Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 204

65. Dynamo Drive (3)


Together, they were at the edge of swords and magic in their world.

If one adventurer adopts himself to the eye of God, and trains himself and joins the forces of dragons, they will qualify for a dimensional staircase called ŋ.

And on this staircase, they go to many wars as champions of the dragons, and the conflict between the dragons and the Pantheon is at the forefront.

Honor and power!

And for eternal life.

And killing corrupt people for their ambitions was also one of their proud duties.

Torius, the champion striker, bites a pipe cigarette with his mouth. White smoke rises around his body, composed of black shadows.

Not long after I teleported, I felt my whole body crushed by the energy around me in a flash.

And at the same time, I lost my mind to attack.

Torius stands on a metal plate that looks like a statue, wrapped around a massive thunderbolt and stares at the Warhammer-ridden champion and captain.

He wrapped himself in the lightning of the mythical Zeus sheep.

“Minister · · · ·. Dr. Backto, is that something we can deal with? ”

Torius talks to Baekto, telepathically. However, the telepathy was not connected.

I can’t stand the sight of my men.

In the end, Torius had no choice but to say exactly what he had said to the rebellious champion.

“Champion, you have forgotten your solemn duty. Our champion Stronghold has been summoned by the Dragon King to punish your arrogance. So die a champion here. ”

The captain does not hesitate, but observes their strange approach calmly.

[Melee warp inside Forsfield. We haven’t penetrated the interior of the ship under the Construction Officer’s protection, but the streets alone are a threat.]

I’m sure you did. These Black Dragon Warriors, with their Magic Aids, appeared directly to the Captain as a kind of assassin, a terrorist.

[You’ve teleported to the Captain. I need to know if the Captain is standing on my body or if he can be tracked anywhere like this.]

As the captain listens to Tyrant’s report, Torius interprets his silence differently.

“What a pity. Look at the great mercy and grace of the dragon he has given you. All these fortresses have earned you honor and glory in that little world of yours. But that arrogance has finally become your bracelet.

With the glory you have stolen from the mercenaries, your fortress will be the everlasting punishment for your freedom. ”

The captain was interested because it was somewhat theatrical.

“I see. Then why are you just talking? ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

It was a taunt not to attack.

However, Torius hesitates without answering. They feel the aura of tremendous power blooming around the captain.

After all, they are all warriors who transcend the crisis of inversion, reaching the realm of myth.

The force that cuts through life and the conflict of forces is something they are used to. And dealing with a giant monster was as natural as feeding them.

But Tyrant’s giant, which they’re treading on, is powered by a kinetic engine condensed with micro-black holes, and the ripples dig through their bodies through the distortion of the gravitational field.

Woong Woong

Every time a micro-black hole in the middle of a kinetic engine resonates, its entire body vibrates. Those who were sensitive to power felt the tremor of their overwhelming power with their whole body.

After all, those senses prevented them from rushing to the captain.

“Yes? Why? He wants to bring your justice to me. Don’t you need something to wear on your waist, not your horse? ”

Anxiety spreads from one another, as usual, over the creature. A huge beast crouches quietly and breathes.

This beast is middle-aged with gray hair.

I have a small smile, but I always feel that my destiny is over when that smile ends.

Deep, grand breaths, not just normal breaths. The sensation that the moment of their breath twitches is the moment of their death flows among these skilled warriors.

At the same time, the captain was feeling a strange sense of discipline, looking at these warriors. After all, they are descendants of a lost civilization.

Some of them look like Humans, and some of them look like freaks.

Some were twisted, whether it was genetic engineering, magic, or the expression of other forces.

What kind of time loops do you think they’ll be standing in front of the captain like this? The captain was very curious about this.

“Curious. I’ve never woken up from a small planet on the other side and seen ‘greats’ like you. I had to spend a lot of time restoring the legacy I lost in the early stars. ”

There was no champion who understood the captain’s bitter smile.

“What are you fighting for? What are you just watching the human soul get mortgaged for? Is there anything you can tell me that’s cool? I wonder if your warrior sense includes silence. ”

The captain has fought many battlefields, but he has not repeated any more battles based on Ditto or Magical Mysteries like these.

The captain has fought and won on the basis of an electron brain that carefully analyzes the correlation between the big data that Tyrant’s superintelligence provides and their data.

The alien invasion is the furthest thing from Blade Street. The captain’s use of melee tactical weapons was based solely on practicalism, not on Fig.

Torius shouts loudly at the thought that if he listens to the captain any longer, he may lose all morale.

“You are under no obligation to answer. From now on, we will capture them. We will put our public values into action as planned. We’re thirty.He won’t get away with this. ”

The champions took out their own books. There were gems symbolizing the gods they were serving, and each gem burned with intense magical power and took over the area.

The captain also took out the champion’s book. The book explained what they were doing.

Select the Great Crystal and enter the required Public Crystal. There are 14,000 available Officials for the current Champion.

“Tsk, tsk.”

The captain has his tongue. I had to pour an enormous amount of civic value to get rid of the monarch Slovinzian.

Can we stop the seals?

“I’ll put it all in.”

Public Validation input confirmed. However, there is more input from the opponent. The area is sealed and the Great Crystal’s plane will not open.

A letter appeared in the book of champions, and then the champions rose in color.

“That’s it! You did it! Now that I’ve blocked Plain, I’ll make sure he doesn’t have his powers. Catch him!”

The giant portal, snarling behind the captain, closes with a violent reaction. As resources spilled through the corridor, the activities of the busy drones stopped as well.

“Disable them all at once! Forward! Show me the power of Stronghold! ”

Warriors line up and charge with their shields and swords. After that, the magical spears flew in the sky.

A portion of the armor plate protrudes out to block the spilling spear.

A magical spear of poison and curse melts the gloves, causing a chaotic smell of melting metal to erupt.

And this time, the archers standing at the rear of the line raise their bows and aim for the captain. In a flash, the armor plate surface of a state-of-the-art battleship turned into a battlefield. Captain says.

“You’ve blocked your way out. ”

At the same time, their priests and wizards cast all sorts of protection spells.

Teams of thirty disappeared from sight, while various enchantments, including strength, agility, and intelligence, enhanced them.


The warrior on the front line was a full-bodied metal warrior, and the space trembled as he launched Warcry with his heavy shield.

Champions surrounded by protective magic and war cries turned out to be worthy of the delegation of God’s army.

Aura rises all over them, and a flash of light envelops them. A fierce force crashes into the space above Tyrant’s deck.

[Oh, my God, what the hell are you doing on top of me?]

Tyrant is annoyed.

“Tyrant. Wounded and inverted, spin gravity control at full speed.”

Tyrant has risen sharply, as the captain ordered. The red fog spreads in all directions. At the same time, Tyrant reverses gravity, spinning multiple wheels in the atmosphere.


The fog and atmospheric pressure surrounding Tyrant drift away at incredible speeds. A vacuum wave created a space.

As the atmosphere disappeared, some champions frowned and tightly clasped onto the floor.

Tyrant turns and tries to blow up the champions.

“Make a loop out of the remaining materials. I will defeat the enemy. ”

The captain steps forward, leaving Magneta in the air.

The reinforcement suit was firmly connected to Tyrant.

The captain draws a plasma pistol and shoots both feet like the protagonist of the Western Theatre.



The furthest hillers and wizards have fallen victim to the bullet.

As champions, the body was protected by divine power, so it was not pierced by a single blow to the glabella and the neck, but both of them fell forward, vomiting blood. Then, in an instant, gravity swept away.

“Hoho, is this about bare-body plasma pistols? ”

It was a pre-emptive strike with no idea what kind of weapon the captain had.

“Stop him!”

The champions surround the fallen and summon the summoner to block the captain’s attack with their bodies.

The captain fires a few more shots at the pistol, confirming that it cannot penetrate the body of the steel summoner they summoned, then fires a few shots at the running warrior and dodges the enemy attack.


The warrior of steel hurdles forward and wields his weapon, a halberd wrapped in a black flame.

The spark swings and knocks the captain down, but the captain turns away lightly and pulls a neutron grenade and smashes it in the face of the champion.

“Forsfield max. ”


We couldn’t avoid the neutron rounds. In the blink of an eye, a neutron bullet explodes in front of your face, blowing half your warrior’s face off.

As the underdog warrior champion falls back, the other warrior takes his place.

And as the healers cast a spell on the torn champion, the wizards relentlessly cast curses and interruptions to catch the captain’s feet.

In fact, it’s been a long time since the Psychic Plate has been able to spin fiercely, bouncing off the magic spilled out of it.

[Assault Boat, Support.]



The archer screams. A sudden assault ship fell from the sky, taking down the champion who stood in front of the captain.

The champion did not break his back in a heartbeat, but soon became a mop for Big Bear’s electromagnetic wave attack from inside the assault ship.

[Captain, the android squad is attacking.]

With Tyrant’s voice, an assault ship drops like this from everywhere. The champions quickly dodged.

Big Bear and the android pour down from the assault ship.

“I’m gonna blow it up!”

As the archer fires his bow, a magical arrow flies and swallows the Assault Boat and the Fenrill squadron that jumped from within.

The magic arrow leads them there and blows them away. It was not an explosion or a force that destroyed it, but an arrow that banished it far away with magical power.


However, when one of the assault ships flew away, the captain snatched Halberd from the warrior who had blown his head off.

Then he swung Halberd behind him and slaughtered the seedlings of the spearer.

The captain did not miss the man who was about to step back to be healed of the crushed Seed death, but burned him to a black number.

While the giant alien flamethrowers were burning wounded spearmen, the captain swung in Halberd relentlessly and killed several ranged attackers.

The captain’s strength was unparalleled, even in the chaos of chaos.

And when I saw that, I thought of Torius’ face, who had led the group and tracked the captain with a teleportation.

“Ooh, we can’t do this alone. That’s not a champion! ”

The captain dislodges the enemy’s solid display, then orders him to step back at the shovel.

“CIWS system engaged. Get rid of all the flies on Tyrant. You can dispose of any android in the line of fire. ”

[Remove Tyrant Force Field Shield. Initiate CIWS fire on the armor plate immediately.]

The walls surrounding Tyrant were removed, and the surrounding interceptor CIWS system, BFG Corvettes, shot thousands of bullets in an instant.

Not one, not two, but hundreds of CIWS systems were storms of steel bullets firing hundreds of thousands of rounds per second, giving the impression that an overwhelming mass created a steel wall that filled the void.

“I’ll stop you! ”

Among the champions, the wizard came to the front and chanted the magic of controlling metal.

The metal that was poured out towards them became a gentle liquid in an instant. But just because the metal became water, the mass and pressure did not go anywhere.

The wizard endured for a long time and prevented all of his attacks, but he couldn’t stand it until the end. He vomited blood and staggered.

At that moment, a harpooning android sprints forward and tackles the warriors.

The wizard falls straight down and knocks his back into the glove board, finally spilling CIWS bullets and turning the androids and champions into meat.

“That’s not how I was supposed to block my escape. ”

The captain mutters, regretting that he couldn’t save their brains. Tyrant reported as soon as he thought so.

[Captain, the mountains are moving across the horizon. There were magnitudes.]

The captain looks up and sees Tyrant’s report, and there are massive monsters walking towards him.

The captain coughs his tongue as he sees the fog coming to the knees of four-legged beasts.

“You’ve got these guys pushed back and stalled. I stopped them from doing it. ”

The captain opened up the Karaka staircase again and extracted various materials from within the dimension.

“Hurry up with the construction. Initiate attack to prevent the giant from approaching. We must take the planet hostage as soon as possible. ”


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