Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 149

41. World Rejuvenation of the Demon King 4

Two days have passed since Colossus 1, 2 and 3 imprisoned the political leaders of all kingdoms as they moved around the world.

Few of them were strategically worthy of Ike. The captain has sent most of his men south to join the Sanctuary.

Important leaders in the capital returned to their hometowns and joined the temple army in the Holy Land.

Is this really how China felt during the Chinese Chinese Chinese New Year?

Or were Roman civilizations like this after the sudden collapse of the Germanic regime?

All of the central capitals of the country were taken over, and people could not even enter the capital because of the huge energy fields surrounding the capital.

Since Gil was the only energy field passageway opened by the municipality of Illuvelas, no one could enter the city.

Every city was equipped with energy producing glass and rescued from starvation and orphans throughout the city.

All the capitals of 24 countries have become one city-state, with unaffected socialites flocking to the capital, even if rulers change around them.

Much more people flocked to the big city during the enclosure movement than when the rich seized farmers’ land and turned it into a place to raise sheep.

Colossus and Colbat sailed over it, guarding many of the city’s routes.

“Horsemen! Bandits! ”


Even now, the man carrying the child on the road to the far march screams.

People scream and scatter in all directions. White dust rises from beyond the hills.

A horde of arrogant bandits swoops in on horseback. The field troops who had lost their central supply routes were literally bandits trying to slaughter people heading for the capital as a reason of killing Rebels.

“This is Colbat 44. 52231. We have a group of hostiles. Permission to fire one shot of DPICM. ”

[Confirmed. Fire at will.]


Kuku Kuku Kung!

Lightning strikes the slopes of Colbat.

DPICM was a high-explosive device that was retrofitted for dual purposes and was the ratio of nano ammunition to excavate both humans and chariots. Some of the hordes were magically protected, but they couldn’t withstand the coal piercing even the gloves.

After the pouring of tungsten coal, which crushed about five playing fields, the hordes of runners were scattered to their sides, unable to find any trace.

[Rest assured, keep walking. This road is protected by the municipal army. Travel to a safe city.]

When the horse is finished, the Black Colbat flies through the sky.

“Oh, my God!”

The flight’s proximity acceleration has psychologically atrophied the people below.

But the idea that the intrepid ion engine exhaust is protecting them is enough to keep them going.

“Sean! You okay? ”

Colbat needed at least four operators.

Although AI could have operated alone, four included electronic warfare defense and Colbat operations, as well as emergency personnel for physical and electronic crisis response.

However, the captain immediately ordered a select group of elite agents to be temporarily deployed in Colbat because the level of electronic warfare alarms was low.

Not long ago, Sean was a young man who worked at the Inn Stable.

After his recruitment, he quickly adapted to the academic community by demonstrating his talents. However, my hands were shaking less as I was never used to the bombing myself.

“Killed people with flying golems. · · ”

The boy shuddered and trembled. Lin, who was sitting in the back seat, said.

“I had no choice. Look at that. That’s a horde, right? If we leave it alone, the civilians will die. All right, keep working on that weapon! ”

Sean nods at Lynn’s comfort.

“The overall stress index is still pattern green. You are currently eligible for combat progress and are unlikely to experience PTSD. ”

Francesco reported.

Francesco, who was in charge of their psychiatric treatment, carefully examined Colbat flying across the planet and the brainwaves of the people on Colbat.

“It’s a big burden being ordered to kill on your first mission, but you’re adapting well because of the huge cultural differences. Not on Earth, Captain. ”

It was universal on Earth to be treated as an unforgivable sin.

But there was no such concept in this world. People die easily.

Not to mention the wild animals and the monsters and the bandits.

Even the Inn Stable Boy thought he would kill someday.

In fact, people who were covered in blood often came to hand over animals to the stable.

“Mental health care is important in times of crisis. Take care, Francesco. ”

“I understand, Captain. I will.”

When people from all over the world gathered in large cities, each metropolitan city put them into expansion projects at a rapid rate.

Not many people were reluctant to offer food, work, and money.

In addition, most of the drones that were repairing the Tyrant in space were deployed, and they went a little farther and pulled all the asteroids off the surface and dropped them on the surface.

I dug the ground when I didn’t have time to build buildings on the ground. Having a ventilator and dehumidifier in a deep cave made it a decent place for people to live.

Twenty-four capitals across the continent became the largest new hive to be born.

The skyscraper was built at a very high rate.

Nanogram technology creates solid frames and hardens liquefied metals and plastics in solid frames, making buildings thick and sturdy.

If the population didn’t suddenly explode to a million, like Illuvelas, most cities were able to quickly build a habitable district by laying nanograms on top of buildings that had already been built.

Problem was, it was a huge bio plant built in each of these cities.

To create reinforced soldiers, the ‘new flesh’ factory, which prepares to banish death, suffered from chronic raw material shortages.

“It’s always marvelous to see a city built. ”

[Yes, sir.]

The captain is looking down at the continent in the Tyrant Suite. In each city, the sky was filled with traces of air coming from ion engines.

Because it was difficult to mass-produce Colbat for aliens to meet the requirements of the Earth Federation, it produced massive airspace fighters that downgraded their technology levels.

And those fighters were flying around the planet’s atmosphere, guarding a group of refugees.

“At the same time, there’s a lot of hatred for him. ”

An enormous number of troops were gathered in the Southern Holy Land in real time.

High officials who fled the empire, and those who lost their capital. Although many did not settle down in their mainland, the movement to reclaim the capital arose like wildfire.

In particular, the temples of each continent converged at the center.

“Zenorim still doesn’t know we have information about Ur, does he? ”

[Lastly, the gelnorim was put into hibernation before completely shutting down Arden’s life activities. We are under strict suppression because there may be something that needs to be expressed only by death. By the way, Captain, we have something new to report.]

As Tyrant flips the floor screen, the gate that summons the monster appears.

Drones are trying to get inside the gate, but no machine can get inside, whether it’s just a gate that passes through life.

[We have tested some magical measures and have succeeded in restarting the portal, but there is no way in. It has a decomposition site that prevents you from entering anything except life. You have to get a code key, but I don’t know where to find it.]

“The code that Genorim gave us might not be the answer. We should be able to take control of 00’s facility to make all these monsters. Maybe that’s where the Zenolim told us. ”

[Why would they call us into that place?]

Gelnorim taught me about the context of the soul before it disappeared.

Why did he teach us that there was a place where we could scrape the souls of everyone who died on this star and turn them into giant energy?

“Probably trying to loosen his nose without touching it. Wonder what the mercenaries are thinking now. ”

* * *

The kings of the Holy Land gathered together to hold a meeting. It was a final resolution organization in the Holy Land called the Council of Congress called Conclavesto.

The Holy Nation generally opens Conclavesto when it needs troops to acknowledge miracles or defeat demons.

“This is unacceptable! Not only have countless people lost their homes, but they’re being held captive like slaves! ”

“That’s not all! According to our trust, death will be taken from us! ”

“No, what does that mean? You mean the Demon King is turning everyone into a death squad? An army of commandos has taken over every capital city? ”

“This is all true. ”

The priestess of Gelnorim in a golden robe clasps her fists and provokes fury.

And the priests in green robes following the whirniades were relatively quiet.

The kings of the other gods were all talking loudly about their position.

Some insisted that we should rescue small countries close to the empire, and some insisted that we should invade Illuvelas.

Shortly after the meeting began, the priestess in pink robes stood up and said,

“We priests of the Yridian will be absent from this discussion. You do the retaliation. The goddess also declared neutrality in this matter. ”

“No · · · · · · · · · We haven’t worked together in the process of dealing with many demons. Why are you so interested in punishing the Evil Demon King? ”

“I am a humble servant of the goddess. I have nothing to do but convey his will. ”

After speaking so far at the Teachers’ meeting, there was no one to urge me to stay.

The priestess of Iriya bows her head and disappears. And an old druid from the Green Robe’s Druid Cultism following the Whitenide said as well.

“There are many problems, but the goddess values the forest more. If you have no way, come in at any time under the protection of the forest. The Goddess said that the owners of the land are responsible for the problems of the city. ”

Along with that, the servants of Wurmenaide also left. In addition, many people left for a number of reasons.

The rest are Zenolam, who oversees trade, Midnight Blue, who oversees life and death, and Seperate, who oversees the magical batteries.

And it was only Leymah who was in charge of the struggle.

The remaining kings were slightly embarrassed.

Of course, I thought everyone would take part in the battle with the Demon King, but it was clear there was a discrepancy between the gods.

For some reason, he was reluctant to fight him. But their god did not command them to stop.

“Do not be deceived by the foolishness of those who are locked up in their own small world and do not see great things. ”

Ironically, the king of Seperate who blindfolded himself nodded, wearing a robe full of eyes in the words of the king of Genorim.

“The battlefield is watching all of this. And he said it was a crime to stop the Demon King. I have to finish the job. ”

“The God of Death has commanded. We do not tolerate immortality. All the undead must be destroyed. Appropriate and healthy deaths must be returned to all. ”

Sitting in his seat with his mask and sickle like a black envoy, he was wearing a robe glowing in the dark blue light between the night and dawn. A blue light appears between the collars.

“Fighting is always ours. After the struggle, there will be strength. ”

The monarch who looked like a draw wore a large necklace made of jail, wearing a tunic with muscle tone arms.

As soon as they settled, the work proceeded in full swing.

“Let us proclaim the temple and have the ritual of summoning the apostles, even though not all of us participated. I will summon all the warriors to join this temple. ”

“We’ll do the same. ”

They asked for a ritual to summon the apostle. Warriors on the continent were originally entrusted with the role of cutting the root of evil while traveling the world.

A group of warriors who were trying to recognize and destroy the Captain for the first time were also among them.

These warriors were champion candidates, who built for years, gained achievements and honor and became champions of the dragons by receiving the trust.

The churches knew that the “ascendant” warriors who became champions fought against the evil forces that rocked the universe by the dragon’s side.

In just a few days, the kings of the churches gathered in the great temple.

The kings sat in a circular corridor at the top of the temple that looked dull, made of granite.

Down below, tens of thousands were gathering to concentrate intense rituals, and the priests themselves used a force called Divine Power.

As they all gathered, the majestic crystal that stretched straight down the circular corridor shook and emitted a white aura to the left and right.

“The door opens. ”

The crystal begins to crack, and as it breaks apart, a door is made of crystals.

A giant man walks out the door. It was a powerful avatar, over 5 meters in size. His existence grew huge silver ether wings behind his shoulder-length pizza.

“Ah! It’s been a long time since I came down to the mainframe. ”

He grins.

He was Arden.


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