Cannon Fodder Tear Protagonist Halo [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 14

The carnival of melon-eaters entertaining themselves on the Internet did not affect Kongqing. In mid-July, under the leadership of two Chinese mathematicians, including Shen Kongqing, six contestants from the Huaxia team boarded the Flights to the UK.

After arriving in the UK, Kongqing knew that there were more than 112 contestants from 600 countries and regions participating in the competition this year, which was the largest number of contestants over the years.

The mathematician who led the team took the opportunity to cheer up the team members constantly, but after careful observation, it can be found that they are actually very nervous.

The Huaxia team is really eager to return to the number one in the world.

In the past three years, although the Huaxia team's total score has never been in the top five, it has never been able to reach the top of the world again. People sigh.

This time, the two mathematicians who lead the team have placed high hopes on Kongqing and the others. Whether they can win glory for the country depends on the performance and performance of these teenagers.

Among the six contestants, Kong Qing was probably the calmest one.

Even the mathematician who led the team said, don't underestimate the young Ji Xiao, but his mental quality is really good. If Kongqing continues to maintain his performance and makes no mistakes in his performance, it should be easy to win the gold medal.

game day...

Kong Qing came to the test site with his teammates and saw many contestants from all over the world.

Because of the regulations of the competition, the contestants must be middle school students under the age of 20, so these contestants are all teenagers under the age of 20, but to be honest, some contestants are really too anxious, whether it is physique or appearance Not like teenagers.

As soon as this idea came up, Kong Qing quickly interrupted her divergent thinking, and reflected that it was inappropriate for her to judge people by their appearance.

However, Kongqing never expected that when he saw the contestants from other countries, he felt that the appearance and temperament of the contestants were old-fashioned, not like teenagers. Is a primary school student.

A major difference between Eastern and Western cultures is that Easterners are more introverted, while Westerners are more extroverted. At most, Kongqing is just a slanderer, but contestants from other countries will point and point at him impolitely and talk a lot.

What's more, a tall, blond, white-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian boy walked directly in front of Kongqing, and said with a smile: "You Huaxia can't find a contestant? How come even a primary school student like you is pulled out to make up for it?" ? It seems that your Huaxia team is not going to be dying this year. In fact, this is also very good. Isn’t the old saying in Huaxia said that the most important thing for a person is to have self-knowledge.”

When Kong Qing's teammates heard this, they all blushed, only Kong Qing remained calm.

The white boy chattered for a long time by himself, but Kong Qing ignored him, and under shame and annoyance, he attacked Kong Qing even more blatantly.

"Hey! Little one, do you not understand English? Looking at your small body, you must be malnourished, right?"

It's not that Kong Qing doesn't understand English, but he's too lazy to argue with strangers, so no matter what the white boy says, he turns a deaf ear and ignores it.

"Kong Qing, let's go, the game is about to start."

Seeing Kong Qing being embarrassed, his teammates rushed to make a rescue and took Kong Qing away directly, so as not to have a dispute, or make a move in a fit of anger, and finally be disqualified from the competition.

Seeing Kong Qing being taken away by his teammates, the Caucasian boy showed annoyance on his face, but then he quickly adjusted his mood and became high-spirited.

"Kongqing, don't worry about it. There are all kinds of birds in the forest. There are more than 600 contestants, and there will inevitably be one or two idiots who don't know the so-called!"

The teammates were afraid that Kong Qing's mood would be affected, and they all opened their mouths to comfort him, but they didn't realize that Kong Qing didn't take the offensive words just now to heart.

According to the usual practice, the test questions of the International Mathematical Olympiad should be provided by each participating country, and then selected by the host country and handed over to the main test committee for voting. Finally, six test questions will be produced, each with 7 points and a full score of 42 points.

After the test questions are determined, they will be written in official working languages ​​such as English, Chinese, Russian, French, etc., and will be translated into national languages ​​by the team leaders of each country, and handed over to the contestants from each country.

After Kong Qing got the test questions, he thought for a while and began to write and answer the questions. The speed of solving the questions and the clarity of his thinking made the judges amazed.

In the end, Kongqing really lived up to expectations and won the gold medal with the only perfect score in the audience.

As we all know, the international Olympic competition has a total of three awards, such as gold medal, silver medal and bronze medal, and the award criteria of each session are related to the current test results.

In principle, the ratio of gold medals, silver medals, and bronze medals is roughly 1:2:3, and the total number of winners cannot exceed half of the contestants. According to the rules of this competition, a gold medal can be won if the score exceeds 31 points, while Huaxia The six members of the team scored more than 31 points, so all members won the gold medal, and the Huaxia team ranked first with a slight advantage in total points.

It is no exaggeration to say that this time the Huaxia team can return to the number one in the world, thanks to Kongqing.

The Caucasian teenager who had provoked Kong Qing before the game even found Kong Qing after the game, and complained with grief and indignation: "You are a boy! You are so good-looking, how could you be a boy!"

Kong Qing's face was confused, he thought that the other party's grades were not as good as his own, but he was so angry that he ran over to find fault, but the other party questioned his gender as soon as he opened his mouth, what the hell was he doing?


The Caucasian boy was extremely ashamed and angry, and ran away blushing, leaving Kong Qing standing there with a puzzled expression on his face.

After the International Mathematical Olympiad, Kong Qing didn't stay in the UK for too long. Together with his teammates, he directly took an international flight back to China.

At this time in China, media reporters have already carried out large-scale reports on the results of this year's International Olympic Games, and several heavyweight media have taken similar "Congratulations to all members of the Huaxia team for winning gold! After three years, the king is back" eye-catching title.

Among them, Shen Kongqing is the most important thing reported by media reporters.

As the youngest member of the Huaxia team among the six players, he became a blockbuster and won the only full score in this year's International Mathematical Olympiad. Shen Kongqing is fully worthy of the title of "genius boy", let alone this genius boy She also has a prosperous and beautiful face, and she can make her debut in the entertainment circle just by virtue of her face.

On social media, Shen Kongqing's fans started blowing rainbow farts again.

"I knew that as soon as our Xueshen made a move, the gold medal would definitely be in hand. I offered my knees to Shen Kongqing Xueshen..."

"Mom, I don't want to fall in love with Xueshen anymore. I just want Xueshen to help me with my homework and help me get into a prestigious university. I promise that I will study hard."

"One world, one dream jpg..."

"Hahaha... Don't be joking, face fans. With such a beautiful face in this prosperous age, can you really read the book? Anyway, I can't. If the god of learning gives me a lecture, I will definitely not be able to help but be distracted. Yes! Yangou's humble jpg..."

"Beauty misleads people! Beauty misleads people! While heartbroken, I frantically licked the jpg screen..."

If you say that the interview on Orange TV just made Kongqing a little popular and gained a wave of fans, after winning the gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad, Kongqing's reputation skyrocketed, if Kongqing had her own social account, At this time, the screen must have been swamped by the messages of a large number of fans who frantically poured in.

Shen Kongqing's alma mater, No. [-] Middle School, was even more proud. After getting the news, he hung a banner saying "Celebrate our school's Shen Kongqing winning the gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad" at the gate of the school. This school has produced such an outstanding math genius.

After Kong Qing returned to school, the headmaster still took time to meet Kong Qing in person, and greeted him with care and concern. However, during the conversation, there was still a little regret in the headmaster's tone.

Student Shen Kongqing's grades are so excellent, if he studies for another two years, takes the college entrance examination step by step, becomes the provincial champion, and once again wins glory for his alma mater, it must not be difficult.

But the principal also knows that for Shen Kongqing's strength in mathematics, several first-class famous universities in China have already offered him olive branches. time.

Alas, you really can't be too greedy!

The headmaster only regretted it for a short while, and soon adjusted his mentality, and chatted with Kong Qing about the daily life.

"Next, student Shen Kongqing should skip high school and go directly to university, right? I wonder which university student Shen Kongqing prefers?"

Kong Qing had already planned his future path, and faced the principal's curious inquiry, he did not hide it, and told him openly and frankly: "Thank you principal for your concern, in fact, I have decided to go abroad for further study. "

The headmaster frowned upon hearing this.

It stands to reason that studying abroad is a good thing. The principal is not Shen Kongqing's elder, and he has no right to interfere with Shen Kongqing's decision. At this time, he should congratulate Shen Kongqing, and then encourage Shen Kongqing to study hard. However, looking at Shen Kongqing With a childish face, the principal's love for talents still broke the code of conduct that he was unwilling to meddle in other people's affairs, and persuaded him earnestly: "Student Shen Kongqing, don't blame me for being nosy, it's really good to go abroad for further studies, but at your age I am still young, so I may not be able to adapt to study and life abroad after going abroad, in fact, there are also very good schools in China, it is better to choose a first-class famous university in China than to choose a university that is not so famous abroad."

The principal is just an outsider, and being able to say this to Kong Qing means that he really loves talents, fearing that Kong Qing will go the wrong way when he is young and frivolous, and eventually disappear in the public, ending up hurting Zhong Yong.

Kong Qing thanked the principal for his good intentions, smiled slightly, and explained: "Principal, don't worry, although I am young, I know good and bad, and I will not joke about my future and future. The school I am going to, It is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, and it is also preparing to study computer engineering.”

The headmaster was taken aback for a moment, but after realizing it, he couldn't help being happy for Shen Kongqing. Looking at Kongqing, it was like looking at a beloved younger generation, and he praised repeatedly with a smile on his face: "You really are a formidable younger generation!"

Of course, the principal also knows that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a world-class prestigious school, and those first-class famous universities in China are all eclipsed by comparison. What's more, Shen Kongqing is going to study the engineering department that is the most difficult to apply for and study. A child's future must be limitless.

"Student Shen Kongqing, although you have only studied in the No. [-] Middle School for less than a year, the No. [-] Middle School will always be proud of having such an excellent student as you. Here, on behalf of the entire school staff, I would like to wish you The future looks bright."

Kong Qing was moved, stood up, bowed to the principal, and said in a deep voice: "Principal, you are welcome. No matter where I go to study in the future, and what achievements I achieve, No. [-] Middle School is my alma mater. I, Shen Kongqing I will never forget the earnest teachings from my alma mater and teachers.”

The headmaster nodded slightly, and looked at Kong Qing with more amiable eyes.

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