Cannon Fodder is Too Frivolous: Emperor Zun, No Appointment

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1345: Fight For Watermelon

After the farewell party, Yinhe said that he was presenting the goods to the Three Kingdoms and the ox cart outside the palace, and also said: “Originally, the solitary king also prepared the portion of the West Yan Kingdom, who knew that the West Yan Kingdom repeatedly harassed me, Yan Ping. The people on the border of the country, the Lone King has endured them for a long time over the years. The goods are ready, and the Lone King is not going to take it back. The three who belong to the Western Yan Kingdom will divide it up and bring it back to their own country!”

“Thank you King Yanping.”

The messengers of the Three Kingdoms thanked them very sincerely this time, and left the palace under the eyes of Yinhe and Shuixi with smiles on their faces. Yinhe was always holding Shui Xi’s hand, and the courtiers of Yan Pingguo couldn’t understand the strange smile on the corner of their king’s mouth, but they also knew that it was cold, as if they were scheming against someone.

Now that Shui Xi has just been named Wang Jun, they are even more afraid to provoke them, and they dare not ask the king to accept his wife on this festive day. After the courtiers looked at each other in dismay, they sighed. Let’s bring this matter up later. Wang Jun is very capable, and it has to be said that their Yanping Kingdom cannot lose such talents as Wang Jun.

In case Wang Jun was angered away because of Mrs. Na, it would not be worth the loss.

“Galaxy, what did you give them?”

Yinhe led Shui Xi to the throne and said softly: “Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a small amount of other fruits and vegetables. The kingdom of Yujin, the kingdom of Shunzhou, and the kingdom of Tianda have one truckload of corn, one truckload of sweet potatoes, and one truckload of peanuts. And other fruits and vegetables, as for Xiyan Kingdom, a truckload of watermelons, a truckload of potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables.”

Yinhe said with a deep meaning, and when he started talking, there was a gloomy wind, and Shui Xi asked quietly, “What’s the meaning?”

“The lone king asked Yujin, Shunzhou and Tianda to divide the goods of Xiyan, and Shuixi said that a carload of watermelons and a carload of potatoes were things they didn’t have in their car, and they couldn’t be taken away, so how would they divide them? ?”

Split it up and take it away, isn’t that too embarrassing? Yinhe thought secretly in his heart, Shui Xi was silent and glanced at Yinhe.

There are only two most common items, namely watermelon and potato. Watermelon is a fruit and potato is a vegetable. At this time, it can be used as food, which is the food to keep the stomach full. Of course, there are countless ways to eat in Yanping now, all passed down by Shui Xi.

“If Shuixi wants to see it, why don’t we go and see them?”

“it is good.”

Shuixi really wanted to go and see what would happen. Although he said he was very smart, he was still a lot simpler about human detours and didn’t think too much about it. The courtiers watched their king lead the king to listen to the corner.

“Don’t go out, just watch here.”

Shuixi found that this place was slightly higher, but he could clearly see the pictures outside the palace, and even the voices over there could be heard clearly. Yun An and Chen Tong hurriedly brought chairs for the two of them, and Yinhe and Shui Xi paid attention to the situation there after they sat down.

With the help of the palace servants, the messenger of the Three Kingdoms finally knew what they were bringing back, and the palace servants said again, “A few of you are also invited to come here, this place was originally given to Xiyan Kingdom. As mentioned above, if you don’t dislike it, you can take these things away.”

If it was an ordinary thing, the envoys would definitely be uncomfortable, but now they are coming to Yanping to bring these things back, and they will definitely not refuse. They hurriedly followed the palace servants to the other side. Not much different from theirs, but it seems to be less.

The messenger of the Three Kingdoms felt a little relieved, and the palace servant said quickly, “These three carts are all ordinary fruits and vegetables, and they contain similar things. Three messengers are not as good as one cart per person, how about it?”

The messenger of the Three Kingdoms checked it and agreed with the plan. He couldn’t help but look at the other two cars.

A cart hit the ox cart with items in burlap pockets, and it was impossible to see what it was. The other cart was made of something like a fishing net and tied to the ox cart. It looked big and round, and the outside was turquoise.

“This is a watermelon.” Seeing that the messengers of the Three Kingdoms were all looking here, the palace servant pointed to another cart, holding a khaki-colored fist-sized item in his hand, “It’s called a potato.”

“As for how to divide it, the three messengers can discuss on their own. After the discussion, the three messengers can leave from here.”

After    finished speaking, the palace servant actually stepped aside and said nothing more.

The messengers of the Three Kingdoms discussed in whispers, but they all looked at the car of watermelons. They seemed to be able to recall the taste of watermelons. It was the Milky Way entertained them that day. As for the khaki, round thing, they didn’t know what it was and how to eat it.

couldn’t help but asked the palace servant on the side, and the palace servant said: “This is a potato, and it is also eaten. It can be boiled and eaten. Would you like to taste the boiled potatoes?”

The messenger of the Three Kingdoms was of course willing, and the palace servant hurriedly got three boiled potatoes and instructed the three of them on how to eat them.

Boiled potatoes in white water without any seasoning, especially after seeing such delicious food in Yanpingguo, the messengers of the Three Kingdoms certainly did not think potatoes were a good thing.

It has no taste at all, and it is not delicious at all. The messengers of the Three Kingdoms are thinking at the same time, if this thing is brought back, the king will definitely not like it, and maybe even blame them.

So after eating the potatoes, they all set their eyes on the cart of watermelons. As long as the watermelons are brought back, the king will definitely reward them for having tasted such a delicious food.

“I want watermelon.”

“I want watermelon too.”

“I think watermelon tastes better.”

The palace people had retreated far away, ignoring the envoys of the Three Kingdoms who were arguing.

Among them, the envoy of the Kingdom of Yujin said: “My Kingdom of Yujin is stronger than your two countries, so naturally I should get this car of watermelons from the Kingdom of Yujin.”

“My Shunzhou Kingdom is not bad, why is it only you, Yujin Kingdom, who can take advantage?”

“My Tianda Kingdom won’t let it this time, my king will definitely like this deliciousness.”

Shui Xi glanced at the Milky Way, and the Milky Way watched the scene in front of him with great interest, “How about it, isn’t it interesting? Watermelon can only quench thirst, it is a kind of fruit, if you eat it normally, it is good. These people don’t know about potatoes. The beauty is that potatoes are really good things, they can not only be used as food, but also can be used to make various dishes, such precious items are put aside by them.”

“How will they be divided?”

Shui Xi asked curiously.

“The country of Yujin has always been domineering and will not tolerate it at all. I have had an encounter with that messenger before, and he will not be the one who will tolerate it. He will definitely get the watermelon. Yujin, Shunzhou and Tianda are all jealous of the two countries. The messenger will eventually back down.”

“So, what about the truckload of potatoes?”

Shuixi actually likes potatoes more. In fact, people in the whole Yanping country have a kind of admiration for potatoes. I still remember when the locusts were infested, the locusts devoured all the grain on the ground, but the potatoes that were only eaten by their leaves were not affected at all. In the end, the people in that place were fed by these potatoes.

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