Campione: Strongest Godslayer!

Chapter 1: New Life, The Silver-Haired Twin, Wishing Star of Aokidani!

A meteor streaked across the Earth's sky, and as it passed, a young man in a suburban home vanished without a trace.

In another world, on a different Earth, a fiery meteor fell across the heavens.

An inorganic voice echoed within the "meteor."

"Significant rule loss detected, primary consciousness dormant. Subconscious activation initiated, simulating thought processes, deriving optimal recovery plan."

In a small town called *Aokidani*, nestled among the mountains, a silver-haired girl gazed up at the meteor with a gentle smile. She clasped her hands together as if making a wish.

"Suitable host found, initiating gene replication."

Inside the body of the silver-haired girl, a faint spark of life began to flicker, as delicate as a candle's flame.

"Y chromosome not detected, subconscious resisting reincarnation. Reincarnation deferred, repeating process, integrating primary genetic material."

A second faint life spark was quietly ignited within the girl.

"To prevent failure, executing contingency plan."

A beam of light split off from the meteor.

... Reincarnation commencing.

The meteor blazed across the sky as the silver-haired girl hummed a tune, descending from the mountain.

Sixteen Years Later...

"Haru! Wake up, the bus is almost at Ashikaga City!" A crisp, pleasant voice echoed in his ears.

Abruptly awakened by the unexpected voice, the young man struggled to open his heavy eyelids. The first thing he saw was a stunning silver-haired girl. Her long silver hair was tied up with a ribbon, her delicate doll-like face framed by soft silver strands, and her deep gray eyes held a hint of urgency. She wore a gothic-style white silk dress, her cheeks flushed, exuding a unique charm.

The bus rumbled on.

'W-what the heck?' Confusion filled Haru's mind as he stared blankly at the beautiful silver-haired girl in front of him.

A vein throbbed faintly on the girl's forehead. She lightly raised her slender foot, encased in white stockings, and then—she stomped down hard.

"Bang!" Pain shot through his nerves, and Haru immediately crouched down, clutching his right foot, trying to ease the intense pain.

"What are you staring at? Hurry up and get your luggage, the bus is about to stop." The silver-haired girl blushed from being stared at so directly, her ears burning red. She quickly turned away, hiding her embarrassment, and walked briskly toward the bus door.

Haru's head throbbed with pain. Shaking his head to clear it, he forced himself to wake up, grabbed his suitcase, and hurried after the girl.

"That's more like it." Seeing Haru's obedient behavior, the silver-haired girl's mood instantly brightened, as if the heavy clouds that had been weighing on her heart for days had finally dispersed. She teased him with a smile.

The sound of water splashing came from the restroom at the bus station. Kasugano Haru was washing his face, his hands cupping the water as he tried to wake himself up. He looked at the pale, thin body reflected in the mirror, at the delicate features framed by silver hair. A sharp pain suddenly shot through his brain as sixteen years of memories surged back into his consciousness, compressing his brain's nerves.

The brief life of a Japanese boy, just sixteen years old, flashed before his eyes, along with the intense emotions that came with it. Overwhelmed by the flood of memories and feelings, Haru completely absorbed the life of this young boy, losing himself in the process.

He had been reincarnated—into the body of Kasugano Haru from *Yosuga no Sora*, known by fans as "Haru the Scoundrel," a seasoned veteran of forbidden romances!

The stunning silver-haired girl who had just stomped on his foot was none other than his twin sister, Kasugano Sora. They had recently lost their parents and, due to financial difficulties, were returning to their hometown of *Aokidani* to live.

"So slow..." Kasugano Sora leaned lightly against the restroom wall, sitting on top of her suitcase, her head drooping as she muttered complaints.

"Sorry! Sorry! I was still groggy from sleeping on the bus and needed some time to wake up." Hearing her voice, Haru hurried out of the restroom, barely pausing to dry his hands, shaking them to flick off the water droplets.

"Good work!" Sora, still sitting on her suitcase, swung her legs idly and murmured softly.

"What was that?" Her voice was so quiet that even though Haru was standing less than half a meter away, he only caught a faint mumble.

"Nothing... Anyway, we should be heading that way, right? Wait, what are you doing? Don't get water on me!" Sora frowned, glaring at Haru as he continued to shake the water from his hands, her cheeks puffing in annoyance.

"Sorry, sorry. Umm... I think it's about an hour's walk along the cement road through the rice fields." Haru carefully recalled the past memories, speaking with uncertain hesitation.

"That long?... I'm already tired." Sora frowned, her frail body leaning against the wall as she let out a defeated sigh.

Seeing Sora avoiding reality, Haru couldn't help but show a look of helplessness.

"Hey! Hey! Haru, what are you doing?"

Haru reached out and grabbed the handle of the suitcase she was sitting on, pulling it along with Sora still perched atop it.

"Sit tight now. It's already 3 PM, and we need to reach home and take care of things by 4 PM if we want to have dinner on time!" Haru's arm bulged with effort as he struggled to pull the suitcase, moving slowly forward.

"No worries, no worries. I brought plenty of snacks." As she spoke, Sora pulled out a bag of instant potato chips from who-knows-where, munching on them with delight.

Hearing the squirrel-like munching sounds from behind, Haru stopped in his tracks, a vein throbbing on his forehead.

Sora, noticing the suitcase had stopped moving, looked up at Haru's angry face and shivered slightly. "Do you want some too?" she asked in a cutesy voice.

"Chips confiscated!" Haru, his brows twitching in irritation, snatched the bag of chips and poured the whole thing into his mouth, crushing them with a loud crunch.


One and a Half Hours Later...

After an hour and a half, Haru and Sora finally arrived at their old home in *Aokidani*.

What greeted them was a traditional Japanese wooden house. Due to years of neglect, the building looked somewhat dilapidated, covered in dust, with overgrown weeds in the courtyard. Spider webs clung to the eaves, and an old sign that read "Kasugano Clinic" still hung above the front door.

Haru stood in front of the house, stretching his exhausted body, particularly his right hand, which had been pulling the suitcase. He thought to himself, *This new body is really weak, even though it's already sixteen.*

"I'm so tired! Finally home... I'm going to rest." Sora hurriedly took off her shoes and entered the house, as if fleeing from some terrifying monster.

*Snap!* The last thread of Haru's sanity snapped.

He quickly stepped forward, grabbed Sora's cheeks, and pinched them with his fingers, pulling at them like they were springs.

"I know I was wrong! I'll help with the chores right away!" Sora's voice was full of regret as she mumbled through the pinches.

Satisfied with her response, Haru withdrew his hands. *It's true what they say—spare the rod, spoil the child. The ancients didn't lie.*

The sun had already dipped behind the mountains, its rays bathing *Aokidani* in a golden hue.

Kasugano Residence

*Thud!* Sora flopped down on the tatami in the living room, spreading her limbs out in exhaustion.

"I'm so tired... and so hungry," she complained weakly, grabbing the black bunny plushie beside her and tossing it at Haru. It hit him square in the forehead before sliding down to the floor.

"Cook Something!" Sora pouted, her voice a mix of cuteness and pleading.

"Alright, alright." Haru, completely defeated by her charm, slowly made his way to the fridge in the living room, stretching his arms sore from cleaning, and took out the instant curry he had stored earlier. He then headed towards the kitchen.

Thanks to the memories he had gained, Haru thought to himself, he could at least make a simple dish like Japanese curry. Without those memories, he would struggle with even basic communication, let alone cooking a meal. Silently, Haru picked up the wooden spatula, staring grimly at the iron pot. 'First time cooking, huh? I just hope I don't poison anyone.'

"Haru? What about the internet?" Sora, still lying on the tatami mat, pulled out her pink phone and fiddled with it. Her head rested on the black rabbit plushie, while her white dress, slightly open at the collar, revealed her delicate shoulders and hinted at more beneath.

Clang, clang. Unfortunately, the only one who could appreciate the sight, Haru, was busy in the kitchen, preparing curry. Despite having the memories, his body still struggled to keep up, and he fumbled awkwardly with the cooking.

"Well… The scheduled appointment with the internet company is for tomorrow at 9 AM, so…" Haru said calmly, stirring the hot curry in the pot.

"No internet at home today?" Sora was stunned.

"That's right," Haru's indifferent tone shattered Sora's fragile hopes.

Sora's spirit was almost broken, her entire body turning pale as if she had been turned to stone by Medusa's gaze.

That evening, the sky was clear, the moon shining brightly, though it was only early June. The moon hung like an enlarged disc in the sky, reflecting the sun's rays down onto the earth.

Around 9 PM.

Slap! A light sound echoed.

Sora opened her palm, staring at the crushed mosquito that had met its demise there, her face full of disdain and disgust.

"That's the seventh one!" Sora's voice was emotionless as she watched Haru swing an electric mosquito swatter around, his face devoid of any feeling.

"I get it, I'll go buy some mosquito repellent right away!" Haru shuddered, feeling as if he was being watched by a vicious predator.

Click. Haru shut the door to the Kasugano residence and stepped outside. The quiet street was filled with the sounds of chirping cicadas and croaking frogs as he hurried along.

"Ahh, it's so late already. The convenience store should still be open, right?" Haru's eyes were unfocused as he briskly walked down the wide, paved road.

Having just been thrust into this world, Haru's emotions hadn't yet calmed. Thanks to the sixteen years of memories he had acquired, he managed to avoid arousing Sora's suspicion. After all, she was his sister, someone he spent every day with. If his behavior, habits, or personality changed too drastically, anyone would notice something was off!

As he contemplated how he would have to disguise himself as the gentle, kind, and slightly timid older brother from now on, Haru's head started to ache. He was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice that he had taken a different route.

At some point, Haru found himself standing in front of the torii gate of Tsukiyomi Shrine. He began to ascend the stone steps.

At the top of the stairs, the ancient shrine came into view, and Haru suddenly snapped back to reality.

At that moment, under the bright, disc-like full moon, a figure was seated on the roof of the shrine, silently watching Haru Kasugano below.

"A peculiar soul!"

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