Capture Target

Chapter 78 — Y4: Absolutely Just a Coincidence

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

Ha… ha… there!

I’ve cleaned up every room in your stupid house!

I’ve removed the dust, I’ve organized things according to your stupid chart, I’ve even cleaned the toilets!

Now hold up your end of the bargain!

Yes… yes… yes!


Now we're going to fuck until your dick is dry!

No… no!  Not nearly enough!  Aaaargh!  Open up -- yeees, yeeees, it’s getting hard again!

More!  More!

Argh!  Fine.  Ten minute break.  Eat and drink up, then we’re continuing.

Ha… ha…

…That’s better.

And that… that is why you don’t lock me in a chastity cage!  Especially not for something as -- as -- as simple as doing your chores!


I’m a literal nymphomaniac!  Locking me away from sex is -- is -- it’s cruel!

…I’m not giving you any sympathy, so don't even bother with that look.  This is on you.

…I said I won't give any sympathy!  Stop!

Hrmph.  I’m going to go freshen up, and then it’s storytime -- no matter how sore your cock is.

Okay, so, before we get into the details of what happened next, there’s something I just have to share with you first.

So I had my magical girl sister back and naturally this meant we had to have a long discussion about how this changed -- both literally everything, and surprisingly little.

I’ll explain that in a few moments.

For now, all you need to know is that Hayato, the Royal Champion, had his student take the notes for the meeting.

His student meaning Kaiser.

It was just --

It was so funny!

Just -- hahahaha!  He looked so uncomfortable!  Wearing a vividly multi-colored poofy-sleeved courtier's outfit, with a tiny little tricorn cap resting between his ears, sitting on a chair far too small for him, hunched over and writing on a human-sized notepad with a pen that was positively engulfed by his massive hands!

At one point Hayato whapped him on the back of his head because he was starting to scribble instead of write, and it was just -- okay, I have to share this conversation.

Kaiser said, in response to having the back of his head slapped, “I’ll kill you.”

Which, you know, he absolutely would have… were he not still stuck as Hayato’s student.

Hayato, of course, knew this, and responded with, “You can kill me after you fix your terrible handwriting.  Are you incapable of learning even the raw basics of calligraphy?”

Kaiser, naturally, the massive ball of furry pride that he is, almost howled out, “I am Kaiser!  I can master any discipline better than you humans can!”

Hayato’s response?

“Then you can't kill me until you can write better than me.”

It was so funny!

We were all torn between laughter and terror as it looked like Kaiser would just flat-out start killing us all before, with a sullen growl, he fell back into his chair and resumed taking notes.

It was great.

I loved it.

…Oh, right, um, yeah.

The conversation -- happened?  Look, there’s really not much to say.  We used scraps of Atlantean Alloy from the wedding bunker that was trashed last year to keep the gods out of the discussion, but -- well -- okay, look.

Our plans didn’t really change.

We still needed to prepare for the Evil God of Chastity and Purity.  We still needed to get stronger.  I still needed to get more blessings.

Jessica being around was -- okay, she was a magical girl, one of our Radianta magical girls, in MISSY.  She brought so many special tricks to the table, with how her magic was as unique there as mine is here.  

But, ultimately?  She didn't change much on a strategic level, since the strategic level was centered around me getting slutty blessings.

Actually.  No, wait, there was one big way Jessica changed things.  But it wasn't her, exactly.

It was that she was here at all.

I'm skipping ahead a little here because we didn't find the details of this until later, but traveling between worlds?  Physically traveling, and not just sending simple data?  You need both worlds and realities to -- agree to it, I suppose is the word… agree to support the exchange.  Otherwise, nothing happens.

And Jessica being sent over here wasn't just a broken-reality automatically-approved thing, like you have plenty of in MISSY.

… … …Huh. I didn’t expect -- uh, yeah, it was Dignity.  

I -- I know shouldn't be surprised you know that name with your family, but -- sorry, anyway!  

So!  Um.  …It was Dignity, though at the time when Hayato asked if Jessica had been sent here as reinforcements?  Jessica's magical girl mascot… and they are absolutely mascots and not 'familiars', anybody who says otherwise is wrong… Jessica's little chibi-doll-self mascot, Mini?

She popped out of nowhere onto Jessica's shoulder, and spoke in the cutest high pitched chibi Jessica voice that I have ever heard!  Ooooh, Mini is always so adorable!

…Um, oh, yeah.  Mini said… what was her wording… ah, yes.  Mini said, "There absolutely definitely isn’t any kind of plan!  And if there was then we definitely wouldn’t know anything or be able to talk about it!  Even if we did know anything!  Which we don’t!  Because there isn’t a plan!"

…Yeah, uh, Hayato burned that page of the transcript to ashes, and had Kaiser replace the line with a less worrying and attention-grabbing ‘there is no plan’ kind of reply from Jessica.  We then spent some time talking about things very much off the record, taking advantage of Atlantean Alloy while doing so, before shifting to topics that were… well, we all hoped that they were less outrageously dangerous.

We all knew there was something now.  Some kind of plan that stretched across both our realities.

And that, combined with Back King Harold bringing up a conversation he'd had with my father years ago about how I, Elizabeth Ambrosia, had changed when the Land Grab started?  

That was the first proof I ever got that the Alchemical Corruption series, and my reincarnating into MISSY, were far more than a cosmic coincidence.

But to be frank, I didn’t care about any of that.  

Not at the moment, and not for some time afterwards.  What I did care about was having my sister back.

Well, uh.

Almost back.

It took a while to convince her that I was, in fact, her sister.  …Brother.  Ex-brother.  No, um, brother-turned-sister-ish?

…You can see why I had some trouble convincing her.

Thankfully, my endless knowledge of where she kept her porn convinced her.


You thought my sluttiness was just me?  Oooohoho, no, nonono.  No.

It’s a family thing.

…What’s with that look?

I’m serious!

We’re both -- not the water spray!  Argh!

Fine!  Fine!

Look.  Jessica was, and is, hardly a virgin.  She enjoys sex.  That’s a fact.

But -- ah -- she’s not.  You know.

…Like me.

…What do you mean that ‘makes sense’?

How does saying she’s ‘not like me’ mean anything?!

Argh!  Cold, cold, cold!  Fine!


So, yes, I knew quite well where her porn was.  Some of it I had stumbled upon by accident, but most of it I found while -- uh --

…Okay look.  You know how magical girls are, right?

They don’t typically want people to know that they’re magical girls.  The job comes with a brilliant disguise mechanism, but it doesn’t always work if somebody already suspects you.  Our parents were…

…I love them, don’t get me wrong.  But they’ve made several comments about magical girls over our lifetimes.

So when Jessica became a magical girl, I figured it out in, like, a week.

Our parents had no idea, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Further, I didn’t want to reveal to my sister the fact that I knew.

Which was, uh -- …In retrospect, that was kinda dumb of me.  But at the time I thought it was smart!

So obviously what I had to do was sneak into her room and scour it for magical girl items so that mom wouldn’t notice whenever she went to clean up her room for her!

Clearly this was the most logical solution.

…Or so I thought at the time.

And I ended up discovering a great many number of porn stashes.

It was impressive, really.  I have no idea where she got them!  Why did she even have physical media of porn?!  It should have all been on her laptop!

Eh?  Right!  Right.


That, combined with several stories only I would have known about -- from the Spaghetti Event to the Panty Explosion -- convinced her that I was either her brother.


It was still…

…She had a lot of reasonable questions, you know?

I mean, look at me.  I’m not exactly a man anymore.

Explaining that I had transitioned into this world as a female -- that was easy enough.

Then came the…

…other.  Questions.

Like why my tits were so big.

Why my entire shoe wardrobe only had high heels.

And why I didn’t even seem to notice when Shimizu started groping my ass as we were talking.

That took -- uh.  A bit longer than I intended it to.

To explain it all, I mean.

And then she wanted to know details!

Yes details about the sex!

And that was just -- argh!  It was so awkward!  I found her hot, okay?  Remember?  [Family Funtime]?  And I kinda really wanted to kiss her or flirt with her, but I was working hard on keeping that tamped down.  Because, uh.  Of obvious reasons.

But she wanted to know everything!  She didn’t get off to a single bit of it, but she wanted to know.  She wanted to know about my experiences with rape and how I was dealing with it.  She wanted to know if she had to murder anybody with her love beam.

For her, it was looking after family.

For me, it was awkward, hot, and embarrassing.  …And a little uncomfortable, sometimes, when she got scared on my behalf.  …I had to talk her down whenever that happened.

At least she was understanding about it all.  No real judgment on what I’d become -- beyond the, you know, sibling teasing kind.

Well, most of it, at least.

There was one part where she wasn’t reasonable.

Takeo and his stupid ‘fall for me’ aura of seduction.

The lengths we had to go to get her to accept the dangers of it…

In the end I had like half a dozen of us cycle in and out of a room she was sitting in and call her insults.  Takeo was one of the people doing so, of course, as was Dog-girl Takeo.  We had her rate how insulted she felt after every insult.

Naturally, how angry she felt at male Takeo got less over time.  In fact, it went from ‘horrifyingly insulting’ to ‘almost humorous’ at a frankly worrying pace.

But that wasn’t the problem.

No, the problem was that I was around Takeo as a man again.

There were no emergencies.

Nothing was there to make me panic.

Distractions were nonexistent.

Just me, him, his stupid hot face, and his stupid crush on me!


It was almost overwhelming!

His aura, combined with my [Romance Obsessed] trait, left me feeling like my center of gravity was doing jumping jacks!

His aura was already trouble, but now it felt like it was digging into my mind when I was just near him.  And worse than that?

I wanted it to.

I -- it’s -- f-fuck, it felt good, okay?  And not in a ‘lewd sexy’ way, in a ‘this is a wonderful dream’ way!  I felt like I was floating, like everything would be alright, like all would be perfect if I could just stay near him for just… a bit… longer…

…Aaaaaah, he’s so hot!

E-eh?  What?  Why would I --

Fuck!  Right.  Right.  Okay.  Okay.  Um.

Takeo’s aura has gotten its hooks deep into me, by now.  Eventually we did manage to come up with a method of controlling it.  It’s like a dam, holding its influence back in my mind.  The problem is that my brain slug ramps up my emotions and fantasies!  It’s almost impossible to keep it dammed up!

So if I think too positively of him, for too long, then I stop thinking of him as ‘Jerk Takeo’ and instead as… u-uh…

‘Sexy Takeo’.

Ugh, yes, yes, get your laughter out now!  It’s not my fault!

That aura and my trait combined -- it was like my very sense of reality was under threat!  Being squeezed into shape, making me want to be with him, be near him, touch him, talk to him, here his voice, flirt with him, fuck him, marry --

-- f-fuck.

It’s.  A bit.  Insidious, you know?

And it feels so good!

I can’t even -- how to explain -- l-look, okay, look.  Look.  Infatuation can make you feel giddy, and eager, and get your emotions all hopped up and jumping around like bugs on caffeine.  It can make you desperate for even the barest hint of approval from the one who has your attention.

Rejection feels like the worst misery in the world.  The thought of rejection is enough to make you change your behavior to avoid it!

But approval --

-- that’s a rare kind of bliss that’s hard to comprehend.

It’s a giddy glee and happiness, a perfection that’s so strong it’s almost painful.  Like everything is right with the world, everything was right because it brought you here, and everything will be right so long as you keep this feeling strong.

And I was feeling that every time I even thought of Takeo in his normal body.

Objectively, I want to be clear, he isn’t that hot.

He’s a bit tall, and has clearly defined muscles, but overall his appearance is -- how to put it…


Painfully average, almost.

Like somebody took an average japanese male and then somehow made him even more generic.  When playing Alchemical Corruption Twelve, you never even see him except as a pixelated sprite on the tactics screen.  He was an obvious, a painfully obvious, audience insert.

And that’s fine.

I don’t like it from a gameplay perspective, but that was fine.

So, since he, objectively, wasn’t that attractive, that should help with ignoring his aura, right?


No it does not!

If anything it makes it worse!

Every single trait I noticed about him made him more attractive in my eyes!

Him being generic?

‘Oh, it must have been so hard for him without any method of separating himself from the masses!’

His sarcastic words?

‘Hahaha, that’s so funny!’

His deadpan, almost-glare in my direction?

‘His eyes are so… i-intent…’

It would have been extremely aggravating if it didn’t feel so good!

F-fuck, it -- I --

D-don’t judge me for this, okay?  Okay?!

But after we -- after we managed to convince Jessica that Takeo’s aura was both real and dangerous, I just…

…I kind of just… cornered him.  Afterwards.  Stalked after him and cornered him, while he was male.

My face was red and a large part of me was screaming that I shouldn’t be doing this!

That I should be doing anything else!

But the rest of me was screaming so much louder.

Takeo had this dumb, cute look of befuddlement on his face as I stared up into his eyes, my tits just barely not pushing into his body as I -- almost -- panted.

I was getting worked up just being near him.

I felt my face becoming a vivid red.

And then I --



I kissed him.

I kissed Takeo!



The True Ship has been fulfilled!

From now on Lizzy shall only care about dating Takeo and having his children.

...Pft, I kid, I kid!

That's only, like, 30% of her preferences now!

Also, finally caught up!  ...Ish.  Next chapter is out on Monday as per usual!

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