Campfire Shelter

Chapter 571 Chosen by the Gods!

While looking directly at the rising consciousness, an inspiration flashed in Colin's mind.

"This thing is part of Hongyue's instinctive consciousness?"

Colin was aware of it.

You can see that it is rising continuously at this moment, and it is returning to its body

And its body is


That's what the humanoid mouse planned!

Once successful, it will be like two pieces of nuclear material reaching critical mass and erupting with terrifying power, and everything will be irreversible!


Colin wanted to move, but was unable to suppress the negative effects of the prop for a while. His whole body became unable to hold himself tight and fell into pieces on the ground.

But in the next second, all the fragments melted like a heated candle, and merged into one body in the flames, condensing Colin's body again.

However, a strong cutting pain came, and dense cracks appeared on his body.

These injuries cannot be avoided by a simple reunion.

However, at this moment, Colin's heart sank, and he sensed that one after another, the same terrifying figures from higher beings, arriving by unknown means, appeared directly next to him.

The phantom of a majestic figure stared at him indifferently and surrounded him.

"You want to kill me?" Colin's eyes narrowed.

Although these figures do not seem to be the real body, there are so many of them that they are no less than facing high-dimensional creatures!

Moreover, some spiritual intuition from "Space Displacement" made him clearly realize that at least one-third of these existences should have been brought by rats from other worlds and bound by the power of "space" as the main means. .

Now, because of the death of rats, they have broken away from most of their imprisonment.

As for the other two thirds

The origin is unknown, but with the virtue of the "Bonfire Company", he can't think of any reason why these things find him other than wanting to kill them.

But in the next second, he suddenly felt that the negative effects on his body were forcibly suppressed.

Injuries that were cut deep under the skin into the bone marrow were also healed quickly.

At the same time, Colin felt that countless powers were emerging from his body, directly given by various authorities. Most of these powers were even fed into the mouth, actively poured into the "bonfire", causing The fire in him burned like never before——

Gods bless you!

'what happened? ’

Colin was startled, sensing the changes in himself and the power. He didn't understand the reason why they did this. He immediately wondered if they had surrendered?

But the next second, more "inspiration" appeared, and Colin understood the real reason!

The reason given for these blessings is simple.

They dare not directly face the rising "Red Moon" consciousness, and want to find someone who can face it.

Obviously, in theory, the "First Fire" with the old rival of "Red Moon" is one of the best choices.

"Hahaha, so that's how it is, you are so timid."

Colin sneered and took a deep breath. The terrifying flames spread out in circles with the swelling heartbeat. Within dozens of kilometers around, everyone who touched the flames, except for the phantoms of the gods, all Burned directly until evaporation!

Fortunately there were no innocent lives around.

Even Colin couldn't control the flames that were burning like a duck.

He had a hunch that even if he just spat randomly, the effect would probably be no less than that of a little boy!

Feeling this surging power, Colin couldn't help laughing mockingly, but in the end, he probably made some decisions, that is - facing the "Red Moon".

Although he knew very well that these "gods" had bad thoughts and just wanted to treat him as a ghost.

But similarly, the so-called "gods" have initially escaped from containment, and humans still have a chance to fight for it.

Once "Red Moon" succeeds, everyone will be finished!

But before that, Colin felt that at this moment, he was stronger than ever before. He did not act immediately, but said:

"It's not impossible if you want me to be in front, but I have some conditions!"

As he spoke, he spread his requests in an inspired way.

Soon some of them were agreed

For example, they will not take the initiative to kill ordinary life, and can even provide certain protection when necessary. These have been approved. For them, ordinary people are almost like ants, and there is no need to pay attention to them.

However, although most of them agreed, some were just silent and did not respond.

Compared with these insignificant demands, when other demands were made, most of them were either silent or denied, and no one agreed. That is: after the battle, no action was allowed against Colin, him and the company's personnel.

At the feedback level, company personnel are not involved, and most of them do not give any clear consent or objection.

The attitude of the "gods" in this regard is rather ambiguous.

But when it comes to the details of not being allowed to take action against him, it's basically a denial——

To put it bluntly, the company's employees may not necessarily fight him, but they will definitely come to deal with him after taking care of "Red Moon"!

"I'm just a 'reservist'. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Colin sighed, knowing that this was the best result he could achieve.

As for whether they will abide by it, Colin is not worried. There is a price for breaking a promise made at this level.

Moreover, the price of breaking a promise given under the witness of the company's power is not low.

Then, he didn't think any more and chose to change direction. His whole body was once again covered with a layer of more terrifying flames, preparing to rush towards the "red moon" consciousness.

Holding the "Space Displacement" he had just obtained, Colin's thoughts flashed, and his figure appeared directly on the upward path of "Red Moon"'s instinctive consciousness.

When looking directly at the luminous illusory body below, even Colin, who had been blessed by the gods, his brain became confused for a moment.

One of the two eyes was spinning wildly in circles, and the other was swinging up and down like he was losing his mind.

Fortunately, this chaos was quickly suppressed.

Then, without any hesitation, he used five cards at the same time, using the power of "time", "force" and "space" to launch an attack on the terrifying high-level life in front of him!

But what made Colin's eyes widen was that this powerful attack was not useful at all, but it was basically useless.

The "Red Moon" conscious body resisted all the damage, and in an instant, it recovered as before with a powerful new personality.

And continue to rise toward the sky!

‘This broken space card can solve anything in that guy’s hands, but in my hands, it has no effect at all. It’s too fast to wash away the weak three points.’

Looking at the indifferent illusory celestial body, Colin took a breath.

The instinctive consciousness of the huge "Red Moon" did not stagnate due to his methods, and continued to rise unhurriedly.

At the same time, as it rises

Above the dome, the bright moon gradually turned crimson, as if to reveal its true appearance.

"It seems the only option is to use 'bonfire'"

Colin took a deep breath, took out two-thirds, or about 700 liters, of the "Fire Holder" grease, threw it out, and ignited it.

Then, in mid-air, he raised his hands high.

The terrifying flames gathered along the arms and above the head, and quickly condensed into a giant fireball, and this fireball was still expanding and expanding at an extremely fast speed.

The scorching light spread across the entire land.

From a distance, he looks like a god holding up the sun with both hands!

When the fireball expanded to its limit, Colin shouted and threw the "sun" fiercely towards the illusory body of the "red moon" directly below.

During this period, the muscles all over his body were stretched, and blood spurted out from his skin under the tremendous pressure.

This blood burns in the air, and then merges into the "sun"!

There is no skill in this move, it is all about "stacking materials". In front of this round of "Red Moon" consciousness, the skills Colin has mastered have no meaning. The only way is to fight hard!


As the "Sun" and the "Red Moon" collided, a powerful energy shock wave erupted at the collision point. When the terrifying shock wave spread, Colin saw that the "Red Moon" consciousness stopped for a moment, and Lit by fire!

A weird scream came from it, causing Colin's whole body to twitch.

However, just when he thought that this move that used all the strength in his body was enough to defeat the opponent, he suddenly saw that the "Red Moon" instinctive consciousness penetrated the "Sun" after a brief stay and continued to rise upwards.

Although there are many more potholes and scorched black spots on top than before, it seems to be just injuries and not fatal!

And if it doesn't die, the unlucky one will be Colin in mid-air!

This time, Colin could feel that everything around him, including the air, seemed to come to life, confining him to the spot. Under the "red light", it seemed that he could not do "space" displacement and transfer. arrive.

‘It feels like every point is blocked, as if it’s being restrained by special moves. Has this thing ever dealt with an enemy holding a ‘gold card’? ’

Colin's pupils shrank. Except for the "bonfire", other props had an inexplicable experience of being blocked from shooting.

However, just when he was desperate, he felt an extremely strong hunger in his stomach.

Along with the feeling of hunger, there was a whisper from the ancient Buddha.

"Release me, release me!"


"Let me out!"

"To deal with it, I allow you to use my power."

"Eat! Eat!! Eat!!!"


"It seems that this is the only way."

Colin looked at the "Red Moon" consciousness that was getting closer and closer, and he was about to tear open his stomach and release his "hunger".

However, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

"With a mortal body, you have done a very good job of hurting the true God's will."

"Mr. Wu?!" Colin was startled.

When the "red moon" rose, he thought that Mr. Wu might have encountered something unexpected.

Because Duo Jin has hinted that Mr. Wu usually deals with this red moon!

"Well, next, let me come and keep what you have on you to deal with the crisis of the 'gods'. You still have a chance." After a response, he suddenly saw that the "Red Moon" instinctive consciousness stopped. Come down.

What stopped it were the big black hands that could manipulate the "Thread of Destiny" one after another. These big hands stretched out from the surface below, grabbed onto the illusory consciousness of "Red Moon", and dragged it downwards.

At the end of thousands of big black hands, Colin sensed Mr. Wu.

At this moment, the opponent's shape was very strange. He was no longer a human being, but had turned into a twisted and trembling black thread the size of a mountain. From the outside of the thread, threads were constantly flying out, turning into big black hands.

In the middle of the ball of thread, there is an invisible "book" wrapped in it.

Along with some "aid" from the gods.

"Red Moon" is being dragged back to the original dark city little by little.

Countless big black hands are like ropes, tightly entwining it and sealing it.

"Be careful of them, be careful of the moon" accompanied Mr. Wu's last words.

Colin heard it immediately, and there was an illusory and ethereal sound of dice in his ears.

Then, the unknown book inside the black thread suddenly flew out, opened from the middle, and quickly enlarged, wrapping the dark city and the red moon inside it.

There was a crisp sound of the book closing, and the red moon and the city disappeared as if they had never appeared.

However, the crisis did not end there.

With a strong feeling of heart palpitations, Colin turned his head and looked at the sky.

I saw that the moon had turned blood red at some point.

The whole world is shrouded in its light, as if it has been covered with a blood-colored filter.

What's even more terrible is.

Because of the traction of the "Red Moon" consciousness, it has deviated from its original orbit and is slowly falling towards the earth.

The air in the entire world seemed to be gradually squeezed due to its arrival.

become dull


Colin flew in the air, raised his head, swallowed his throat, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his eyes were filled with the entire moon:

"This, what should we do?!"

The instinctive consciousness of "Red Moon" is only similar to a celestial body, but the moon is a real celestial body!

Moreover, if this thing is just an ordinary inorganic substance, then it will not be completely despairing, because Colin has the opportunity to destroy it and minimize the impact of its fall.

However, this celestial body is the physical part of the "Red Moon", and it is difficult for ordinary methods to work on it!

The only solution seems to be to release "hunger".


"If such a big 'Red Moon' body is really eaten by 'Hungry', this thing..."

Colin had a hunch that "hunger" would most likely get out of control!

Really out of control!

It may be overwritten by the instinct in the "Red Moon" entity, or it may completely separate from the "Bonfire Company", or some other situation.

These possibilities are all very high, and none of them are good!

Apart from "hunger", Colin really couldn't imagine that there was anything else in him that could stop this thing.

His "bonfire" is simply not enough to fight against something of this level!

Don't talk about him, just grab the "King of Crazy Sound" casually, no, grab any "1" level containment object and put it in his place, it's just who will come and who will die, nothing else. possibility!

And if you let it fall to the ground.

There was even a vague image in Colin's mind. The earth itself would be directly fused with it and turn into a strange existence.

As for the lives above, no need to think about it, they are all destined to die!

However, just when Colin was helpless in the face of the sinking celestial body, a large amount of "blessings from the gods" arrived again.

But this time, the request of the "gods" was not to let him face the entire blood-red "moon".

Instead, let him tear a tiny path through the bonfire.

Give them a chance to attack the "moon"!

Wait, there is another chapter. (End of chapter)

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