Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 77

17. Dance with Crassus 3

“Khahaha. Captain. I like the way you do things. Why do you care if you’ve chosen to lose? Hunt the inferior creatures called the kings of Radhom and swallow them alive. You have me, Krasus, and Po here. This should be enough and enough power to last. ”

Krasus’ eyes flash with dragon confidence. He slammed his two fists made of scales of steel.

“King of Radhom? ”

“Yes. I am their master. If we can capture him alive, we’ll be able to identify the enemy monarch, no matter what he tortures or does. I recommend the sea. It’s gonna be in your book of champions. ”

The captain has taken out the book from Wurmenide and handed it over. The points were quite stacked up. The first wave of jellyfish annihilated 8,000 generations. Over 20,000 points were gained for trying to annihilate close to half the dimension with neutrons.

And as he passed a few more chapters, he wrote a description of the dimensions of Radhom.

Dimensions of Radhom

: The WormKing Radhom dimension. Originally it was a quiet world where unknowns lived, but after Radhom found out about it, all the natives were devoured and the world became Radhom’s.

It is well known that the dragon-king Husseikos have stolen from them some of the world’s expansion of stairs. The dragon king’s fury was enormous, and he finally showed no mercy at the stronghold. When he reached this dimension, he immediately burned half the world.

However, the eggs of Radhom had been in the soil for a long time, and they were also perceptive, so I couldn’t get rid of them all because the eggs of the parasites had been buried deep in the earth.

After killing the children of Radhom for 49 days while the dragon king stayed, eggs were born again after rain or earthquakes. Finally, the dragon king gave up the complete extinction and built a wall with Radhom to join the hierarchy of dimensions or destroy the dimensional system.

Rather than throwing the entire dimension into the darkness behind the Great Crystal, Radhom knew that the Dragon King’s words were not a lie, and he made a pact to live as a mercenary, in accordance with the will of the Dragon King.

After the death of the dragon king, the Mernazi Satan under the reign of the dragon king, who had been harmed in the war through the descendants of Radom, bound the fate of this world and cast it into the world behind the Great Crystal.

After all, the sacrificial steps for the Great Crystal that are being built in the world are all tools to maintain the Great Crystal, and today Radhom’s story has not been revealed.

(Your new record) Today, Radhom is classified as an outsider, and his path to the world has been cut off, but one of the champions of the Leaf Lord, Captain, recently discovered the world and is committing large-scale destruction.

: External layer. It is a staircase that is not placed in a structure that allows the dragon-king to receive light directly from the Great Crystal for a number of reasons.

: Dragon King’s Reason: “I don’t want to feed those disgusting bugs for free! ”

“This is a convenient book. ”

Although only a rough sketch, this degree of context can be inferred. Po saw the captain reading the article and said: Po was intertwined with the Captain’s vision, so he was able to read the contents together.

“Captain, then it’s important we know how to get Ramon out. because if you fire a nuclear weapon like this one, it’s not going to come out. ”

The captain stares at Po, smiling suddenly.

“Very well. Krasus, Po, come with me. I have a place I’d like to show you. ”

* * *

A vast expanse of faintly glowing space named the ‘Allied Forces of Earth Alphazeta Space Force White Soldier Warfare Command’.

Is there another unbalanced name? But it was true. It was a vast space for several football fields to be filled.

The ceiling is illuminated by subtle LED pins. There was a connector that allowed 10 squads to connect to each space divided into partitions coming up to the waist of the person.

There were 10,000 compartments on one floor, allowing 100,000 people to access Android at a time.

I see drones flying from afar, closing the facility at the far end. A process of applying a fine magnetic field with a very slight blue glow to create invisible nanorobot flows, shaving the walls, making partitions, and producing machines is underway in the field. It’s like a baby is made in the womb.

Krasus saw it, he said.

“Oh. Fairy. Your magic is amazing at any moment. I’ve never seen such a marvelous form of creation magic. ”

[Thank you, Crassus. Captain, we’re at 96% progress towards completing Facility 1. Facilities 2 through 10 are under construction.]

The troops that Metropolis’s Android-Connected Forces can handle will reach millions by the end of every construction. Crassus looks around as if he was interested to hear it.

The wheeled partitions have opened up the space on their own to allow the massive Krasus to pass through. Spatial coordination was done freely one by one.

Po follows behind and strokes the connector that was made to allow a person to lie down.

“Captain, I see you’ve been preparing this facility for quite some time. ”

“It was a necessary task from the beginning. This connector allows you to simulate recruits and use them in practice. ”

Captain says, “As long as the electron warfare problem is solved. ’I swallowed the words with my mouth. It belongs to a squad of elite Wasuits in washclothing.

With the world’s eccentric Sionism, the destructive power of the existing Earth Alliance of Elite Wasuits can be doubled.

I decided to follow a combat manual that thoroughly deals with them and destroys as many electronic warfare subjects as possible. Even the current captain could feel the naturally moving cyanic energy flowing between the two hearts.

“So, Captain. What is the purpose of this facility? ”

“Too bad we can’t just burn the world down. If you kill him with a nuclear weapon, Ramon will disappear. But if you look at the soldiers, they’ll crawl out. Training is also a great way to attract your enemies. ”

Krasus follows the captain’s gaze, and knights in heavy armor are coming in from the other entrance. He was a high-end mercenary hired by a Belu with a group of forward-thinking Red Lion troops. They stand in two rows in a wide corridor between the partitions, approaching the captain and kneeling.

“Your Majesty! As commanded, the Lion Heart Legion chargers, 100 men. We’ve gathered.”

“Your Grace, 100 elite members of the mercenary army” The White Bear. “I’m ready.”

Together, the captain could see the sparks of fighting among these elite troops of 200. Samir was on his knees with a hundred chargers who decided to move forward, and Bess, commander of the ‘White Bear Bandit’, who had signed a long-term contract with Belu to reinforce the territory, was on his knees.

Samir was serious as if he had taken his last chance to survive, and the mercenary commander, Beus, was surprised at this strange place, but was somewhat pretending to be calm.

They were making embarrassing faces because they had never felt the peculiarity of this freshly made plastic smell in their lives. Not only that, I saw the luxurious texture of the partition that was all around me and the oval bed that one person could lie in, so I was filled with curiosity about what this place was.

In this wondrous place, they were all staring at the giant mercenary Krasus standing behind their backs and the foam that was emitting a strong energy somewhere.

Then Krasus, who noticed, approaches. You take a look at the soldiers’ aunts. Even as the huge, nearly 5m waist bends and looks at them, neither soldier nor mercenary flinches. Krasus grins, his terrifying teeth glistening with LED light.

“Captain. These guys are better trained than I thought. What do you mean, you’re not afraid to look at a dragon? Have you ever fought a dragon? ”

A legion of messengers called out in a loud voice.

“There are a few mercenaries among the Imperial armaments! ”

“Is that so?”

Crassus smiles surprisingly and retreats. But nevertheless, his words were cheerful.

“So, Captain. What do you plan to do with these inferior critters? You’re too weak to fight against Ramon’s army. Even their most fragile tentacles will tie them together. ”

Several soldiers’ faces quickly deteriorated from the dragon’s assurance. Does it make him feel bad to hear the word “inferior beast”?

Of course, there were such people. However, many of them were offended by the word ‘tentacles’ that Ramon’s army had never heard of.

It was a recognition that the indigenous peoples of the world were offended and afraid of the idea of the ‘tentacles’ that Kraken or Hydra might have.

The captain smiles.

“Krasus. Humans originally evolved to use intelligence, not the power of the flesh. And that’s almost our only asset. ”

The captain looks down at the soldiers on your knees.

“From now on, I’m going to give you a special technique so you can fight monsters with different bodies. This is your chance to do whatever you want! Can I count the hearts of the two of you who have summoned this army? ”

Samir and Beus quickly replied, saying clearly that they were trying to stir up competition between the two forces.

“Let me show you the delegation of our legion of lions. Your Majesty.”

“Let me show you that the White Bear Clan’s name is not anonymous. Your Majesty!”

The captain points around and says,

“I will hit the lion squad with an enemy force to the left, centered on this central passageway where you are standing. I will make each of you a commander of a dozen, so take control of ten soldiers. The same is true on the right. You will lead your soldiers in a white army. Your commanders will appoint ten white captains, and Samir and Beus will take command of the commanders of the Thousand.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Then where are the rest of the troops? ”

“It will come in soon. Now, get to your stations! ”

Each person was plotted in their place according to the pre-prepared number. Every partition they stand on, a hologram of numbers emerges. Mark is carved into the air from 1st to 200th.

We were able to change Mark’s flag with a simple manipulator, but no one had fully understood the system yet. They were just standing in their seats, equipped with silver and white luxurious cushions, looking at the bed with a silver ring around their head.

Soon, a huge door opens up from afar. The door opens and sunshine and cold winds pour in from the territory of Illuvelas. Beyond that is an armed group of territorial soldiers.

“Everyone, get into bed!”

They were 2,000 troops, and they scraped down only the elite who could use a little of the error among the entire territory. They swoop in and join each of the Dozens according to the number they were told in advance.

“Everyone, get into bed. Don’t be surprised when you wake up in your new body.”

They lie in their beds, but they can’t hide their anxious expressions.

“Connection initiated”

[Initiate multi-person Android connection for 2,000 people.]

Their vision turns black for a moment, and they wake up from the steel body that has been pre-warmed to Ramon’s dimension. Two thousand android soldiers were standing under a dry, clean sky.

Instead of various guns, the waist dances contained weapons they were accustomed to using.

“What the hell!”

Starting with the screaming of a soldier, a panic and sigh erupted from everywhere.

The captain who was looking at the scene told Krasus.

“Here, Krasus. Go dance with those guys.”

And it was a horse.

“Until they can dance enough. I need you to step with me.”

Krasus smiles and flies toward the Pressure Control Room.


thitapel Co-man

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