Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 136

36. World Managers

The captain finally opened the portal with the Karaka staircase in his sights. The maze opens a dimensional passageway. I couldn’t get to Metropolis because of the terrible headache. The captain passes through the portal, pressing the flimsy temples.

The opening of the portal was in the middle of the food market in the Castle of Illuvelas. The merchants were selling ripe seafood and meat with open plates.

People continued their daily lives with reports of two men wearing broken armor. It was common to see men with broken armor in a town full of monsters.

“Portal, that’s pretty powerful.”

“Interesting, a wizard in armor.”

The captain hears the whispers of passing wizards.

The wizards in purple robes and green robes walk away with skewers.

Illuvelas soon became a city of wizards.

Krasus looks up at the sky as he feels a great shadow touch him.

Six giant asteroids were spinning in the sky. They were clean spheres, neatly trimmed one by one, and the biggest one was truly alive, and five smaller spheres were swirling in brilliance. This time it was a new tower.

So, while wizards appear to be traveling through space, it’s quite unusual, and it wasn’t surprising for an adventurer in one armor to be nearly destroyed in front of a mercenary guild.

I sighed pitifully and patted him to death for losing more words in this peaceful atmosphere than the captain.

It’s the first time I’ve fought in a long time and even got my ass cut off.

“Good. The aftermath still hasn’t gone crazy. It must have been a deep cause.”

There seems to be a wide range of nuclear explosions in the world right now that no one can detect.

In fact, in terms of radius, it’s more than 6,500 kilometers. The amplitude of a nuclear explosion deep underground will only take a few minutes to reach here.

It will almost disappear as it passes between Magma.

“Ha! It’s peaceful. Did I shed blue blood for these? ”

The captain left the grumbling Krasus behind and bought all the skewers on the nearest platform. People don’t seem to recognize the captain wearing a crooked helmet of broken armor as their gray-haired king.

“Yes, adventurer! Thank you! Enjoy!

“Stop whining and eat this. ”

The captain handed the sugar-fried fruits to Krasus like a huge bouquet of flowers.

“What is this, Captain? ”

“Let’s see, you fried the fruit and put on some sugar. You supply a lot of sugar in Illuvelas with exhibit supplies. I’m sure you don’t know what this is. You want to ask me why I bought it? ”

“That’s it. Tsk, it’s dirty sweet. ”

Crassus spits but eats the fruit to the end. I ate them all and chewed up the tree. My face started to bleed even if I didn’t say it.

‘You look like a child. The power of sweetness… ”

I felt like I was learning how to train Crassus. That’s when the comms came in.

[Captain, Wartsuit comms are back online. Are you okay?]

“Ah, Tyrant. There’s nothing wrong with orbit or city, right? ”

[Everything is fine. Synchronizing data with WASHUTS AI Frame · · ·. Synchronization complete. Mutual feedback completed with backup device temporarily paralyzed by nuclear explosion. Communicating with the world. We’ll let you know when the communication with Colossus’ main AI is restored. Shall we begin with your repairs?]

“Yes, this stiff fellow doesn’t seem to feel it, but he’s still bleeding from his body. ”

[Yes, sir. I’m sending you a repair drone.]

They sat down to the nearest vacant lot. The captain looked up at the sky, eating a candy fruit with sweets. It was a really blue and cool sky. You see a dot, like that, flying down a repair drone that’s prepped and waiting for you in the tower.

They injected liquefied nanobots as they rotated around the body.

Crassus and Captain Waschuth slowly change to a clean shape as they are repaired.

[Receiving. A quantization data file was received from the world of Jesus.]

“Good, Tyrant. What’s the status?

The captain sticks a sticky skewer next to the tree.

Repair drones have fixed the broken comms equipment and checked the video feed in the visor. The remaining alien troops melted down with the three Frigate Ships, and the Catarian 009 was taking one step at a time to suppress the expansion.

A massive chunk of flesh melts down into the air, struck by a nuclear bomb. But with fusion nuclear weapons, like Gnosis, there was not enough room.

[Fused nuclear weapon is eating away at Catarian 009’s power. It’s not going to grow anymore. Due to the connection of the current data lines, there is ongoing electronic warfare through Tyrant in the atmosphere. The suppression protocol is running smoothly. It also blocked the expansion of energy by intervening in the dynamics of the dimensional core.]

“Yes! It’s worth fighting for! ”

Crassus smiles as he repairs his body after eating candy.

[Fortunately, one Colossus shot down by the contaminated ammunition was not able to calm him down. Colbat, who was warped with Colossus, is stuck in pieces, but we’ll have to work hard to find him.]

“Is the outer core still spinning? Did you detect the dimensional core?”

[Dimensional cores are not particularly detected. The access line has collapsed over time. We won’t be able to find it until we completely neutralize the repressed Catarian 009. There are no problems with situation control.]

“Very well. I will disengage from battle and alert you.” Let AB12 go. ”

[Yes, sir. We will arrive in Illuvelas in approximately 7 minutes.]

The captain and Krasus sat in an intersection café in Illuvelas opposite the clearing during the flight.

Of course, none of them knew that the captain and Krasus were kings and dragons.

This cafe is famous for serving small snacks for urban residents.

It was crowded outside the cafe, but I noticed a lot more people than before. Moreover, wherever you go, there are six asteroids floating on top of your head, surrounded by wizards.

“This poor, ungrateful city has changed a lot. This is the first time I’ve seen so many people come together. I’ve never seen a city this big. ”

No, the city, which had a population of only 20,000, exploded up to close to a million by absorbing slaves from all sides and sucking in all those who were struggling with famine.

In addition to being rich in food and a lot of work, Tyrant was directly in charge of the administration and offered a different level of convenience than some other countries. The sorcerers who saw the flow of iron flowing because the SOC was not rich, and many of them sat down at all because their eyes were wide open.

If Metropolis were the shrine of science, Illuvelas would become the mecca of wizards of the world.

“Krasus. Now might not be the time, but I’m curious. I heard you were the Hoimam’s butcher. Why were you massacred? He said he stuck everyone in a hook and killed them. ”

The captain says nothing, but Krasus gives a reluctant look somewhere.

“It’s a long, boring story. You wouldn’t be interested. Captain.”

“I don’t think I’d know that. ”

Crassus rolls his eyes around, sighing deeply.

“There were those who took a loving human woman from me. I’m a dragon, and a dragon never gives up his stuff. I only retaliated. Merchants across the desert are offended. ”

The captain nods. It was rather embarrassing because it was a very obvious story.

“Can you feel that way about humans? ”

“Emotions? It was not a relationship. Sapphire cared about the kid. I’ll tell you more when I get a chance, but I don’t want to talk about this after the battle. ”

The captain doesn’t ask any more questions, but drinks the tea the waiter gave him.

“Wait, isn’t this coffee? ”

“Yes, sir. It’s time to start serving for free!”

“I don’t like this one! Do you have anything sweet?”

“Yes, sir. Come see our dress tickets.”

The waitress smiled beautifully and returned to her seat. Krasus rises from his seat and follows her.

The captain only realized that the beverage everyone around him drank was coffee. The captain raises his head and sees the symbol of the Sea Elf on the Intersection Tea House.

All around, there were wizards in clean robes, chattering and drinking coffee. Suddenly, Luna, who runs a cafe on the first floor of Metropolis, came to mind.

“It feels like a documentary about the early 21st century. ”

The captain mutters.

If it was a suit and not a robe, it would look like a cafe in front of the company.

One Belu and Tyrant adopted a central bureaucracy system as they constructed a new tower. It was designed to be part of the central magical department of the municipality of Illuvelas so that all controls would be centrally obtained. Good pay for good SOC. Coffee. Could there be a better place to stay for the wizards of this world’s elite corporations?

“Great! I love it! By the way, are there any more of those damn monsters, Captain? I really wanted to borrow a cat’s hand.”

Krasus went and bought a calorie bomb drink with a huge cream on it.

I handed him a handful of Doubloons and the cashier didn’t know what to do. But how can you face the dragon’s gaze?

The cashier pulls his money out of his pocket and puts the gold in his pocket.

Of course, the value of gold coins had fallen, and in Illuvelas it was using a central currency instead of gold coins, which was the introduction of the first central bank in Alphazeta.

Of course, Krasus didn’t have any kind of money, so he was still buying drinks for less than a mountain of gold. The waiter sighed and shoved a gold coin in his pocket.

However, the sugar-bombed beverage full of chocolate and cream looked incredibly sweet.

“I think it would be useful to have everyone here well prepared. Hmm. I asked him if there were many of them. Crassus. Yeah. Alien Mind is a creature that manifests itself in Stage 10 Biological Contamination.”

“How many steps does that dog take?”

The captain says griefully.

“There are 30 steps to being confirmed.”


“There must have been a colony destroyed without an answer.”

“Damn it.”

The captain didn’t say anything more. Crassus also shook his sugar drink silently.


The wind blows out of the window frame and the window shakes. There was an AB12 flying in the air, and there were wizard escorts floating around on magic disks. It was the shape of an incoming airplane that I had never seen before.

[Captain, we’re here.]


As the captain walks out, the disk wizards bow down as they land.

“Greetings, Captain, the one and only king of the great ruler of Illuvelas!”

While everyone around me stares in horror. The captain nods, taking pride.

“That’s a lot of work. We have to go. Keep up the good work.”

The AB12 on board the captain and Krasus flew at a rapid rate and dropped the captain and Krasus off at an excavating facility on the plains west of Illuvelas.

At the command facility, the captain saw the Catarian 009, still trapped in the nuclear blast with a giant screen.

Surrounded by three Colossus class escorts, they were suppressing the alien mind by launching anti-alien wavelengths.

“What is the estimated time to complete the suppression and release the situation? ”

[It will take approximately 3 hours. We are currently looking for a dimensional core.]

Simple destruction may be quicker, but it takes time to keep it alive and contained.

The captain nods and manipulates the screen to show the group on the video.

“Samir, Khan. And knights, everyone, well done. I will give you a reasonable reward for your hard work. ”

“It’s an honor! Your Majesty! ”

Samir, Khan, and the knights are synchronizing with the escort ship on the screen.

They were prostrating, not in the real world, but in the virtual world through imaginary avatars. They had not stopped synchronizing for electronic warfare contamination.

Of course, even Tyrant in the atmosphere has joined the electronic warfare, so the status of the Catarian 009 was no longer a serious problem.

And during that time, the captain let them rest alternately.

Many facilities were well equipped in a 3,000-ton escort ship and well-equipped for relaxation.

They sweated at the Nanocell Bath Facility, ate in the officers’ restaurant, and kept in synchronization against electronic warfare.

The Earth Alliance ship was very light. This was because the metal itself was different.

For example, the 3,000-ton Corvette Colossus is over 200 meters long, so if it were made of ordinary metal, it would weigh approximately 9,000 tons.

However, the use of very rare and special equipment such as plasma metals has allowed it to remain much lighter, and also has excellent protection against alien contamination.

Krasus and the captain board the Big Bear and head back to Ziger. Now that I know the way, Big Bear runs for about four hours straight.

When the captain reaches the vicinity of Proslogion again, the Alien Mind has grown very small, and neither has the Catarians 009 caused much commotion, whether it has stopped rebelling.

The electronic warfare system ran from all sides and paralyzed the Catarian’s system, immediately taking complete control of her main frame.

Soon after the suppression is complete, the fusion nuclear attack stops at the right time.

A huge main frame was floating alone in a hot magma, with three frigates floating around it, illuminating a suppression light on the front.

Soon the captain and Krasus reach the main frame, opening and entering a single, giant building.

“Tyrant, what’s your system status? ”

[It’s like annihilation. But there’s a very small chance that he’s still alive.]

“Not a lot of Iquarium resin, but in this case, we must use it. ”

When the captain opened the main frame machine, a large AI brain mimicking the human brain appeared.

Not only was it severely worn out, but the area that had fallen from the wreckage seemed to be frozen solid with the brains of Black Elves or other monsters.

The captain gazes at the figure silently for a moment, slowly reaching out and injecting the Iquarium resin, and slowly starting to light up the machine.

Immediately, Tyrant’s voice is heard.

[I hope this works.]

But the captain didn’t answer.


thitapel Co-man

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