has decent looks that attracts the fairer sex like flies to honey. Of course, this is the first time that Jonny has ever stooped ‘so low’ as to perform Pokephilia. Not necessarily because he thinks it’s gross or anything like that. Sure, it was technically illegal, but not only was it a law that everyone broke anyways, Jonny had never been a law-abiding citizen to begin with.

Rather, the reason he’d never engaged in Pokephilia before now was simple… Jonny had never had a Pokemon to do the deed with! But… well, now that the act was basically being forced upon him, he had to admit… it was pretty fucking top notch!

With a sudden muffled moan, Tinkaton proceeds to squirt all over his face. Meanwhile, down below, Jonny tips over the edge as well, cumming in the fat-assed short stack’s mouth. She drinks it all down, swallowing his seed like there’s no tomorrow as he shudders from the pleasure.

Then, without missing a beat, the Tinkaton spins around and proceeds to smash her crotch down onto his cock, impaling her bright pink pussy on his dick and truly committing Jonny to the act of Pokephilia right then and there.

“Tinkaton! Tink-Tink-Tinkaton!”

Jonny, groaning, reaches up and grabs the incredibly powerful Pokemon by her insanely wide hips. At least, wide for her overall height anyways. She really is the definition of a short stack. Absolutely massive ass, incredibly wide hips, and of course… a titanic pair of tinkatits that she proceeds to shove in his face.

“Oh fuck baby-mmph!”

As she grins down at him smugly, the Tinkaton smashes her huge pink breasts into his face, all but smothering him with them. Of course, Jonny is all too happy to retaliate, slurping and sucking and biting at her tits in a way that has the Hammer Pokemon’s eyes widening in surprise before a throaty moan leaves her lips.


Yeah, that’s right. Jonny might be a useless waste of space in a lot of ways, but there was one arena he was pretty good in, and here he had a chance to shine!

Without missing a beat, Tinkaton begins to ride him hard and fast, causing him to groan into her tits as her fat ass slaps down onto his thighs with every bounce upon his throbbing cock.


Fortunately, her true strength lies with her signature hammer. THAT thing could turn him into paste in a single hit, but her hips and ass, while huge and meaty… aren’t quite so deadly. Otherwise, his crotch would probably already be pulped at this point, his poor human bones shattered and then turned into dust from the Pokemon’s repeated downward thrusts.

Instead, he’s able to hold on tight to her, just barely hanging on for dear life as she rides him to kingdom come. Her pussy walls flex around his cock, her body jiggles in all the best ways, and all in all, Jonny is having the best sex of his life in this moment. So really, it’s no wonder that despite him already cumming once, she manages to extract another creampie from him in what feels like no time at all.

Of course, she tips over the edge as well, even as he fills her Pokepussy with his seed, pumping a hot, thick load into her womb. The resulting mutual climax on both their parts leaves them shuddering and spasming for several long moments until they’re finished cumming their brains out and can slowly come down from the overwhelming pleasure coursing through their bodies.

As a result of this, Tinkaton ends up pulling back, finally freeing Jonny’s head from the marshmallow prison that are her massive pink tits. For a long moment, they just sort of stay like that, with her impaled on his cock and Jonny slowly recovering from the experience he just had.

This allows him a chance to put his thoughts in order and process everything that had happened since he’d thrown his stolen Pokeball. One thing is for sure… that Pokeball is toast. He remembers now that if the capture isn’t successful, the Pokeball will be destroyed in the process of the Pokemon escaping.

That sucks of course, but on the other hand… fake it till you make it, right?

Reaching up, Jonny grabs Tinkaton by her wide hips, looking up into her blinking eyes with the most confident and commanding expression that he can manage.

“You’re my Pokemon now, alright? I may not have a Pokeball for you… but I caught you fair and square! So from now on, we’re partners, you and me!”

Yes! He could still salvage this! And with a Tinkaton as his ‘Starter’, he’d basically be unstoppable! She had to be pretty strong, given she was the third evolution!


Sounding downright outraged, Tinkaton prods him in the chest, fortunately without bringing out the claws. Still, even with it just being one of her pudgy pink fingers, the prodding is enough to take the air out of his lungs and no doubt bruise him. At the same time, the indignant tone she’s taking and the way her cheeks are puffing up make it clear what she’s trying to say.

He didn’t catch her… SHE caught HIM. Jonny flushes a little bit at that, huffing from his place still trapped under the Hammer Pokemon.

“Well yeah, but… look, I’m a human. And we humans can’t live out in the wilds like you Pokemon can. So if we’re going to do this, we’re going to have to work together, alright? We’ll make some money, get some creature comforts, and then do whatever you want to do. Sound good? Err… though, what would you want to do, exactly?”


Suddenly sounding less certain and more contemplative, Tinkaton brings a finger up to her chin, looking off into the distance. She’s clearly deep in thought for a moment… before her eyes light up and she shows him what she wants to do, rather than telling him.



Jonny groans as the Pokemon begins riding him again, bouncing up and down on his cock nonstop with just as much ferocity as before. To be fair, his dick is still rock hard and even though he’s cum twice so far, he can probably keep going for a while yet. So… yeah, okay, this works for him too.

“S-Sure… we can, mm, have sex. Though we probably should figure out a housing situation first…”


“R-Right… in a bit. We’ll figure out money and a place to live in a bit…”

Hands falling back to her hips, Jonny groans some more as Tinkaton moans, riding him once again without reservation and towards an inevitable climax.

Admittedly, Jonny probably wasn’t going to ever be a proper Pokemon Trainer or have a proper Pokemon Journey. He was way too much of a fuck up for all of that. But now he had another excuse, at least. Even if it was both better and worse than the previous excuse.

Namely, he couldn’t go on a Pokemon Journey anymore because his Tinkaton was going to be mounting him every day from now draining him dry and leaving him too exhausted to think about journeys and all that.

Yes, he would have to stay home and perform copious amounts of Pokephilia with his sexy, short stack, nymphomaniac of a Pokewaifu.

… All in all, not a bad end for a wannabe trainer and a worthless waste of space like Jonny.


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