Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 79

17. Dance with Crassus 5

“Damn dragon bastard, you can’t even understand a word you’re saying!” It really is the Devil! ’

A pile of androids piled up at the far entrance melts into a pile of boiling water. Seeing the steel melt and boil, I can hardly breathe. The frightened soldiers rush into the cave, avoiding the dragon.

I’m so scared to see the android melt. He speaks out of fear, but Samir speaks in his own mouth. He swallowed a needle as a habit, but all he had to go through was air.

“Whew, it’s fortunate to see a king crushing demons and researching them beforehand and turning to them. Even dragons!” ’

I can feel the blood boiling all over my body while mumbling like that.

But the most important thing in an assault was not bravery. Only the understated bravery can exert a concentrated force that breaks down an enemy’s solid defense. The target’s hammer harpoons as red iron rushes over the anvil.

However, Samir sighs for a long time as he sees nearly half of the soldiers under his control rushing out of the hallway unsupervised.

‘I’ve never seen a battlefield so stubborn. It’s a yard where dragons are ordered to run. Are you crazy?’

Samir was somewhat sober because he had a lot of experience. Nevertheless, Samir himself felt as one of the poor soldiers who did not know how to adapt to this strange battlefield.

No matter how much I scream, my ears can’t reach that far. However, if we go directly into a dark corridor without any means of communication, we are afraid that we will all be divided and killed.

Of course! For a normal war, shouldn’t you wave a giant horn or a giant flag to show where to march and where to fall? Or is it not the fundamental skill of mercenary craftsmanship that sharply alternates airbornes by drawing a magical symbol that only our side can recognize in the sky?

Even if you fight on the plains, you need that support. Instead of horns, there are no drums, no flags, and no support when you enter a monster cave like an ant’s den. The sound of running heavy androids rather than running horses, thumping the ground, was heard 2,000 times every step. There was no earthquake.

Every time I hear Krasus’ thump that dominates all that sound, Samir flinches all over me. The only reason he didn’t fall into the madness of this mythical battlefield impregnated with dragons was because he had accumulated his entire body training as a master.

What should I do? ’

Then I heard the elf’s words in my head.

[Samir, what are you doing? Eyes up. You’ll see blue dots. Take a look at what looks like “controlling the landscape.” Then you will naturally see the map of the battlefield and your men. If you think of the numbers engraved on the back of their names, you will be connected to them.]

Samir’s eyes follow Tyrant’s swift orders. Half of it was unconscious obedience.

A blue flashing letter is written in the imperial language above your vision. Full length control program. It was a device that could connect directly to the optic nerves of commanders to locate and determine the status of their troops, and to determine the ‘damage rate’ on Android.

It was also a full-world command system that included Tyrant’s combat aid system, giving advice on how many people to attack at a certain point.

What is this? ’

Samir feels his eyes tremble. Although it is sometimes a battlefield to accept information that is out of control, I was embarrassed when I was directly exposed to this technology. Still, as the Sword Express superior who polished the error, shortly after breathing, the brainwaves stabilized.

“Magic, yes. Think of it as magic! It’s a fairy. It’s a fairy! ”

Samir nods quickly and shouts aloud. Body turned anyway. I’m afraid I’ll be snowed in if I don’t take care of myself and work hard.

Crassus roars fiercely over his head once more.


Sand dust spills along Crassus’ body to the far reaches.

How do you explain the freak? The mighty roar of the dragon consumes all the great sounds of the battlefield. If it had been a human body instead of an android soldier, all the eardrums and macular tubes that would not have been defensed by error would have burst.

Samir glances up at the sky in a daze.

Crassus is screaming and snorting and killing a swarm of jellyfish monsters. Every time the wings of a burning plasma flare, a flame with a frightening heat gust sweeps the clouds away.

So what to do, even though Krasus just passes by, the swarm of jellyfish swept by these plasma wings becomes a ripe piece of meat and pours down to the ground.


Samir can’t stand the pressure in the disgusting jellyfish’s body falling next to him, avoiding the cooked intestines that are rushing out of him. I never wanted to touch it.

You hurl your body away from the ripe blood, gushing guts and disgusting smells. The sky appeared momentarily, this time Krasus roared from the sky and shot the Plasma Ion Bress between the two throats, opening his big mouth as he wished to go up against the jellyfish swarm.



Earplugging won’t help. Samir first heard the sound of an ion beam cannon firing inside the atmosphere. As the ion beam passes by, the sound of the air molecules vibrating fiercely sounds like steam seeping through a narrow crack.

A blue particle beam shoots faster than that intense sound, a ray that is searing blue in the world.

A swarm of jellyfish flying in to fight Krasus explodes as the BFG fires a blue plasma explosion across the horizon.

The destructive power is preposterous. Samir shrugs as the hot wind passes through the skin. At the same time, soldiers rush like crazy against the blue light. Since the dragon roared from the sky in a yard that was hard to control, all the soldiers are rushing into the wormhole looking for a “hole to hide.”

[What are you doing, Samir? Control your subordinates.]

Tyrant’s urge to rush Samir at this huge fire banquet, and Samir slaps his cheek firmly and stands up. The pain clears my mind.

“Al, I understand! ”

Samir looks at the battlefield and sees soldiers rushing into the passageway.

The map of the enemy facility was copied clean by Nano Dust. Where should we send troops?

There was a mark on the map for a critical facility: eggs, food, prisoners, kings. The main destinations, etc., were explicitly represented on the map. I looked at the names of the soldiers rushing into the stable, and I saw a familiar name. Squad Leader of the 15th generation. Qasim.

“A15. Qasim. Can you hear me?”

Samir speaks carefully, and there is an answer.

“Supreme Knight Qasim! Commander Samir, how can you speak from ear to ear? ”

Qasim’s voice was mute. I’m running through my subordinates somehow, but I’m very excited to come inside the cave and fight the long-running jellyfish.

Kasim’s heart in command was beating fiercely 156 beats per minute. Of course, this heart rate was only imaginary, but Qasim’s brain has accepted all of this as true.

“Qasim. Think of it as magic. I don’t know any more than that. Around it is a wall of black threads. See? That’s actually a door, not a wall. Smash it!”

Depending on the system that affixed special information to the reality viewed by the ‘augmented reality’ eye, Kasim’s eyes also saw a wedge on one of the walls.

For each hidden door, Tyrant painted the information collected by the nanorobots in black, in this case a secret place with eggs.

According to the Overview message on Tyrant, the group who securely obtained the egg was assigned 15 points.

“Qasim! Listen to me. Beyond that wall is a facility that holds the ‘eggs’ of those monsters. Keep your squad in control and get the egg out. If you get the egg out well, you’ll score, so mind the safety of the egg! ”

“I understand. Commander Samir! Let’s live! Damn, that smells nasty! ”

Qasim, who said, “Let’s live,” took out his usual spear and injected it with many errors.

It is the Lion Legion’s error sword that usually requires us to concentrate our whole minds and establish the mystery of operation if we do not subtly distribute the error.

But right now, if you put all your strength into it, your sword and body will be fine. The power flowing through my body is surging. The spear glows blue and trembles.


As he swings his spear bravely, the wind pressure rises, tearing the thick muscle wall and bleeding. After repeatedly stabbing the spear unsatisfied with the blow, even his men noticed that he cut the wall with a sword of error.

Immediately, someone’s weapon slashed the tendon on of the muscle wall, and the tendon tightens inward. The massive door spits blood and opens wide.

“Eww! That smells disgusting! ”

Qasim, covered in blood, wishes to vomit at the stench of blood and the abominable smell of eggs spilling out from behind the door, but nothing comes out but nausea because of the body of an android.

I looked inside the open door. Inside the discreetly glowing facility, the eggs hung on something that looked like ivory vines. To be precise, these were clumps of wormworms, not eggs, but Ramon’s children, who could be given to avoid the curse with powerful magic.

Unlike the swarms of pests that live in the forest, they were growing quietly, protected by vines.

“Do you have a sack? ”

Qasim orders you to look at his men.

“Hey, boss! This is the first body we’ve ever had. There’s no way to know what’s out there. ”

Soldiers stare at each other in panic. I hear Tyrant’s voice.

[Open your chest.]

When Tyrant’s words are heard, they look at each other.

They looked like warriors in armor and helmets, so they were not just curious and disgusting. It was an important axis to support their spirit. Warriors who fight monsters together, avoiding dragons. But open your chest?

But first, Qasim, Sword Expert’s superior, came to his senses and appointed two soldiers.

“You, you! Open your chest!”

“How do I open my chest? ”

As they stroked their hands, Qasim himself approached and hammered the solid armor here and there. Immediately, something that looked like a handle appeared and pulled it. I opened my heart with a click. It was a brief locker. I dug into the void, and it became clear that it wasn’t a person.

A soldier finds an empty space where his intestines should be, his hands on his face and collapses.

“S, it’s Skeleton. We’re empty! We’re all cursed to be undead! No, no, no! There are old ladies and babies in the house! No!”

Qasim kicks the reckless soldier in a daze. A number of battlefield assailant superior knights’ remarks spilled out.

“Shut the fuck up! Aren’t you worried about your wife? Skeletons freeze to death. It’s magic! Remember the army you fought against the demons. We are temporarily possessed by the bodies of mercenaries. We can go back! You stupid bastards! ”

Qasim struggles and screams, and the soldiers stagger and barely regain their senses. It was still unsettling, but a gentle trust in the captain held them back appropriately.

Meanwhile, Qasim grabs the neck of the soldier who was still crawling on the floor.

“You! You bastard. What’s your name?”

“Al, it’s Alec! ”

“Open your chest! ”

As he staggers, Qasim rushes up and opens his chest and sticks a bug egg in an empty barrel. Alec shakes, screaming as he senses a swarm of worms rattling around his body. Qasim slaps Alec on the cheek.

“Come to your senses. You keep this egg. You! Put ’em in!”

Qasim was a cruel chargers knight who was confident he knew how to deal with the conscripts who couldn’t understand his words.

They closed their eyes tightly and put them in their bellies, and then Kasim kicked down the door with a fierce twitch in his hand.

“I’m turning around and walking out. Pull yourself together! ”

Kasam rushes into the entrance with his spear, and a giant jellyfish monster rushes up the wall in a shovel.


“Don’t be afraid! All hands, attack!”

You swing your spear to slash your tentacles. His body was very alert and agile, so Kasim was able to be more vigorous than usual. The same was true of the other soldiers. They also dealt with jellyfish monsters in a sense of hunting monsters because they were the elite of the territory that could use a bit of error.

The thunderous rumble between the whirling tentacles and the flashing eyes makes the vines shake and the larvae start to stir up chaos.


The location where the eggs were stored was very important, so many troops were deployed, but Crassus’ ridiculous bites and kicked fortresses collapsed, including the waiting room where the squadron of jellyfish fell apart.

It seems that the creature has barely made it through the cracks in the building and has reached the larval chamber.


However, Alec, who had not yet become accustomed to the senses in his stomach, was shaken by the jellyfish tentacles and flew away. My arm was severed by heavy hits, and I swirled around like a strappy doll, crushing and rolling the vine with my whole body full of larvae.

“Aaaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhh! ”

The larvae spill down from the broken sacs with the sound of a peek! White worms start digging into Alec’s corners as if they were showering with maggots. Alec twists and twists as he screams mercilessly, but the maggots cannot stop the attack.

Though the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and anus could not be dug because they did not exist, Alec had to feel vivid like the larvae were digging up his own anus because of the senses he felt in his buttocks.

The larvae inside the body were not enough to notice and then plummet through the corners of the body to escape. Soon after, Alec’s screaming android disconnects.


thitapel Co-man

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