Capture Target

Chapter 80 — Y4: Part-Time Maid

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!



You think this won’t look slutty on me?

Well, alright then.

Okay, I’m in the dress.

Why yes, you can see the top of my bra.  And yes, you are absolutely correct, just the slightest movement will reveal my panties.  You’re right!

What a shock that a nice, long sundress is tugged so tight by my proportions that I look like a teenager trying to show off.

Oh, you have another outfit prepared already?  Well, alright then.

Really.  You think this is any better?

Here, let me just turn around and jump a bit -- yeah.  There.  See?

Pants don’t work either!

They’re too tight, or too loose!  As it is, these are practically painted on!  You can see my folds outlined on the groin!  And this ‘sensible blouse’ will break a button if I wear it for too long!

Really, another?  Fine.  Fine.

Well done.  You’ve managed to find something that doesn’t make me look like a slut.

I just look like I can’t dress myself.

Seriously, pants this large, a top this big?  I simply look bad.  Not ‘not sexy but still good’, I look just flat-out bad.

Give up yet?

These will rip if I bend over.

Oh, really?  Don’t believe me?  Let me show you…

Sure, removing the bra from the outfit technically works, but now this tube top is only being held up by my nipples.

Hah… these shorts will turn into a daisy dukes bikini bottom if I put them on.  If that’s what you’re after, all you have to do is ask, but it won’t help you win the bet.

Aaaaand this dress has, somehow, turned into something you’d expect a clubbing slut to wear.


This was the last one, yeah?

…Care to admit I was right?

Hehehe~  Say that again~

Damn right, I’m right!  This body is not designed to allow anything even remotely different from looking hot and being sexy!

Clothing will either make me look like a sexy slut, or make me look like I don’t know how to dress.

There is no other option, and trust me, I’ve tried.  Ugh.  I’m going to have problems if I ever need to attend a funeral…

Now as for your forfeit.. I think… I’ll keep a hold on that, and save it for later~

Hehehe~  Nope!  I’m not sharing a thing.

For now, though, storytime~!

I know you know what reality bugs are, with your family.  I did, too, but 'reality bugs are glitches in reality that do bad things' is, uh, accurate and also not nearly enough info for this.  My sister and Mini explained the theory and things for us later.  And now I'm going to explain it for you, so you're caught up.  

So, in essence, when an Axiomanager makes a reality, they have a choice to make.  They can make the reality perfectly internally consistent, or they can… not.

If they make it perfectly internally consistent, that comes with one major benefit, and one major cost.  

The benefit should be fairly obvious -- no reality bugs.  The world works perfectly, so there’s no mistakes that crop up that need fixing.  It runs like clockwork all on its own, no management necessary.

The cost is entropy.

Entropy, as you should know if you paid attention in high school, is the laws of thermodynamics.  A fire will eventually burn out, the heat and energy dispersing into its surroundings.  An ice cube will thaw, absorbing the local heat and evening out the local temperature, before spreading in a puddle.  All energy is already in the reality, nothing extra is ever added from nowhere or vanished away into nowhere.  Which means entropy.

In a reality in which entropy is a fixed law, then it will, eventually, decay into a state of absolutely even distribution of things like energy.  

This -- ugh.  Okay, to put it into terms that, you know, people can actually understand?

It gives the reality a time limit.  

Eventually, everything in an entropic reality will fade away to nothing, and then, it needs to be started from the beginning.  Nothing carries over.  Everyone and everything is gone-gone.  There is no way for this to be fixed, reversed, or properly mitigated so long as the reality remains perfectly consistent.

Now, naturally, that sounds, you know.  Terrible.  So most gods decide to not let entropy be the end-all of their personal reality playground.  

But this means that their reality isn’t consistent.  And because their reality isn’t consistent, errors will start cropping up.  Errors that the gods can personally handle, but that's time and effort and even gods can only be in one place at once.  

That’s why magical girls exist; they defeat reality bugs, and keep this reality running properly.

And until Mini said what she did, I never even thought about MISSY having reality bugs too. 

Alchemical Corruption Twelve, the game, didn’t go into the details of why these five years of the Land Grab were so weird.  

It simply stated that it was the chief gods repressed subconscious, so that’s what I was going with.  It makes sense, right?  The Evil God of Chastity and Purity is what the chief god decided to remove from himself, and thus, he crops up here in an attempt to destroy everything.

But no.  No, that wasn’t the case.

Well, it was, but it was also much more complicated.

This is skipping ahead a ways again, I know, but this makes more sense as a story if I explain it now.  

The reality of MISSY was designed by the chief god so that it's reliant on his will in order to keep functioning.  His own mind and desires are literally part of the laws of physics.  

It's how he's so completely invincible and untouchable.  It's the original sin of MISSY being poorly designed.  And it's why the reality bugs take the form of the parts of himself he represses and tries to forget. 

Here in Radianta, there's regular outbreaks of minor bugs.  Heck, the way they almost always take the form of giant ants at the start of an outbreak?  That's because Dignity specifically set things up that way, to make Radianta's reality bugs more predictable and easier to handle. 

The chief god didn't do that.  He didn't want to do any work, period.  

So he basically stuffed three of his divine shards into making a giant trash bin, set it so all reality bugs get dumped into the trash bin, and then forgot about it.  

The Evil God of Chastity and Purity is MISSY's reality bug trash getting stuffed so overfull that it explodes.

The Land Grab landmasses?  They're all the 'overspill' from the trash bin, leaking out across the decades and centuries.  And because the trash bin is about to explode, it's cracking open, and more and more is spilling out.  Which is why each successive landmass is getting weirder and weirder. 

The first landmass was normal, for MISSY.  The second landmass had an entire community of ghosts, the Parasitic Nucleus, and the Memetic Nucleus.  The third landmass had three warring factions with perfect one-third slices locked in perfect stalemate, it had Kaiser, and -- just -- all of the Robolands.

And now, the fourth landmass, with an entire fake civilization of reality bugs.

To use the magical girl term, since MISSY doesn't have any words for this, the angels, demons, and pastmen were an Unreality Hive.

Now at the time, I didn't have half as much detail as all that.  

But the words 'Unreality Hive' out of Mini's mouth were more than enough to let me know how bad this was.

Mini and I were both freaking out.  Zaylee was confused and had no idea what was going on.  Only Jessica had a semblance of calm.  …Actually, she was calmer than I'd ever seen her before, in MISSY or otherwise.

So when Jessica said we needed to leave, to get somewhere safe, the rest of us just listened and obeyed her orders.

There wasn't really any action or fights to it.  At the time I was panicking, obsessing over how all my knowledge and plans were useless, but in hindsight the angels just continued acting like how Alchemical Corruption Twelve said they would.  Thankfully, we managed to avoid any more trouble with them on the way home.  

After getting back safe and sound, Jessica said she and Zaylee would handle telling everyone about what happened, and told me to just go spend the next few days getting some rest.

So, I opted to stalk Takeo.


I was trying to not think about the Unreality Hive stapled onto the Kingdom!

I was still obsessed with him and his stupid cute face!

And worst of all, he was avoiding me!


Do you know how annoying that is?!

To want to learn more about the perfect man, and have him avoiding you?!

No.  No, this would not stand.

I refused to let it stand.

So I looked through my closet and found the perfect outfit to distract and seduce him with!

My maid outfit!

It was perfect.  See, Takeo had Yuu -- the annoying girl -- working for him to avoid interacting with most of the other girls in the school.  Which was ridiculous by the way, he’s perfect, but moving on…

We had a few other maids help him out for similar reasons; they all had various talents that helped reduce the effectiveness of his aura, or in one case, mitigated it entirely by ensuring the maid in question was always in love with her current ‘master’.

It was easy for me to just -- slip into the rotation~  

I helped set it up, after all!  Before I realized how awesome Takeo was and I wanted him to have less people interested in him for some dumb reason.

It took a few time slots, but before long, it was my turn to serve him.  My panties were positively soaked by the time I entered his room.  I had the perfect voice prepared as I followed his orders while he was working on a report, or plan, or -- something, whatever, it’s not important.  What’s important is that he wasn’t looking up, too used to this situation, and he didn’t realize it was me~

Aaaaah~  It was a wonderful time.  I got him tea, I cleaned up his room, I got to spend time with him, and it was amazing!

My legs were trembling by the time I had finished everything he wanted me to do.  I was just -- s-so fucking wet!  I couldn’t take it anymore!

So I leaned up behind him, gently pressing my breasts into his back, and whispered to him, “Maaaaster~  Do you think you have some time for some… proper relaxation…?”

He gave an almost annoyed sigh.  No doubt he had gotten similar offers from those other maids.  Tch.  But I was different!

I know so, because whatever unimportant denial he was saying was stopped halfway through as he turned to glance at me, and realized who I was~

I gave a slight giggle, eyes shining, as I pushed my massive breasts further into his back.  I said in that tempting voice I can use,  “Come oooon, Maaaaaster~

…I saw him twitch at that.  I know my eyes just lit up as I realized.  So I went further.  Slowly starting to move around him, almost climbing over him as I did so, and I made sure to keep on talking.  I asked him if he liked it when I called him master.  If he wanted to keep me as his personal, only maid, listening to his every demand.  If he liked how I was so wet for his cock that I could barely keep standing because I needed him to fuck me!

Haa… haa…

…It is very.  Very.  Aggravating.  When you need sex from someone, and they just -- won’t -- give it to you!

I had to peel my panties off my pussy, they were so wet, and just the air on my clit made me shiver.  Takeo still hadn’t said no, so I grinned at him, and slowly unbuckled his pants, lowering them and his underwear, revealing his absolutely glorious cock.

…Well, I say glorious, but, uh…

…To be perfectly honest it was just average?

But it was Takeo’s cock!

And that made it better than all the rest!

I was now in front of him, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of my tits.  He was panting heavily, his entire body twitching in some ridiculous attempt at self control, when I was ready, willing, and wanting.  His cock was jutting into the air, and I almost straddled him, setting myself up so I was just above it.  Not quite touching it.  I could almost feel the heat radiating from it as I gave a desperate, heady giggle.

Now, this was important, so despite my no-doubt crazed look, I said, “If you say so, I’ll get up and leave right now.  If you say ‘no’, then nothing will happen whatsoever.”

I stared at him right in the eyes, and my desire must have been obvious.  I continued to speak.  “If you say nothing, I’ll stay right here.  If you say yes, I’ll let myself fall.  But I want to make something clear~”

I leaned forward.  Still not touching his cock.  And I almost hissed out, “I always consent to everything, if it’s from you~”

Now that is a stupid thing to say, obviously.  Never state that to somebody.

I only did it because I knew and know that he's literally perfect and we’ll be together forever!

And it worked.

I saw the moment he made up his mind.  He didn’t even say anything, he just let loose an almost frustrated growl, grabbed my hips, and slammed me down.

We fucked like bunnies for hours~

Aaaaah~  It was pure perfection!

Pro tip:  Do not bet against Elizabeth on matters of 'being a slut'.

It's a bad idea.

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