Campfire Shelter

Chapter 561 The obscure

In the underground maze, as soon as Colin walked down, he immediately heard the voice of the "King of Crazy Sound" ringing in his ears.

Following the sound, I saw that the senior containment object, Shame, was already standing aside.

"Hello, Mr. Colin," the "King of Kuangyin" greeted sincerely.

"Well, you too."

Colin nodded and said hello to each other, and then said directly without waiting for the other party to ask any questions:

"I'm here to tell you this time that the company has a hard-earned opportunity to perform meritorious service. If nothing else happens, there will be an incident in the near future, and there may be a possibility of your appearance. However, things are relatively complicated. It is more dangerous, and there is a certain probability that there will be many sealed things that are at least the level of first-level contained objects. Then I am here to ask about your intention. I will not force it, and you will be free to choose whether you are willing or not."

"Yes, yes!" The "King of Crazy Sound" felt that if he hesitated for even a second, he would be sorry for the suffering he had suffered over the years!

It is not difficult to confront a sealed first-level containment object. After all, he can use all his strength across a wall, but the other party cannot. Unless there is some special authority, even the upper-level first-level containment object can suppress it.

Dealing with five or six problems at the same time will not be too big a problem

Moreover, during this period of time, the "King of Crazy Sound" had already made mental preparations for himself.

Not to mention Level 1, even if he encounters a "0" level threat, he is willing to take risks - of course, under normal circumstances, how can it be so easy to encounter a "0" level containment object?

So there shouldn't be too much worry about this.

As long as I can get out, nothing else matters, whether it's going up a mountain of knives or going down into a sea of ​​fire!

"Since you don't have any objections, it's good if you don't psychologically object to the organization's arrangements for you."

Colin nodded, clasped his hands behind his back, and expressed his approval of the "King of Kuangyin"'s attitude: "When the time comes, a notice will be issued, you just have to comply."

When he reaches C level, he can summon and release it without incident.

At that time, Colin could relatively safely guarantee that the "King of Crazy Sound" could be controlled by him.

Of course, it's time to release this guy.

Colin felt that he might not care whether the other party rebelled or not.

Anyway, at least in the eyes of the enemy, the "King of Crazy Sound" released by him must be with him. Regardless of whether he is willing to act or not, the enemy will never give him another chance to jump back, so at least he can share a part of it. hatred value.

As long as you can achieve this level, it doesn't matter whether you listen or not.

It's almost like a natural weather-type natural disaster hidden in that bone spur.

"I, the 'King of Crazy Sound', am always waiting for the company's leaders to dispatch me! Contribute my strength to 'human nature' and make meritorious deeds!" "The King of Crazy Sound" responded excitedly.

He had a hunch that this time he was serious about it, and he really had a chance to get out!

After confirming his "intention" and getting his "verbal consent," Colin pursed his lips, nodded, and left without staying any longer.

'C-level' always feels like it's not far away. Once it does, I should be able to bring in two and a half 'Level 1 Contained Objects' to cheer for me, a 'King of Crazy Sound' and a 'Love Paradise' in 'Script City' 'The first-level containment object in 'The Invisible Mother', and the bone spurs'

Colin calculated it and found that these two items should be of great use.

In addition, "Ms. Rabbit" may also have some arrangements, but the information in this regard is still unknown. Colin feels that it is better to rely on himself.

Not long after, Colin returned to the territory again. After contacting the Little Mermaid of "World Number -4" through the "Level 5 bonfires" on both sides of the territory, he made some explanations.

In the midst of everyone's reluctance, he said goodbye to Shana and the others.

The distant and ancient bells slowly ring in my ears

In front of Colin's eyes, thick gray fog enveloped the surroundings, making all scenes blurry.

As the bells rang one after another, his eyes gradually became trance-like. If nothing else happened, he would return to the hut when he opened his eyes again, and then begin to carry out the "investigation mission" with few words.

However, at this moment

When Colin came back to his senses, he was suddenly startled and noticed that he was still in a space filled with gray fog.

The distant and ancient sound of the bell disappeared without knowing when.


Colin looked around. He was not unfamiliar. It probably wasn't his first time here.

He was vaguely aware of what was about to happen

Sure enough, at this moment, he turned his head as if aware of it, and saw some light blue light spots floating out of the gray fog space, followed by like a paintbrush, painting the outline of a door. Outlined.

And in the blink of an eye, the door gradually solidified from its lines, turning into a heavy and ancient door standing in front of it.

The door was covered with mottled red rust that was as red as blood.

Compared to the last time I saw it, there were more signs of damage and war on this gate. If I listened carefully, I seemed to be able to hear some sounds of fighting and roaring coming from above.

Then, under Colin's gaze, the door slowly opened, and an extremely thick gray-white mist flowed out. Everything behind the door was shrouded in the mysterious mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

The two doors facing each other look like a pair of arms stretched out to hug each other.

Inviting invitees to enter.

Colin's heartbeat was a little faster. The last time he saw this door, he thought it was some kind of BOSS door. Would there be a trap or a shocking villain inside?

Later I found out that it seemed to be a BOSS.

It's just that he is not the enemy, but his own BOSS, a mysterious high-level employee of the company.

Even though they have been in contact with each other through letters for a long time now, Colin still feels that the other party is extremely mysterious.

However, compared to the last time when I was a newcomer, when I saw this again, I was already a veteran of the company. I was no longer confused and didn't have so much fear.


He took a deep breath, waved his hand, and the fire surged around him, surrounding himself.

Then, he opened his legs and walked towards the door step by step.

I'm still thinking about some things

‘Speaking of which, this door only appeared after I returned from the ‘Advent’ project twice. Is it because there is no way to go to the earth? ’

'Or according to some sayings of 'Ms. Thorn', 'Ms. Rabbit' is not within some kind of 'wall'? ’

As thoughts flashed, Colin's figure passed through the door and entered.

A momentary feeling of weightlessness came

Colin noticed that at this moment, an extremely special transfer occurred.

By the time everything was over, the scene filled with thick gray fog had transformed into a simple and tidy office.

Compared with Colin's room, this place is obviously much more pragmatic and has nothing fancy.

Behind the solid wood desk, the sound of a pen sliding on paper could be heard. A female figure wearing female business attire was sitting there.

She has a very good figure, with a pair of long legs on one side, and a face

‘I still can’t see clearly. ’

Colin thought for a moment and could only have an impression that it was probably very beautiful.

At this time, "Ms. Rabbit" did not put down the documents in her hands because of his arrival. She still sat behind the desk in an extremely upright posture and handled the things in her hands meticulously.

After finishing one piece of writing, I switch to another, and it seems I can never finish it.

"Long time no see." Ms. Rabbit said while working.

"Well, long time no see." Colin also nodded, this was the last time since the last time he saw him.

But now, as he looked at this woman who had "tortured" him to death, but at the same time allowed him to receive a large amount of compensation, far more than other employees, at this moment, he didn't know if it was an illusion.

There is always a feeling of, has he really seen this person?

The person in front of me is obviously sitting there, but there is something strange about her - as if she does not exist?

This is an extremely strange experience.

This situation was not obvious before, but now, his intuition is far better than before, giving him an extremely contradictory feeling when he comes into contact with the other party.

I am communicating with something that does not exist.

Without waiting for more thought, the voice of "Ms. Rabbit" came again: "Sit down first. In this conversation, I will answer some of your doubts and tell you some things to pay attention to."

Her tone was as calm and calm as ever, as if she had never been shaken by anything, and it was difficult to guess any of her innermost thoughts.

Colin somehow calmed down and stopped thinking about it. He pulled up his seat and sat down and said:

"Answer my doubts?"

"Yes, if you want to know anything, you can ask me now." "Ms. Rabbit" said without raising her head while writing the document.

"Why do I feel like I'm eating my last meal before I die?"

He couldn't help but complain in his heart, and then, after analyzing her words, Colin suddenly had a lot of things in his mind that he had always wanted to ask.

Among them, the most common tags are "2044", "Fire Bearer" related, and a certain "ultimate prop" mentioned in Rosen's "Adventure Diary".

After a few seconds of quick thinking, Colin directly asked the person who was most interested in him at the moment but had no clue.

"I have been encountering a lot of information that mentions the 'Ultimate Era' or the 'Year of 2044', saying that something will happen at a certain point in time. I would like to ask, are these two the same? The next thing is, what will be the situation and what will happen at that time.”

After asking the question, Colin didn't expect to get any answer.

After all, so far, no one, strong or weak, seems to know the situation.

But unexpectedly, the smoothly sliding pen in the hand of "Ms. Rabbit" paused for a moment, as if she was thinking, or maybe she didn't expect Colin to start with a big bang.

However, after a pause of less than half a second, she answered Colin in the same tone.

"Whether it is the 'Ultimate Time' or the 'Year of 2044', they are indeed the same in a certain respect, but the former comes from some high-ranking beings, while the latter comes from the specific description of a certain giant. Compared with Before, a certain point in time was more clearly pointed out.”

"Secondly, it is about the 'ultimate time' itself. In this regard, it has two interpretations, one is the 'ultimate time' in the broad sense, and the other is the 'ultimate time' in the narrow sense."

"Next, I will explain the former to you first."

Speaking of this, "Ms. Rabbit" paused for half a second, as if waiting for Colin to finish digesting this content.

And Colin also quickly sat up straight and listened carefully.

Originally, he didn't have much hope for this answer. After all, during the previous "letter exchanges", Colin occasionally tried to report to ask about the situation, but he never got a reply.

Either "Ms. Rabbit" doesn't know, or his level is not high enough and he is not qualified to know.

But unexpectedly, this time "Ms. Rabbit" really started to give answers!

"The 'ultimate time' in the broad sense of the word is mostly proposed by beings and advanced civilizations that have reached a certain level, but we only know this name and cannot prove other things, or even clearly prove whether it exists or not. "

"Ah? If you can't prove the existence of existence, how can you still propose it? And I always seem to have a strange feeling that an extremely terrifying event will happen in the future." Colin said a little strangely.

This premonition is not talking about an earth event in the near future, but a very large-scale event that is farther away, maybe ten years or more later!

A vague premonition told him that it was a major event that could affect the entire universe and even beyond!

"What you can feel is not this. What you can perceive should be the 'ultimate time' in a 'narrow sense'. But I will explain it in detail later, so I will continue to explain this now."

"The 'Ultimate Time' in a broad sense cannot be perceived by ordinary things. People can detect it based on the same situation as you. For a long time, the company could not prove whether this thing exists or not."

"But later, in terms of the concept of 'Ultimate Time', the company interpreted '2044', and then the additional 'Ultimate Time' may be related to this number. Combined with the description of the time of 'Ultimate Time', many predictions It is generally believed that it is the year 2044."

"Actually, although this concept is the mainstream rhetoric, it is not rigorous, because it may also be that one day, someone glanced at the number 2044, or an object that was very close to it, or it happened to be in a certain room. 2,044 people gathered and then it happened”

"As for going a little higher, in fact, neither the 'ultimate time' nor '2044' is accurate, because it is not something that can be described with accurate words."

Having said this, "Ms. Rabbit" stopped writing and thought for a few seconds before saying:

"To describe it, rather than 'it is' or 'it is not', we should say this: it is not necessarily time, it is not necessarily space, it is not necessarily an object, and it does not necessarily have an entity. It may exist, it may not exist, it may appear at the beginning of 2044, it may also appear at the end of 2044, it may not happen, it may not happen, it may not exist for us, it For us it may exist indirectly

"As I said before, we can't describe it by what it is, we can only describe it indirectly by what it is, and it doesn't necessarily have to be other ways. These 'descriptions' are already what we can observe on this matter. reached the limit.

"Inaccurate words are only slightly more accurate than accurate words."

After saying that, "Ms. Rabbit" continued to write something, leaving time for Colin to think.

But at this moment, Colin looked confused when he heard this, and couldn't help scratching the back of his head:

ah? Is this a tongue twister?

Why do you feel that the more you hear this answer, the more confused you become?

If that's the case, how do you prove the existence of this thing?

More doubts popped up in his mind, almost overwhelming him.

After taking a breath, Colin asked in confusion:

"So how on earth do we know about it?"

Although he hasn't gotten the answer yet, he feels that it should be related to the ultimate time in a "narrow sense". (End of chapter)

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