Cannon Fodder His Dad

Chapter 68: Stepping Stones and Villains (End)

Wu Qun checked very carefully. The real images of the death of Wen Xuan's family were all dug up carefully.

When he put a stack of evidence in front of Doudou, Doudou was silent for a long time.

Doudou looked at the testimony of the witnesses page by page. After a long silence, he couldn't stop crying. He cried all night. The next morning, Doudou dressed up and set off for Beijing under the service of Jing Shu. Zhaofu, went to complain.

There are many people who beat the drums and complain about injustice, but it is not new. What is new is that this person is the son-in-law of the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

When the governor of Jingzhao was accepting this case, he looked at the detailed testimony in that column, and his head started to hurt. It is obviously the handwriting of Dali Temple. It is just a clear road to him. In the end, the case will still be handed over to Dali Temple for trial. After all, this is a case that has been pending for eight years.

When General Dingyuan learned that Wen Xuan actually had descendants alive, he wore this uniform and went to the Golden Palace, crying that he was on an expedition, and his family was not strict. Not to mention that he slaughtered the family in order to inherit the Wen family.

The case that did not come before the emperor turned into a lawsuit.

Wen Zhongmin dressed in filial attire and Wen Bing held the Golden Palace. Wen Bing thought he had dealt with all the tails a long time ago, but when the emperor handed over the matter to the three divisions for trial, he found that the people and things of the year could not be covered up at all. Wen Zhongmin's Chang Sui Ping Ping was one of the witnesses.

Wen Bing went to the Heavenly Prison. The crime of discord, one of the ten evils, is a serious crime. Even if the emperor pardoned the world, he would be removed from his name. He is finished, but his son is still young, so he can forget it. Of course not, because he had meritorious deeds and specifically asked the emperor to pardon his heirs.

But Dali Temple investigated and dealt with so many participants in the case back then, even his children were among them, so there could only be one amnesty, and he chose Wen Zhongmin, the eldest son.

Within a month, there was no more general Wen Bing in Shangjing, and the Wen Mansion was given back to Wen Zhongmin, the son of the former Taichang Temple Qing Wen Xuan, and he was also given the birth of a fellow jinshi.

Wen Zhongmin didn't die, but he also lost his identity. His family's living descendants were not allowed to take scientific examinations within three generations. Not being able to take scientific examinations means that they have no future. Now, not to mention the future, their wealth is gone. He is now one. civilian.

He watched in confusion as everything in front of him disappeared, and looked at his father's head beheaded, the dazzling blood red, which made him wake up instantly, his family was someone else's deliberate revenge.

He clenched his fists and took refuge with the sixth prince with a box of confidential letters left to him by his father. From then on, he disappeared in Shangjing and became a dog of the Sixth Prince.

After Wu Qun learned that Wen Zhongmin had taken refuge with the sixth prince, he frowned, then looked up at the sky, thinking: How much do you like this male protagonist, so there is still a chance for a comeback?

It seems that if the sixth prince is not obtained, this Wen Zhongmin will not be trampled to pieces.

After watching Wen Bing beheaded, Doudou went to the yamen to buy the head, and took Jingshu to pay homage to his parents, aunts, brothers and sisters who died tragically. Holding his father's tombstone, he shouted that he was injustice Zhaoxue. Jing Shu also held Doudou and cried all day.

Wu Qun knew that they were crying with joy, so he didn't stop them.

People can't be resurrected from the dead, but people who are alive are under a lot of pressure. Isn't it the family that Doudou hid in his heart?

However, Wu Qun did not relax. Wen Zhongmin disappeared, could not find his whereabouts, and no longer had contact with the sixth prince.

There was news from Ta Xue. She was pregnant. This matter was hidden from Liu Da. She found an excuse to pray for her aunt and hid in Zhuangzi until the child was born safely.

But Wu Qun knew that this child was probably the child born by the big girl in the plot.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the sixth prince falls and Wen Zhongmin's backer is gone, they will no longer have anything to do with their family.

In fact, it was Wu Qun who was careless, thinking that when Wen Zhongmin disappeared, Jing Shu would be safe.

In the autumn, Ta Xue gave birth to a son, hid it on Zhuangzi, and took good care of her. She returned to the Liu family but was ready to get married. Wu Qun didn't care whether she married or not.

But on the day that Ta Xue got married, Wu Qun happened to be investigating the case in the suburbs, and he asked a question casually while listening to the sound of gongs and drums. Ziyou, who was with him, ran forward to watch, and when he came back, his face was full of feces.

"Wen Zhongmin changed his name and surname, and became Min Zhongwen, a landowner of Xishan. Today is his day to renew." Ziyou looked at Wu Qun with a strange expression.

Wu Qun squeezed his chin and nodded, that's right, how could the darling of the heavens disappear without a trace? Xishan Oh, it's a sensitive place.

While Wu Qun was investigating the case, he carefully paid attention to Xishan's movements.

There is a forbidden army there, and Wen Zhongmin doesn't go anywhere, but he becomes a landlord of that place, no matter how you look at it.

So this matter came into the hands of the prince.

Then the nature of this matter is completely different. The most taboo thing for the royal family is the relationship between the prince and the martial arts. Wenchen, it's fine for you to communicate with you, but that's another story for generals. But the sixth prince did it in such an obscure way, and it was the Xishan Imperial Army that he had drawn over.

He doesn't want this male and female protagonist to appear in the world of his children, and it is best to never appear.

So Wu Qun moved, and according to the order of Prince Zeyi, the news that the sixth prince took control of the Xishan Imperial Army spread like wildfire. Let the sixth prince be unable to find any clues, so he lost a lot of chess pieces. It was also here that news that the old emperor was not good came from the palace.

The confidant of the sixth prince's subordinates was half damaged because of this discovery, but at this juncture, the old emperor failed, Wen Zhongmin also got close to the sixth prince at this time, and said gloomily: "Your Highness, if the news is true , this is your only chance. You have to think about it, the last resort."

"You're right, it's long overdue, don't worry, Wu Jingshu will be your woman after everything is done, and you can handle it." The sixth prince responded ambitiously to Wen Zhongmin.

Wen Zhongmin suppressed the joy in his heart until he persuaded the sixth prince. After tonight Wu Jingshu is his woman, how can you not be happy?

The sixth prince was heartbroken, and as soon as his heart was ruthless, he unleashed all the power in his hand, and he mutinied. But just when he rushed into the old emperor's bedroom and forced the old emperor to write a letter to the throne, the prince brought someone to **** him.

In the **** of the prince, the sixth prince accidentally did not avoid the dark arrow, and was killed on the spot by the arrow.

The people of the Sixth Prince's faction saw that they had lost their hands, and those with higher status immediately committed suicide, and those who were reluctant to commit suicide also tried to escape. Wen Zhongmin was one of these people who escaped, but they smartly changed into **** clothes and ran to the cold palace to hide.

What Fu Daming said was Wen Zhongmin. The sixth prince was dead, but he was still alive. He didn't say he was alive. After such a rigorous search, he ran to the cold palace and hid.

If it wasn't for Wu Qun's special trip to send someone to watch, Wen Zhongmin's luck would definitely not be a problem to run out of the palace.

When Wen Zhongmin was arrested, this guy hid in the swill cart and fled outside the palace. If Wu Qun hadn't kept an eye on him, he would have escaped.

But what did Wu Qun come here for?

Isn't it just to hate the hero and heroine?

Therefore, Wen Zhongmin was arrested and put directly into death row, without having to wait for the autumn queen, he would be beheaded at noon the next day.

When Wen Zhongmin followed the sixth prince as a dog and ran around, Ta Xue was still taking the child in the house in Xishan, and he had no idea what he was doing after not coming back for a long time.

But the woman told her directly that it was not safe here, so she took the child to a small village that she had never been to before, and inquired about Wen Zhongmin while waiting.

But it turned out that Wen Zhongmin was beheaded. What will she do with the child? At this time, Ta Xue did not cry and was at a loss, but chose to hide here with the child.

After all, no one has found it here, has it?

It's a pity that she thinks too beautifully, she was found, but there is a lot of money hidden in this village of hers, which is specially reserved by the sixth prince for himself. Now it's a cheap prince, oh no, it should be the new emperor.

After Ta Xue was caught, she was directly exiled. Before leaving, she gave the child to Wu Jingshu.

"I know you are a big girl. When you came back years ago, I saw you in Wujiazhuang. I envy you. I have always envy you, but mother said... but she said, only I am her child, mine My father is Liu Da. I know that I am not Liu Da's child, I am my father's Erya, your sister." Ta Xue's face was full of jealousy, and it didn't look like she was here to care for the orphan.

Wu Jingshu didn't care who Ta Xue's child was for a long time. The little maternal love that was missing in her heart has long been filled by her father.

"I don't have a younger sister, only a younger brother. I won't raise your child for you. If you don't want it, you can send him to a shantang." Wu Jingshu thought she would be angry, but she didn't expect her to be so calm.

The snow was gone, but the child was quietly placed in front of her house.

After all, Wu Jingshu still raised this child, but this child was only her Wu Jingshu's nephew from now on, and could not be the nephew of the Wen family or their adopted son. Avoid thinking too much about things that shouldn't belong to you.

When Wu Qun learned about this, the child had been raised in Wu Jingshu's hands for more than half a month.

He didn't say anything, just shook his head and told Doudou a sentence: "This child must be well educated, and the people around him must be carefully selected."

Doudou didn't say anything, but strictly enforced it. He was alive at the time, Wen Bing died when he grew up, and now this infant child is alive, he has no chance to know the truth of this matter, the only truth. It seems that he is the child of the Min family, the owner of Xishan Mountain, and the nephew of Wu Jingshu.

The departure of treading snow is not the end of things, but the beginning of things.

Ten years later, Wu Qun was already the minister of Dali Temple, and Wu Hongxuan was already twenty-three, and he had already become a father.

Wu Hongxuan is now the editor of the Hanlin Academy, a small official with a bigger sesame seeds, but with his father and brother-in-law supporting him, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with the qualifications in the Hanlin Academy.

Since the new emperor ascended the throne ten years ago, a series of rectifications have been started, especially the battles on the border, which are the main battles but not the peace, and the attitude is extraordinarily tough. Finally, after nine years, the war stopped, and the small country next door surrendered. In the tenth year, their army also returned to the DPRK.

On this day, the young emperor awarded many awards to many people. In fact, a young general named Zhong Min became a Zhongwu general from the third rank. And when his wife appeared in everyone's sight, Wu Jingshu recognized it at first sight, this person was Ta Xue.

When Wu Qun learned about this event, he felt that the male protagonist was nothing. Sure enough, the female protagonist was the daughter of Tiandao. She was exiled to the frontier and could be a third-rank general's wife.

But in this way, is Hongxuan in danger? His life node is at this time. Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a coincidence that Tasue just came back.

This woman can bend and stretch, and she is afraid that she will come back for revenge.

But Wu Qun is not afraid. This Zhong Min makes him feel inferior to Wen Zhongmin. At least that person can pretend, but Zhong Min is a little arrogant. The general who came to award the reward wants to keep his family in Shangjing, and he has to go back and bring it with him. soldier.

He sneered at these rules, and when he was in the capital, he suddenly went to Wu Qun's mansion to recognize his relatives.

He was kicked out by Hongxuan even with gifts. In fact, in terms of blood relationship, it doesn't matter if Hongxuan and Ta Xue are sisters and brothers.

But unfortunately, this matter is not so simple, this Zhong Min came to make trouble because there was Du Xue behind him making plans.

Wu Qun was dissatisfied, and Zhong Min blocked Wu Qun once, Wu Hongxuan three times, and Wen Zhongmin twice.

This matter instantly became the latest gossip in Shangjing, and the whole family was talking about the Wu family.

Wu Jingshu had just given birth to her third child and was confinement. When she heard this, she was so disgusting that she couldn't eat, and she was worried about Doudou.

As for Wu Hongxuan, he saw a snow walk once and looked at the face that was somewhat similar to that of the eldest sister. He didn't want to say anything against his heart, but he really had no feelings for this sister. It belongs to this woman and has nothing to do with him.

"Goudan, I'm the second sister, do you still remember me?" Ta Xue's first sentence when he saw Hongxuan was to mention his unbearable memories, including this name.

"Madam, my mother passed away early, but only my eldest sister and I were born. Not to mention this direct sister, there is only one person, not even a cousin. I'm afraid you will be disappointed and find the wrong person. Goodbye." Wu Hongxuan is already a father, and he realized early on how he could treat a woman who was a symbol of his father's shame as his elder sister.

After Wu Hongxuan left, he didn't know what Ta Xue and Zhong Min said. Anyway, half a month later, he was assassinated on his way to work.

That's right, an assassination, a blatant killing. If he hadn't practiced martial arts since childhood, he might have been killed.

Wu Qun learned of this, and when he arrived in a hurry, the assassin was arrested.

Pulling off the man's face scarf, it turned out to be the loyal and brave general of the dynasty, which made people unacceptable. The general should have left Shangjing seven days ago to go to the frontier to garrison, but why did he come back and assassinate a Hanlin? The editing of the hospital?

Everyone was puzzled, but Wu Qun knew that this was the meaning of heaven and the meaning of stepping on the snow.

Wu Qun wanted to breathe out the fragrance, but he was a civilized person, so he could only recite, "Yu Yizhi."

The impact of the assassination is not big or small, but the general disobeys the emperor's order, which is unforgivable.

The emperor was angry, and Zhong Min was unlucky. Not to mention the official position, the whole family was thrown into prison.

This time, Ta Xue had no chance to be exiled, but the emperor found it out. His general, disregarding the emperor's order, ran back to Beijing to assassinate an editor of the Hanlin Academy. This girl instigated.

Don't execute the decision too fast. The moment Ta Xue was beheaded, Wu Qun suddenly found that the sky above his head seemed to be much higher.

Zhong Min was pardoned, but there was no general who did it. He took his concubine and child bald and returned to his hometown, and he never appeared in Shangjing again.

In this life, Wu Qun became the prince's young master and master at a very young age. Of course, these are just idle jobs. He just hung on these names, and at sixty he left the court and began to retire. Over the years he has been filling his space, collecting things unique to this era. It is a pity that the space has not been upgraded, which makes him quite regretful, but the ability to remember it is still there.

It may be that he did not exercise diligently, and when he was sixty-five, it would not work.

He was lying on the rattan chair, watching the children playing under the shade of the tree, and slowly closed his eyes without saying a word.

When Wu Hongxuan came back from a business trip, Wu Qun had already left, and he looked very much like the way he usually sleeps while watching the children play. But this time he never woke up.

Wu Qun didn't know when he left, so he left a letter to Wu Jingshu and Wu Hongxuan early.

When the two saw the letter, it was Wu Qun's funeral, and it was time for Wu Hongxuan and Ding You to return home.

"woo woo woo woo"

When Wu Qun woke up, he heard a more desolate sound of the dongxiao. To be honest, he liked listening to Bai You playing the qin.

"Don't blow it, Bai You, I have something to ask you." Wu Qun didn't drift over, but took a look from a distance. He found that the peach trees in the inner world had become brightly colored, at least the peach blossoms were blooming beautifully.

"Speak." Bai You didn't even give him a face.

"Why hasn't my space been upgraded yet? I can't forget it, is one eye and ten lines a special skill? Can it be brought to the next world?" Wu Qun was afraid of being thrown out by Bai You and asked three times in one breath. question.

"You bastard, don't ask nonsense, okay? Give me a good workout in the next world." Bai You leaned halfway, frowned and glanced at him, her wide sleeves flying up.

"Wait, wait, there are still problems." Wu Qun hurriedly shouted.

Seeing Bai You's appearance, he was going to drive him away. But he still has doubts.

"Can I choose the node where I enter the small world?" Wu Qun asked very formally.

"Not currently. You still have ten seconds." Bai You turned around, fair and delicate skin, pink lips, waterfall-like black hair, slender body... Wu Qun wanted to scold people, but he hated looking better than him. man.

"Does the plot of the small world have something to do with the node I crossed?" Wu Qun's question was actually very non-specific, but he wanted to hurry up and asked that.

"It's the will of Heaven, it's related. You can go." Bai You seemed impatient this time, and waved his sleeves impatiently. Wu Qun watched Bai You, Moonlight, and Peach Tree disappear in front of him.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

It must be Bai You who deliberately took revenge and said something bad about him blowing flute.

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