Campfire Shelter

Chapter 574 Release “124 ‘Invisible Mother’”! ! !


There was a sudden vibration in the "Duel Arena", and it seemed that it was about to be breached.

But Colin didn't even raise his head. He was sure that the shield could be carried for at least a few hours, so there was no need to worry, so he continued to focus on his current preparations.

At this moment, he was holding a white finger bone in his left hand, and a white light so rich that it was almost substantial emerged from the finger bone, turning into an extremely blurry figure with wings.

The twelve wings behind the figure flapped slightly, injecting white light into Colin for purification, slowing down and suppressing various negative effects.

In his right hand, he holds the "Revolver Retrograde" in the "Item Liberation" state. The bonfire is continuously received by him, inhaled into his body, and completely wrapped around every part of his body in a tempering manner.

Especially the heart and brain locations.

"Speaking of which, the 'item release' for orange equipment has been increased from the original 5% to 15%, and I already have the qualifications for the gold card to release items, but it seems that I can only release 5%."

"But unfortunately, it's not worth liberating the golden card now."

The current prerequisite for using "Hunger" is that you must have the power of a "fire bearer" to lock your own human nature and reason, etc.

Otherwise, just after summoning, he would collapse directly.

If you liberate the golden props, you won't be able to absorb a lot of fire and use "Hunger", which is a bit more gain than loss.

Unless there is a gold-level "Fire Bearer" prop.

But now instead of fantasizing about this, it is better to imagine that someone becomes a "fire bearer" and falls from the sky.

Colin shook his head slightly, then continued to take out the "Crown of Pain" given by "Ms. Thorn" and put it on his head.

The body's endurance increased again at this moment.

Then, he began to think about what props he would use better. After thinking about it, he took out the "False Strong" and took a look.

Although this item seems to be ineffective if it is C-level, it can still be used if it is used to detonate overload.

He can quickly make up for some of his shortcomings when he first reached this level.

In addition, there are some offensive purple props, some of which were just obtained from employees, and some were obtained from official transactions before, such as the "Thunder Hammer"

If these things hit secondary containment objects, as long as they are not of a special type, they will detonate overload, and they will explode accurately.

Not to mention sudden death on the spot, at least it was 100% safe to be admitted to the ICU.

But for the upper-level containment objects, the situation is hard to say.

Most of the time it's just one block and it's over.

After selecting the props, Colin began to adjust his current status to ensure that no critical glitches would occur.

Almost another two hours passed.

The effect of the "Arena" is getting weaker and weaker, and Colin can already sense the "gods" arrogantly arrogant in the outside world.

It feels like I am just a fish in a fish tank.

Then a large group of wild cats and so on stared at him, pressing their faces against the fish tank, looking at him with distorted faces, and making various weird smiles.

"Children, after sleeping for so long, it's time to come out and work."

Colin rubbed his left eye, which was equipped with "Fire Bearer's Kindness".

This eye houses an extremely special secondary containment object, the "Haze Angel". In a battle, it should be able to play a certain role.

In an instant, at Colin's call, a coughing and uncomfortable white haze floated out.

In the white haze, figures of children, women, children, and exhausted workers emerged and spread quickly to the surroundings.

Then, Colin took out a rope, tied Shanna's finger bones, hung it around his neck like a necklace, and continued to absorb the power from it.

Then, the bone spurs were also taken out.

When everything was ready, Colin took a deep breath and rushed out without saying anything, but continued to stay where he was.

A dragnet has been laid outside. Two seconds earlier and two seconds later will not make any significant difference in difficulty. However, his main purpose is to delay time. The longer it can delay, the better.

After more than half an hour passed, Colin suddenly opened his eyes as if he was meditating.


A shattering sound suddenly sounded.

The moment the crack appeared in the "Honor Arena", it was directly torn apart by a large number of strange forces.

The "Shield of Fair Notarization" immediately entered a completely scrapped state and returned to the "storage room" of the holder Colin!

Under the gaze of a large number of figures, thick haze burst out explosively and quickly spread to the surrounding areas.

However, the thick fog was stopped abruptly before it spread for long.

Not a single speck of dust can break through their blockade!

A "god"'s exclusive human-shaped container carrier was dug into the haze, and with a wave of his hand, it directly tore the haze in half that ordinary secondary containment objects could not handle, and glimpsed the jumping in the depths of the haze. of fire.

That is, the moment he took action, other figures also used their strength.

Under various blows, this area seemed to have been reduced in dimension and turned into an extremely abstract place.

Only in the place radiated by fire, everything could still be barely normal.

Sensing the aura contained in the flame, the gods paused for a rare moment, seeming to have remembered something bad.

After hesitating for half a second, another human container carrying the consciousness of the ancient god broke the silence, rushed directly into it, and attacked the flames!

With it taking the lead, other figures followed suit and launched attacks through various channels.

The white haze seemed to have been severely hit, screaming and began to retreat.

The leading human vessel rushed into the haze, and suddenly stretched out its hand, grabbing the figure of the man in the flames, as if to pull it out from the depths of the haze.

However, it was at this moment that a terrifying pressure broke out.

The human container carrying the power of the ancient god seemed to realize something. Just as he was about to withdraw, he suddenly felt a terrifying black thunder and lightning falling from the sky, directly evaporating it on the spot.

At the same time, the will of the gods that had not penetrated deeply raised their heads one after another.

I saw, above the sky, the silent black thunder appeared at an unknown time.

Dense black thunder twisted and circled above it, covering almost everything within sight!

The place where the black thunder erupted was a mysterious and strange formation channel above Colin's head.

There seems to be some terrifying existence coming!

The attacks that some beings took the opportunity to launch evaporated under the black thunder that fell silently and was as thick as a mountain!

"I've been watching you sway others, now it's my turn."

Colin, who was almost like a flowing flame, faced the gods calmly, and then shouted:

"'1-24 'Invisible Mother'! I have released you in the 'Love Paradise'! Please fulfill your promise, stand on our side, and help me break out!"

As soon as the words were spoken, various silhouette-like terrifying entities attacked Colin again. However, in an instant, countless black thunders that seemed to tear the entire sky apart fell from the dome, blocking the impact.

At the same time, a sticky black oil-like contact liquid flowed out from the formation channel.

On the tentacles, dark thunder and lightning surged and continued to explode.

The terrifying aura spread to hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and it was still spreading at an extremely fast speed, launching a saturated black thunder bombardment on almost all the descendants who resembled the silhouettes of the gods!

"This is the power of a true first-level containment object!"

Colin looked at the pieces of black thunder and lightning that were like pillars of heaven and earth, and was shocked in his heart.

He has always been exposed to trash like the "King of Crazy Sound". Only now does he understand how powerful the first-level containment object is!

'No, it cannot be compared like this. The 'Invisible Mother' is a mid-level first-level containment object, one level higher than the 'King of Crazy Sound'. It is normal to be strong.'

As his thoughts flashed, Colin tried his best to stabilize himself.

This being only appeared in his true form and was still on his side, so he had to defend with all his strength!

However, it was at this time

In Colin's mind, he received an inspiration, which came from the conscious inspiration given by the "Invisible Mother".

Then he immediately made preparations, and at the same time, countless dark thunder and lightning surged in a certain direction, tearing a hole in the blockade surrounding it.

"Space replacement!"

Spirituality was injected into the gold card, and Colin's figure was instantly transferred out of the blocked area.

But it just came out

He then saw many beings attacking like maggots attached to bones.

But before it could attack him, he was directly blocked back by the "Invisible Mother" who was as dark and sticky as oil through black lightning.

Although the "Invisible Mother" suffered in the "Love Paradise" for many years, she was not in her prime.

But other high-level containment objects are not much better.

The most important thing is that most of them are not completely separated, nor are they working together in a true sense, so they are somewhat unable to withstand the full output of the "Invisible Mother".

However, because of the large number.

Even if Colin saw it, the black thunder cage built by the "Invisible Mother" had already blocked many advanced beings.

But there are still many powerful beings coming suddenly.

And there is another point. Although this transfer and "replacement" is indeed out of the encirclement, it has not reached the place where it wants to go!

Only halfway through, the destination seemed to be distorted by some force, and we reached a dangerous area.


Without any hesitation, after sensing the various attacks spreading around him, Colin immediately took out a purple prop and detonated it directly!

The strange light spread instantly, forcing them all back.

Taking advantage of this gap, Colin quickly observed the situation outside.

"The sea is completely blocked. It can even be said to be a priority. The priority is not lower than killing me. This is unreasonable. From this point of view, there is indeed a 'Rabbit Lady' or other key backup in the sea."

"For now, we will proceed as planned and proceed in two steps."

"Delay them first. After they are forced to retreat by the power of the red moon, I will consider the follow-up after I survive."

Colin no longer took any chances with direct access to the sea.

While deciding the direction in a short moment, he looked at some humanoid descending containers that had gathered around him, as well as some silhouettes of terrifying beings, as well as strange attackers, and he was not idle in action.

"Are you so afraid of my growth? Are you afraid that the era of 'bonfire' will come again? It's really sad."

"Unfortunately, your attempt is destined to fail."

It was no longer appropriate to speak at this point in time, so Colin mocked directly in the form of "inspiration" - of course, it wasn't that he had nothing to do, but that he couldn't help it after detonating the "false strong man".

This thing has the ability to make people say weird things, even if it reaches C level, it can't be suppressed.

But fortunately, except for strange words, its negative effects are almost non-existent at present.

At the same time, the flames on Colin burned violently, and then were directly shot out with "repulsion".

He has discovered that these heretical races are not that afraid of methods such as "space displacement".

Only when facing the flames of the "Fire Holder", especially the flames directly burned by the "Fire Holder's Grease", is just like encountering the red light of the "Red Moon", one can refuse to accept it.

It's a pity that Colin is not strong enough and cannot burn a pure enough "primary fire".

Otherwise, the battle situation would not be so difficult.

After detonating a large amount of flames and breaking through again, Colin soon discovered that almost everywhere he could stay, there were these advanced beings waiting to attack.

‘The earth is still too small. ’

Colin couldn't help but think that even if the high-level containment object was restricted, he could be detected almost all over the world.

There's no place to hide at all

And every time there is contact, a devastating battle will break out.

The majestic mountains that stretched for countless miles collapsed, and a huge bottomless pit was opened in the flat ground.

Even if he enters some small world that he has visited before through "displacement", Colin will soon be noticed, and then a bunch of high-ranking beings will come.

With better luck, Colin leaves early, so the small world may still be saved.

If it were slower, these independent small worlds would basically be broken together.

It seems like an eternal pursuit with almost no pause.

Finally, after persisting for a while, Colin was surrounded again.

At this moment, his body was like a flowing flame. Most normal injuries could be repaired quickly, but even in this state, there were still many places on his body that were seriously injured.

The wounds that are gushing with blood but cannot be healed, the fonts that are stuck on the skin like labels and cannot be erased, the dizzying piano sound in the mind, and the special whisper of the breath.

The various intense attacks had made it difficult for him to move even an inch, and he almost fell into the sky several times.

Fortunately, what worried Colin the most was that the negative effects of the props did not explode due to the accumulation of injuries.

This shows that the previous preparations have been sufficient.

Otherwise, any attack at this time would be fatal.

With a lot of injuries all over his body, Colin pulled out the bone spur. As his thoughts turned, a terrifying and evil abnormality spewed out from the tip of the bone spur at an explosive speed.

This abnormal creature was once contained at the cost of the death of a certain saint.

As soon as it appeared, dark red clouds quickly formed and surrounded Colin's head.

Scarlet rain filled with uncleanness fell from it.

All things contaminated by rain, no matter what they are, will feel unimaginable horrific pain. It is like the genes of the dimension itself are being destroyed and disintegrated, and will be quickly contaminated and corrupted, and fall into some kind of madness and evil depravity. among!

'The effect is a bit scary, but unfortunately, it is not a serious high-level containment object and cannot be blocked for long. ’

Colin saw that there were already some figures, and they began to carry the scarlet rain curtain towards them!

The presence of the bone spurs really stopped the enemy in their tracks.

But not much is blocked.

"We have to continue to see if we can shake people."

As Colin started to fight against the enemy, he simultaneously sent signals in his mind to the beings he knew might be able to help him.


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