Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 188

57. Loyalty of Dragons (2)

From Barbarians to sophisticated noblewomen.

The matchmaking room was filled with all kinds of smells from all kinds of people.

The beautiful lady was wearing a perfume on her body to avoid the mumbling of the Bavarian.

“Line up with the lowly · · · How did I end up like this? Aah!”

She shrugs and holds her fiancée in line with her.

In front of them, the two little gnomes draw their matchlocks towards the Orcs about to cut through.

And the matchstick is on fire!

“Get out! You Orc bastard! ”

“The gnomes don’t take advantage! ”

But at that moment, a laser flew in and cut the burnt matchstick clean. The matchline was full of oil, but the fire had already vanished.

“There! Stop! ”

Fortunately, the guards rushed in, but the two of them were forced into forced captivity in exchange for what just happened.

“Are you ignoring me because my gnome is small! Golem!”

“Shut up! Taking weapons out of the Chamber is a forced conscription! ”

The two gnomes shout at the whale while being taken to the android. The Orc suddenly shrugs its forehead in shock at the Matchlock.

“So are you. Follow me!”

“Excuse me?”

Orcs tug at the tendons in their forearms due to the oppressive demands of the android. Soon, however, the muscles of the arm were grabbed by the neck, dragged out and thrown out.

However, they are not recruited enough to miss. I don’t know if I’m lucky.

“Observe the law. ”

The Android alerts people by mechanical voice and returns to its seat. The shy Orc sighs and heads to another duel room 500 meters from here.

This is the immigration office.

Border, for example.

In fact, there is no longer a border in this world, so it would be far-fetched but correct to call it the restraining place of civilization that divides the world of cities and wildlife.

People flocked from outside the Hive toward the immigration center, and again and again, they were still flocking.

The Hive was protected by a long, 30-meter wall.

Above it was an invisible electromagnetic storm, and those who tried to safely cross the wall fell like chickens.

Living outside the Hive, it was a moment of madness because of monsters spilling from the sky and suicide codes.

Fortunately, I have arranged a bus for a hundred and fifty people to ride in the entire hive and have driven them around the area.

There is still a large bus in front of the immigration administration office, leaving a group of a hundred people who do not fit together and disappeared.

“It stings, it stings. ”

As you line up like that and pass through the immigration office, an android stands on top of the equipment.

Next to it is a large MRI in the form of a passageway. When anyone passes through it, the machine scans the entire body, immediately generates data such as disease and mana levels, and puts it in the back of the hand as a chipset.

I can feel the sting, so people are groaning! It was a way to make me scream.

“What is this? ”

“From now on, everything you do is recorded on the central computer. Under no circumstances should you engage in criminal activity. Beyond a penalty of 30 points will result in a forced acquisition. Check that the punctuation mark is posted throughout the city. Next!”

The android has mechanically cracked and kicked him out.

While the chip in the back of the hand stores a number of information and tracks its location, it is not able to make Internet transactions.

It will take the people here a little longer to adapt to such transactions.

“Well, I buy everything from the outside. Get your stuff out.”

“What? This is my entire fortune! I think I can easily hand over the Stable I dug out of the dungeon! ”

“Put up the sword, not just the stone. If you look at the table here, you can see that resistance is punishable by 15 points. ”

The young prosecutor frowns, but puts his pouch and weapon on the sharp eye of the Elven Wizard standing next to him.

She has a secret to silence people with one glance. However, it was clear that the secret did not work for Android.

“Hey, sir. We have a contract to supply this item to the Adventurer Guild. Could you call the Adventurer Guild’s Representative? ”

“Such an organization or organization is not authorized to be founded. ”

This was how sweet her voice sounded (it was like she was going to fall out of honey.), because I saw the Android reject the dagger.

The young man chuckled.

“Oh my God, Ryunah. Your seductive voice doesn’t work. It’s gone, right?”

“· · · Tall! ”

She glances at him again.

And the sound of the android’s voice is heard in a timely manner, and he snaps to his senses.

“Remove all items. There are no exceptions.”

The young man’s eyes were dazzled, so he took all the travel items out of his arms.

A potion bottle in time, a bunch of crumpled magic books, poisoned arrows, a shattered dagger, and a family jewel.

Ryona took a bunch of stuff out of the magic box, and a pile of leather spilled out.

“Hehe, we’ve been in the dungeon for a while. The whole world has changed since coming out · · ·. Are you sure the Adventurer Guild is gone? ”

Androids didn’t respond to her, but only what I said.

“There are only two items you can own. We buy all the clothes. Buy new clothes. ”

“Yes?! This outfit is one cold-breeze robe! ”

The android looks at her and says,

“Better things are stacked inside. Do not waste time, trade quickly or select as proprietary. Go ahead and pick two. ”

Toll sold everything because it was much better to touch gold at first. She chooses only Robes and Staffs.

Androids then hand over the money.

“Oh, my God. Tal, it’s platinum! Gold coins are much more expensive than our goods · ·. Why would I give you this? ”

“I don’t know what’s going to happen. ”

“I told you not to say I don’t know! ”

They argued and went further.

There is an android that gives you a job assignment when you go a little further. It combines the information from the opponent through MRI examination to find the most suitable public job.

Here, the woman who was spraying perfume fell down as a second.

“No, you want me to work? I’m a nobleman! I’ve been away for a long time on outings, but as the Earl’s daughter, I can’t do ‘dirty’ work. Please contact my father immediately. I heard you’re in town! ”

“Calm down, Miss Scylla. I’ll tell you what. I’ll scold you as a knight. ”

“Ah, you are my dangerous wolf. I’ll leave you to it.”

Androids who saw these two ugly performances said.

“I’ll make arrangements for both of you to join the theater group. ”

“What · · · What ·! ”

“How can you use a girl for a cheap clown’s play! ”

The android gazes quietly at the two faces. Statistics that were able to see inside were rotating at a rapid rate just by looking at his face.

“You really don’t think so at all. You have no intention of treating her as a lady or protecting her.

At first, I brought her here because the world had changed too much, and I missed the time to go home, and I came here on horseback to shield her.

to come late on purpose to make her father less anxious. You’ve come a long way with dangers, haven’t you? He didn’t get on the bus on purpose. ”

“Don’t insult him! ”

But her expression was pale and her hands trembled.

Even though he denied it with his mouth, he knew in his heart that he was not a trustworthy man.

“And Lady, I don’t know if I can say anything about you. ”

She once again pales her face, and soon wrinkles her head.

“Send us to the extreme · · ·. ”

“No, Lady Scylla! What’s this supposed to mean? What about the father who’s waiting for you. ”

“She’s an actress, not a nobleman. You know, you’re an actor pretending to use a sword. We tried to scam each other, but now that this is happening, I hope you’ll work with a good relationship. ”

“Me, I’m a real knight. Though honored, he was knighted by the late Earl. ”

“Okay, next. Take the map. ”

The two of them walk a few steps away from each other, not even seeing each other’s faces.

He’ll probably start a big fight as soon as he gets out there.

* * *

[Captain, how much do you think it costs to train each of these people?]

The captain touches the document in the Oval Office and receives a sudden question from Tyrant.

The captain was showing two couples quarrelling in the footage and two adventurers trying to swap items with each other.

“I saw the report. They say there’s enough CP in there to build about three destroyers.”

[Yes, sir. It would be a waste to offer them this many educational programs. Wouldn’t it be better to make propaganda tools out of simple ideologies and use them as war tools?]

The captain sighs deeply.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, Tyrant. Go start somewhere. Even if you think it’s a loss, it’s not a loss. ”

[Captain, I’m worried. Maybe they caught your ankle.]

As the captain knew Tyrant’s mind, he finally put down the signed documents and spoke calmly.

“Tyrant, it’s hard to get people’s minds, and I think what we’re doing right now can feel like pouring water into a bottomless poison. Why do I have to pay all that money to feed, dress, educate all those people? ”

[Captain · · · Of course we confiscated their entire property, so it’s not all your pay, but it’s my opinion.]

“I want to teach them and make them selectable. Will they stand as flames to illuminate the darkness of the universe, or will they be grazed and eaten like beasts? Of course, I just want to lead them to the existence of the former. ”

Krasus walks through the door while the captain speaks with Tyrant.

I just got off the phone with Francesco. He was chewing the Bandit’s Skewers away from where he got them on his way.

“I don’t know what kind of meat it is, but it looks like you made one for me, Captain. ”

“Yes, the meat is Basilisk butt flesh. It’s hard for people to chew, but it looks like it fits your teeth. ”

“Khhh-heh-heh. ”

A few moments later, Crassus suddenly says.

“Captain, I’d like to take Sylvester around the planet and build a ball.” I want to take those who don’t listen to me on a harsh mission. ”

“Those who don’t listen? Why do you want to take them? ”

“I want to show you the massive construction on this star, and show you what they’re trying to protect. Will you allow me?”

The captain thought for a moment and said,

“I have commissioned an army of brave men for you, so you’re on your own. You don’t need my permission. But are you here to talk about something a little more important? ”

“Yes, I want to go to the underworld. I want to make sure the rest of the alien scum there and those who won’t listen feel the shock of seeing the back world of the Great Crystal. ”

Floraj left the alien brainstorming growing underneath the planet at the beginning.

I had no way to resolve the contamination and lived quietly underground, so I didn’t try to stop it on purpose.

So, using the power of the Great Crystal, a civilization was created that was different from the Great Crystal, a very strange demonic civilization.

The captain gives it some thought and says:

Perhaps Krasus wanted to show the other dragons the strange civilization and teach them that there was a world other than the original Florajes world.

“Very well. I will allow you to descend into the world of Jersey. However, instead of going this time, find out which way you abducted the people and if you can, figure it out and come back. and meet new zero-zero nines in the underworld who are doing expansion work. ”

“Oh, you’ve already created the Spirit? I’m curious. I’ll go. ”

“Yes, I do. ”

I almost felt so stressed after I had thrown the fiercely unruly dragons into the same space.

The captain turns again to look at the screen, and the screen shows you what a world full of magma looks like.

There was still a giant world of bubbles sleeping in Magma, and in the world Krasus would take the dragons down, the Catholic Nine, who became the ruler of the underworld instead of the tower of screams, looked after them.

“I hope there’s nothing wrong. But where in the world did those demons take so many people? Hopefully the passageway won’t be breached. The people of this world don’t have the strength to fight the aliens yet. ”


thitapel Co-man

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