Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 12

4. The Territory instead of Gold?

The Hoimam nightmare is dead!

This shocked the entire continent beyond the realm. Many kingdoms have sent spies to gather a little more information. Especially in the land of Arubis, where the dragon died, was about to die.

The beings who caused these mythical events do not care much about the aftermath of combat. Dragons and dragons may fight to die, or dragons may fight to die to accidentally summoned beings.

What mattered was the remains. There is no dragon eating. The death of the dragon, if not hunted by something like Rich, was a matter of money rolling in as a kingdom.

Moreover, the kingdom was in an uneasy state. A mysterious evil incarnation began to erupt everywhere.

The fetus of a cursed god, or a vampire riot, or Rich, were adhered to everywhere. How great is the news that Hoimam’s nightmare died!

A Hoimam nightmare.

This dragon may not be able to count all the horrors, but the most famous of them was the Hoimam incident. The Hoimam was a big city called a desert flower. The Black Dragon sat on the Hoimam, destroyed the palace, and slaughtered each and every one of them with a skewer.

It is common in human history to destroy a castle where the monarch who won the war has rebelled to the end. However, torturing and killing each and every one of them has never been in history. After killing and killing thousands of people, no one escaped.

When the caravan finally arrived at Hoimam across the desert, the dragon gladly listened to the last remaining person’s screams and closed his eyes.

The dragon spread this fact to the target people, and sat down in the Hoimam for three hundred years, leaving a message to the target people that anyone who wanted to fight him or to protect the pride of your tribe.

As a result, it became impossible for the target to enter through the desert, and all the gold and silver in the desert that was piled up like a mountain was lost. After all, the kingdom of Arubis lost its influence on the western continent and its Silk Road.

The Merchant Guild, a transnational organization assembled around Norm, has used all its resources, but has been unable to find a way to deal with the dragons. After 12 large expeditions, the Merchant Guild has declared its intention to abandon the Silk Road. After that, Arubis will become a poor country among the poor.

Then, why did the dragon die in the far desert at the foot of the Pyon Mountains in the far east? Who killed the dragon? And the kingdom of Arubis, once again returning to the western continent, will dream of losing again? Many luxurious people spread rumors everywhere.

Not only that, but the story of the man who killed the dragon. Many bard’s breasts were filled with tales of bravery and bravery against dragons.

From the tale of plunging bravely towards the mouth of the dragon and slicing open its belly, it sliced open its belly and tore its heart out. Some even said they smashed the dragon’s skull and ate its bone marrow.

Moreover, people are even more curious about the fact that the warrior claims the rights to the corpse of the Dragon!

Dragon corpses are sold for a tremendous price. The most expensive one is the core. A heart. It contains the magical power of dragons, so it’s worth calling for.

How about scales? Excellent weapons and armor, one by one. Built-in is a great ingredient for magical organs. Meat is excellent for making chimeras. Claws, teeth, eyes, horns, brains, and bone marrow.

And rumors quickly spread that the man who caught the dragon was far from the desolation.

* * *

Dragon blood is cursed. A curse that drives people crazy with greed.

A dragon that has long reigned in terror. The blood that flows corrupts the soldiers’ minds.

Before the cheer ended, the officers dispersed the troops.

The captain sits on the corpse of the dragon, watching the soldiers return to camp. He seemed to be sitting there, because he was completely engulfed in dragon blood.

“By national law, the body of the dragon belongs to the state.”

It was a lie. It was the first thing that came out of the officer’s mouth without a compliment from the entire clan. The captain was able to see the greed flowing through their eyes with ease.

“I hear you’re a knight on an adventure. Honor and glory are all yours. Soon, the king will summon you to his palace and present you with medals and prizes. From what I hear, you’re an old knight on your last training trip. Think about it. No one can buy the corpse of this dragon except the Kingdom.”

The captain grins under the visor, guessing how that rumor got around. The captain wasn’t on a last training trip, he was out in the yard looking for his hometown.

It’s ambiguous to have a home to return to, but all we need now is gold to turn the 3D printer around. It’s not just a name in a country we’re not sure we’ll ever get back to.

The captain didn’t take it too long.

“Bring the proper gold. Until then, I can’t give you a single dragon scale.”

“Hmmm · · · · · · · ·.”

What can you say to a warrior who strikes a dragon by himself?

Someone was lucky enough to kill the dragon, but it was a bold, scale-cutting force that leapt into his mouth, something he couldn’t do with luck. The officer returned without finding his headquarters.

Following the officers was the lady of the Lowfire family. She glances at the captain with a disdainful look.

“I, Angelhair of Lowfire, ask you for damages and immunity.”

She raises a finger to the castle.

“My castle fell because you fought the dragon. Of course you can take responsibility for that, right?”

“If I hadn’t fought the dragon, I would have died first.”

“Yippee-yippee! Are you threatening me? It’s natural for people like you to fight dragons with your identity. As I understand it, you’re a knight, but isn’t it right to fight dragons instead of knights for their own gain? So · · · that’s your wish, right? As a Holy Father, I have the right to my castle and the land. So that I can ask you for relief from a fight that destroyed my land on my own ground.”

Seeing the lowfire mistress trying to teach, the captain pities the captain who was mistreated last night.

“I don’t want to hear that kind of talk. If you want any reward, speak to these dragons and those who cast them, not me. If you bother me with these topics any longer, you will be overwhelmed.”

“Yippee! You’re gonna regret this!”

The captain said strongly because he didn’t want to see this ridiculous woman. Then Lowfire retreats, annoyed. As the woman of the Lowfire disappears, Doram’s group drags her carriage back this time. Luckily, they were in the right state of mind.

“Oh my! Knight! I asked you where you were in the middle of the night and you went alone to catch dragons?!”

As Curly approaches and talks, Shiram rushes forward. Soon you made magic water and wiped away the blood-soaked Captain Washts. Doram looks at the enormous dragon and opens his mouth.

“Hey, I’ll eat this for years!”

“Doram, don’t say anything strange. Come and wipe the knight with this cloth. You must have spent all your energy fighting dragons, so you won’t even be able to move.”

“Shiram, you can’t wipe that blood with a cloth.”

Heindel steps out of the wagon and chants. Then the blood of the dragon that was covering his body was poured out and spread to the ground. Heindell looks at the blood and says,

“The blood of the dragon is cursed. The Blood of the Black Dragon inspires greed to those who smell it. Without the proper blessing, I won’t be able to recover my mind. That’s why the officers there and the women in Lowfire are out of their minds.”

The captain listens to Heindel and asks questions.

“How much is this dragon corpse worth to you? I need gold now to achieve my goal.”

As soon as he heard that, Curly pulled the platform out of the wagon and approached.

“Let me see, Knight. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a dragon to have its entire body. So I don’t know how much this is, but I have to earn more than a million gold, no matter how little I catch. But I don’t know if the kingdom of Arubis can afford that much gold. If you save all your money in the vault now, you can sell it before it rots. By today and tomorrow, people will be coming from the tower. If you wish, I can call the Merchant Guild.”

The captain nods and Shiram chants a spell to make a small paper bird. As Curly grabs something on the bird’s back, it flies to the west. Communication is made to the nearest Merchant Guild branch.

“Knight, if you don’t mind, may I remove this poison? If you leave it like this, greedy people might attack you.”

The captain nods, and Hyndel draws a magic circle around the dragon with his Bible and oil.


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