Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 167

48. Blood Strom (2)


Crumpled space with no sound, no smell.

However, there is no better place to clearly divide the intensity of life and death. And now this universe that Krasus is looking at is full of death.

“Captain! I’ll be right out! ”

Crassus cries out in a low voice. His frightening eyes were anchored to the corpses of dragons floating in the dark universe, without even a single speck of starlight.

“Calm down, Krasus. Situation comes first. Safety lockout mode cannot be turned off. ”

“Captain! Those are my people!” Let me see the body! ”

The first of his kind to see a dead body!

Krasus glances at the captain with his furious eyes.

The captain, however, shakes his head decisively.

“Krasus, I am the captain of this ship. I promise I’ll let you see it when it’s safe. So stay calm.”


“Stop! Wait for the order! ”

The captain’s cold, powerful tone gives Krasus a flicker.

“Damn it!”

His forehead was full of blood, but he dared not challenge the captain’s authority on the Captain’s destroyer. Instead, Krasus reaches closer to the screen of the bridge, calming his wounded pride.

The corpses of the dragons, reflected by Vesta’s front light, were miserable. As if something was digging and protruding from within, the body was torn from the inside like a crown.

My whole body was drained of blood a long time ago. The pale, white corpses were flowing like an asteroid belt. One, two, three, too many dragon corpses piled up to reach the light, like elephant graves that had been used as cemeteries for many years.

“Operator, identify and report damage. What’s the status of the cover-up?”

“Normal categories of stealth and invisible mode operation. ”

Reports of AGIs were spilled. The academic groups were learning by watching AGI’s operations next door.

“Construction Hall clear. You are operating within normal categories. No specifics found for time alignment and synchronization. ”

Engine damage! Power leak in progress. Powa Khan is treating an emergency right now. ”

“Three Zero-Gravity Particle Accelerators are in a quantum particle collision in a warp out state. Spatial distortion occurred during muon and tau particle formation. We’re taking care of it. We’ve got a gravitational field malfunction from Sector 45 to Sector 56. Three heavy boxes have been reported due to gravitational distortions. ”

“Each side of the Force Field Generator has been severely damaged by Jamming, but it is treatable! ”

“Captain! The pyramid core has been damaged by a rapid warp out that repeated an initial short-term warp. Ultra Ranged Warp is no longer possible! ”

Each department received damage reports, but most of them were internal and external. But the last report was a distressing report.

At this rate, I was trapped in a supernova for 1.3 billion light years. From here to Alphazeta, it was several times further away than that. If the pyramid warp core is damaged, you will never be able to return to Alphazeta.

[Good thing you’re prepared. Captain.]


The captain nods briefly. The pyramid core is broken.

The result of repeated short-term warps to avoid being jammed in the warp out state is that the product of magic science has not yet been optimized.

But fortunately, we anticipated this would happen. Maybe it was a new technology.

Fortunately, Tyrant has a plan to warp the area indefinitely until the captain of the pyramid core returns from Alpha Zeta.

“I hope the jamming point isn’t out of place during the warp. ”

[Warp multiple space coordinates within a 9-light-year range from the target. We will warp you with unlimited protocol until we return.]

“Glad to hear it. ”

The captain stands up and gives the order.

“Locate the rendezvous point of warp core transport. What is this place? What’s the distance from the perch? ”

“Target: 800 trillion kilometers from Neo Augsburg, Neo Supply Port. ”

“Maintain a type I boundary position. First aid, quick! We are in an uncharted jamming zone. Vesta’s safety is a top priority in all matters. What is the status of the scanning equipment? ”

While the operator performs a brief inspection of the scanning equipment, Krasus bows his head to the captain’s eyes, muttering and staring at the wall.

The captain knew that this dragon was secretly narrow, so he thought he should quietly tell the cooking machine to prepare the sweetened fruit.

Then the operator hears the report.

“Scanning equipment, check complete. All Green.”

[Captain, we are concerned that the scanning equipment will allow the enemy to spot our position.]

Tyrant’s proposal was valid.

“Identify the jerming categories and fire decoys and detectors in four directions. I will use the trailing rail to retrieve the dragon’s corpse and inspect it. ”

“Launch the decoy device! ”

“Rail connection! ”

As the destroyer Vesta’s drone launcher opens, a small manned probe launches. A device that picks up information as it moves ahead of Vesta.

In addition, a thick rail was secretly fired from Vesta and dragged the dragon corpse into Vesta.

“We reversed the Jamming category of Neo Augsburg. It’s closing in on us. ”

“I’ll stand back and analyze the dragon’s corpse. Krasus!”

The captain summons you, and Krasus is surprised.

“You sent for me, Captain? ”

“Follow me. Let’s go see the dragon corpse. ”

“Tsk. If I go, I go. ”

But as the captain went down without listening to Krasus, Krasus followed after Captain Klaustregele.

The school troops smiled behind their backs, looking at the filthy dragon.

“A dragon. In this hunting dog colony? I can’t believe it. Are you sure you’re one of your own, Krasus? ”

The captain desperately wanted an alien species that had evolved naturally somewhere. My head aches.

“Obviously, they look just like the ones I lost when I was a kid! ”

“Thank you, that’s a very convincing answer. ”

The two continue on their way to the large hangar.

The interior hangar is large enough for a few escorts to enter. An army of frozen brainwashing mercenaries was ready for the job.

A large trailer for moving parts from a battleship carries the remains of a dragon.

The white frozen corpse reached four stories high and was wrapped in several layers of seals.

In the hallway on the fourth floor of the hangar overlooking the floor, the captain looks down at the corpse of the dragon with Krasus.

“My people! My people! Look, Captain! This is Silver! ”

The captain grips his arm as Krasus makes his way forward.

The right-hand man of the great dragon is held by the steel-handed captain in a wowsuit. Krasus grunts and stops looking at the corpse of the dragon, trying to get rid of the captain.

[Warning. Stand down. Alien contamination signal detected inside the somatic system. It looks like the aliens used dragons as hatchery hosts. Decontaminating.]

“What do you mean, Captain? The Hatching Host?”

[Enemies with difficulty controlling proteins should be physically contaminated. It’s one of their weapons. Contaminated Ammo. It feeds on its host and spawns heavily armed alien enemies.]

“What? Aliens? This far away? ”

Krasus looks down at the dragon corpse and says, A golden, neatly shining scale completely dies, giving off a pale blue glow.

“Shoot the egg you thought was valuable. Well, that was a clean shot to the abdomen. But you wouldn’t have felt it for long. ”

“Damn it!”

Krasus remembers a time when he once carried a precious alien egg in front of the captain. I rolled my feet in shame. The captain looks down at the body and says,

“Tyrant. Going up to two battle stations on the first frontier. ”

[I’ll alert the crew. Detects alien contamination in your territory. This ship deploys in two combat positions and enters combat standby. Check all weapons and defenses. This is a practice.]

Hearing Tyrant’s broadcast, the captain went down and grabbed hold of the bustling AGI and two underground gangsters acting as assistants.

“We need more data. Did you analyze the radioactive isotope of the dragon’s cells? When was this guy? ”

“Your Majesty. According to the chart, it is within 5 to 6 days. ”

“· · · Is superco-isotope calculation correct? Did you check?”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

The reactions from the academy would have been calculated using the normal universe.

It was a simple manipulation of equipment and calculation that led to a small miss.

The five to six days he said were the time of the Universe. Because there was no dark matter in the initial cavity, the half-life of the radioactive element was unbelievably fast compared to other universes.

“Recalculate. ”

Knock on the chart properly, he said.

“It’s been about three days. ”

“Three days. Real close. ”

The captain has lost his voice.

“What? So your supply port is under attack?” Then let’s get in there! ”

Crassus is constantly going back and forth to say he can meet his people. The captain strokes his flimsy temples for a moment and says:

“After 100,000 years, the aliens are attacking Neo Augsburg? It’s overly authoritative. I have no doubt that someone’s intentions are behind this. ”

[Yes, sir. Someone might know that the Captain is headed to Neo Augsburg and be ahead.]

“Who would have imagined us coming here? The surface of the alfazeta cannot project its power because of the ancient treaty by the Yridians. Does that mean the Pantheon or Floraju’s headquarters are at war here? ”

[Obviously, they were ahead of us in warp technology. If it comes out of the Great Crystal, it’s practically zero to them, no matter where they come out of space.]

“Blood Strom! ”

Crassus slaps his palm.

“Oh, yes! This is Bloodstrom, the dragon-flooming battlefield! Finally, me too!”

He shakes his shoulders with a big smile. And he shouted with a cheerful face.

“I’ve finally flown to the battlefield as a dragon! Thank you, Captain! Here, I will tear and tear the enemies of the Temple to shreds! ”

The captain sighs. I never understood his violent behavior before.

But it was even weirder that he was not violent if he was born with a machine gun.

“The aliens of the Pantheon must have taken all the antimatter hearts in the process of contaminating Floraju’s dragons. ”

The captain examined the heart calmly without responding to Krasus.

[Captain, I’m picking up hostile signals. An estimated fleet of dragons has been detected in the 14,000 range of streets with an alien small search party and 17,000 categories! Leaving us in the center, they’re coming in from the left and right!]

“Any sign of our presence? ”

[They’re aiming at each other.]

“Pretend it’s cloaked and out of sight. ”

The captain turns his eyes to the screen for a sudden report from Tyrant.

The antiproton radar, which measures quantum radiation occurring at very long distances and detects the enemy, has left the virtual map floating in space. One was the “horde” of dragons blazing with powerful magical power, and the other was Kraken, an alien fleet battleship that was afraid to even dream of it.

[Kraken detected! You have joined the battle with the dragons! Ultra Ranged Attack Exchange!]

“Captain! Repair complete! ”

Po opens the screen wide and says.

The captain nodded to Po. And before Krasus could say anything, he held his arm firmly and spoke.

“We’ll cover up and see how the enemy fights. Plunder the winning side. Don’t worry, Crassus. Your time will come. ”

Krasus applauds and cheers.

A beam of light flashes across the screen, touching Vesta to illuminate the dark void.


thitapel Co-man

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