Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 51

11. Lotus Island and Queen Catarian 4

She looks around and knocks on the wall. I thought you’d be surprised at the drowning, but it looks very familiar.

“Sir, excuse me, sir? “

She knocks on the cube wall and prints out the situation outside. I looked around, but then I spoke to the captain again, and the captain responded to her.

“Tell me. I can hear you. ”

“Captain, let me out, too. I can fight. ”

Luna speaks decisively, but the captain shakes his head.

“Wait a moment. Take care of these enemies and we’ll get you out. You can use magic inside. ”

“Ugh. It’s weird to feel trapped. But I’ll give it a shot. Spectral aqua! ”

She casts a spell and shoots translucent arrows in the water. The arrows shoot at the captain, piercing through all the enemies. She was a horse.

“Easier to aim at than you think. But, Captain, we’re not in a good place right now. As usual, the moment the enemy landed on the island, this place had to give up and dive immediately. If you can’t do that, something powerful must be taking over Lotus Island’s roots! by grabbing or holding an anchor in the spirit system. ”

[Captain, Luna Maria is right. I just scanned it, and there’s a giant creature under the ocean lotus island. Several tentacles wrap around a chain that looks like an anchor at the bottom of the ocean. Destroying the tentacles will allow the Catarian 006 to hide in the deep sea, avoiding distractions.]

“Good. Then go over there and cut off the tentacles. For now, Gnosis does not have a valid weapon. Let’s retreat and reorganize. ”

The captain slams the Warhammer among the approaching hordes of monsters. The captain’s violence was overwhelming, even against these monsters.

As the whacked water erupts and scatters, all the monsters are electrocuted and released due to the electromagnetic force and the pressure of the water spilling out of the Warhammer. The smell of grilled meat vibrates.

“Hah, Captain. No time to chant! ”

“Here we go!”

Luna screams briefly inside the Cube as the captain fires his thrusters again. However, she soon regained her senses and decided to focus on defense, instead of attacking.

It was likely that Captain Warhammer had left the monsters in disarray before the arrow even hit them in order to recite the incantation.

“Captain, this island is the core of the water spirit system. The water spirit magic used here is very powerful. I’ll assist you, so don’t hesitate to approach! ”

“I’ll leave that to you, Miss Luna. ”

The captain swung at the Warhammer and jumped over the buildings of Katarina, which are still less damaged.

The captain has opened the portal. A heavy armored car leaps out of Karaka’s keep. It was an Infantry Transport Armored Vehicle (IFV) manufactured with standard infantry equipment # 1. This heavy armored car, which weighs tens of tons, fell to the roof and stole gold from an Elven building made of stone.

[IFV. Big Bear. We’re ready to board, sir. It’s been a long time since we’ve been on the surface.]

“I hope you haven’t forgotten how to drive. ”

This vicious-looking tens of tonnes of infantry transport armored car, ‘Big Bear’, was able to run four cars each in the case of United Earth Space Force Formula Waschutes.

It was also rarely used on the battlefield because of concerns about electronic warfare, but it could have been carried up to thirty Android in situations such as civic support.

However, we did not turn off the Android and set it to manual mode because we were concerned about electronic warfare at this time.

Not only that, there were supervibrating columns embedded in the front of the armored car to photograph and kill the running aliens, each one acting as a meat hammer that crushes the running aliens.

At the top of the glove, a near electromagnetic weapon for infantry firepower was deployed like a domed radar, a weapon that emits powerful electromagnetic waves into designated areas and boils the blood of the aliens.

Instead of infinite orbits, twelve magnetized superconducting wheels were running up and down in all directions, forming a sphere together, and were able to move freely in all directions of the body because they were attached by an electromagnetic design.

It was a vicious armored vehicle that allowed the Space Force to run, roll and slay enemies in any direction in any environment on any planet it needed to land on.

[Captain, we’ve attached the cyonic armor we studied last time. Reduces the force field output of the existing Big Bear and allows for extra energy to be put at speed. Use caution as this may be different.]

“I see. I’ll just smash it all and be on my way.” ”

Luna’s overwhelming appearance shocked her as she opened her mouth inside the Cube.

“Oh, my God. ”

The captain steps into the off-road vehicle and drops the cube he was holding on his back to the right floor. When the captain presses the button, the escape cube opens and the wet Luna comes out of the inside.

“I feel like I should cough once I get out of the water, but I had no difficulty breathing at all. Whoo! Ha! ”

Luna takes off her mask while joking and taking a deep breath. Then I let go of my long hair. Though he was a little helpless in the agony of gnosis, his determined silver eyes have not yet lost their light. The captain nods, noticing her deliberately being cheerful.

“Here we go. Hold on tight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for keeping you tied up today. ”

“Perhaps if you didn’t tie this up for me now, you’ll soon hear the reputation of evil. ”

As the captain approached and fastened his belt, Luna said in a mosquito crawling voice. Luna could not understand all of what he said.

It was a natural service for her who had no idea the ugliness of these nuclear armored cars and the location of the belts, but as the captain approached her, her neck turned red and emitted a scent.

The captain holds hands on the steering wheel, pretending not to notice, and squeezes firmly. A thick steering wheel, hard to even grip by the hands of ordinary people, was gently grabbed into the hands of Washtz and showed a heavy grip.

“Here we go. Steady your mind. ”

“Yes? What · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

As soon as the captain finishes speaking, the thrusters fire from behind the off-road armored car. At the same time, a nuclear cell powered 12 wheels. Then, tens of tons of armored cars jumped off the building at an acceleration of zero hundred and two seconds.

“Yes!? ”

Luna Maria’s voice rings inside the armored car. The superconducting wheels of the off-road, which had fallen to the ground, moved around on the body and gathered together in a shape that fit the landing point and fired electromagnetic waves.

Monsters and walls are blocked by the car that jumped once more before it hit the ground. Whether it’s a hill or an alley full of water, you run for it.

After experiencing the overwhelming pressure all over her body, Luna hurriedly wrapped around the water’s protective barrier.


“Stop it! Kill it! ”

Many monsters crawl out to block his path, but this armored car lacks any mercy. You cut down the sea monsters with an ultraviolet pillar, just like the one you cut down 100,000 years ago with Aliens. Luna is pressed against the chair at an incredible speed.

“Tyrant. I thought Gnosis was making alien bioweapons, but the armored car appears to have a lower civilization level than that.” Was Gnosis originally in charge of intelligence gathering? ”

[Yes, sir. He was an observer in the process of terraforming, gathering information about Alphazeta’s planets. Whatever the form of self-destruction, it appears that the ethical core has been activated to prevent any research into banned biometrics or weapons. These monsters are at a civilization-level enough to deal with this world.]

“We should liberate Lotus Island and listen to the Catarian 006 for details. I think I see the middle corridor now. ”

Luna, who was gazing forward silently and blindfolded due to tremendous vibrations, shock and accelerated pressure, raised her hands and shouted.

“There! The Liquid Knights and the Queen’s Path!” ”

It was only a matter of minutes before I saw the Elven Knights in blue armor slash through the coming monsters. They stand in front of a tall building that looks like a central passageway.

“Don’t back down! Defend the Queen’s path! ”

The surface of their armor is shaking like waves of water. Looking closely, the water was actually solidified to form armor and weapons.

The weapon they wield is a double-edged glaive, with a handle in the middle and a puddle of magical water flowing up and down.

A massive explosion of water erupts inside the bodies of the monsters struck by the sword and they are killed. Moreover, a palm-sized fariry with two horns was sitting on each side of their shoulders, using magic.

Arrows of water flew from their horns and hands and defended against enemy attacks. But despite their dispensing, there were too many enemies.

Killing ten monsters repeats the devastating consumption of one Knight’s death. However, if they retreat, the refugees will die violently, so they throw themselves away and struggle to stop their enemies.

[It’s a weapon that puts a tremendous amount of water pressure into a wound. Quite a useful way. It seems that even small fairies use fairy magic that is quite useful.]

After Tyrant’s assessment, the captain stops the armored car in front of them. Many fairies fly around a passageway made of stone and wood, spreading magical dust from their wings.

Not only was it hiding this passageway from the enemy, but it was blocking the falling meteorites. Lots of Catarian Elves were pouring down the passageway below. After seven hours of Genocis’ pursuit, he finally allowed the enemy to land.

Liquid Knights swiftly grab the double-edged Glaive and shout at the off-road armored car.

“I’ve never seen this monster before! ”

“Fairies, get your magic ready! must be struck at a moment. Are those round eyes? You look terrible! ”

The captain opens the door and shouts in response to their day.

“I’m not the enemy! I spoke to a Catarian named Eren, and I brought Lunamaria safely from the shore. We’re running out of time. Right now, we need to defeat the enemies that are interfering with Lotus Island’s navigation. ”

At that moment, red meteors fell from the sky again around the passageway. The fairies that were hovering on the passageway caused a violent green wind from their bodies to change the trajectory of the meteorites.

Disgusting beasts appear in the meteorites that have fallen to the ground. They were scorpion monsters with multiple limbs, one by one as big as a bus. Moreover, there was a naked woman’s upper half, and she was smiling horribly together.

“Kahaha! Kill them all and eat them! Dinner time!”

One of the large scorpions pierces Liquid Knight’s torso, which lifts its tail tentacle and blocks its path.


“Oh, it’s a poison! Scatter!”

Liquid Knight’s armor pierced through the trunk has turned into ragged jelly. When the blood and water were mixed and the scorpion’s poison was mixed, it hardened like a prophet.

“Hehehehe! It’s no use! I will be the mother of the great Scorpion! ”


[You noisy bastard.]

There is no law telling you not to attack. The captain lunges at a speed of Zero Hundred and Two Seconds before receiving the Scorpion Captain. Like grinding a scorpion in a mixer, the skin and bodily fluids of a giant scorpion lodged in a supervibrating column exploded and fried.

Then the armored car rolled around as if it were piercing a bus lined up. It struck and killed the scorpion.

“Oh my!”

Luna grips the handle tightly in a chaotic waving armored car. I was completely out of my mind, but after adjusting to some degree, I could not help but feel the urge to get out of the armored car that sweeps away the enemies so cheerfully.

By the time the captain became aware of Lunamaria’s slightly disoriented condition, nearly all scorpions had been trampled to death. However, meteors were still pouring through the cracks in the sky, and an endless stream of disgusting beasts came out of the rainy stones.

“Electromagnetic radiation! ”

[Radiating from airspace alpha to epsilon area.]

Then the captain fires his electromagnetic weapon and shoots it over the coming monsters. An invisible microwave bursts out, boiling the blood of the monsters of heaven and earth, and killing them. By this time, the monsters being slaughtered were about to feel sorry for them.


The captain sprinkles flamethrowers to block the enemy’s entry. Instead of Liquid Knight screaming earlier, a particularly large individual among the fairies who were floating in the sky and blocking meteorites came flapping their wings.

“Greetings! Thank you for your help! My name is Elder Fairy Tiery. ”

Luna shakes her hand as she pulls out her face.

“Lady Teary. There you are!”

“Oh, Luna. So this is the one who saved you. He used that magical sun to stop Gnosis. ”

Thierry points to the nine artificial suns rising brightly. The shields surrounding the Catarian 006 did not allow the intense radiation, light and heat of the fusion bombs to penetrate this far. Thierry is astonished by the great and powerful presence that suppresses Gnosis.

“Yes, but I will discuss the details later. We’ve heard that there are tentacles now that are interfering with the movement of lotus islands. I’m here to get rid of that tentacle. Hold on, I’ll call our boat. “

The captain ordered AB12 not to wait for Thierry’s word.

“Tyrant. Get AB12 up here and defend it. Protect the refugees.”

[Copy that, Captain. We will move the gas in AB12 to its designated location.]

Kuku ku Kung!

AB12 jumps into the air from a distance. You make a few jumps to the ground with a powerful force field because you can’t fly properly, pushing away the buildings and monsters.

The dust scatters and the noise surrounds the elves, causing great tension, but the captain shouts in a loud voice for all the elves around him to hear.

“What’s coming now is our ship! You need to get your wounds repaired now, but first, the weapons on that ship are too powerful to defend this entrance! Don’t be surprised by loud noises! Form a defense camp behind this Legendary Beast and stop his enemies! ”

While the captain was speaking, AB12 appeared pushing a massive debris field. Drones were flying around the tail wing of the AB12, repairing it in full swing. Building debris, dirt, and corpses cover the fires of the captain’s fire and build a mound.

AB12 manipulated the rattling landing gear and climbed over the walls of the scrap metal. Then AB12 started firing heavy artillery cannons at all ten doors, five doors on either side, towards the surrounding enemy monsters.

It was originally meant to hunt down incoming small fighters, but it was also effective enough to kill large sea monsters.

Two, two, two!

Not as loud as it sounds, but the monsters that rushed into the sound of each other’s voices could not be heard even when they shouted, melted down into blood.

The regular Catarians fell in shock, but soon the people around them stood him up, blocking his ears. Each one of them jumped downstairs at a quick pace, recovering their order because they were able to communicate quantum without speaking in their mouths.


“Noisy human! Shut up, Humans!”

All the fairies on Liquid Knight’s shoulders mutter, waving their loving hands at the whale screaming. But I couldn’t hear a word of it.

Tierry also tightened his ears with both hands. Liquid Knights panicked and secured their weapons, but relieved to see the shooting of AB12 shattering monsters into pieces.

“It’s going to be a little noisy, but it should work. And here’s Luna Yang. ”

“Captain! We don’t have time to get off now! Take me with you! I can show you the way! ”

Hearing Luna Maria’s voice, the captain nods. It was true from what I heard. If I had a guide to see what the inside of the Catarian 006 looked like, I could get to it a lot faster. Tierry plugs his ears and makes a quantum communication call.

I can’t say a word with my mouth. You’re going down, right?

Teary! I’m here with her captain, the Intact Queen. We will cut off the beast that prevents us from lifting the Spirit Anchor and escaping Lotus Island.

“Intact queen”? ’I don’t understand, but I’m sure you’ll be happy if our queen wakes up in Rette. Get on that shrine and get down there. The road to go is collapsing due to an attack. Be careful.

Fairy opened the middle of the road in an orderly fashion, with the refugees flapping their wings and fleeing in a frenzy. With Liquid Knights saluted for what Thierry said, the captain drives an armored car down.

It was a beautiful passageway decorated with beautiful grass and glowing crystals surrounding it, but unlike the usual cleanliness, sticky blood was pouring down into the world below like rain.

Fortunately, the sequencing of the Catarian 006 unfolded within the facility has prevented Alienation.

If Gnosis had been able to contaminate enough of AB12, all this blood and corpses would have suddenly turned into aliens and there would have been no way to win.

“Time wars! Tyrant. Scan the entire facility and put a map inside the Cube. Miss Luna Maria, I’ll call you Miss Luna for short. As soon as the map comes in, tell us which side of the land you need to destroy to get to the central anchor. ”


thitapel Co-man

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