Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 172

51. Queceracera (1)

Blah, blah!

It was unrealistic to see a planet 2,000 kilometers in diameter speeding into Neo Augsburg in space.

The giant cyan star slowly breaks apart as it approaches Neo Augsburg.

The rain of blood has set Neo Augsburg’s force field ablaze. The film of a massive flame unfolded, as transcendent as the surrounding solar flares on an asteroid.

“Khan, I’m getting nauseous. ”

“ · · · ”

Samir seeks consent from Khan, but Khan is silent and blindfolded. I wanted to believe that all of this was unreal. But apart from their feelings and thoughts, it was a fact that the blood of the planet burns in the far reaches of the Force Field.

I could smell the blood from the sight. The original universe was a place that did not smell or sound. However, the body of a burning star has an explosion so strong that it smells of blood that its main character rumbles.

The awakened operators reacted shortly after.

“The force field output of Neo Augsburg is less than fully melted with a mass weapon! ”

“Force field output continues to decrease! ”

“The defensive end of Neo Augsburg! Fifteen seconds to target! ”

A force field was originally a device that breaks down molecules with specific electromagnetic waves. If the planets of the Pantheon were filled with giant creatures, it would be a recognition that they would melt as they were.

However, the blazing flames and blazing electromagnetic storms could not have set the entire planet ablaze for a truly cosmic catastrophe.

“The planets of the Pantheon are accelerating! ”

“Dragon army, gather all your strength to attack the planet Manchun! ”

The dragons have diverted all their attention to the planet and are unleashing massive Breasts and attacks on it. However, the planet took all of its attacks lightly and did not resist.

Rather, the more they burst into the hands of the dragon, the faster the infection becomes.

The wreckage of the star falls from all sides, striking magnificently with the force field. The blue membrane vibrates and the red flame spreads everywhere. Tyrant drops the barrier on the spark and how intense the frenzy was.

[Block visible light.]

“I’ll contaminate the planet and eat it. Where did the non-aliens learn to do that? ”

The captain said coldly. There was only one calm person on this bridge, and that was the captain. Even Pona Francesco was embarrassed and looked at the screen, while the captain coldly analyzed the enemy’s level of contamination. Soon the captain opened his mouth.

“Somehow the Pantheon can only be used at Kraken level. Most alien concepts are still tied to black holes. ”

The captain said.

“That level of contamination can also be controlled by an alien jamming device. An anti-canzler inside Neo Augsburg should be enough to keep out the contamination. If the problem is, whether the candlestick is functioning properly. So we drop into Augsburg at this rate and enter the internal occupation. Come on. Full speed ahead. ”

As soon as the captain’s orders were completed, a sheep giant exploded like blood and spilled over the fortress. An enormous burst of blood and flesh points pivot catches everyone’s eye. It seemed to have enormous sounds and smells.

[That’s why they call him the Blood Monarch. It’s disgusting.]

“Yes · ·”

The majestic bowels of the mountain ranges lie down over the fortress, and the dark-colored bowels twist firmly against the thrusters to block the ignition of the ion engines.

Thousands of kilometers of flesh settled on the surface of Neo Augsburg’s fortress. Fibonacci rises wherever it falls, and the red tide sweeps through the fort’s surface.

The uncovered place became a sea of blood, and nothing had been revealed of the hidden points beneath the phased universe yet.

“Defensive Endpoints Reached! Pollution Alarm!”

“A massive alien pollution alert has been issued! ”

“Anti-alien wavelengths. Detected. Neo Augsburg is preventing pollution. ”

“Captain! Shields are down! It’s not broken, Neo Augsburg has turned it off! ”

Then Tyrant said,

[Captain, we finally got a call from Neo Augsburg. You have requested a communication.]

“You’ve lowered your shields and established communication? ”

Soon, the screen gradually changed, and I remembered a video. The woman on the screen had long blonde hair like the princess of Rapunzel. He was even tipping over the key and filling the floor. Her beautiful sapphire eyes were impressive, and she was dressed in a plump white uniform.

She omits all her greetings and says:


“Excuse me?”

I thought for a moment that she was talking about the situation, but she said differently.

“If you want to prove you’re a real human being, send your blood data mining right away. ”

[Captain, are you sure you’re okay?]

“That’s a tough one for a first greeting. Get the beaker first. ”

The captain bit his right thumb and bled. And Tyrant puts that red blood in the beaker and sends it through the data.

In the screen, the woman took out the blood made of data and stuck it on her finger and sucked it into her mouth.

There was a strong color in that scene. Tyrant is appalled and says,

[You just put the blood into the analyzer and that’s it. Why would he do such a desirable thing? · ·]

The seething Tyrant smiles brightly on the screen as the AI smiles. After tasting the blood, he looked lively. He licked his finger a few more times and smiled and said.

“Yes, just as I remember it. Not at all different. Human Effectiveness Directorate (HED). The scent of the black box is still sweet. Ha · ·”

She takes a deep breath and blushes her cheeks.

“Finally! Long awaited fruits! What do you think? Is it still dangerous out there? I’ve been taking care of the system by myself for a long time, waiting for orders. looking at this long head, hoping someone would come and visit. At last, Prince Charming, you’ve been seduced by this blonde head and brought to the opening of this hunting dog! ”

It was an ominous tone and attitude somewhere. His eyes were slightly blurred and trembling, and he was floating white because he held his joyful hands tightly. The collar of the white officer’s uniform was also trembling.

The captain decisively hung up.

“It’s a long story. AI. I am Captain Tyrant of Earth’s Confederate Starfleet. It’s been a while, but it should match the genetic information on the database, right? I urgently request the phage and self-destruct of the contaminated area. And I ask for your personal information. ”

On one side of the screen, thousands of kilometers of flesh were pouring down, burning, crumbling, sprinkling blood and pollution.

The dragons flew into a blood-laden sea, and the writhing octopus monsters were digging through the dragon’s eyes and ears as they roamed through the bloodshed. I really didn’t want to talk to the bloody AI in the middle of a miserable battlefield. AI licks his fingers again, smiling brightly.

“Perhaps you are as bold and gaudy as I have waited for you to be? Please come to me. I’ll open the beacon. Please come inside me. Don’t worry about the pollution. I know my body. ”

A subtle spotlight shines through space. A nanogram passageway opens. Francesco whispers next to you.

“This is not a normal response pattern. I encourage you to be prepared. ”

Francesco’s blue eyes are filled with worries. The mental collapse of AI implies he is jealous.

The captain nods.

“Full speed ahead. ”


Vesta slides quickly toward the passageway, as the captain instructs. In the meantime, Vesta lands a series of nuclear weapons around her, blocking the dragon and the Pantheon monsters from approaching her.


Several Kraken Hams stand in the way of Vesta. The massive chunks of flesh deliberately fall around the orbit to stop Vesta from settling. But in front of Vesta’s Gravity case, dragons, flesh, and crankens, it was torn like a signpost.

Even in the midst of such a chaotic situation, AI’s words, “what about his hair,” continued ever since. Francesco reported something more.

“In the worst case, you may have to go through the center to take control of the main frame. ”

“Is Iquarium resin well prepared? ”

“I predicted it would be enough in Neo Augsburg, but why not use it on yourself? In any case, a typical Therapy machine has enough for a one-off treatment.”

Francesco looks at the remnants and says,


Vesta falters momentarily with a nearby nuclear weapon. The captain squeezes the chair tightly.

“What about the dangers of electronic warfare, Tyrant? ”

[There is currently an ongoing low level of electronic warfare attack against this ship. But the surrounding explosion disrupted the signal output, so there’s very little electronic warfare damage.]

“That’s a good story. What about the electronic warfare between Neo Augsburg and the aliens? ”

In the screen, blood rises in space like a storm and stirs, but the sides of the massive Manchun Temple have crystal-like eyes tightly embedded to create electromagnetic frenzy. Sapphire electricity has been plugged into the surface of Neo Augsburg and is constantly trying to hack it.

[Contaminant has come into contact with external organs. Contaminants and ammunition in place. Initiating electronic warfare against Neo Augsburg. But the difference in frame output doesn’t seem to be caused by electronic warfare. But we can’t be certain that all of our subordinate controls are intact.]

“At worst, you have to break through and take control. ”

[Failure to respond to requests for self-destruct in contaminated areas may have already caused the central frame to lose control of each department of the facility. It’s a supermassive fortress for tens of thousands of kilometers. I wonder what technology was used but · · ·.]

“I’ve been waiting for the prince in a faraway universe. I said.”

The captain looks up at the vast universe.

“Humanity has abandoned this fortress. Why?”

Immediately approaching Neo Augsburg’s black phase space, the door to the still occupied space opens wide to allow Vesta to enter. The entire shape of Neo Augsburg was an enormous old cosmic fortress beyond comprehension.

In the middle, there was a massive cancellation of sucking in planets and harvesting them. A planet surrounded by clouds as thick as Venus was anchored to cancellation, and thousands of kilometers of mechanical devices were piercing it with giant saws and shafts.

Also, the inlet was hanging on every side, so it looked like the squid had cut down one star and swallowed its food.

Obviously, I saw that he was lightly sucking one of the stars, and the overwhelming mass of the Pantheon seemed to be just throwing one more food.

“Reminds me of an alien from the World Eater class. ”

[You said you look like an enemy, but you look like one of these.]

I remembered a monster that swallows planetary units. We did everything we could to stop them from entering the solar system, but many colonies around the outer space have been devoured. The great fortress that walks through the cosmos was somehow shaped like its worst enemy.

[Gate opens.]

At last, the wall of the great fortress glistens with light and cracks open gently.

The world you see inside was a blue planet. The landmark was a green land full of dense plants, with endless production facilities spread out under the sky. Creatures born on this earth would have lived their whole lives looking up at the giant weapons that were assembled in the sky.

“This, a planet. A living planet. ”

A production line scraping the top of a dense blue forest hangs upside down on the ceiling. The various parts of the battleship, along with the container belt on the ceiling, were continually being made and sent back somewhere.

Thousands of kilometers of production lines were unfolding endlessly, and the birds and animals living in the forest were chattering as if they were familiar with the sound of giant machines spinning.

“A long time ago, there was a lifelike factory running in here · ·”

[You have discovered a long-range warp channel in an internal facility. It appears that an unowned production facility is still gathering resources from outer space and warping military supplies throughout space.]

“Let’s go deeper. ”


thitapel Co-man

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