Cannon Fodder Tear Protagonist Halo [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 39 ABO

Just when Ji Chuanbai signed up for the mecha competition with great interest, and was gearing up, eagerly waiting for the start of the competition, Kong Qing was not idle.

After entering the Omega Academy, Kongqing plunged into the ocean of knowledge and began to study mecha design and manufacturing without distraction.

Because the number of omega itself is scarce, those who are willing to spend a lot of time and energy learning the design and manufacture of mechas are even rarer. For example, Kongqing and his group of freshmen who have just entered the school, the total number of new students should exceed [-], but in the end they chose There are only a handful of people who have mastered the design and manufacture of mechas.

It can be seen from this that for the omega of the empire, mecha design and manufacturing are not a popular major. In comparison, most omega are still more willing to study art majors such as vocal music, dance, painting, and performance. Firstly, it is easier to gain attention and become famous, and secondly, you don’t have to work hard on research, and you don’t know if you will be able to achieve results after exhausting yourself.

These omega ideas cannot be said to be wrong. After all, most omega are good-looking, and they are born with artistic cells. It is easy to make achievements in these art majors. Instead of giving up what you are good at, learn what you are not good at If you are good at it, it is better to specialize in the field you are good at, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

In such a comparison, the original master Ji Kongqing did not hesitate to choose the major of mecha design and manufacturing, which is more like a decision made on a whim.

After all, even Ji Chuanbai thought that Ji Kongqing would choose to major in acting and enter the entertainment circle after graduation. With his exquisite and beautiful appearance and stunning talent, he became a household name in the empire.

Who knew that Ji Kongqing chose to major in mecha design and manufacturing in the end, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

The person in charge of teaching Kongqing is an old professor who is over fifty years old. He has a kind face and a pleasant face. Most importantly, this old professor has profound knowledge and is also very attentive in teaching students.

When Kongqing took this old professor's class for the first time, the old professor was the first to notice him among the few freshmen. Suddenly, he thought it was the acting student next door who hurried to the wrong classroom and started to give a formal lecture. Before that, I kindly reminded Kong Qing: "This is the classroom for mech design and manufacturing, and the classroom for performance is next door. Students who have gone to the wrong classroom should leave quickly, otherwise they will be late for class and will be late." Credits deducted."

Maybe it was because of Kongqing's good looks, the old professor fell in love with him when he saw him, and his tone of voice was also full of good-natured ridicule.

Kong Qing was stunned for a while before realizing that the old professor was reminding himself, and couldn't help laughing: "Professor, I am not a student majoring in acting next door. I am applying for the major of mech design and manufacturing."

When the old professor heard this, he smiled crookedly, and looked at Kong Qing with loving eyes.

"Hahaha, it turns out that he is a freshman majoring in mecha design and manufacturing. I'm sorry, I misunderstood. But, then again, it's a pity that such a beautiful little Omega doesn't major in acting."

Although he said it was a pity, the old professor's tone was not regretful at all. After listening carefully, there was a hint of schadenfreude, and he didn't know what he was secretly happy about.

As soon as the old professor finished speaking, all the students in the classroom couldn't help but covered their mouths and started laughing, among them were a few joking voices.

"Congratulations to Professor Hopkins, our mech design and manufacturing major finally has a real role to play."

"Finally, I don't have to endure those omegas from the acting majors next door looking at people with their nostrils. They are all omega, don't they just look better, why do they look down on us?"

"That's right. In the future, if I hear the students majoring in acting next door being eccentric and mocking our students majoring in mech design and manufacturing as ugly ghosts, I'll use Ji Kongqing as an example and scold them back with confidence, making them feel ashamed." , feel ashamed."

Kong Qing: ...

Accidentally, Kong Qing became the face of the entire mecha design and manufacturing profession, which was really unexpected for Kong Qing.

But what makes Kong Qing dumbfounded is that under the vigorous publicity of the seniors of the same major, he, a freshman who just entered the school, became famous in the entire Omega Academy in a short period of time, and even beat the performance major next door. The person in charge of appearance has directly become the person in charge of the appearance of the entire Omega Academy, making the entire mecha design and manufacturing students feel proud.

"Hey... I'm so excited, our mech design and manufacturing major has finally stood up, thanks to Ji Kongqing for shining our entire mech design and manufacturing major with one person's strength."

"Haha... Do you see the expressions of the acting students next door these days? Let them grow their eyes on the top of their heads, and let them always look at people through their nostrils. Now that there is a sky beyond the sky, there are people beyond people, right!"

"Not only the performance major next door, but even the students of other art majors are not so arrogant when they see us. Thanks to Ji Kongqing, I can brag about his immortal appearance for a lifetime."

Kong Qing didn't know about the lively discussion among classmates. At this time, he was obsessed with studying and couldn't extricate himself.

As early as in the last small world, Kong Qing had already discovered that her memory and comprehension were very good, so no matter what she learned, she was very fast, as if she was on the hook.

Relying on her strong memory and comprehension ability, Kong Qing learns the design and manufacture of mechas like a fish in water.

Seeing that Kong Qing was so talented in mecha design and manufacturing, Hopkin was ecstatic, wishing to immediately accept Kong Qing as a closed disciple, and impart all he had learned.

For this reason, Hopkins tried his best not to show his old face, and unceremoniously scolded the old professor who majored in acting next door away.

Who would let the other party be disrespectful even when they are old, and try to secretly poach their most promising student away? If they don't show some color to the early bird who jumped out first, they may not know when their most promising student will be. It was poached away by professors of other art majors, and at that time, it was really too late to regret.

"Kongqing, since you are interested in mecha design and manufacturing, then follow me to learn." Hopkin really likes Kongqing, and when talking to him, he speaks like he treats his own junior.

"I have taught at Omega Academy for decades, and I have brought out hundreds of students, if not thousands. It is no exaggeration to say that you are the most talented student I have ever taught. Continue Work hard, don't let down your talent, believe me, in a few years, you will become the youngest mecha designer in the entire empire."

Hopkins had high hopes for Kongqing, and he was really worried that Kongqing thought the mecha design and manufacturing major was too difficult, and she would give up halfway after learning it for a short time, or be poached by professors of other art majors, so as long as she caught it Given the opportunity, he earnestly cheered Kongqing up, wanting to strengthen Kongqing's belief in learning mecha design and manufacturing.

Kongqing also lived up to Professor Hopkin's cultivation.

Other students are still in the stage of adapting to the learning environment in the first month of enrollment. At most, they draw simple mech design drawings under the guidance of the professor, but Kong Qing has already grasped most of the theories, and can Learn and use, combined with the actual improvement of the design drawing, to design a new type of mecha with better performance.

When Hopkin saw Kong Qing's improved design, he was amazed at the first sight, and since then he has paid more attention to Kong Qing.

"Sure enough, the blue is better than the blue. At my age, I really can't accept my old age."

This is what Hopkins said most often after officially accepting Kong Qing as a closed disciple. At first glance, it seems to be praising Kong Qing, but in fact it is a blatant show. This person who doesn't show off his death star can't help but want to roll his eyes.

It's great to receive a beautiful and smart closed-door disciple. They are all old professors who have been teaching and educating people for decades. Who doesn't have many successful students?

Hopkins didn't care about his sour colleagues. Anyway, one of these colleagues' favorite students counted as one, and none of them were as smart or as good-looking as his own closed-door students. How could he be unhappy with this.

During the recent period, Hopkin is proud of the spring breeze, and walks with wind.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were no excellent alphas of the right age in his family, Hopkins would have wanted Kong Qing to form a partnership with his own younger alphas and get closer.

This idea became stronger after learning that Kongqing had broken off her engagement with her ex-fiancé before entering school.

Hopkins suddenly remembered that although there were no excellent alphas of the right age in his family, he had an old friend's only son who was not much older than Kongqing. It is a good match with Kongqing, if they can match the two of them, wouldn't it be a good thing.

The more Hopkins thought about it, the more reliable it became.

In order not to put pressure on the two young people, Hopkins also concealed his desire to be a matchmaker in advance, and found an excuse to fool Kong Qing and said: "Kong Qing, learning mecha design and manufacturing, you can't do it behind closed doors. You have to see more, think more, and do more.”

Kong Qing put down the design drawing she just drew in her hands, and nodded her head to be taught.

"Let's go, stop doing research, and go to a place with the old man and me first."

Hopkins did not say where to take Kong Qing, but only told Kong Qing that an old friend asked him to customize a mecha for his only son who served in the military. After more than half a year of design and manufacturing, this mecha Armor is almost finished, only the final adjustments are needed before it can be delivered, and now I am taking Kong Qing to meet the only son of this old friend, so that Kong Qing can help me when I am debugging the mecha.

Kong Qing didn't think too much, and was taken to a private semi-enclosed training room by Professor Hopkin in a daze.

When he saw the only son of the old friend that Professor Hopkin was talking about, Kong Qing's first reaction was shock.

Although the appearance and temperament have changed, the familiarity from the depths of the soul still makes Kong Qing recognize the other party at a glance.

Qin Lang...

The lover who had spent his whole life hand in hand with him in the last small world.

Because it was so unexpected, Kong Qing froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.

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