Campfire Shelter

Chapter 34 Fear of giant objects

"It's almost time. It's time to call the three employees over to meet and talk about tomorrow's affairs."

Colin put away the badge that was made into a "token" in his hand, then took out three resumes and looked at them. He suddenly felt speechless.

Because compared to him, these three people seemed to have a much more comfortable start.

First of all, they have the "G-level permission (temporary special establishment)" specially opened by Miss Rabbit. Although the permission content is only a 10-liter storage room.

But what's more outrageous is that they have been given a feature - "reset".

To put it simply, it is a special ability similar to resurrection.

In order to ensure that they could successfully meet in front of the campfire, this group of people had three "reset" opportunities in the first week.

You will die only after all three "resurrection" opportunities have been used up.

"Why should I give this ability to them and not give it to me?"

Colin felt a little dissatisfied.

He started with three cards, and he was still castrated. If he hadn't voted for "lucky", another person might be sitting here now.

Even if you don’t give it at the beginning, you can still make it up now.

Unfortunately, he didn't know how to contact Ms. Rabbit and could only wait for the other party to call him unilaterally.

"But having said that, Ms. Rabbit's authority seems to be higher than I thought. What she showed is like an office. On the forum, those people have never even heard of it. As for 'resurrection' and the like The method is the same, it seems that it is likely to be higher than the C-level authority I thought."

Colin also tried to collect information about Ms. Rabbit in the past two days, but unfortunately nothing was gained, as everything about her was very mysterious.

Some associations came to mind vaguely.

But this association disappeared before it actually appeared.

Colin seemed to be forgetful for a while, and felt that something was missing, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing.

Shaking his head, holding the personal resumes of the three people in his hands, he half closed his eyes, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt three different "thin lines" appearing in his mind.

The hand turned into thinking gently pulls these three "thin threads".

Near the Black Forest Park, Lin Yilan, wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, was lying on the intensive care unit bed in a hospital with a breathing tube inserted.

Her face was extremely pale, and she looked extremely thin and skinny. Her hair was already bald, there were not many teeth left, and there was almost no muscle in her slender arms and limbs.

Before he was thirty years old, his life was already coming to an end.

Even the once bright eyes have become a little cloudy during chemotherapy and surgery.

The original pretty good appearance has become like Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

The cancer cells in her body had already spread, and every moment of her life was a huge torture.

Although there was not much expression on his face, his body was trembling under the tremendous pain in his body.

At this moment, the painkillers had almost no effect on her.

Her persistence now is only because she hopes that she can die in the struggle with the disease, rather than surrender.

In her mind, this period of time will not be too long, after three to six months, everything will return to calm, eternal peace.

Until the day before, a mysterious letter suddenly appeared beside him——

[Bonfire Company Invitation Letter]

Didi didi~

The alarm clock on her mobile phone vibrated in her ears, waking up the sickly woman.

When I opened my eyes, nothing changed, and the invitation mentioned in the invitation letter did not appear.

"It seems that I am indeed hallucinating. I am expecting something."

Lin Yilan laughed hard to herself.

How could she believe such an unscientific thing?

Once you complete the mission, you will receive rewards and a chance to survive.

Now that I'm awake and thinking about it, it's true.


Lin Yilan was suddenly startled when she saw the overwhelming gray fog coming in front of her eyes, swallowing her up all of a sudden.

Then, wisps of crimson fire fell from the sky.

A huge fireball was like the dawn, driving away all the blur and darkness.


She held her breath, looked up in shock, and looked at the huge fireball above her head that was constantly spitting out flames, and her heart was shaken.

At this moment, she felt as if she was suffocating due to macrophobia caused by looking directly at the sun at close range.

"my body."

Lin Yilan touched herself and was horrified to find that the pain in her body disappeared and her body recovered as before, as if she had no symptoms.


The sound of knocking on the table made her turn around, and then she noticed that she was sitting on a stone chair.

The person who knocked on the table was a man sitting on a high-backed chair at the end of the long oval table, with the sun as the background.

His body seemed to be covered in a layer of smoke, unable to be seen clearly and full of mystery.

Lin Yilan took a breath and felt deeply that the guy in front of her was not an ordinary human being.

A certain strong atmosphere is emanating from the person behind the smoke.

When she vaguely felt his solid gaze coming from behind the smoke, Lin Yilan couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and awe in her heart. She lowered her forehead slightly, not daring to look at him.

"Hello, my name is Tang Ken. Are you the agent of the Bonfire Company mentioned in the invitation? What do we need to do?" A voice came from beside him.

Lin Yilan followed the sound and only then noticed that besides her, there were two other people sitting at the lower table.

One should be a young man in his twenties with an active temperament and dark skin, and the other has a steady temperament that seems to be that of a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

However, for some reason, Lin Yilan felt that she could see them, but could not form a memory of their specific appearance in her mind.

Somewhat weird.

Bonfire agent? Is this what Miss Rabbit said about me in the invitation letter she sent them? Colin's thoughts swirled, and then he nodded.

He leaned back on his seat and thought about the information about these people, and said: "Your task is very simple. Find a place to sleep at twelve o'clock tomorrow, wait for the arrival, and then cooperate with the company's work there. Details I will inform you of the matter after entering."

As they spoke, information about the three people's permissions appeared in their minds, and the three immediately understood that their first task was to go to the "Bonfire Sacrifice Point" to register.

Then there was nothing else. The main thing was to see what the captain asked for.

At this time, Colin saw that Lin Yilan, one of the three, raised his hand slightly. After a slight gesture, the other party said:

"Mr. Bonfire Agent, I would like to ask you, when I arrive in that world, will I be in the body of this party, or will I be in the original shape of reality?"

If you go there in your true form, no matter what you do, it will be useless.

She can't even get out of bed and walk now.

The other two people also held their breath for a moment. They didn't know Lin Yilan's situation, but they knew their own situation. Their physical condition was also not optimistic.

"No, there will be another body for you to use." Colin replied simply.

Hearing this, several people breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't know what the other body looked like, it wasn't just their own body.

Tang Ken, who seemed calm and reserved in the eyes of others, raised his hand to get the signal and asked:

"Mr. Agent, can I ask about the environment there? I would like to know what is appropriate for me to bring. Are there any restrictions on the items I can carry?"

When he finished speaking, the other two people also adjusted their sitting postures slightly and listened carefully. This was also an issue they cared about.

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