Campfire Shelter

Chapter 596 A righteous gang fight.

Behind the light door, the chilling sound of the horn swept across the ground, crushing and shattering all traces around it.

And it surged towards the white giant like a small sun, seeming to engulf it.

However, the "White Night" colossus flashed its wings, and under each wing, there was a different burst of power, shaking out rounds of apertures to block attacks.

The battle situation is silent, only the continuous flashing light.

For a short period of time, it seemed difficult for both sides to decide the outcome.

Shana knew this very well, so the focus was not on attacking the "White Night" colossus, but on intercepting and killing its "disciples", making sure to keep them all.

If it is a non-"light" route, it may be difficult to intercept the opponent's evacuation.

But we all come from the same origin. Although Shana is not as advanced as the other party in terms of her own life status, her understanding in related fields is not much weaker.

With the assistance of the "King of Crazy Sound", he easily cut off the opponent's path to evacuate the disciples and launched an attack.


With a terrifying vibration, the "King of Crazy Sound" seized the opportunity, tore off a wing on the back of the colossus, and pulled out a disciple wrapped in the wings.

Then crush it to pieces on the spot

"White Night" was too late to save the disciples, and discovered that from the light door, several more "light projections" took shape, and after completing the simulation of "authority", a terrifying aura erupted.

Projections of multiple "level one containment objects" have arrived!

"Through some of the movements left at the scene, I discovered that you guys, taking advantage of my weak leadership stage, like to use more to defeat less, right? Now let me try it too!"

The "King of Crazy Sound" called out and led a group of allies on the road to launch a righteous siege.

I just don’t know why, but both the “King of Crazy Sound” and Shana discovered that the strength of the “first-level containment objects” who were invited had suddenly increased, and they were more proactive and hard-working than before.

Shana can even feel that their fighting will has become stronger inexplicably!

It was completely different from the previous period when I felt sick, exhausted, and basically had no energy to fight.

Shana originally thought that they might have been injured when they fought with many powerful beings when they helped escort Colin into the sea last time.

But this time, the root cause of the situation didn't seem to be what she had guessed.

As her thoughts flashed, Shana quickly became thoughtful and roughly guessed the reason——

It's still because of Colin!

After all, these guys, in general, are here to surrender, because only by surrendering can they have a chance to get out of their respective predicaments.

As a result, halfway through the journey, there was no one to surrender to, so I started to feel depressed.

However, before she had time to think about these things, Shana suddenly heard the pale giant statue with one of its wings torn off, suddenly making a declaration:

"My devout 'disciples', prove your piety to me."

Before he finished speaking, a "disciple" who turned into a digital light and surrounded the "white night" reappeared.

They took out another cross sickle from somewhere, held the long handle with both hands, and stabbed themselves in the stomach.

Then, the whole thing expanded and exploded, turning into clusters of glowing balls of light.

From these balls of light, there are different consciousnesses of terrifying existence poured into them.

At this moment, "White Night" is summoning the high-level containment objects that it has seen before and that have a certain possibility of cooperation.

Attached to the light ball, it forms something similar to Shana's "light projection"

Shana took action and stopped some lights and shadows from taking shape - the other party's method was similar to hers, but different from hers.

She had already prepared the "Light Projection" and locked it in the "Light Door" for storage. When needed, people would come directly.

The opponent is pinching on the spot, so there is still a chance to interrupt.

At the same time, Shana no longer fully targeted the white giant statue.

Instead, they began to eliminate as much as possible the atmosphere related to Colin at the scene, so as to prevent anyone from discovering Colin's traces.

After all, she came all the way without hiding anything. If some heretical forces observed her, they would probably become suspicious and report to their "master".

There is a certain probability that someone might be attracted to chase him and observe him.

Of course, the reason for her current actions in this world is to expand her followers and try to fight for the company's legacy.

There is a big difference from those high positions.

The only trouble at the scene was that "White Night", but Shana estimated that there was a high probability that the other party would not reveal Colin's whereabouts. Even if he revealed other existences, they might not be willing to come without actual proof.

And there is another important point.

Shana and the other party happen to have the same origin, so they can pretend that the two parties are competing for each other's authority and power, trying to devour and fuse.

"Now, Colin, leave. I will find you as soon as I finish solving this problem."

Shana's voice appeared in his ears, and Colin nodded, a little reluctantly. He didn't know whether it was because his body had become smaller, his personality was a bit like that of a child, or it was because of other reasons that he was not so decisive.

Seeing Colin's temperament between being mature and a child, Shana stepped out of a light and shadow, smiled gently and touched his head:

"I'll bring you some gifts later."


Colin responded childishly, took out "Space Displacement", and after determining one of the coordinates, directly transferred.

Seeing Colin leave smoothly, Shana breathed a sigh of relief.

Based on her understanding of the effect of the "Space·Replacement" card, it would be difficult even for her to track the transfer of this thing without leaving a mark in advance.

Its cutting is a real cutting, and ordinary means cannot keep up with it.

If you run away, you have to find it again.

Just now, she had determined that except for the aura mark left by her, the other auras on Colin's body had been cleaned by her, so there would be no more problems.

And after it was confirmed that Colin had left, the battle on the scene instantly entered a fierce stage.

Previously, in order to avoid hurting the "leader", everyone had restrained their hands and hit them. Most of them were focusing on Colin to prevent him from being tricked again.

Now that people have left, they no longer have any scruples, and one by one they begin to show the terror and strength that upper-level beings should have!

Although the Pale Colossus successfully summoned several superior beings by sacrificing its "disciples".

But compared to them, who have a stronger will to fight, they are no threat at all!

Although the battle here is not over yet, the results can almost be seen.

At the same time, in a special small world, Colin's figure appeared out of thin air. After landing, he looked around.

The place is very empty and seems to have been burned by a fire. It looks bare.

The overall feeling is relatively safe.

"No, it can't be said to be safe. I just always feel that this place seems to be related to something that makes people hungry. And because of the smell of this thing, many beings are not willing to look at it at all."

Colin probably had some associations.

With some aura left behind by this being, it would be easy to cover up their problems.

Then, he looked down and saw many footprints on the ground.

After sniffing his nose, he could tell from the smell left in the air that it was left by the previous batch of survivors he had transferred.

"It seems like I chose the wrong place."

Colin grunted. He chose the "safest" place based on his feeling.

Unexpectedly, I came directly to the place where I gave him away before.

After thinking for a moment, Colin took a step forward, preparing to leave to see the situation of those people and make sure they could live here.

It's not a bad idea to use this as a base if you can.

However, just as Colin raised his feet and took a step forward, a feeling of dizziness suddenly hit him. His expression was dull, and he stumbled and sat down on the ground.

In previous battles, various negative effects emerged after using golden props many times.


Colin shook his head vigorously, feeling that not only was he unable to control his body well, but he also had big problems with his sense of time and the like.

Fortunately, there is no danger here now.

Even if he sits still, there is a high probability that nothing will suddenly appear and threaten his life.

You can lie down in place to release these negative effects.

Lying on his back and lying on the ground, with his eyes closed, Colin silently endured this dizzying discomfort, feeling nauseous and retching from time to time. This lasted for an unknown amount of time.

His body was slightly better, and then he opened his eyes in a daze and found that he was no longer lying on the ground, but was being pillowed on a pair of thighs.

"Are you feeling better?" A familiar voice sounded.

Colin immediately became alert, but he was conscious and relaxed slightly when he saw that it was the female doctor from before.

"Thank you sister, I feel like I'm okay now" he responded politely with a nod.

"No, I should be the one to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would be 'dead' in a practical sense."

The female doctor said with some fear, and then checked Colin's body:

"Whatever injuries you have on your body, you should be fine. Although there are still some scary wounds, they don't seem to be bleeding heavily, so they are fine. As long as you are careful not to get infected, you should be fine."

After a pause, she seemed to have thought of something again, and smiled: "However, you don't have to worry about being infected."

This was her first time to have close contact with extraordinary people, and she finally understood how exaggerated the physical qualities of these people were.

Regeneration of severed limbs is not a problem, let alone wound infection.

"Okay, I'll pay attention." Colin lay on the other person's lap and nodded.

At the same time, Colin also observed the other party a little. After all, she had been selected as a participant in the "Disciple Ceremony" before, so she didn't know if she had been brainwashed by something.

Soon, after confirming that there was no problem, Colin withdrew his attention, adjusted his position and continued to lie with his head.

Then he discovered that besides her, there were some people at the scene, including the official who was around level 6 not long ago.

"Well, brother, you came out successfully. It's great." The other party said with a sigh of relief.

When the great being of the "Fuguang Society" made a "divine descent" before, he felt that everything was really in danger.

Unexpectedly, he managed to escape in the end.

"I should thank you." Colin remembered that the other party had glanced at him as a kind of "vision" before he was transferred.

And then successfully allowed Shana to come over smoothly

Otherwise, it’s hard to say what the situation is now.

"It's okay."

After speaking, he curiously asked about the situation over there. He didn't know who came as a helping hand to save people from the hands of the "ancient god".

As far as he knows, there are not many people with this weight in the path of "light" today.

Some senior employees of the company, or some strong people who have "light" embedded in their bodies to stabilize their mental state, these big shots he knows seem to be not qualified.

After all, this is the "Ancient God", even if it is just a clone, it is not something that ordinary people can touch easily.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been beaten to the point of civilization being exterminated now.

And excluding those people, the only option left is

There seems to be only one left.

The young man held his breath for a moment and vaguely realized who the other party was!

A person with a large number of images, few people know his origin, gender, etc., but it is certain that he is a big shot on the human side and a communicator of the "light" path!

"It's okay. You don't need to worry about them coming over anymore. You can survive here for now."

Colin didn't say much and looked around. Although it was bare, he vaguely remembered that before the disaster broke out, he should have stored a lot of things here as an emergency shelter.

After a pause, he added: "If I remember correctly, there should be some people living here."

"Is there anyone else here?!" Hearing this, while remaining silent, the captain of the team that first discovered Colin suddenly spoke.

"Yes, but I don't know where exactly." Colin nodded.

After killing a certain guy a few years ago and taking away the "Space Replacement" in his hands, he also transferred some people here during his escape.

Seeing that they were a little nervous, Colin raised his head from his lap pillow, sat up, and reassured: "There is no need to panic, you just need to say that they will transfer you here, and they will accept you."

He also knew why the other party was nervous.

In these doomsday ruins, although there is no shortage of food, when similar people meet, due to possible issues such as belief, extremely fierce conflicts are still likely to break out.

After briefly explaining the situation, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the young man hesitated and wanted to ask out of curiosity.

Who is the person observing that area through him?

But at this moment, Colin suddenly looked in a certain direction. Several other people noticed his sudden movement and looked over.

Then everyone's expressions changed.

I saw that in the open space over there, the surrounding light gathered, condensing into a pure pale light.


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