Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 101

24. Swallow the tower!

Darkness of the night begins to settle over Metropolis. A subtle glow of night flashes across the thick fortress. The light of Rascala, the Lord of Spirits, burns like a beacon.

If Lascala’s eyes were supposed to be on the plain, he was looking at Metropolis instead of the plain. Light pouring from his eyes, more powerful than Search Light, searches over the walls of Metropolis’s Lemon Night Light.

“How wonderful!”

Luna glances at him as Lascala’s majestic flare erupts. He joyfully enjoyed the rest of the wall.

When the compartment opens up and down in rows of lemon-colored walls, the internal plasma shield is revealed. It was a one-way force field that could not enter from the outside but could exit from the inside.

Lascala peers at the thick fortified cannons moving within the force field. The cannons are tens of meters long and the pores are over 915mm long.

Every machine leg fortress with artificial muscles that can walk four-legged was installed. The giants were prepared to attack freely within the thick walls of several layers of the installed force field and finally inspected the cannonball supply.

“My Lord, what is that? ”

Luna sits at the highest point of the windblowing lighthouse, with her back resting on an armrest. A cool night breeze sweeps Luna’s blue hair away. Luna leaves her hair free to scatter, looking at the moon, the stars and the city shining in glow.

“I don’t know. They say it’s an instrument that shoots out the Milky Way. Lascala.”

She closes her eyes at the captain’s speech. The captain was eager to retaliate.

The word iron and blood was repeated many times.

“I’m a little scared. Lascala.”

“Don’t worry. The Lord of Spirits is with us.”

Lascala says she’s trying to reassure you, but the giant has completely lost her mind. Luna folds her arms, leaning against her head, and thinks of the captain who was being warmly treated.

Unlike the captain speaking, the captain I met nearby was a warm man. I made apogatos to comfort myself who was sold as a slave, and made me feel safe with warm voices and eyes.

The captain, on the other hand, did not appear to be the same. The speaking captain was strong. It didn’t look strong, it was really strong. I smashed all the blockers, and even though the needle was stabbed with a dagger, I could not feel a drop of blood.

“Rascala. What use am I to a strong captain?” ”

After hearing Luna’s pathetic voice, Rascala becomes a little alter ego and sits in front of Luna.

Tiny self-immolation was the spirit of an underwater volcano the size of a cat. In a puddle of globular water, there is a spirit that resembles an elevated volcano.

“Master Luna. Usefulness is not important. What are you worried about when you can handle me? ”

Lascala was as confident as she is now. Even so, the spirit has a strong ego. I had nothing better to do with the monarchy.

The relationship between a spirit and a master is equal. Although he is a spiritual monarch that only needs to be powered by Metropolis, he has no complaints.

Rather than that, Rascala was completely enchanted by the magic done by this captain. Luna smiles bloody. Maybe they were all the same. Power. Just power. Powerful. Without Luna’s knowledge, Rascala turns her head again and points at the massive sacks with her loving fingers.

“Master Luna, lightning is concentrating on those sacks! ”

Lascala shouts in an excited voice.

Soon as Luna turns her head, a magnetic field hovers and rises around countless sacks. The captain’s speech is still imminent, but the batch seems determined to fire the cannon first.

It was because, when the captain’s speech reached Climax, the cannonballs had to be precisely loaded.


“Hey, the blue ball hits first! ”

Lascala cheers.

Towers rise so high around the castle that they spin their pores and shoot out a thick ion cannon.

The cold plains of Illuvelas where darkness settles. The fierce rain froze over the cold, dark night sky, where the whole earth was covered with white ice, and the lights of the ion canon flew away while covering the clusters of stars full of sky.


Luna is stunned by the heavy gunfire. Lascala reaches out and grabs Luna, who is about to fall. It was because heavy railguns were fired since the relatively quiet ion canon.

As the sonic boom rises, silver rays of tungsten fly south, tearing the sky apart.

Suddenly, the air above Metropolis turned into a bright daylight. The attack continues to pour out cannonballs, and a thick trajectory of shining steel cannonballs appears in the sky like a galaxy.

“Captain · · · · · · · · ·”

As Luna watches the trail of flying silver lights, she calls to the king in a voice of concern.

* * *

“Fire the flare! ”

The captain shouts loudly from inside the speakers. With the cheerfulness of all the people, you can see the cannons pouring down the screen like galaxies. The war was the most spectacular, and the Railgan flare was the pinnacle.

With the Captain’s declaration, the camera immediately swings and catches the falling cannonballs. Every single cannonball that spills at Maha’s speed is so fast that you can’t see it with your bare eyes. However, the thunder-like trajectories that were drawn as they poured so much were spectacular, as if a whole galaxy was pouring out.


The cannonballs are tearing down the Wizard’s Towers.


“Wow! Kill them all!”

The people cheer. It’s hard to tell if it’s BGM or real people screaming.

“Stop him!”

“Where’s the attack coming from?!”

The screams of the wizards are reported to be caught in a high-altitude unmanned collector.

They heard from the other Ashley.

Magic characters were arranged in a thick space from the ground to the sky, and a lot of tense magical shields were flashing golden and grinding, but the rail gun fire was not enough to stop it. The wizards who stood everywhere and practiced their spells were scattered by the falling bombardment, as well as the towers they were standing in.


When you hear a series of sounds, it sounds like you’re standing in front of a waterfall.

In an instant, the towers break apart and the rubble is piled up and gold is stolen from the thick granite fortress. Lava vapors melted through the rubble and exploded everywhere. The flame burns the earth.

[Captain. Analyzing sonar. I will locate the enemy.]

Large-scale sonic analyses collected from high-altitude unmanned vehicles were performed. You hear the sound of the computer rebuilding and removing the blasting sounds from the cannon.


“What the hell! ”

“Where is it pouring from! ”

The sound was more intense and the position of the fire in Metropolis was adjusted. In a few minutes, you will hit every major point.

“I hope this attack is a comfort to those who have lost their families.”

[Absolutely, sir.]

The captain does not know the feeling of plowing like a people and following simple labor.

However, I know exactly how it feels to lose my family and pour a cannonball on their heads.

If any cruelty is poured into the enemy, a sense of tolerance wraps around the captain’s body and makes his blood boil hot. All of Illuvelas will feel the same.

[Captain, even the finer tunes of the music are being calculated. Stress level alleviation is close to 43%. After that, they will continue to do extensive psychotherapy over the long term.]

On the other hand, it was a cruel night for the tower. The power of the cannonballs raining down like lightning from the sky surpassed what they had imagined.

Fragments of shattered magical power scatter to the winds as soon as a thick barrier is formed. All magical communications have been cut off with a few terrible screams and shouts.

It was because the fierce fires and blasted defenses were piled up on top of the fort, a massive garbage that prevented magical communications.

As the stones burn, hot vapors gush out, and a great white cloud envelops the keep.

The High Priestess, Schleivich, was looking at this scene at a nearby facility. Once it became clear that the enemy was able to blow up the facility, it was impossible to get inside. It was best to prepare in a place where it could be viewed coldly.

“Hurry up and track down the enemy’s attacks and describe the type. What kind of magic? What grade is it?”

Now all I have to do is watch the keep rip apart and disintegrate. In just a few minutes, the whole mountain will be shattered and turned into a plain.

“Your Excellency. It’s not magic. It’s completely undetectable. It’s clearly out of the magic system. ”

It was a shocking time for Schleivich to panic. How do you know it’s a tungsten bullet fired between electromagnetic forces?

“A miraculous sign or a divine one? You mean there’s a god behind this attack? On this land? The One allowed it? ”

“Go, Mr. President. Don’t take that name so lightly…”

“It’s noisy, so hurry up and track the attack.”

The wizard who reported on her frost kept silent for a moment. The One was a god who did not want worship, was known to control the gods, and was not pleased with those who called on their names. The name was carefully treated among the wizards, and the act of borrowing his power was considered a suicide. So how dreadful was the Wizard’s silence!

His silence, however, still filled the entire forest with the dreadful sound of gunfire.

“Bulkhead 13 is down. In a few moments, the walls will all melt down.”

The walls of the fortress made of magical crystals have been punctured. It’s where the Railgan Cannonball went through. The surface of the fortress, which was painted with beautiful statues and patterns, was flat, burned, and melted down, and even now, Tungsten’s spear falling from the sky did not stop at all.

Birds, beasts, and monsters flee this vast forest in the chaos. Every time a thunderbolt of tungsten rains, a flame erupts and the winds of fire are blowing and the forest is burning vigorously. The baron stares blankly at the deer and the bear running together through the hidden barrier.

The wizards hiding under the cloaking spell of Schlimbich desperately pursue the Captain’s attack.

“Mr. President. We’re out of the magic system, but we’ve found the source of the attack. This is the home of the Captain King of Illuvelas. ”

“The captain? How, no. Why? Are there any records involved? ”

“You have now requested a messenger. They’ll find something in the mail room and bring it back. Oh, here he comes! ”

The wizards have arrived with the light. He frowns as he sees one of the men. Seventh grade mage. It was Rankost. He came to the envoy of the Senate and threatened to look bad without authorizing the building of the tower, and was dragged out of there by a heart attack. He looks pale and approaches Schleivich.

“Your Excellency. Grade 7 Meiji Ranco.”

“Forget about yourself. I understand you’re the messenger of power sent to the captain. Wasn’t it your role to sell the tower as an official diplomat? What did he do to attack us? Report it quickly.”

The horse shot by Schleivich makes Lancaster’s face paler.

“Mr. President, that’s not what matters right now. I have the spatial coordinates for the Captain’s castle. We need to assassinate the Captain King now. Then we can stop this attack and restore control over the entire magical grid.”

“Come to your senses, Lancaster! The captain has completely destroyed four of the five Ashleys at once. We don’t even know what happened. Why is he destroying Ashley so slowly, even though he knows where she is last? ”

“Mr. President, I’m sorry. I’m not asking your opinion right now. The Senate has ordered the Crisis Control Council to assassinate the Captain King. ”

Rankost picks up a long parchment with a golden seal around it. As he reaches out, parchment flies from Rankos’ hands and is seized by him. As Schleivich hurriedly took hold of both sides of the parchment and spread it for a long time, magically rotating characters appeared. The whirling text says, “What’s the password? I created the letter”. Seeing that, Schleivich grips his teeth and recites the code.

Against the Rush’s Stone Wall

The order is released and the order is revealed. Official authorization was placed on the Senate and a huge jewel seal. The Pearl on the horse owner’s stamp proves to be authentic.

Class 1 Kill Orders: Ordered by our five Senators to the Crisis Management Committee and the Supreme Leader, Schleivich. Destroy four of the five Ashleys on the continent and assassinate the captain king who is attacking one. You can use any method. Poison, curse, magic. I authorize the unlimited use of all resources. This order was issued in the name of the Great Senate.

“Hmph. Looks like Barimas left something the Senate couldn’t handle. And now he’s left us with it. ”

Rankost looks a little puzzled. No matter how great the Emperor was, he could not name the Senate Senator directly. The Emperor burned the parchment of the order.

Obviously, the analysis of Schleivich was accurate as Barimas was the cause of the issue that Isaac pointed out.

Nevertheless, it seemed almost treacherous to me that Schleivich was unable to grill the parchment.

It was not wrong to protest against Schleivich with Lancost’s trembling voice.

“Duke Sullivich! If you disobey the Senate’s orders, half.”

The torso of the Lancaster bursts as you try to shout! Seeing his body explode as he flew into the sky, he gave a mute look.

Schleivich blew the torso out of Langoste.


thitapel Co-man

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