Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Titnosis (Original Supernatural)


Themes: Demon Sex, Rough Sex, Hypnosis

Summary: In which a young man runs into a small imp, the lowest form of a succubus. Any human should be able to deal with an imp, but she has a secret trick up her sleeve... titnosis! But will it be enough?


The world had turned upside down. Apparently, they were being invaded by extraterrestrials. But not the space alien kind… rather, the supernatural kind. And they were coming from portals that would randomly open up everywhere. To say this was… apocalyptic would be both an overstatement and understatement in Adam’s opinion.
On the one hand, the portals were everywhere. You couldn’t get away from them. On the other hand, the demons that had come out of the smaller ones were… honestly little more than rodents. It was simply a matter of pest control. The bigger ones were disgorging bigger demons of course, but there were no big portals where he lived at least.
Even still, that didn’t mean Adam was any more prepared for it when a small portal opened up in the back of the convenience store where he worked the midnight shift… during said midnight shift. With no one else around, all he could do was grab the tire iron he’d started carrying everywhere with him and make his way over, intending to put the pest down before things got out of control.
However, what Adam finds is… well, he’d heard about them. But seeing is still believing.
“Human! Yes! Fuck yes!”
The imp is blonde and like half his height, with a pair of tits WAY too big for her body. She’s not a child though… merely a super low level version of a much more dangerous succubus. She’s one of those vermin that even a human like him was said to be able to defeat with ease. He just wished she’d been some sort of demon rat instead, because it was a lot easier to beat a rat to death with a tire iron than a pint-sized woman.
Especially when said pint-sized woman is thrusting her hands into the air and jumping up and down, her wings fluttering pathetically but not able to lift her off due to the weight of her jiggling, bouncing breasts.
Still, Adam knows better than to let his guard down. He needs to steel himself for what must be done or this could wind up turning into a full blown incursion. The portal she came through is still open behind her after all, and while they do close on their own eventually, the fastest way to close one is to kill the first thing that comes through according to the reports.
Hefting up his tire iron, Adam takes a step forward… only for the Imp’s eyes to widen at seeing his weapon.
“Oh! None of that now! Time for my secret weapon… Rami’s Flashbang!”
With that, the imp, apparently named Rami, reaches down and grabs the incredibly tight tube top she’s wearing, yanking it up and flashing her tits at him. Adam blinks incredulously at this, wondering what kind of ‘secret weapon’ that’s supposed to even be. Sure, her tits are very large. And sure, he doesn’t actually want to kill her. But… he can’t just… well… maybe…
Slowly, the arm holding the tire iron lowers, until eventually the improvised weapon slips from nerveless fingers entirely. Rami’s eyes light up and she giggles as she hefts her tits up.
“That’s right! You like these, don’t you? All humans do, teehee~”
Adam finds himself unable to tear his gaze off of her tits, even as the bratty imp sways and jiggles her breasts back and forth.
“This is my special technique, exclusive to yours truly alone! Rami’s Flashbang allows me to titnotize even the strongest willed individuals!”
Somehow, Adam doubts that even despite the boastful tone. And yet, as much as her smashing together tit and hypnotize pains him on a deep, spiritual level… there’s no denying that it’s working on HIM. He’s just not one of the strongest willed individuals, even by his estimation. Still, doesn’t change the facts. This dumb bimbo has him totally at her mercy… her massive oversized breasts drawing him in.
“Hm, I SHOULD order you to help me anchor the portal first… but we’ve got plenty of time. Like… at LEAST an hour, I think! Yeah, an hour sounds right! An hour of fun! Alright human, ready for your first order as my titnotized love slave?! Listen carefully… I want you to give me every last drop of your seed!”
That… didn’t sound half bad, actually. Adam barely gives the order any consideration before deciding to implement it right then and there. Lunging forward, he grabs the short stack of an imp and takes her to the ground in a tackle.
“W-Whoa! What are you doing?!”
Not an order. He has to follow her orders. And her order was to give him every last drop of his seed. Yanking away her incredibly skimpy panties is easy. Yanking his cock out of his pants and boxers is also easy. Shoving it up inside of her… well, that should be hard. She’s half his size after all. And yet, her pussy stretches to accommodate him, spreading wider and wider as inch after inch of his cock fills her.
“Wha- guh! So b-big! Nnngh… don’t-! S-Stop!”
More orders. Except… Rami has fucked up. Because in Adam’s titnotized state, he can’t do anything but take her seriously. Whatever she says to him, rather, whatever orders she gives him, he’ll follow to the letter. By cutting herself off like that, she’d inadvertently said ‘don’t’ and ‘stop’ right after the other. Instead of interpreting her words as ‘don’t do this!’ and ‘stop this at once!’ Adam’s titnotized mind hears ‘Don’t stop!’ and logs that order right alongside ‘give me every drop of your seed!’.
With his cock already buried inside of her, it’s an easy enough order to follow. Don’t stop? Why would he ever stop fucking this cutey with such large tits before he’d given her all of his seed? With a lustful growl, Adam begins fucking Rami harder and faster, pounding her into the floor of the convenience store with all his strength.
In response, her tits jiggling around, Rami squeals as her short legs stick straight up in the air on either side of his body.
“I-Impossible… you have to obey me, h-human!”
Yes. But he was obeying her. Of course, dimwitted as Rami the Imp was, she didn’t quite understand that. If she’d only tried to give one more order, she might have figured out her error and stopped this from going any further. If she’d had the time to think while not being dicked down by the biggest dick she’d had in some time, she might have also sussed out what was going on.
… But she doesn’t do either of those things. Mainly because it feels too damn good, truth be told. Groaning and moaning, Rami’s eyes threaten to roll back in her head as she shivers and shudders under him. The imp squeals as his cock drills into her deepest parts again and again. Technically, his dick SHOULD be reaching up into her organs themselves… but she’s a supernatural creature so its fine. More than that, she’s a supernatural creature literally MADE to have sex with things bigger than her… so it’s doubly fine.
“S-So good… ah! F-Fuck! Your big fat cock is stirring up my insides, human!”
With a grunt, Adam suddenly grabs hold of her tits by the base making Rami squeak. For a moment she fears that he’s going to do something drastic like… like tear them off or something! Maybe he’s breaking free of the titnosis and is planning on removing the object titnotizing him?! Suddenly struck by terror at the thought, Rami begins to blubber a bit.
But instead of ripping her titties off of her chest and leaving her as flat as most of her kind tended to be… Adam leans forward and begins to suckle at her nipples. Rami’s eyes widen and she gasps as she shudders beneath him from the sensation. That wasn’t what she expected to happen at all! For a moment, the blonde imp stares at the human currently fucking her. Slowly, she realizes he must be under SOME kind of titnosis still. She doesn’t understand why he’s able to disobey her orders though!
… But maybe it’s fine? She just has to… survive this. Humans are known to have less stamina than even a lowly imp like her, right?! So there was no way he could keep this up forever! And once he was done with her, well, she would still probably have plenty of time to anchor the portal and do her job. And she’d re-titnotize him so that he had to help her too!
With that foolproof, ironclad plan in her mind’s eye, Rami smiles a broad, dopy smile as she giggles and makes herself more comfortable under Adam, who continues to jackhammer in and out of her pussy as breakneck speeds. As his cock fills her again and again, she coos and even runs a hand through his hair while he suckles and slurps and nibbles at her massive titties.
Until finally… he cums. Rami coos even louder as he fills her womb with his seed. Despite her status as a supernatural creature, the sheer amount of jizz he leaves inside of her is enough to make her a little bloated. Her taut abdomen expands outwards ever so slightly and Rami moans happily at being so very full. She LOVES the feeling of having a womb filled to the brim with human cum!
Of course… that’ll be it, she’s pretty sure. She waits a moment for the human to go soft inside of her, before chuckling nervously and patting his head where he’s still going to town on her breasts.
“Alright human. That was fun and all but-!”
And then… he starts moving again. Rami’s green eyes widen in shock as she realizes… he’s not getting soft inside of her. If anything, he’s as hard as ever, his cock still buried deep in her creampied cunt. As Adam starts fucking her once more, the imp gulps nervously. This shouldn’t be possible. Humans weren’t supposed to have this short of a refractory period!
Of course… it was her own damn fault, not that the bimbo imp realized that or remembered what she ordered him to do. Give her every drop of his seed. Don’t stop. Adam was still titnotized so he had to obey, in the end.
As he really starts to pound away at her pussy for a second time, Rami just squeals and clings to him for dear life. S-Surely he couldn’t last THAT much longer… right?!
Hours later, a bestial and primal growl emits from Adam’s throat as he arches his back and thrusts forward one final time into the imp beneath him. Having been fucking her all this time, the young man is exhausted, thirsty, and hungry. But even still, titnotized as he was, there was only one thing to be done… he HAD to keep fucking the imp who’d put him under titnosis in the first place. Until… now.
With one last groan, Adam unleashes inside of Rami. He fills the blonde imp with his seed just once more, his balls FINALLY emptied out to their absolute limit. Having drained himself over these past few hours, Adam… is finished. In more ways than one. He’s finished carrying out Rami’s orders of course… but he’s also finished with staying awake any longer.
With a groan, the human man, brought to his absolute limits and then some, passes out face down in Rami’s oversized tits.
Meanwhile, beneath him… a certain dumb bimbo of an imp whimpers and cries, squirming but to no avail. The last few hours had been HELL. Not because it didn’t feel good, mind you. It felt GREAT. However… he just wouldn’t stop! What the fuck was up with this human?! Was he some sort of hidden Nephilim, the legendary hero that it was said would defeat the Forces of Hell once and for all?!
But no, if that were the case he probably would have just instantly wiped her off the face of the planet or something. Instead of, ya know, completely humiliating her over the course of several hours before passing out in her tits.
By this point, her belly has been inflated to the size of a damn beach ball by all of the human’s releases! Her womb has been stuffed to the brim with his seed… and then he just kept going! To the point that she’s overflowed maybe a dozen times by this point and is practically half-submerged in a puddle of his cum now! Frankly, she’s lucky she wound up on her back instead of her front, because he might have literally drowned her in his seed as he fucked her. As it is, even with how overstuffed her pussy and womb are, the puddle of overflow is deep enough that it’s tickling her damn ears!
Now though… now all Rami can do is cry in relief that Adam has finally exhausted himself. Because she’s pretty damn exhausted by this point as well after being plowed for hours and hours by her intended vic-no! oh no!
Tilting her head back, Rami looks to where the portal she came out of had been. HAD been because… well, it had lasted about an hour without an anchor point, just like she’d thought. And then it’d fizzled out and she’d been too caught up in getting fucked by the human to notice. Not that she’d been in any position to do anything about it in the first place! Or so she thought.
Either way, it didn’t matter. Rami had failed. Her first mission to the human world had ended in abject failure. Even though she’d succeeded in getting a bunch of human seed, a personal victory to be sure… she still felt like she’d lost completely.
She was also stranded now. Normally, if an imp failed to anchor a portal, it meant they died and were thus sent back to Hell to start over as nothing but a demon grub. But she… she was still here. What was she supposed to do? Kill herself? Rami didn’t want to do that, even if death wasn’t the end for her kind! It still sounded like it hurt!
No, she would have to go to ground. She would have to hide, maybe in a human sewer or something. From both her own kind and humankind. She was a deserter now, basically. If another demon came across her, they would probably kill her outright for being a worthless waste of space. Meanwhile, humans would also kill her on sight because they wouldn’t understand that she was already a failure and not a threat to them. Basically, no matter how you looked at it, Rami was screwed.
She just… had to… get out… from under this human so she could escape. Only, as Rami squirms and whimpers some more, she finds that to be harder than it sounds. After a few minutes of struggling she realizes it’s actually impossible. A low whine builds in the back of the imp’s throat as she realizes that not only had she royally screwed up… she’s trapped now and physically too weak to wriggle off of his big fat cock or out from under his unconscious body.
Well. Shit.


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