Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 8

2. Vampire Castle 5

“Inouououohom! How dare you!”

Screaming voices. It was an Elder vampire.

Originally, an old vampire would have to sit on a constellation in a red suit with dignity · · · · ·.

The only thing that dresses her up is a blazing fire. The fiercely black smoke mingles with the fire, filling the room with strange light without a single speck of light.

Normally, she would be blind and would have escaped to escape, but she was unable to leave her coffin. However, if the magic protected door hadn’t been broken by a ridiculous blow, it wouldn’t have been trapped in the fire and the smoke.

And in front of her were the corpses of fallen vampires with harpoons. The youngsters are burned to the ground by damage lights stronger than sunlight, and the slightly older ones are turned to blood by Washtz’s fists.

“Cough, cough.”

You don’t have to breathe unless you’re an undead. However, the smoky odor was unbearable. The youngsters lost their minds as soon as the door broke and the smoke poured out. They fled and died.

The captain stands at the door and says,

“Why did you attack this castle? Is it the gold?”

“Gaaaah! I don’t know where this guy came from, but he started a fire in the castle · · Damn it ·!”

“What is the monarch you speak of? What do you mean it’s waking up?”

“Shit!!! You think a complete stranger like yourself has ruined all our plans? You little bugger! You’re mortal! Aaaaarrgh! Lord!”

The Elder Vampires scream with gleaming eyes. Behind where she stands is what looks like a coffin. The monarch will be in there.


The Elder Vampires rush in. Unlike the others, Elder pulls out his bow, turns it into a mist, and shoots an arrow in the fog. The captain blocks one rapidly flying arrow with a gauntlet.

How do you find fog in black smoke? Ordinary people will never find a way to fight. The captain just pulled out the flamethrower, blocking the door. If you burn to death, something will change.

“Tyrant. Report when vacuum is in effect.”

[Yes, sir.]

The captain slams down the door and fires a flamethrower. Soon the whole room began to be filled with blazing flames. The dreadful gust of heat rises as the stones melt like Magma, and the vampire screams in the fog.

“Rrrrgh! How can a petty human be so hot?”

After that, the vampire screamed for a few more seconds, but there was nothing he could do. Even the arrows and bows burn. There was no choice but to be painfully cleansed in the fire. Soon, only the corpse calms down and burns.

[Room oxygen is getting close to zero.]

The flame subsides with Tyrant’s report. I turned on the light, but it was so full of smoke that I couldn’t see a inch ahead. Even the corpses that were lying on the floor were extinguished. I no longer hear the voice of the Elder Vampire.

The captain punches a wall facing outward and drills a hole. The smoke rushes out quickly and flows down the outer wall of the castle. The dawn was coming from afar.

As the fog lifts somewhat, the captain approaches and looks at the coffin. The coffin was much bigger than I expected. It was almost the size of a small altar.

The black smoke sat down, but the coffin itself seemed fine. He was trying to protect what was in here. As you rip off the crown, there are corpses and eggs lying inside the enchanted camp.

There was a black magic circle that looked like a circuit, and the dead bodies in the middle were laying all over the place like eggs were connected to a circuit.

The corpse was all dried up in black and had a terrible cold. The reason the coffin didn’t burn down when the room burned down was probably because of this corpse.

“Oh, my God!”

[Alien alarm sent. Captain, it’s an alien egg. Scanning]

“What the hell is going on?”

[Psychological contamination attempted from the target. Sionis Shield engaged.]

With the sound of the keying, the Psychic Shield Plate mounted on the front of the Washts begins to turn. The device that was built to transfer the incoming cyonic energy from the outside began to generate magnetic force and disperse the cyonic energy. A red spark splashes around the captain.

[Captain, cyonic contamination level 7 is imminent.]

“Oh, my God. Seven?”

Alien Sionist. The average Psionic ability of monsters, like giant heads floating in the air, is about seven.

These monsters could kill 10,000 units of people in a single moment if they fell into a small city. What’s even worse is that people go crazy or commit suicide just by passing them by.

As long as I don’t have the washcloth ready to deal with those monsters professionally, I can stand in front of them and become a mental collapse or puppet. How many civilization-level planets like this one.

“What the hell is this corpse? You deserve to be called a monarch. Perhaps we should reevaluate the planet’s risk level.”

[Captain, scan complete. Alien egg is dead. It’s preserved.]


Humankind called this creature with terror. It was uncommon for eggs to be found. But destroying one Alodo small town was enough magic.

After enough time, I hatch myself and get up and swallow everything and move on. A monster that eats people or grows mentally and then joins organisms to form a hive mind and build an army.

They were the monsters that humanity fought to the end.

“This is a very serious problem, Tyrant. You mean the civilization of this world can handle this? Can you interpret this circuit · · · ·?”

Tyrant finishes the scan with a tense voice from the captain.

[Target data has been scanned and saved. It seems like a kind of cyonic program, but the detailed system is hard to figure out.]

“We’ll have to break the body in the middle first. Tyrant. Is the defense program working on this circuit?”

[Impossible to interpret. Too little data.]

“Then I’ll just smash it.”

The captain raises his right hand high. A powerful current is gathering in the power gauntlet arbiter. The gauntlet surface was fortified with strong light shortly after. A purple shield flashes and burns to catch the alien Sionist.

And let’s get it on the ground. Bang! The sound of the coffin and the floor collapsed.

The captain has fallen downstairs with the coffin. At the same time, the corpse inside the coffin takes enormous damage and suddenly opens its eyes and starts screaming.


A tremendous amount of light emanates from your eyes and mouth.

[Psionic Pollution also increases to Level 8. Energy shield powering up]

And with a flash of sound, it exploded and emitted an enormous amount of light into the sky.


thitapel Co-man

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