Campfire Shelter

Chapter 567 The entity of “Red Moon”!

"All the hidden 'Red Moon' believers, for some unknown reason, just lost control! Once they kill a certain number of people or die, their bodies will turn into a special red mist. Ordinary people and even mid-to-low-level Extraordinaries below level five will , once in contact, you will lose your mind within ten seconds, and there is currently no way to cure it."

"These damn 'Red Moon' believers!" Someone couldn't help but cursed after hearing this.

"Notify everyone that if the out-of-control "Red Moon" believers do not die immediately, do not kill them first, but drag them away first. In addition, all ordinary people who are contaminated can be killed and disposed of."

"Notify everyone that it is forbidden to look up at the moon!"

"Notify all personnel and conduct investigation immediately"

"Report! There is a special anomaly in area 325000 of Z City. A large number of unknown creatures are coming. Please send us support."

"Report! In area No. 374000 of City B, a super giant creature appears. Requesting level eight personnel."

"Attention! Emergency! Emergency! Contact with 'Shelter 4' has been lost!"


In the face of emergencies one after another, the people in the command post were extremely busy.

The incident caused by the followers of "Red Moon" who had mixed in was just barely resolved, and then a large number of incidents broke out!

And what makes some high-level extraordinary people with precognition, reasoning, and divination-related abilities even more frightened is that the spiritual intuition currently being fed back tells them that these are not even the appetizers before the real event arrives.

At this moment, on the dark coast, an old man looked up at the moon hanging in the sky at noon. He felt that this celestial body, which has always illuminated ancient and modern times, was so strange at this moment.

"The world is blocked," he muttered to himself.

Originally, we could feel that "Bonfire Company" had some vague connections with the outside world, but at this moment it seemed that they were all interrupted. However, most employees were not aware of it because they did not have much contact with the outside world.

The old man raised his head and looked directly at the celestial body. Although he had guessed it a long time ago, what he didn't expect was

Part of the entity of the "Red Moon" is actually the one above the head!

At this time, without waiting for him to think more, on the sea not far away in front of him, a modern city covered by shadows loomed, with a scarlet giant quietly leaping up to the top of the city, and seemed to be looking up at the celestial body in the sky. .

It seems to be longing to return.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't know why the "Red Moon" part was blocked here, and why it was wiped out of the world along with the entire city.

But he knew very well that once it successfully returned to the body, "Red Moon" could be declared the winner.

"Hahaha, it's finally here! It's finally here!"

In a park, under the bright moonlight mixed with some subtle and imperceptible crimson, countless "rat" shadows surged out like waves, almost instantly flooding the place.

Some abnormal life forms wandering in the park were eaten up immediately after being covered by shadows.

The piercing "squeaking" noise continued, and there was a wild dance on the scene.

But at this moment, all the mice suddenly fell silent, lay down on the ground piously, and branched out a path to both sides, as if to welcome the king.

An extremely tall humanoid giant rat stepped out of the shadows.

When it appears, looking up at the moon in the sky, it suddenly makes a harsh and hoarse human voice:

"Hahaha, it's finally here! Mother! My great mother! I will become a giant who leads the future. I hope you can give me a little help! Hahaha."

When the incident reached this point, he felt that he had basically sealed the victory!

As his words fell, all the rats screamed and fell into a trance in response to the future he described!

At this time, the big humanoid mouse waved his hand, and a huge vat of dye full of magic was taken out from the space where they had previously hidden.

The strange dye that was already full of activity became even more active when exposed to the moonlight.

And a huge canvas was also lifted out from other places through spatial displacement.

On the canvas, some basic outlines have been sketched out with simple strokes.

"There is still one last step left. Under the care of my mother's 'new life', I will draw my own greatness!"

"What I describe will become reality!"

"However, the current 'new' strength is still a bit weak."

"Hey, hey, there are so many dangerous things happening in the world now, so, as a member of humanity, I will also contribute a helping hand!"

The big humanoid mouse seemed to activate something as he spoke.

At this moment, in all areas around the world where disasters are occurring, people are constantly beginning to "awaken" new abilities and awaken new skills!

"It's the 'system'! I've awakened the system! Haha, the system is helping me!"

"Magnetism awakens! The magnetic field rotates! See if I don't kill you monsters!"

"Brother, get out of the way, I want to kill all these fallen beings!"

"Kill! Tear down this shabby shelter! You didn't let me in before, but now, I will return as a king, and everyone must die!"

"Hahaha! Great! This power!"

"Am I reborn again? By the way, there is a secret."


"what happened?!"

Some official Beyonders were more or less stunned when they looked at these "awakened ones" who suddenly appeared, most of whom were helping their own side.

Although most of them got help from this, instinctively, they didn't think it was a good thing.

At this moment, sound quickly came from the earphones.

"Attention! Cognition is being destroyed rapidly, and the 'world barrier' is about to drop to 85%."

"Attention all personnel! Level 3 threats are imminent and widespread!"

"Attention all personnel"

And with the emergence of these "awakened ones" in large numbers, the "world barrier" was once again impacted.

The moon was slightly red and gradually getting richer. Some humans with higher inspiration felt their bodies become inexplicably light and active, and many more ideas suddenly appeared in their minds.

Outside countless large and small shelters, some ordinary creatures in the past, whether birds or animals, gradually gave birth to a cruel and wild nature full of wisdom and aura in their eyes.

And it is still changing.

"Eighty percent, this speed"

According to this trend, this thing will very likely fall below 50% in the near future!

At the thought of this, many observers slumped in their chairs with despair on their faces. In their cognition, they clearly knew that this meant that the vast majority of high-level anomalies that had been blocked, and even those that had been exiled or erased, Regional reappearance.

All asylum seals on Earth have expired

Countless disasters and anomalies will replace humans as the actual controllers of the world in an instant!

No, not even the planet Earth itself can continue to exist despite those horrors.

It's all an unknown.

"You can handle a dozen, dozens, or even thousands of 'awakened ones', but what if the number reaches ten million? Hahaha!"

The big humanoid mouse laughed wildly, but when he heard the panicked words of those in his ears, it was like a conversation from a distance:

"But don't worry, I'm not some crazy person who will really make the world collapse."

Now everything is just a small sacrifice

Everything it does is human. People may not understand it now, but when it succeeds!

When everyone unites, then people will understand!

At that time, the people will know the true face of the "Bonfire" and know that that thing is definitely not a savior, he is the real savior!

At this moment, as the barrier's effect rapidly decreased, the whiteness gradually turned to crimson.

The time has finally arrived!

"Use the pigments made from the essence of the gods to paint my colors and bear witness to my greatness!"

It stretched out its clawed, non-human palms, dug out the paint from the dye vat, and smeared it on the huge painting.

Under the crimson color, many abnormal things instinctively attack here.

However, in the wave of hundreds of millions of rats, almost all anomalies of ordinary nature were eaten away.

Some powerful heretics, following the "revelation" of their respective faiths, moved in this direction, intending to directly solve the source of the disaster.

However, compared to those guys who looked at him, the big humanoid mouse didn't care at all.

Under the light of the "red moon", even the communication of "Bonfire Company" has been interrupted, and they are even unable or simply do not dare to come!

In this world, until the "world barrier" is lower than 50%, it is difficult for anything unusual to attract attention to appear.

Ordinary believers may not even be able to pass through their rats.

The only troublesome thing may be the agent of the "book of numerology", but the other party wants to restrict the return of "mother"'s consciousness, so he can't take care of it.

Then there is the "Fire Bearer" reserve.

However, the opponent has not even gone through the regular training required by the orthodox "Fire Bearer" reserve force. It is full of wild skills. In its eyes, it can only be regarded as a moderate level at best.

Just as it continued to smear the painting, it suddenly felt something. Dozens of dark arms suddenly stretched out from a certain direction, but they penetrated directly through its body without touching it.

"How could it be?!" Duo Jin who rushed here was shocked when he saw this.

"Eighth level 'fate pushing'? That's fine. Let's solve it first and establish our authority."

The big humanoid rat spoke words, golden light flashed in its hands, and the space twisted and transformed, ending the battle at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, under the warm fluorescent lamp, Colin came back from a certain trance and noticed the words "The world has come because of you" in front of him, and suddenly felt extremely heavy.

He realized that great changes must have taken place outside now!

Colin took a look at the notebook and found that there was actually a lot of content on it.

However, every word of this thing would be difficult to read, and now, if something really happened outside, he would not have any extra time to watch it.

And the most important point is that at this moment, the request in my mind to investigate the situation of the person behind the "Book of Numerology" has been completed when I saw the four words "Deus Ex Machina".

However, this task seems to be disconnected from the Internet. It is clearly completed but cannot be submitted.

"No, it's really 'disconnected'."

Colin frowned. He suddenly discovered that all connections with the outside world seemed to be completely insensible at this moment.


A strong premonition told him that the "Advent Project" might be ineffective at this moment!

Gotta leave!

Big changes must have taken place outside.

As Colin's thoughts flashed, he withdrew the power to support the "Gold Card". At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had lost the qualification to stand in the room.

In a flash of thought, I returned directly to the room when I entered.

However, as soon as he appeared, Colin discovered that the room had disappeared and turned into ruins. Then, he raised his head as if aware and saw a slightly red moon hanging above the dome like a dark curtain. ?


The scorching flames instantly rose up, wrapping and protecting Colin.

‘This feeling is ‘red moon’? It doesn’t look like it, it looks like a ‘Red Moon’ but not exactly a ‘Red Moon’, there is no real movement like a ‘Red Moon’.’

‘And why did the ‘moon’ suddenly become like this? ’

‘Is it contaminated by the ‘Red Moon’? ’

Colin frowned, but he couldn't think about it.

Because compared to the suspected contaminated moon in the sky, the surrounding scenes are the real disaster areas!

I saw that the "assessment office" where he was originally had been reduced to complete ruins.

In the air, there is an unclean smell floating everywhere, and there is a faint smell of terror everywhere, accompanied by the nauseating smell of blood.

It seems that all the personnel originally stationed here have evacuated and did not stay because of him.

Colin didn't care about this. After all, it was not very realistic for the official to send someone to protect him.

However, the sudden change now made him not know what to do for a while.

"There are no new tasks, electronic communication seems to have failed, and the original psychic communication seems to be no longer working. Then go to Research Institute No. 5 or those shelters first to understand the current situation and solve some abnormalities."

As his thoughts turned, Colin acted decisively.

He was already in a full BUFF state. He bent down slightly, charged up his legs, flew into the sky and dived towards the target.

However, before flying for two minutes, screams were heard in the distance.

Colin turned around and swooped over there. He saw a large group of people on the ground being chased and attacked by a group of short, dark, upright, dog-like, abnormal creatures with gelatinous skin.

"Shouldn't everyone be in the shelter now? Why did they escape? Was it breached?"

He stretched out his hand and a large amount of flames surged away, solving all the abnormalities in an instant.

"Mom! Wake up! Woohoo!" A half-grown boy cried loudly, holding the upper half of his mother's body, which almost turned into several chunks, under the claws of the wild beast.

"Help, help me, I don't want to die, I don't want to." Someone was lying on the ground, looking at the torn abdomen, wailing, and as they spoke, their voices became smaller and smaller.


As soon as he arrived, Colin heard the dozens of survivors wailing, screaming and wailing in various ways.

After thinking for a moment, he sighed and activated "Time Countercurrent".

The next second, the time of some ordinary people "went back" to anywhere from thirty seconds to one minute!

"Stop crying, I'll give your mother a makeover."

Colin came to the crying boy and summoned the "Fire Tree" to provide emergency treatment to these people.

Hearing Colin's words, the boy was startled, and then found that his mother was whole again, as if she had really come to life, and he suddenly felt aggrieved and cried louder.

Ignoring them, Colin turned his eyes and looked at the only seriously injured Beyonder in the team.

Colin had to figure out the current situation as soon as possible. (End of chapter)

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