Cannon Fodder is Too Frivolous: Emperor Zun, No Appointment

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Meet Again

There is usually only one kind of gemstone, and there are two kinds of mysterious stones, one is ordinary mysterious stone, and the other is super stone.

She wants to enter the sect, and she cannot do anything without the profound stone.

Time flies, it’s been three days.

Mu Bingyun was going down the mountain to go back to Mu’s house. In two days, the elders of the Liu Yun Sect would arrive at the Mu’s house. Although she was sure, she decided to be careful.

Going to the city to buy some needed items, I feel that today is a bit unusual.

“Excuse me, what’s going on ahead?” Mu Bingyun randomly pulled a pedestrian and asked.

“The Auspicious Cloud Pavilion Auction ahead.” The man looked envious, then shook his head and left, “The tickets for entering are all 100 profound stones, only for the sake of looking up.”


Mu Bingyun hurried to the direction of Xiangyun Pavilion, and soon saw a very luxurious building. People kept going inside, and seeing them throwing out a heavy storage bag made blood drip from their hearts.

One hundred profound stones!

touched her ten profound stones, and she felt sad. She only had ten profound stones, so she couldn’t get in at all. In her previous life, she had participated in many auctions of various sizes, and knew that there were many good things in the auctions.

But people who don’t have a lot of wealth, even if they can go in, they can only see the price of others. The ticket is 100 profound stones, so the starting price of the items inside is at least 100 profound stones.

She had only ten profound stones in her hand, so she could only watch it eagerly. It seemed that the auction was no match for her, so she turned around and prepared to leave.

“Want to go in?”

A voice sounded above her head, she stopped in an instant, and she looked up and saw a familiar person.

For this person who helped her without any conditions, she was still somewhat grateful.


Mu Bingyun’s eyes were bright, and when he saw the gloomy direction, he was definitely going to enter the auction. If… thinking of this, she blushed a little, always asking people to help, doesn’t seem to be alright?

“Let’s go!”

Cangyu seemed to see her thoughts, his eyes were full of smiles, not the cool smile before, but a happy smile, the expression of the little thing, which pleased him.

He was drinking tea at the tea house next door, and when he glanced outside, he saw her figure. He didn’t even know how he walked in front of her.

He has no interest in this auction. But it was only when she saw that she wanted to go in that she was ready to go in.

Mu Bingyun was still a little confused and didn’t speak, Cang Yu frowned: “Don’t want to go in?”

“Think.” Without thinking, Mu Bingyun opened his mouth and said.

She bothers him so much every time, is it really okay?

At first, she thought Cangyu was not easy to provoke, but after getting in touch, she felt that it was easy to get along with. The talk was short, and the people were still good.

If Pale Bai heard what she said, he would definitely be depressed to death. How could he feel that the master was difficult to get along with.

No matter in her past or present life, she doesn’t have half a true friend.

“Then go in!”

Cangyu saw that the little thing was still in a daze, no matter what, he took her little hand and walked in. Only then did Mu Bingyun react, and he was led in by others. Disgraceful this time, she lost her mind.

went to the door and saw that Pale White took out a token. The guard saw this and quickly invited them in. Followed, bypassed the hall, and came to another quiet corridor. After a while, they were invited into the private room. The private room is closed, and you can’t see the inside from the outside, but you can look down from here, and you can see it clearly.

She was a little surprised, this location can clearly see the treasures auctioned later, it is the best private room in Xiangyun Pavilion.

Who is Cangyu to receive such treatment. Then she was no longer surprised when she thought of the opponent’s strength. It is not surprising that someone who is more powerful than King Xuan is treated like this.


Cangyu’s voice brought Mu Bingyun back from his thoughts, then he let go of his hand, sat on the other side obediently, raised his head and said, “Thank you.”

Cangyu shook hands, there was still some warmth in it, and the corners of his mouth curved: “Pale!”

Pale is weeping and sad, Master, isn’t Pale here? Don’t tell him to play, okay?


“Precious fruit.”

Pale White immediately understood that the master wanted him to take out the precious fruit and give it to the wooden girl. Thanks to him following the master for a long time, otherwise he really couldn’t understand the meaning of the master.

Pale Bai quickly took two trays of precious fruits and placed them in front of Mu Bingyun.

Mu Bingyun inadvertently glanced at her, and with such a glance, she was shocked. Even if the precious fruit in this… is a previous life, it is something that various monks compete for. He is so generous.

Cangyu saw that she was not moving, and said again, “Don’t you like it?”

“I like it.” How could she not like it, she was just a little surprised. In the past life, if she wanted to get these things, she either spent a lot of money to buy them, or competed with others. No one would push such good things in front of her.

This feeling is very special. For the first time, she felt that besides cultivation, there are still good people in this world. For example, Cang Yu in front of her, at least when facing her, she felt that he was a good person.


Mu Bingyun saw the precious fruit handed in front of her. The precious fruit had been peeled in half, revealing the flesh inside. It was yellow and orange, tender, and full of profound energy. Below the precious fruit was a pair of knuckles. Distinct hands, with **** holding the unpeeled part of the rare fruit.

Mu Bingyun took it carefully, put the precious fruit into her mouth, sweet, and a trace of profound energy into her meridians.

After she finished eating, another pink precious fruit appeared in front of her. It was lying in a big palm. The pink coat had been peeled off, and there was a small petal of pulp inside, which looked delicious.

Mu Bingyun swallowed the precious fruit in his mouth, feeling a little embarrassed: “Why don’t you eat it?”

Immediately took a purple fruit on the plate, peeled off the skin, and handed it to Cangyu, she thought it was a courtesy exchange.

Pale White was stunned for a long time and didn’t dare to take a breath. The master actually peeled the fruit for the girl? God, don’t tell him it’s real, he’d rather believe it’s a dream.

When he saw that Mu Bingyun also peeled a fruit for his master, and his whole person was not well, he could guarantee that the master would not eat it. The master will not touch anything that others touch, let alone something that is eaten in the stomach.

Cang Yu was stunned for a while, obviously he really didn’t expect Mu Bingyun to “reciprocate with respect”, his thin little hands looked a little shriveled, as if he hadn’t eaten enough for a long time.

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