Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 186

56. Victory parade

“Oh, my God. Hey, guys! Look at that! ”

“Oh, my God, is my eye wrong? What the hell is that? ”

There were countless people screaming like this all over the world.

Who wouldn’t react like this?

A star appeared in the sky that was fine.

That was not at all as small as a regular star. A huge, vast planet made of new steel was floating over a part of the sky.

“Oh, my God. ”

A young man carrying fresh shrimp from the market entrance covered his mouth with salty hands.

I could not care less how salty it was, and there was a huge view all over the sky.

Is that it? From the woman in the veil, everyone stopped doing what they were doing, and left the house, standing in the street and couldn’t sail without seeing the planet in the sky.

“Mom! I’m scared! ”

The children ran away to their homes, chattering and scared.

A child slammed into the priest and went into the house. The priests who did not care about the child just touched shouted loudly.

“A sign of the heavens! The Great One is coming! Yes! He came to save us from the Evil Demon King! You will know! That the Demon King had destroyed the temple and that he was a godless sheep! Now that the Knights of Heaven have come to save us, the Demon King’s reign is over! Rejoice! Rejoice! ”

The priest standing on a wooden chest shouted where he got it.

It’s been a long time since the priest’s uniform was cleaned, but one of the voices was heard. Not only that, the priests who lived quietly under the Emperor’s rule flocked everywhere.

As they shouted loudly, the noisy market floor calmed down.

Fear was inevitably inexplicable, and the explanation was plausible among all explanations.

When people are around listening to the stories of priests. Wheeled drones have flown in from somewhere.

“Warning! You have violated the ban on faith. Go home immediately. Any further outbursts will be subject to punishment. ”

“Hahahaha! Fools! Behold the heavens! The great heavenly beings are here to judge this evil world! Worship the Dragon God!”

But for some reason, the wheeled drones didn’t catch them.

While they shout loudly, the wheeled drone silently looks at them and says in a distinctive machine sound.

“You are hereby charged with violating Article 151 of the code of the Emperor’s Decree No. 3. However, His Majesty knew in advance that people like you would experience this chaos and opened the way to life in advance through the imperial decree number 14. The Emperor will ask you again if you have changed your mind after the Victory Ceremony. At that time, if you do not repent publicly here, you will be conscripted. But today is your lucky day, so go home. ”

The priests applauded and laughed loudly.

“Hahaha! Are you sorry? What are you talking about? The world is completely different now! As it is written in our Scripture, that star must be the one the dragons ride! The Dragon Knights are coming! ”

“Wait, Schnauzer. Listen, the whole parade. I’m not saying there’s still a territory where the emperor is fighting. · · ”

“Failure to comply with warnings and return home after being stunned. Acting in accordance with Article 1 of the Code No. 3. File an appeal with the Imperial Court through the document. ”


A small coin flew over the heads of the priests who were saying something. Immediately, the electricity flows and they faint as they call to their bodies.


The priests roar from the wooden chest because they fainted standing. Drones fly away, capturing every priest and taking him home.

Big data on where people lived, what they did, and what areas they were ordered to serve were all controlled by the Central Office.

“That’s ridiculous. They have no idea of the value of information. You have no idea that the emperor already holds information about all the things he breathes, moves, thinks, buys and works. Resisting like that is not going to do it. ”

A woman in the dark, wearing a secret robe, mutters.

Whatever was in the sky now, all the resistance organizations were greatly excited.

Especially among the members of the Old Holy Nation, the priests shouted aloud that it was a knight of the heavens.

Just what she saw today, more than fifteen polarists went home after being stunned.

“More than ten times today, I’ve heard that not only the 21st Hive, but all of the surrounding areas, Sister. ”

“The drone said he would do something publicly remorseful. I can’t even imagine. I never thought I’d miss the time I dug down a dungeon and sold horses. It was a shitty day that I never wanted to go back to. It’s a hundred times more living in the sky than it is floating. ”

“Of course, Sister. By the way, the emperor has a legendary event. What is it? The Emperor’s tradition means that there is no place in the world where the emperor does not rule. I heard all those deep islands went into the Hive under occupation. ”

“Maybe they wiped out the underworld. You know, it hasn’t worked for a while. Those underground demons who love their souls won’t even show up if they sacrifice theirs. Did the Emperor go down to the ground and kill them all? That’s why they don’t even trade in marble these days. ”

These were bandits dealing in booty and stone.

In fact, if they wanted to catch them, they could have taken them all down, but Tyrant was tolerating them because deceiving them as if they were free rather than sinning excessively.

“I can’t believe it. Those fiendish demons and dark elves. ”

As they were chatting like that, the floating winds of communication began to erupt.

Communication Balloon ‘Luciton’ (LUCITON) was the Empire’s propaganda tool, a communication balloon that floated throughout the sky at a certain interval.

It was about bringing the radio around the world, sometimes the nanogram footage, tomorrow’s weather, tax fluctuations, whatever it was, to the world.

As they gave a subtle light up and down and both sides, light came out in three directions. Then the Bangle Bangle began to spin.

“Sister, look. That flower is blooming! ”

A faint rainbow wing was drawn around the balloon and beautiful music flowed from it.

The audience was a song dedicated to the emperor that was made to be unforgettable.

This music has spread all over the planet.

Suddenly, those who stared at the sky realized that the emperor had something to say and gathered together to look at the communication balloon position.

“It’s the Emperor’s music. He’s planning a ceremony. ”

At the end of the sentence, nanogram images started shooting all over the world.

The position activated the Corona system in each person’s eyes, and began sending images directly to the pupils. Beautiful women and middle-aged anchors appeared on the screen.

Magnet, who specialized in propaganda. Magnet opens his mouth first. It was still a heavy and trusting voice.

“Greetings, Your Holiness. Today, I have great news for all the faithful. His Majesty has won the Great War of Heaven. ”

Along with that, the female anchor succeeded.

“Your Majesty fought alongside an army of heavenly bodies to rid the Demon King of evil. As you can see, Silver Dragon Monarch of the Knights of Order has pledged his head and loyalty to you. ”

In the video, the captain is wearing a crown with a blue cloak around his waist and a giant Silver Dragon Monarch bowing his head.

Many people took a deep breath without speaking.

The Celestial Monarch was the object of the statue.

“Behold, the Emperor strikes and slays the Devil with his dragon. ”

On Earth, it was like the Four Thousand Kings of Buddhism bowed their heads.

Of course, in this age of much more religious people did not want to be frightened.

We keep getting footage of the captain riding a dragon and burning a Kraken with a doll!

“Dearly beloved, Gather by 9: 00 a.m. tomorrow in the main hall of each Hive you live in. The Emperor will hold a memorial for the Victory. You have won the heavenly war.

The king who defeated the evil family that was aiming for this planet received the everlasting oath of obedience and loyalty from the Knights of Order, the heavenly beings. Corona, that’s it. But I’ll keep you posted on the details. ”

Once opened, a position is meant to last more than a day. People used to do things assigned to them, like listen to the radio.

If no one was working, they could go to the Central Office and work like this.

The world of basic capitalism has already arrived where basic food is available to everyone, but if you want to eat better, or if you want to have better things, you can work like this and buy and sell.

“Are you planning a large-scale parade? ”

Francesco takes the back of the captain and looks down at Alpha Zeta and asks.

“I hope so.”

The captain replied by wielding a pen and signing the document.

The Emperor’s residence was spectacular. In the infinitely large room, the entire giant wall became a screen illuminating the alfazeta.

Sitting at the desk of the Oval Office, the captain looks down at the Alpha Zeta on the screen.

Screens showed the location of the 24 Hives of the Alpha Zeta, following the captain’s gaze, and provided charts on population numbers and productivity (CP), respectively.

There were still those who had not joined the rest of the world.

“We will have a massive parade at every hive to make the most of all the resources available. Many will join the military. We need to recharge the planet’s empty space as a Matryoshka brain. ”

It was as he said.

Starting the next morning, Lucien played music that made his heart beat.

People gathered alone, hoping something would happen.

In every city, every man stands in his assigned position, and through it marches an army of great emperors.

Everyone was a gigantic machine that looked ridiculous to me.

The same procession proceeded in all cities, 24 hives.

Of course, the real one was only Hive 1, and the rest was a perfect replica of the shape with nanograms.

“Oh, my God! I’ve never seen such magnificent golems! ”

“Aigoo, don’t push me!”

The wizards pushed themselves to the front no matter what.

Small gnomes scrape the scrum and hold the front. After that, there are swift elves.

Trolls crouch, avoiding those who knock their backs because of their huge height.


Bang, bang! Bang!

Just the sound of combat androids and dragons walking echoes through the sky.

As they shout loudly according to their old age, a blaring sound makes their backs flutter.

“Overwhelming power. · · ·”

Surrendered and conquered kings tremble. I allowed a group to live as a family, but I shuddered in front of a power gap that I couldn’t resist in any way.

“Ouch! Such big weapons! ”

However, other than a handful of noble families, ordinary citizens were immersed in frenzy.

Heavy Armored Chariots and Missiles Walking Over Indicators. One by one, they saw wheels ten times larger than themselves and swallowed them.

As the music gradually increased and the drum beat roughly, people joyfully sprinkled cheer, applause and flowers.

Then came the moment when everyone was choking.

The Emperor marches on Krasus’ neck!

“Your Majesty!! ”

“Your Majesty!! He is riding on the Dragon’s Head!! ”

“Waaaahhhhhh!! ”

For a moment, applause and cheer were poured out like an unbearable waterfall when everyone swallowed their breath for the first time in their lives.

Krasus strides with majesty on his four legs, and the mighty mercenaries march to and fro around him.

It was truly magnificent that the limbs of their thick reinforcement uniforms fit together.

Drones were scattering flowers in the sky, and the majesty of the march made the whole planet quake.

“There’s more! More dragons! ”

“Oh! The Knights of Heaven! ”

“No way!! ”

“Whoa!! ”

People knew this was a mythical tribute.

The heavenly beings are watching the knights march on their necks.

At one time, the priests who had foretold the coming of Yongsin sighed for a long time, and some returned home to see no more.

However, they rushed to watch the dragons pass by, spreading flowers.

Each one of their necks sat at the White Knights, either tolerated or returned from the dead.

“We were victorious. My faithful!”

The Emperor’s voice was blaring.

Everything he said resounded throughout the mountains and books, in addition to the 24 Hive worldwide. He showed me the video.

The terrifying Kraken monster swallows the city of sand. He pauses the image and sticks out his finger to point to the monster.

“These are your enemies! Hunger to swallow up the whole universe. The most sinister of all monsters, and the mother of evil. I pronounce these slaughtered in front of the faithful throughout the universe! All faithful! Join the army! Defeat the evils of the entire universe! The armies of heaven have sworn allegiance to me. And I have brought that star as my plunder! ”

When the captain’s finger points up at the sky, people look up and see the Steel Star, which has been completely forgotten about its existence.

The silver dragons roared in time.

New planets overhead, dragons in the sky below. The people’s minds were completely abnormal because of the pressures inflicted on them everywhere.

“Star Monarch! Emperor!”

“Your Majesty!”

As soon as someone started clapping, cheers and applause started pouring in.

And after a while, a giant head came into the crowd. The hair has been decontaminated by Slovinians and Aliens.

The captain drove them into a giant pond.

It is lifted up and plugged into the spire installed on each hive.

“We will conduct the Temple to the whole universe. Believers, I will destroy all the evil false gods that died for you and tried to destroy this world, and all those that are so wide open to swallow you up. Follow me!”

Ooh, ooh!

With tremendous cheer, golden coins poured from the sky and the wind blew.

“The beginning of the Temple! Death to false gods! ”

“Death to false gods! ”

The captain has publicly declared his intention to deal with all the gods of the Manchuria and all the dragons.

The warmth of war has escalated throughout the planet.


thitapel Co-man

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