Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 44

10. The power of science is in preparation 3

Aris Ranka, head of the Northern District of the Imperial Intelligence Service, has been deeply thirsty for information. I looked around, but there was no one to help him.

He was surrounded by wizards who shoved his head into a square magic box. It was a helmet that Empire Intelligence bragged about.

It was a facility that magically intercepted what was happening on the ground, remotely manipulated if necessary, and showed empire intelligence’s unmatched power, including large-scale cloaking and psychological manipulation.

But I’m thirsty for information. It was even worse than when the Holy War with the Holy Nation used to disrupt information with a large sacred spell. Beyond magical surveillance, wizards who use detection spells in close proximity to them are dying from something they don’t know where.

As soon as the Enemy Melee Detection Magic Tool rings, the headache explodes. Even in the way that books or other magical creatures are cast, information is not being communicated.

The wizards who used to play the family had a breakdown after their family died, and they were suffering in the room.

‘There’s no way that information could be so tightly blocked in this rural territory! ’

The noisy reports of information have already been closed for hours. Ranka chews her lips tight. The Imperial Court is demanding a report. At the latest, when the commander of the guard arrived tomorrow, a report had to be made on the desk.

Severus opened the report and if it says “unknown” or “information loss” in the first chapter, we cannot afford a backstorm. Only a few hours left!

“From the day after Qingqing, you can’t get a single word out? I will report on the advance against Illuvelas Castle. Have a team of epic agents ready for use in the Northern Region, infiltrate Castle Illuvelas for one! As an officer or as an officer, kidnap and gather intel! ”

Why has Illuvelas become a veiled place? It was a high-altitude unmanned interceptor that Tyrant placed in the stratosphere.

It was hard to imagine that there was such a thing as avoiding the ultra long range intercept in the stratosphere. This was Tyrant’s plan when he saw the magic equipment evade the long range sniper a few times.

When the Magic Bell rings, the head immediately flies. If a creature that behaves differently than a normal colony creature is detected, shoot it. A high-altitude drone scanned the area for precision, and an unregistered wizard used magic toward Illuvelas to shoot it down instantly.

A group of people wearing masks was hiding in the forest in plain sight of Illuvelas Castle. Imperial Intelligence agents have decided to enter the assault.

They leave the forest and look around. I took the magical equipment out of my arms and investigated the risks.

“No followers. ”

“Good. Intruder. Detection initiated by magic. ”

“Initiating transparency. ”

“Break through the underground canal as planned and join the 010 area. Let’s go!”

They took out two kinds of potions from their arms. The red potion is the potion that protects them from magic detection, and the transparent potion is the potion that makes them transparent. Then their bodies disappeared as if they were melting into the air.

It’s daylight, but no one will find them when they take the transparency potion. Climb up the wall around the front door. Looking down, it is a market where many people are actively doing business.

There were food stalls full of steam, cloth and all sorts of stuff.

“Gosh, the top prediction is that if you put 20,000 people in one place, there’s nothing strange about eating human beings because of the famine, but the market is so lively? That meat, is it not human meat? ”

“That’s not all. Children’s bones are clean. They seem to be eating well, and there are no dirty clothes. ”

“Maybe · · · · they’re all devil’s makeup, right? ”

I’ve heard of it It’s the story of a magical monster called Mimic. One of the best jobs for intelligence agencies is to search the dungeon and clear out the treasure.

It was always emphasized to those intelligence agents that they should never be deceived by Mimic. A small box, a monster pretending to be a box, aims for our lives.

It was a horrific story. The largest observed form of dog was also the plains. If it could be a plain, why wouldn’t it be a castle? It was a pretty serious story to hear.

“Hmmm · · · That’s definitely convincing, take the officer captive to the interrogation room. Then it could be anything. ”

The agents start to scatter around the walls in two classes. The castle used to have soldiers’ quarters near the walls, and the most luxurious of the dogs was the rest room of the officers for shift work.

Shortly after, the intelligence services found the officer’s rest room. There were many beds and boxes. Everyone is out of work and asleep in just a few million seats.

While sleeping, I admire not taking off my helmet and armor. I thought I was a paralytic, but the magic detector didn’t react at all, and I was sure I heard snoring.

The commander nods. Three of your men took out a large sack of sleeping officers.


“I’ll go first! ”

They cover the officer with a sack and use the return scroll. After the light that had covered their bodies disappeared, I could see the surroundings. Inside a huge stone quarry on the coast.

A giant hole is drilled into a giant sea cliff, layered like the crease of a small old man. The sound of the waves echoes through the cave.

Deep inside the cave is an Imperial intelligence vessel. The intelligence vessels responsible for the northern region were huge. It was quite a magnificent cave, big and heavy enough to fill the cave.

The Imperial Intelligence Interrogation Room, which is a terrifying presence for every nation in the world, is installed inside. They were regarded as having the keys to any prisoner’s mouth in advance with drugs, torture, and magical brainwashing.

I wonder if the symbol of this interrogation ship is the key. There are key-shaped Insignias everywhere.

Officers and intelligence officers reveal themselves in a rusted iron chamber with dried blood. Intelligence officials fasten the chairs with chains.

The ceiling is lined with all sorts of torture tools, but it’s very clean, so it’s a slow day. Above the ceiling is a thick chain of bars that you can see down. Ranka looks down over the interrogation room and says,

“You don’t know what it is. I’ll start with the right hand. ”

Two big men walk out from the inside. Torture can only be tolerated if you have strong strength. Humans appear to be a hybrid of Orcs and Ogres. One of them, especially one with green skin, grabbed his axe and struck the officer’s right hand with all his might.


The blood should be spitting, but the forearm is torn off and the electricity is fried. At that moment, Ranka shouted.

“Soldiers? You idiots! ”

“Oh, my God. He was definitely snoring! ”

“The magic detector didn’t work! ”

It’s a machine, so the magic detector doesn’t work, and the snoring sound was recorded, of course. As they shudder, Tyrant’s voice is heard.

[Teleport scroll travels at least half the continent.]

“Hoho. How do mercenaries work? Were they female spirits? Interesting, he was a spirit! ”

Ranka looks down with an interesting expression. I’m sure if I combine this information well, I can write a report tomorrow. It’s better to be with people who don’t have infants.

When Tyrant said he was fortunate to have given him a return scroll that was too expensive to use.

[I don’t want to give any interest to peepers. TREX Neutral Grenade Operation.]

“….. What? ”


Ranka’s astonishment is reversed and the android explodes. A blue flame envelops the entire ship in an instant. A tactical nuclear weapon that converts nuclear energy into a powerful neutron beam.

Concrete is a powerful radiation weapon that can penetrate almost any defensive facility and exterminate all life. This does not remove the power of tactical nuclear weapons.

The cave collapses from the inside. A huge shock wave echoes the ground and scatters the dust around as far away as it can be observed. This is how the information vessel that covers half of the Empire’s territorial information evaporated. It was devastating to the Empire.

* * *

It was a huge flame that was observed in the trajectory where AB12 had descended. The explosion in the marine caves, where tactical nuclear weapons were made under granite, did not allow the flame itself to be observed, but AB12’s sensors detected strong neutron rays emanating from neutrons.

A map of the indicators with a ripple on the screen appears.

“I’m afraid I’ve killed too many. ”

[It was a unique facility. There was no civilian infrastructure around because it was an enemy intelligence organization that hid a large plot ship deep in an underwater cave.]

“Excellent. But you must refrain from using nuclear weapons on the surface of the planet in the future. It is wrong to pollute the environment in which people live. ”

[Copy that, Captain. We care about pollution.]

I can’t help but think of life, but the captain nods.

“The original Castle of Illuvelas needs to be placed under the control of one Belu and a separate city to establish the Academy. That plains over there is a good land to build. ”

The captain points to the point of transportation connecting the northern empire and the Arubis.

[Land that can be migrated at large scale. if there is a balance between Arubus and us and the empire.]

“But now that we’ve absorbed the Imperial Legion, even if we build a balance of fear, I don’t think they’ll send a young citizen to the Academy.” Why don’t we take people from Western countries? ”

The captain points to a white route across the desert on a wide screen map. Then, the information captured at the altitude of where the target is currently passing is written.

[Western Silk Road has resumed and merchants have been observed. High-altitude intercepts show that the slavery industry is still in full swing, including Silk Road. It is said that various factions are being sold as slaves.]

“It reminds me of a different species. There are all kinds of Demihumans on this planet, including Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. ”

[Somehow there are people who have mixed human genes with all sorts of animal genes. Those who are called Elves enter the plant gene and are completely biologically challenged.]

“A plant?”

[Perform photosynthesis.]

“Then it’s like a plant. ”

The captain twists his jaw and thinks:

“I want to treat them as human beings because they are cognitive and conversational, whether pseudo- or sub-species. Tyrant will work according to the Code of Conduct. ”

[12 kinds of capture operation aborted.]

“· · · Hmm.”

Spices, gold, and silk spills were pouring in from Silk Road, which resumed between Arubis and the Western Kingdom.

In the Kingdom of Arubus, we bring magic goods and monster byproducts to the west, and in return, we send diamonds or spices to the west, which is an overwhelming advantage for Arubis.

Arubis indigenous monsters are dropping better by-products than monsters in the Western world, but Arubis is a useless by-product because there is no smelting law in the Western world.

“What happened to the Catarian series? Are they being observed?”

[According to the dimensional array detector, the Catarian 009 is converging in its core. It appears to be coming up through a cave that rotates along a convection and penetrates all the way to the surface. All internal systems are locked and cannot be accessed from the outside. The next indicator rises in 218 hours.]

“What about the other series? ”

[There is not enough total energy to survey the entire planet, so we only reverse-engineered 009’s trajectory to a certain extent at this time. Difficult to identify the other series.]

“Yes. Let the construction take place in 218 hours to make contact. ”

[Yes, the next time you rise to the surface, we’ll have a facility available for you to hold.]

It reminds me of a book given to me by Wheaminaide.

“I don’t mind the facilities of the enemies at my head. Once the Krasus process is complete, I will send Krasus to destroy it. ”

[Copy that, Captain. Crassus production is currently at 8% and will take approximately 510 hours to complete.]

“Fine. Let’s go to Arubis. Let’s go rescue the slaves with the Merchant Guild shares.”

* * *

AB12 passes over Illuvelas and returns to Arubis. The whole city is full of energy. The Western trade seemed to be going well. Land gently in the Royal Garden.

No one noticed AB12 because it was in optical camouflage. The captain walks over the garden. The green grass was full of beautiful flowers.

No one asks me who I am while walking the path. As I walk too boldly, the passing servants worship and pass by whenever they see me.

No one doubted the knight in shining white armor with a sapphire on his chest.

The captain walks straight to the king’s chambers.

“I, Your Majesty! ”

Cyrus rises in a colourful state. I know exactly who that is. The baron of the dragonslayer Illuvelas. He is king of Illuvelas because he has been dismissed. He is a traitor to the Arubus Nation.

When Arubus III saw that, his face became stiff because he was embarrassed. As soon as you have the territory, you assassinate the lord, assassinate the Imperial troops, and traveled to another world, calling him king, and now you appear before him.

“Don’t you dare say yes! Guards! Arrest the traitors! ”

The king screams, and the soldiers rush in with Halberd. The captain grips the axe blade that is closest to him and smashes it with his right hand. As the steel crumbles from your hands, the soldiers tremble.

The opponent is the Dragon Slayer. Now there’s no one who doesn’t know the news. I want you to catch it, but I don’t think I can. For example, even the Great Wizard, Cyrus, did not try to capture it using magic.

“How are you? ”

The captain smiles and asks.


thitapel Co-man

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