Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Zulu Wife (Tarzan)


Themes: Interracial Sex, Breeding, Dom/Sub

Summary: In which Jane Porter washes up ashore in a very different part of Africa all by her lonesome. Luckily the Zulu Warriors who come across her are actually pretty nice.


Jane knew she was lucky to be alive, but that doesn’t stop her from groaning as she yanks with all the frail might of her feminine constitution to pull her luggage out of the water and onto the beach with her. She’s soaked from head to toe and truth be told, if she hadn’t had the foresight to strip off large layers of her garments, she probably would have been weighed down and ultimately drowned… j-just like everyone else.
Looking out at the ocean before her, the drenched young woman’s lower lip quivers. She can’t even see the ship at this point, but to be fair it’s been hours now. Hours since the storm that took their ship off course before eventually smashing it upon some rocks. Hours since Jane had found herself clinging to the very luggage she was now holding onto, using it as a raft and hanging on for dear life.
Maybe some others had survived, but if they did… they didn’t land on the same beach that Jane did. Looking all along the coast in either direction, Jane sees absolutely no trace of anyone else from the ship. She’s all alone out here. She’s stranded and with no way to-
Something suddenly pokes Jane in the back, causing her to shriek and whip around in outrage and fright. When she sees a group of Zulu Warriors right out of her father’s books standing before her with their spears pointed at her however, she immediately freezes in place, whimpering as she quickly raises her hands above her head in surrender and sinks to her knees.
“P-Please… please don’t kill me. I know you don’t understand me but I’m unarmed! I’m not a threat! I promise I-!”
“What is your name?”
Jane blinks, caught off guard when one of the Zulu Warriors suddenly speaks English, much to her shock and surprise. He steps through the others and they defer to him. Clearly he’s a leader of some sorts.
“I… M-my name is Jane Porter. F-From England.”
If the young African man recognizes the place, he doesn’t show it. Instead he merely studies her for a moment with dark eyes, leaving Jane to tremble under his gaze. He and his fellow warriors aren’t wearing much in the way of clothes, leaving their bodies on full display for her. It’s rather crass and uncouth, but Jane knows better than to complain. She’s not an idiot.
“You will come with us back to our tribe, Jane Porter. So long as you do not cause problems, no harm will come to you, on my honor.”
Jane bites her lower lip… and hesitantly nods.
It wasn’t like she had any other choice really. After all, she was pretty much doomed on her own anyways. Being found by this tribe of Zulu might be her only way of surviving. Or they might just end her life all the swifter if she didn’t cooperate…
“Y-Yes! Of course! I will be happy to help out!”
Sitting next to his father in the Chieftain’s tent, Nsizwa looks on in amusement at Jane Porter’s rapid agreement. He glances to his father, who looks just as amused. No translation necessary here. The Chieftain gestures off to the side and one of the warriors waiting in the wing comes forward. Smiling softly at a suddenly nervous Jane, Nsizwa is happy to set her at ease.
“This warrior will take you to our womenfolk, Jane Porter. Go with him now and be at peace.”
“O-Oh… of course, thank you.”
Jane rises and performs one of her people’s ‘curtsies’ before departing from the tent. Nsizwa watches her go for a moment, his eyes drawn to the unconscious sway of her hips and the fullness of her buttocks and thighs.
After finding Jane Porter on the beach, Nsizwa had been immediately taken with the pale woman. But he hadn’t let it show, mostly because he wasn’t sure what his father would want to do with her just yet. Especially if her arrival on their shores heralded a greater invasion.
However, from the sound of things that wasn’t likely. Jane Porter was the daughter of a man of considerable wealth and her and his ship had been a private ‘venture’ as she called it. Someone might eventually come looking for her, but they were not scouts for a larger fleet. Or so Jane said at least, but Nsizwa believed her all the same.
Looking to his father, he can tell that the Chieftain believes her story as well. That was why, ultimately they’d agreed to house her until people came to find her. The only condition for this hospitality was that she was to aid the women of the tribe in whatever they needed done, be it birthing, cooking, tending to wounds, or washing.
Ultimately, it did not surprise Nsizwa that Jane Porter had jumped at the opportunity. The pale woman was clearly very aware that things could have gone much, much worse for her. There were other tribes that would have flayed the skin from her bone just because of its color. And others still who might have done even worse than that.
“My son?”
His father’s voice is playful… teasing in tone. Nsizwa feels his face heat up as he huffs. Trust his father to see right through him.
“Father… I believe she might be the one. The one I’ve been waiting for.”
The Chieftain hums at that, keeping his opinion on the matter to himself. However, he does give counsel after a long moment.
“You must wait before making your move, my son. Give it at least a couple moons to make sure none will come after her. If her kinsmen arrive and find her heavy with your child, there might be war. Once we can be sure there is nobody to bring her back to her old home… you have my permission to show her that this is her new home.”
Nsizwa sucks in a sharp breath… and then bows his head low to his father.
“As you say, Chieftain.”
It’s been a few months now and Jane has to accept reality… nobody is coming after her. It’s not like their family didn’t have friends back home, but her father was always an eccentric. No one that they’d been close to was wealthy enough, or even close enough to them to pay for a rescue expedition.
Put simply, Jane was stuck here in Africa, likely for the rest of her life at this point. The tribe she’d found herself with would probably let her go if she asked them to, but they would not help her get home… and there was so much land and so many people between here and England that Jane knew it was a lost cause.
She was stuck… but at the same time, she didn’t really mind as much as she probably should have. Glancing to her left, Jane smiles when she sees Nsizwa grinning at her. The son of the tribe’s Chieftain was the main reason that Jane hadn’t fallen into despair, truth be told. He’d been a solid rock for her to speak to over these last few months.
Even as she’d learned some of the tribe’s language, the other men of the tribe didn’t seem to have much to say to her. The women of the tribe were kinder, but still distant. However, it was Nsizwa with his surprising grasp of English that had Jane feeling just a little less homesick.
Now here she was, taking part in a ceremony that the tribe apparently did every year. Kneeling next to Nsizwa, she watches as the festivities continue and everyone makes merry. A massive bonfire burns in the center of the camp, and drinks are being handed out. When Jane receives hers, she gives Nsizwa a cautious look but he just smiles and nods to her.
“Drink! It’s good!”
Apparently, it was a special ceremonial drink only prepared at this time of year, which was why she hadn’t had it yet despite being here for months. As Nsizwa drinks, Jane does the same… and he’s right, it IS good. When she’s offered more, Jane keeps drinking the sweet, fruity beverage… completely unaware that it’s all laced with a natural aphrodisiac.
To be fair, everyone in the tribe is dosing. It’s not like it’s just Jane. Even as she grows hotter and hotter under the collar, even as the night grows longer and longer, things start to… progress. At first, the Zulu Warriors are dancing around the bonfire with their spears high in the air, chanting in their native tongue and waving their body parts most energetically.
And then, somehow, from one blink to the next for Jane, the Zulu Warriors have discarded their normal spears… and their loincloths. Suddenly the men of the tribe are all completely naked… and though they no longer have their usual spears, they’re all sporting new ‘spears’ that bob and shake and spin in the fire light as they hoot and holler even louder.
Blushing profusely, Jane offers no resistance as Nsizwa suddenly pulls her into his lap. The Chieftain’s son has his hands all over her body without warning, but Jane just moans and tilts her head back, thrusting herself into his grasp and exposing her neck to him so he can use his mouth on it.
Her clothing from home has long been shredded and run ragged by the rough living of the African Tribe. She’s repurposed it all into more region-appropriate attire, the only things left being a yellow band of cloth around her breasts and a yellow loincloth to cover her groin. These things don’t last long under Nsizwa’s exploring hands, but Jane doesn’t try to fight him.
Her body is on fire right now, and through the haziness starting to cloud her vision, she watches as the rest of the tribe falls into similar debauchery and depravity. As the men pair off with the women, Nsizwa whispers into Jane’s ear, his fingers delving between her legs and pressing into her drooling sex.
“This ceremony is focused on one thing and one thing only, Jane Porter. Bringing about a new generation for the tribe.”
“I… I see…”

She can feel Nsizwa’s arousal under her. His cock is prodding into her butt. But he doesn’t enter her just yet. Instead, he uses those hands of his rather expertly, toying with Jane’s chest and fingering her cunt as they watch the rest of the tribe do much the same. Jane whimpers and moans and mewls… but it’s not long before she can’t handle it anymore.
With a loud, explosive cry, the English Woman cums all over Nsizwa’s fingers, climaxing hard right in front of the entire Zulu Tribe. There’s cheering and laughter, followed by moans and the slap of flesh against flesh where some have grown tired of taking it slow or engaging in foreplay.
Nsizwa, meanwhile, growls into Jane’s ear and then stands up suddenly. Jane finds herself buck-naked, ass on the ground… but only for a moment before the Chieftain’s Son grabs her by her hair and starts to drag her off. Jane, far from being scared or offended or outraged… just giggles as she lets him do as he pleases. Ah, to be dragged away to be ravished in his tent by a savage… if only her father could see her now~
Jane doesn’t waste time once they get back to Nsizwa’s tent either. Sure, she was raised in England, where women were expected to be delicate little flowers, to sit and look pretty. But she’d always been an eccentric, just like her father before her. And that meant she knew how to be aggressive when she wanted something.
The moment they’re in his tent properly, Jane spins around and is on her knees before a surprised Nsizwa. Her hands yank away his loincloth, letting his big fat black cock slap down on her pale white face as Jane gasps in delight.
“So big… all mine~”
Nsizwa groans as Jane grabs his cock with both hands and then proceeds to take him into her mouth. She starts bobbing up and down on his dick quite rapidly in fact, until she’s throating his entire member and making her fragile, thin neck bulge. Nsizwa groans at her technique, clearly taken a little bit by surprise. However, his grip on her hair never loosens, just like the big strong man she knows him to be.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Jane can’t even really say what’s gotten into her, not knowing about the aphrodisiac. She’s definitely developed a bit of a crush on Nsizwa over the last few months… scratch that, she’s developed a HUGE crush. This… this is her opportunity to finally express her thanks to him, to make sure he knows how happy she is to be his friend.
Slobbering and slurping at his member, blowing him like there’s no tomorrow, Jane loses herself for a moment in the pleasure… until finally, Nsizwa lets out a hoarser groan than normal. It’s the only warning that she gets before he damn near nearly drowns her in the ensuing deluge of his seed. He cums and cums as Jane struggles to swallow his seed… but ultimately winds up overwhelmed.
Pushed back off of his cock by the sheer force of his release, Jane rocks back on her heels, panting heavily even as she receives a veritable bath in the rest of his load. Her face and tits wind up covered in his jizz and Jane moans happily as she rubs his seed into her body. Nsizwa doesn’t give her too much time to recover though. His cock is still rock hard and he’s still fully under the effects of the aphrodisiac as well.
Jane cries out as she finds herself shoved onto his bed, a collection of pelts and furs. Forced onto her hands and knees by his rough grasping hands, Jane moans as she wiggles her hips, feeling his cock sandwiched between her ass cheeks for a moment.
“Yesss… fuck me! Fuck me Nsizwa! Take my virginity! Make me your woman with that big Zulu cock of yours! I want you to fill me with your seed you big-nngh!!!
Nsizwa clearly wasn’t waiting for her permission, because he thrusts into her from behind mid-sentence. Jane’s eyes widen and then threaten to roll back in her head as she squeals happily, gurgling in the back of her throat. He pulls back and then does it again, and in just a few thrusts he’s slamming up against the entrance to her womb itself.
But of course, he doesn’t stop there… nor does Jane want him to.
With a rough growl, Nsizwa pulls back and then thrusts in again, this time with much more force. This time, his cock slams up against Jane’s womb… and penetrates it, pushing right on through the ‘gated’ entrance like a battering ram. Jane squeals as her English Womb is occupied by the Zulu Warrior’s big fat cock. She moans as her white woman cunt is filled to the brim with the biggest, blackest dick imaginable.
She tries to beg for it even harder, but the words don’t really come out. She can’t speak, even as Nsizwa takes her like… like an animal. Like they’re both just a pair of animals out in the wild, fucking the night away. Jane shudders and moans beneath him, even as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the tent.
As his hefty balls smack up against her clit, as his gargantuan cock splits open her tight virgin cunny and fills her womb for good measure, Jane quivers in delight, cumming again and again upon his shaft. She moans and mewls, until finally… he reaches his release once more, promptly filling her womb with his seed.
Just like her belly, Jane feels her womb get filled to the brim and then some by the truly massive load that Nsizwa deposits inside of her. Are all men capable of such loads? Or is it just Zulu Men?
Either way, Jane moans in happiness, knowing full well that a man as virile as the Chieftain’s son has just pumped his seed inside of her and more than likely bred her in the process. But then to be fair, she asked for it, hadn’t she? And Jane didn’t care if it was done in the heat of passion… she’d meant every word.
Of course, she’s a little taken aback when she suddenly feels a pressure against her back door, realizing that Nsizwa has pulled out of her cunt and is now prodding her asshole.
The Chieftain’s son pauses for a second to explain.
“You wished for my seed to take. It is well known that a woman is more likely to become heavy with child with a stirring of the anus right after being filled.”
That… didn’t exactly sound right to Jane’s more educated ears. But then Nsizwa continues on.
“If I do this, you will be mine now. It will wed us to one another and you will belong to me from this moment on.”
THAT gets Jane’s attention. Shivering, she reaches back and places a hand on his chest.
Despite being under the effects of the aphrodisiac the same as her, Nsizwa is still a good man. He waits, allowing for Jane to pull away from him, wipe her face and tits clean, and then come back to him. She grabs him and guides him down onto her back, before crouching over him.
“I w-want it. I want to stay forever, Nsizwa. I want to be your woman… your wife.”
The African Man’s eyes are dark with lust and avarice as Jane crouches over his massive cock, spreading her legs apart. Her creampied cunt drools some of their combined juices onto his already messy dick, making it even more messy as she finally takes hold of his cock and guides it up to her virgin asshole.
“It only seems fitting… that I give myself to you, at the end, Nsizwa. To show my eternal loyalty to you… my husband.”

With that, Jane slowly but surely impales herself anally upon Nsizwa’s cock. His hands go to her hips, gripping her firmly, but he doesn’t pull her down any faster. Jane moans, and her own hands go back behind her head. She doesn’t know why she does it, she’s operating purely on instinct… but it feels good all the same. It feels right to lace her fingers behind her head as she crouches over Nsizwa’s cock and butt fucks herself on it. Thrusting out her tits, shaking her hips, bouncing her ass, Jane Porter moans.
In that moment, save for her skin color, Jane Porter looks more like a Zulu Woman than an English Woman. And in truth… in that moment, she BECOMES more of a woman of the Zulu than a woman of the English. And she knows, deep down inside, that there’s no going back.
Eventually, Nsizwa begins to thrust up into her from below, taking control of the butt fucking. Jane squeals and then moans, shuddering and trembling atop his member while she eggs him on.
“Y-Yes! H-Harder! Nnngh, your big fat cock is filling my ass!”
Panting, huffing, eyes rolling around in her head, Jane nevertheless maintains her pose and posture. Hands behind her head, legs spread, knees bent, she bounces up and down on his dick until finally, Nsizwa cums one last time. He fills her ass with his seed just like he filled her belly and womb. He pumps a third, thick load of hot semen into her ass.
Jane doesn’t know if him fucking and cumming in her ass well actually help the cum in her womb take any better. It probably won’t… but in the end, she doesn’t care. She’ll be sure to get pregnant by her new Zulu Husband one way or another… no matter how many ‘sessions’ of ruining and destroying her holes it takes.
“You are mine now, Jane Porter. Leave your past behind and accept your place at my side.”
Flopping down onto Nsizwa’s chest, Jane smiles as she nuzzles him for a moment before nestling into his side.
“I am yours, Nsizwa of the Zulu. I am yours.”
Many, many moons later, Nsizwa sits upon a throne with his wife by his side. Pregnant once more, a glassy-eyed Jane Porter sits with tribal tattoos visible across her pale skin, marking her as the Chieftain’s Wife. Indeed, Nsizwa has long since succeeded his father as Tribe Chieftain… and grown the tribe further as well. A handful of battles, a couple wars, and the tribe had assimilated every tribe around them.
He was a Chieftain among Chieftains now, and well on his way to becoming a King in his own right. Nsizwa knew better than to attribute this solely to Jane Porter’s presence… but he also knew that he had been rather listless and at loose ends with life until he’d gotten his hands on her. Some of it was her strange ideas, things that he’d soaked up like a sponge and used to his advantage. But most of all, it was her beautiful body, which he’d never been able to get enough of.
Alas, Jane Porter had been pregnant more often than not over the last several years as Nsizwa’s wife. Even now she was pregnant, and on top of that she was also nursing their latest children, a pair of twins, on her tits. Her beauty remained, but Nsizwa did worry that there would come a time when Jane would no longer be able to bear him children without risking her life. She would always have a place at his side… but his new position meant changes had to be made.
Of course, he hadn’t gone out and made those changes himself. Instead, he’d waited for the offer to come… and now it had. Kneeling a few feet away in front of his throne is the daughter of one of the chieftains he’d conquered. She has her head bowed even as her tits are exposed, her hands in her lap as she awaits his response to her father’s proposal.
Humming, Nsizwa reaches over and runs a hand through Jane’s hair, gently but firmly drawing her attention over to him.
“What do you think, my wife? This one’s father seeks to placate me by sacrificing his daughter. She is beautiful… but not as beautiful as you. Even still…”
Nsizwa’s eyes linger on Jane’s belly meaningfully. Meanwhile, Jane finally seems to truly see the African woman kneeling before them in the otherwise empty throne room. She eyes the younger woman quietly for a second before slowly nodding.
“My husband’s needs must always be met, even when I cannot personally meet them. Take this one as your concubine, husband. Make her your woman as you’ve done me and use her to sate your lusts while I tend to our children.”
Nsizwa grins. He’d known that Jane would be reasonable about this. And this Chieftain’s daughter would likely be the first of many. After all, Kings did not content themselves with just two women. They had entire harems.
But they could broach that subject later. For now, Nsizwa pets Jane’s chin and enjoys the way the white woman happily nuzzles into his touch. At the same time, he gestures his new concubine forward with his other hand and a meaningful movement towards his crotch. Fortunately for his newest conquest, she’s a smart one and quickly shuffles up between his legs. Soon enough, the room fills with the sounds of choking and gagging as the inexperienced young woman tries to take his entire cock into her mouth. Jane, Nsizwa notes, was a whole lot better at that.
Nsizwa will always be glad for the day Jane Porter washed up on his shores. It was, after all, the day that changed his life forever.


Also shameless plug time: Just started a new Free Write and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!

An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Summary: Tony Stark travels back in time after the Snap determined to get things right this time. Even if he has to take over the world to make sure everyone actually works together against the threat that Thanos poses. He's not going to let everyone down. Not ever again.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.