Capture Target

Chapter 95 — Y4: The Messy Breakup

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers, especially those that are remaining while I work out my next project!

H-hrmm…?  Why are you waking me up…?  We’re meeting in like half an hour.

Go’way.  Wanna sleep.

You should have started with that!

Yes!  Yes yes yes!

Fuuuuck -- more!  M-more, come on, you can do more!


Haaa… haaaa…


…That was good~

Okay, okay, I’ll turn down the teasing.  That was fantastic, by the way, you’re really learning well!

Now, I’m going to take a shower, then you’re going to take a shower, because if we take it together that’ll kind of ruin the point.

And then it’ll be storytime.

Sound good?


So the rest of year four was -- well, there was only one… big thing that happened over the last half of year four.  One big thing with lots and lots of consequences.

Argenta abandoned the world.  

It was -- there were a series of things that caused it.  A series of dominos that ended with Argenta washing her hands of mortal affairs and walking out on keeping the world stable.

See, when Argenta kidnapped me, the goddesses realized quickly. And Roberta reacted -- uh, strongly.

By kidnapping every high ranking priest Argenta had in the world, holding them as hostages and interrogating them like Argenta interrogated me for where I was.

Which was how Roberta learned that Argenta was responsible for the 28th goddess cults. 

Cults, plural.  You remember those human alchemy cultists back when I was a maid?  Yeah.  Argenta had those all over the world, to gather information for her, looking for the shards.  Her organized religion has never been the biggest, or the best connected, so she… did that.

Anyway, then Roberta promptly, uh.

…Killed all the assassin-brainwash-rape cultists.

Including the cult that had taken over an entire kingdom.

While loudly denouncing Argenta to literally everyone within earshot.


…I'm going to focus on the Kingdom, okay?  Because there weren't riots over it, there.  

Argenta had actually started up another 28th goddess cult in the Kingdom, after I got the first destroyed.  But it was way smaller and less powerful, so there wasn't as much, um, anger.  At least, openly there wasn't.  Needless to say, the Front King was still angry about his son.

So the Kingdom, like most every government and culture in the world did, responded to the mess by squeezing Argenta's temples and priests.

Who, uh, well, um.  Roberta kind of -- killed the small number of priests who did know about the brainwashy evil cults?  Which there really weren't very many.  Argenta kept both groups very well separated, so the only priests that joined were recruited by the evil cults, not sent by her.  

So all of her priests had also only just found out about, uh, their goddess's other priests.

And, um, that was messy too.  

And while that was playing out?  Argenta had half a dozen goddesses breathing down her neck at any moment.  Her ability to interact with the world shard with any kind of privacy was gone. Everything she did, the other goddesses demanded to know exactly what she was doing.

Now, Argenta -- ah… she did a lot for world stability, you know?  It was something like her day job.  She couldn’t fix everything, not with the chief god in charge, but she could shuffle around where things broke.  Organize things, mitigate them, ensure that the right resources went to the right places, things like that.

But then… well, according to Modesty, Wanda, goddess of families, gave her a particularly biting comment about how she’s the one causing disunity in the pantheon -- and Argenta said, and I’m led to believe this is a quote, ‘You know what?  Fine.  If you can’t trust what I’m doing when I interface with the world shard, then I’ll just stop.  Don’t get upset when it turns out you made a mistake.’

So Argenta 'solved' it all in one day.

She declared that she was going into seclusion from the world, and gave all her priests an offer.  Join her in the City of Alchemists she was building, or…

…Well, be abandoned with the rest of the world.

Her City of Alchemists is still pretty mysterious, even to the goddesses.  She built it out of Atlantean Alloy, as a kind of pseudo-Atlantis, off at the north pole.  Nobody goes in or out.

As for the rest of the world, well…

Argenta set up things so that the systems of Alchemy would remain stable -- mostly for her City of Alchemists, I'm sure -- but everything else?  The entire rest of reality?


She didn’t do a thing.

Which meant that instead of being contained with the Evil God of Chastity and Purity, new reality bugs were just appearing at random, because nobody else was keeping track of them!

This was not what the Kingdom was expecting.  Nor what it was prepared for.  One doesn’t expect regular random invasions of interdimensional bugs of reality itself cropping up anywhere they can without warning!

Modesty had to set up a kind of -- ‘keep reality from collapsing on itself’ goddess group, alternating who was managing it at any time.  They needed breaks or they would go insane from figuring out what to do and how to do it, and even then, they couldn’t catch everything.  Maybe half of everything.  

Apparently Raleine really stepped up?  She was the second most experienced in shardcraft in the pantheon, and the most familiar with Argenta's shardcraft. And while she couldn’t do half the things Argenta could, she could do enough to help keep things from falling apart.  Modesty stole some ideas from Dignity and laundered them as hers, and gave Raleine the idea of shaping the reality bugs into monsters so they'd be easier to predict and fight.  Which at least meant they weren't reality bugs in the 'glitchy video game' style the angels, demons, and Pastmen were.  

It wasn’t as bad as it would have been back when MISSY was first created, to be clear.  There were no spots of reality that were so thin you could practically fall through them.  But that didn’t mean that things remained stable.

Hayato remained with us, but only because the Evil God of Chastity and Purity was fifteen months away.  He didn’t have time to go gallivanting across the Kingdom and fixing all of its problems; he needed to remain here, with us, training us as commanders and warriors for when the Evil God showed up.

…Kaiser, however, had no such limitations.

So Kaiser was off being a ‘reality bug beat-em-up-stick’ for the Kingdom at large, as part of his duties as Hayato’s student.

Which, I’m sorry, the thought just makes me giggle.  Having Kaiser of all people as the ‘highly disciplined emergency response force’.  outside of his jungle, even!  I hope they made him wear a fancy suit for it.  That would have made it even funnier.

To make matters more complicated, with reality bugs roaming everywhere the excuse of the ongoing Land Grab was paper thin by this point.  Wet paper thin.  Wet tissue paper thin.  Literally the only reason why the kings didn’t ‘officially’ declare it over was because the chief god is a touchy idiot, and they’d rather not risk it..

…But there were a lot less students and a lot more soldiers around campus as the year went by.

Anyway, uh, yeah.

That was all -- that was all a series of problems.  It was a thing.

That doesn’t mean I didn’t make any progress during those months on my other goals, just that I didn’t make as much as I would have liked.

So, let’s go back to the start of the year.  Back then, I had had twelve blessings total that I needed.  Those blessings were the ones of:  Dominance, rape, addiction, seduction, breeding, mind control, exhibitionism, voyeurism, humiliation, sensation, bondage and technology.

I originally stated that I wanted to obtain eight; by halfway through the year, I had managed to obtain seven.  Dominange, rape, breeding, exhibitionism, voyeurism, bondage and technology.

This left five remaining blessings that I had yet to obtain, five from which I needed to pick one to match my original goal of obtaining eight during year four.  Addiction, seduction, mind control, humiliation and sensation.

Of those five, I managed to obtain seduction~

As for the other four --

…Haaaah… the blessings for addiction, mind control, humiliation and sensation are hard to obtain, because they are all so prevalent in how MISSY operates as a reality.  How does one ‘do better than the rest’ in mind control when every third person they meet tries to hypnotize them?  How does one become an expert of addiction when half the species on the planet use that as a survival slash seduction strategy?

Seduction has a similar problem.  How does one show they deserve a blessing of seduction, when everybody else doesn’t?  How does one elevate oneself as a master seducer or master of being seduced when it’s a life-long passion of most of the population?

Well, in this case, you manage it by doing the impossible.

Behold, the blessing for seduction, from the goddess of Seduction, Desiree!

[Requirements:  Successfully seduce an individual that is not attracted to individuals of your body type.  Disguising yourself as another body type does not count.  Somebody in denial does not count.  An individual with subtle tendencies towards your body type does not count.]
[Effect:  Your gender and species are no longer obstacles when you want to get laid!  You are now everyone’s ‘exception’ when it comes to ‘who I’d like to fuck’.]

[Polyvenustas] is the best translation, anyway.  Dignity made it up for the Alchemical Corruption series.  It’s a combination of a few roots that don’t quite translate over here.  It’s a play on the latin word for ‘attractive’ and the word ‘polysexual’, is a pain and a half to get.  Not only do you need a method to seduce somebody that shouldn’t be attracted to you, you also need to find somebody that you shouldn’t be able to seduce!

And the requirements for that are strict.

I was a hot, slutty girl -- so I had to find, for example, a girl that was so straight you could use her as a ruler or a guy that was so gay you could -- uh --

…I can’t think of a joke here that isn’t offensive.


I need to brush up on my gay-jokes.

Regardless, you get the point, yes?  I needed to find somebody that had absolutely no attraction, hidden, denied, or otherwise to my body, and then seduce them while flaunting it.

And as a reminder?

MISSY is a porn reality designed by a being that loves nothing more than hot women.

Those not attracted to females in any way, shape, or form were by far the minority there.

The only advantage I had was my [Enhanced Seduction (Pheromones)] trait.

That’s what made this plan possible in the first place.

I spent months trying to find somebody I could seduce before I finally, finally stumbled upon the right person.

You’ll never guess who it was.

Wanna try~?

Oh come on!

…Fiiiine, fine, I’ll just tell you then.

It was my darling maid, Yuu.

Remember Yuu?  It’s been a while.

The ex-guy that treated me like his personal prostitute and didn’t give me my cut?  The ex-guy that Sevens turned into a gal and gave to me to be my maid?

Yeah, that guy.

The one that has been obsessed with Takeo for some time by then.

As a reminder, Yuu formerly found girls attractive.  She used to find them very attractive, actually.  Like, worryingly attractive.

But, uh, after spending enough time as a girl around Takeo, things started to -- shift.

Once she accepted that she was attracted to Takeo, albeit only attracted to him because of his ‘love me’ aura, she suddenly started to find all sorts of men attractive.

Though Takeo was obviously the one she liked the most, I could see her eyes wandering whenever any hot boys were around.

…Well, uh.

I could see!  …When my eyes weren’t wandering too, that is.

Yuu was a horndog as a man, so it only makes sense that as a woman she became just as greedy for pleasure.  Though -- she didn’t actually sleep with anybody.  Not regularly, at least.

She just stared.  And maybe flirted, despite herself.  She did sleep with a few boys, and she seemed to really like it, but other than that, she just let it -- build up inside of her.

Get all pent up.  Filling her until there was nothing left.

…Uh.  Mind you.  It doesn’t…

-- Yes.

Yes, um, thank you, I didn't want to say it but, uh…

Yeah.  It doesn’t make sense.

It’s absolute nonsense, but as far as I can tell that really is exactly what happened.

Thoughts of boys and men and cocks filled up her head.  Hard chests replaced soft breasts, tall grins replaced short smiles… they just crowded her head until all thoughts of femininity for pleasure were pushed out.

Which is absolute nonsense, but that’s how Yuu described it!  And she insisted on that being the truth!

Thoughts of men became more and more common, until they replaced all thoughts of women!

I’m pretty sure that this is, at least in part, due to how the chief god tied himself in with the foundation of the world.  I know it's not something Takeo's seduction aura is supposed to do.  It’s -- well.

… … …

To be frank, uh.

…It’s.  Kinda.  Uh.  Really fucking hot.  

The thought of having thoughts of men crowd out thoughts of women -- it’s -- uh --

-- y-yeah.

It’s so hot!

And I’m pretty sure that’s why that happened.

So literally obsessed over men so much that she became perfectly straight, with no room left for attraction to women.

She didn’t even realize it!

Neither did I, until I noticed that she had just stopped giving any woman a second glance.

Which was odd enough that I decided to, well…

…Investigate.  A bit.

And by ‘investigate’ I mean have her as my maid as I try on different outfits in an enclosed room while I exuded as many pheromones as I could.

I could tell it was affecting her.  She started getting distracted as I had her help me change into outfit after outfit, but she…

Well, uh.

She never actually touched me.

Like, in an inappropriate way.

She never tried to touch me -- and I gave her so many opportunities to!

I know arousal.  I know arousal very, very well.

When you get horny, it’s like everything else takes a second seat.  Your primal, lizard brain starts acting up, taking over your higher brain functions -- or, perhaps more accurately, simply overwhelming them.

You want to touch things and be touched by things.  Items and places that had absolutely no sexual connotation before suddenly take on a new light.

And I gave Yuu ample opportunity to grope my tits.

And she didn’t!

I could smell how aroused she was!  She was practically dripping, and the moment I let her go she ran off to get some relief!

I was there!

I could have been groped!

I would have let her fuck me if she really wanted to!

And yet, nothing!

It wasn’t just frustrating.

It was downright insulting.

And thus I began my crusade to seduce a straight woman that was formerly a very straight man.

…My life is weird.

One of these days, my life will be under control.  It will be refined, it will be scheduled, and everything will be posted on time.



Today is not that day.

Now excuse me while I hide under the Blanket of Shame (tm).

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