Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

To the Moon (Cyberpunk: Edegrunners)

Poll Winner

Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Lucy and David make it to the moon after a narrow escape from Adam Smasher, but they aren't alone. Rebecca joined them at Lucy's request. They escaped and lived, and knowing her feelings for David, Lucy invited Rebecca to their new life and their bed. Needless to say, Rebecca jumped at the chance. Lucky that she did too, because David is man enough to need two women to wrangle him. 


“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“… Yeah, shit’s pretty fucking preem, not gonna lie.”

Standing there on the surface of the moon, Lucyna Kushinada stares up at the glaring sun surrounded by the countless stars upon a backdrop of empty black space. Beside her, Rebecca would definitely have had her hands in her pockets if she could, but the spacesuits they were all wearing didn’t have pockets. Instead, the shorter girl is opening and closing her hands at her sides, a nervous tick that Lucy doesn’t fault for even a single moment.

Last but not least, there’s…

“Heh, I dunno. The view is great and all, but I can think of two far more beautiful things right in front of me.”

David Martinez steps up between them, his cheesy line causing both Lucy and Rebecca to flush a little bit even as he stares up at the same glorious expanse they’re both looking at. Of course, Rebecca isn’t just going to let his comment slide.

“You callin’ us things, huh?”

Immediately, David is left flailing a little bit.

“W-What?! No, of course not, you knew what I meant Becca!”

When the short young woman just snorts and turns away from him, David is quick to look to Lucy next.

“You knew what I meant, right Luce?”

She can’t help it. Lucy lets out a little giggle at their byplay. This has the intended effect of making David relax and his worried expression morph into an easygoing smile… but the unintended effect of making Rebecca’s shoulders hunch inward, her sudden tenseness obvious even through the bulky spacesuit she has on.

“I’ll uh… leave you two lovebirds to get cozy. Just gonna be over here.”

David and Lucy exchange a glance at that, and in the end it’s Lucy who speaks up.

“Rebecca, please don’t go. We’d both like you to stay.”

The sharp-tongue girl whips around at that, her eyes narrowing as she scoffs at the both of them.

“And what… just continue watching? Yeah, I think I’m good. I’m not much of a voyeur, never have been.”

But before she can leave, Lucy is already shaking her head.

“Or… you could join in.”

That brings the other woman up short. Rebecca stares at Lucy in stupefaction for a moment. They all know that Rebecca has feelings for David. Just as they all also know that Lucy is David’s input, not Rebecca. It had long been a source of tension, but now, after all they’d been through…

“… You’re fucking with me.”

“I’m really not.”

Scowling, but also blushing furiously, Rebecca makes an aborted attempt at stuffing her hands in her nonexistent pockets, before going even redder when she remembers she doesn’t have them.

“Detes. Now.”

Lucy just shrugs.

“We’ve been through hell and back together. Doesn’t make sense to leave you out in the cold. If you’re willing to share, so am I. I’ll even give you first go tonight once we get back inside.”

Rebecca’s eyes are wide as she looks to David to find him giving her a kind, caring smile. In the end, the shortie looks down at the grey surface of the moon for a moment… and then rushes forward, grabbing each of them by a hand and pulling them along.



“C-C’mon! Let’s go!”

There’s a little bit of laughter from both David and Lucy, but in the end neither of them fight Rebecca on this. Not after all they’ve been through.

By all rights, all three of them should be dead. They’d survived Adam Fucking Smasher, after all. You weren’t supposed to go up against that monster and live to tell the tale. They hadn’t won, not by a long shot… but they hadn’t lost either. Not against Smasher, and not against Arasaka. There was no doubt that eventually they’d have to deal with the bloody nose they gave the megacorp, of course.

But for now, they were ahead of their pursuers. They were off the grid, and far enough away from anyone who would be hunting them to take a moment and just breathe. And so that’s what they were doing. Maybe it was a little silly for them to go to a place without oxygen to ‘breathe’, but that’s what made it the last place Arasaka would think to look for them, at least at first. Plus, it had always been Lucy’s dream and now here they were, on the surface of the moon.



“You sure about this?”

Back in their very cozy, very small guest quarters, Rebecca shoots Lucy a glare for a moment as the other woman finishes getting naked and sits there off to the side. Rebecca, meanwhile, is kneeling between David’s legs already completely nude as he sits on the edge of the bed. Stripped down to only his boxers, the young man speaks up, clearing his throat.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that, Becca? You think you can handle me?”

David’s amused tone and challenging words cause Rebecca to whip her head around and glare at him. She scoffs and reaches up, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of his boxers.

“Can I handle you? ‘Course I can handle you.”

With that, she yanks down David’s boxers, exposing his cock… which promptly springs forth and almost strikes Rebecca in the face.

“W-Whoa! Damn near took an eye out with that thing!”

David just chuckles, and Lucy giggles. Rebecca puffs out her cheeks at the two of them for just a moment before giving him dick a baleful glare. In response, David grows a little nervous. The short young woman had a tendency for being both extreme and entirely unpredictable, after all. He never knew quite what she was going to do next.

Luckily, in this case Rebecca does what seems obvious to everyone. She leans in, opens wide, and lolls her tongue across David’s member. After a moment, she takes him in her mouth, beginning to bob up and down his cock rapidly. David groans as the pale-skinned mercenary gurgles her way halfway down his cock and then back up again. Her hands go to his legs, gripping down tightly to give herself leverage as she moves.

“Glughk… Glughk… Glughk!”

She’s enthusiastic if nothing else. Meanwhile, as Rebecca is throating his member, Lucy crawls up beside him and turns David’s head to the side, giving him a lingering kiss before hugging him, her breasts pressed against his arm. She turns her eyes down towards Rebecca and grins wickedly.

“Enjoying yourself so far, Rebecca? Is he everything you hoped for?”

Rebecca’s eyes narrow in response, and she works David’s shaft for just a few more moments before pulling back and giving him a good stroke as she answers.

“Dunno yet. Haven’t had a ride. My turn first, right? Not gonna try to cheat me, are you?”

Lucy just smirks and shakes her head.

“Your turn first. Oral doesn’t count.”

At hearing such assurances, Rebecca’s shoulders relax and she looks slightly relieved as she gives Lucy a respectful nod. Glancing back to David’s cock, she considers going back down on him again for a moment before thinking better of it.

“You’re already ready. Jeez David, what… did you pop a boner in that spacesuit while we were out on the surface or something?”

David sputters, but Rebecca has already hopped straight from the floor into his lap. Lucy pulls back with a grin as the shorter woman wraps herself around David, her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Her lips land on his lips and she kisses him deeply as David’s hands go to her ass, lifting her up and kissing her right back.

Rebecca can only grind her pussy lips against David’s shaft in this position. It’s David himself who has to lift her up and properly line them up. And that’s exactly what he does, before suddenly impaling her on his member. Rebecca gasps, the tattooed mercenary shuddering as she sinks down the shaft she was just busily sucking away at. Her wet slit and her spit lubricant work together to make the passage up into her incredibly tight cunt.

David, meanwhile, holds her steady until she begins to wiggle out of his grasp and he lets her go. The moment he does so, Rebecca rides him, bouncing up and down on his cock hard and fast, not letting up for even a second. Pulling back from their lip lock, she gives David and then Lucy a big shit-eating grin.

“Bet you’re not used to a girl taking control, Martinez. That’s alright, I’ll show you both how it’s done~”

Rather than get angry or upset with her, Lucy just snorts in amusement before looking to David.

“David? Give it to her.”

Rebecca only has a moment to furrow her brow in confusion at that. She begins to ask a question, but never finishes.

“Give me wha-eep!”

The incredibly high-pitched, uncharacteristic squeak that leaves Rebecca’s lips comes from David suddenly spinning them both over and pinning Rebecca onto her back. She’s just about to flip them back again, but then he pulls out and slams back in, his entire length forcibly stretching her nice and wide as Rebecca gurgles, the air punched out of her lungs.

One thrust alone wouldn’t have been enough to completely discombobulate the short stack mercenary of course, but then… it’s not just one thrust. David doesn’t wait to see how Rebecca takes it or let her recover. He does as Lucy said and ‘gives it to her’. Namely, by letting loose and fucking Rebecca into the bed, pounding her for all he’s worth as Lucy leans over them both, a beatific smile on her face.

“What was that Rebecca? Weren’t you going to show us how it was done?”

Eyes going crossed, mouth opening and closing between noisy pants, Rebecca groans before finally managing to muster a weak glare in Lucy’s direction.

“You… bitch.”

There’s no real heat to the word though, not truly, and Lucy just giggles and sits back, playing with herself as she watches Rebecca get plowed silly. There’s no other way of describing it either. David is none too gentle. He doesn’t ‘make love’ to Rebecca, nor does he treat her like a porcelain doll. But then to be fair, she never would have forgiven him if he did. The short mercenary lived life fast and would want nothing less than for David to go all out with her.

Even still, despite carrying a torch for David all this time, Rebecca had never in a million years thought he could properly best her in bed. And yet, that’s exactly what happens as he fucks her through orgasm after orgasm, pounding the female merc until she’s a puddle of pleasure beneath him. Only once her limbs have lost their strength and lay splayed out around her does David finally let loose, cumming inside of her.

Rebecca is left with a stupid expression on her face and a body that won’t stop twitching, even as David pulls out of her and flops onto his back at her side, breathing heavily… but nevertheless still rock hard despite already cumming.

This is where Lucy steps in. Smirking a little bit, she climbs on top of her output and promptly impales herself on his cock. Groaning, she wiggles around for a moment before slowly, almost languidly sliding up and down his dick. As she rides him, David’s hands go up to her hips and his thumbs rub circles in her flesh. They both knew how lucky they were to be alive. They wouldn’t be forgetting the series of events that allowed all three of them to escape Adam Smasher any Arasaka Tower any time soon.

… But those events weren’t important right now. Right now, what was important was each other. As Rebecca lays there beside them, her hips bucking against a nonexistent cock that’s no longer thrusting into her creampied pussy, Lucy lets out a shaky breathless moan and begins to pick up the pace. Glancing over at Rebecca, the taller woman smirks.

“Welcome to the club, Rebecca. Now you know just how much man David truly is. And just why I was willing to share him with you.”

Because the truth was, Lucy had barely been keeping up with David for months now. Even though when they’d met he’d been wet behind the ears and incredibly green to this entire life, there was no denying that he’d picked it all up with lightning swiftness, quickly developing into one of the best in the business. Meanwhile, on the more private side of things, he’d taken to learning sex at her hands like an over-excited puppy… at first.

It turned out, David was as much a natural at fucking as he was at everything else. He had a talent that couldn’t be beat, and it wasn’t a single night that went by where Lucy managed to exhaust him in bed, rather than it being the other way around. Again and again, she’d ended up on her back, wide-eyed, staring at the ceiling in disbelief at what he could do to her.

Really, knowing that, was it any wonder that she’d been willing to let Rebecca go first and bleed off some of David’s energy? She’d hoped that with it out of his system, she might be able to handle him from this point on. Of course, a few minutes into riding him cowgirl style, Lucy catches the sudden glint in David’s eye that lets her know he’s gotten his second wind.

A moment later she’s on her back as well, just like Rebecca. Moaning up a storm, Lucy clings to David for dear life as he fucks her, damn near breaking her in half with his amazing cock. She cums again and again, her eyes threatening to roll back in her head. If she’s not careful, she’ll end up with just as stupid of an expression on her face as Rebecca.

She’s doing a good job of holding the pleasure at bay though for the time being. At least, until an unfamiliar hand finds hers, Rebecca grabbing hold of Lucy. Startled by the sudden touch, Lucy turns her head in the female mercenary’s direction, only to find a pair of lips that don’t belong to David pressed against her own. As Rebecca kisses her for the first time, Lucy only freezes for a moment before kissing the other woman back.

It would seem they aren’t just going to be sharing David after all. Rebecca has other plans… plans that Lucy realizes she doesn’t actually mind all that much. The three of them had escaped the jaws of certain death together after all. They were bound by something closer than blood, closer than anything really. It was them against the world, until the very end…


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